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CPOT - IPD Manual

Conform Part Out of Tool- In Plant Delivered

Jan 2023-V3
CPOT –IPD Manual V3

Table of Content
CPOT-IPD Definition.............................................................................................................................................. 3
CPOT-IPD Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 3
CPOT Parts Requirements ................................................................................................................................... 4
CPOT-IPD Process ................................................................................................................................................ 5

1. Supplier Award ............................................................................................................................................ 5

2. Review of Technical Specifications (RTS) prior C-release .......................................................................... 5
3. C-Release ................................................................................................................................................... 6
4. CPOT-Order ................................................................................................................................................ 6
5. CPOT Verification........................................................................................................................................ 7
6. CPOT- In Plant Delivered ............................................................................................................................ 8

6.1 Deliveries................................................................................................................................................... 8
6.2 Packaging ................................................................................................................................................. 8
6.3 Marking of CPOT-parts ............................................................................................................................. 9

7. C-Builds ....................................................................................................................................................... 9

Contacts ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
Appendix 1 ........................................................................................................................................................... 12

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CPOT –IPD Manual V3

CPOT-IPD Definition

CPOT-IPD Purpose

The CPOT IPD milestone was introduced to ensure a high-quality level of C-released parts,
produced and delivered by our supply partners to the assembly plant. Thereby we are
securing a robust and stable C-truck build, characterized by a minimum of late design
changes, which will lead to a predictable launch of production.

The purpose is:

1. To ensure that the serial production tool is capable of producing parts which conform
to drawings and agreed technical specifications at C-release.

2. To ensure that the supply partner verifies the parts out of tool according to the
requirements (i.e: dimension, part feature, part function, etc.) described in the RTS
(Review of Technical Specifications) agreed at C-release.

3. To verify & prepare for serial production in the EDI system and secure assembly
plant readiness by In Plant Delivered CPOT parts.

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CPOT Parts Requirements

CPOT parts must be CPOT parts do NOT require

mandatory (Any deviations from the
CPOT IPD definition need to be agreed
with Volvo during the RTS reviews)

Geometrically correct (from dimensional To be visually representative of serial

and features assurance perspective) parts (no graining, no chroming…)
according to drawing requirements
agreed and confirmed by supply partner
in RTS prior to C-release¹.

Hardware and Software should conform to

functional as well as non-functional

Fit for V&V testing (representative of serial To be fit for Sales & Marketing activities
parts to be assembled at the C-Builds) (photos, videos.) or need to have serial
visual aspect

Produced with serial production tooling² To be produced with stable serial production
(When specific tooling is needed) process.

100% parts provided by the production To be produced at serial production

supply partner. The production supply location
partner is free to source the part from the
tool maker's location (in cases where
specialized tooling is required), as long as
the C-part pick-up point remains equal to
the regular pick-up point for serial

TR tests agreed for the CPOT parts to be To have Phase PPAP status
completed and test reports sent in time for

¹ Applicable for new parts. (For Carry over/Carry Across Parts, agreement should be made on P release)
² Wiring Harnesses do not require to be produced with serial production assembly boards (To allow for wiring harness fine tuning.) In
addition some components requiring production bonding fixtures (for example hoods) may have to be assembled from soft tools.

³ For some components (applicable for US only), pick-up from tool maker's location can be approved (for example roofs and hoods).

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CPOT-IPD Process

Supplier RTS prior CPOT- CPOT CPOT

to C-Release In Plant C-Build
Award Order Verification Delivered


1. Supplier Award
The price (including packaging / logistics / shipment costs) for CPOT IPD parts should be
agreed and stated in the price agreement between Volvo and the Supply partner, signed at
supply partner award.

For some projects there are specific requirements regarding the reporting of the dimensional
and functional requirements, please refer to the RFQ sent by Volvo.

RTS prior

2. Review of Technical Specifications (RTS) prior C-release

During the RTS review the supply partner confirms that CPOT requirements will be fulfilled
at CPOT delivery. Therefore, the RTS prior to C-release serves as the final agreement
between Volvo and the Supply partner on the detailed requirements for the part to be C-
released (see the Supply Partner Quality Assurance Manual, on Supplier Portal for more

Please refer to the previous page regarding mandatory requirements for CPOT parts.

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3. C-Release
The drawings and CAD-module are updated and sent to the supply partner. At C-release the
Supply partner will receive the tool order and the serial production order for the part.


4. CPOT-Order

Volvo will order the CPOT-parts through a specific Quantity Order from the plant. The order
will be placed after C-release, according to plant requirement with the piece price as agreed
at contract signature (including packaging / logistics / shipment costs). Some projects may
have several C-build serie and the Supply partner will then receive one quantity order for
each serie. Any deviations from the normal ordering process will be communicated by
responsible buyer.

The Supply partner is responsible to secure that their EDI system can receive Quantity
Orders without a PPAP approval. Furthermore, the Supply partner is responsible to assure
that the logistic contact is aware of this process.

Call-off for CPOT-parts will be done through EDI

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5. CPOT Verification

In accordance with the quality reference documents (Supply Partner Quality Assurance
Manual, chapter 6.7) to be found on the Volvo Supplier Portal, supply partners are required
to produce and measure parts based on the C-release drawing using the tools intended for

As a minimum, if nothing else is agreed, all of the following records should be sent to Volvo:
- 5 pieces to be fully measured with a complete report on all dimensional
requirements as specified on the drawing or CAD.
- A test report of all TR tests that have been agreed to be completed in time for
- 100% measurement on critical characteristics [2R] & [3R], [SC] / [CC] features for
all parts.

Any exceptions from the technical and dimensional requirements mentioned

above need to be agreed with Volvo during the RTS reviews.

In addition to the previous requirements Volvo asks Supply partners to:

Keep records of the results and provide them to Volvo before shipping the part.
Responsible buyer will inform the Supply partner of the email address of the functional
mailbox to where the report should be sent.

Please write the subject of your email in CAPITAL letters respecting the following format :
1. Project name - PROJECT P1234
2. Part Number & Part Issue PN 1234567 Issue C01
3. Parma Manufacturing Code - 1234
Example: PROJECT P1234 – PN 1234567 Issue C01 – PARMA 1234.

In case of deviation in measurement results:

1. Send a request for deviation approval to the Volvo Deviation Support. Please
use “Global Deviation Form” to be found on Supplier Portal.
2. Wait for Volvo approval before any shipments.

Supply partner must request and get Volvo’s approval before any shipment of
parts with deviation in measurement results.

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6. CPOT- In Plant Delivered

6.1 Deliveries

As indicated in the order, CPOT-IPD parts must be delivered from the supplier to the Volvo
Group plant or regular pick-up point and dispatched according to delivery instructions
defined in the Volvo Group Trucks Operations “Delivery Manual” available on supplier portal
for each plant or region.

The parts should be available at the Volvo Group assembly plant:

• 3 weeks prior to C-trucks start = CPOT-IPD milestone (date of delivery is displayed in
the EDI call off)
• 2 weeks prior C-engine start = CPOT-IPD milestone (date of delivery is displayed in
the EDI call off)

All supply partners for the consignee plant must use ATLAS system to book
the shipments as for serial production

Supply partners are expected to provide a logistics contact person for the deliveries
of CPOT-parts to communicate with Volvo after the order has been sent and before CPOT-
IPD deadline. Any deviation (quality and/or timing) must be communicated as soon as they
are being identified.

6.2 Packaging

V-EMB (Volvo standard) packaging should always be prioritized. If no packaging has

been proposed from Packaging Engineering, the smallest possible V-EMB box should be
used. If V-EMB is not possible to use, supply partner should contact Packaging
Engineering and agree on an alternative packaging solution. The agreed packaging
solution must be communicated to buyer and material controller prior to each delivery by the
Supply partner.

Do not mix CPOT-IPD parts with normal production parts on the same
handling unit!

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6.3 Marking of CPOT-parts

In order to avoid any mix-up of CPOT-IPD parts and production parts the packaging should
have a specific RED A4 label. The label should be weatherproof. For parts shipped in
pallets or combitainers the additional label should be placed next to the Volvo approved
transport label (Odette label). If the part is sent in smallbox the additional label should be
placed next to the standard Odette label for the handling unit (pallet) on V-Emb 153
cardboard label holder.

RED A4 LABEL:Printable version Odette Label

available in Appendix 1.

In addition, Supply partner should physically mark all parts with Part Number and Part
version. The marking should be the same as for prototype procedure. If not possible to
mark the part place the label inside the packaging as close as possible to the part for visual
check by material handler.


7. C-Builds

CPOT parts are received by the final assembly plant, using the serial production system EDI,
to detect potential issues between the Volvo and the Suppliers systems, that need to be
resolved prior final serial production.

The plant will use a special production line dedicated to the C-truck builds in order to detect
any issues with the assembly of the part which need to be resolved.

The main purpose of the C-truck builds is verification and validation. The C-trucks are not
intended for use by the end customer,but are crucial for the success of the project.

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Supply partner Contacts

• Key Account
• Logistic contact for CPOT deliveries
• Project Manager
• Engineer

Volvo Contacts
• Supplier Quality Engineer
• Buyer
• Project Material Controller or Project Logistic Handler
• Packaging Engineer
• Product Engineer

If you have any questions regarding the CPOT-IPD process, please contact your buyer.

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Appendix 1

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CPOT –IPD Manual V2


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