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Before I talk about my hobbies, we need to know the meaning and the

definition of the word hobby first.

A hobby is something you do in your free time. It is considered to be a regular
activity that is done for
enjoyment. A hobby is also called a pastime because hobbies are something we do to
pass the time. There are
many types of activities that count as a hobby and it is difficult to categorize
them. For example, some people
like collecting certain objects, such as stamps and coins, while some others enjoy
making and creating certain
objects, such as yarns and origamis.
Everybody is unique in their own ways and each person has at least one or
more hobbies. There are tons
of different activities that people do as a hobby. Here are some of the most common
hobbies, reading, gardening,
playing games, fishing, walking, traveling, watching TV, running, dancing,
painting, cooking, bicycling,
shopping, listening to music, quilting, knitting, drawing, photography, playing any
type of sports, etc.
You may think that this is a fairly long list, but this only includes a few of the
activities that people do
as a hobby. You might have even saw some hobbies that you have in the list above.
Some hobbies are costly, while some others are free from expense. For
example, if you like painting,
and you want to paint in your free time, you will need to spend a fair amount of
money on canvases and
water colours. If you also like reading, you will also have to spend money on
books, and you should try to
buy books that are not too costly. On the other hand, if you like running or
walking, you can always just go
to a park that is the closest to you.
As for me, my hobbies include playing games, listening to music, travelling,
and when I was younger,
I used to collect little toys. I like playing games because that is how I hang out
with my friends and have
fun. I sometimes do it just to pass the time. I love listening to music because
that is how I often relax
or release my stress. Whenever I'm studying or doing my homework, I always have my
music playlist opened on my
computer. I usually listen to it with my headphones on because I don't want to
disturb my family members.
My favourite type of music is Jazz and Blues. I also like traveling, and although I
don't get to travel much,
I enjoy every moment I get to.
And so, those were my hobbies. I absolutely love my hobbies because I like
doing something that I enjoy
doing. I'm never going to break my hobbies because I enjoy doing them and they're
also helpful to me. For
example, playing games can make my reflexes quick. When listening to music, I
sometimes hear a new word or two
that I didn't know before hearing the song, and it can improve my vocabulary. And
finally, traveling can make
me go to places that I've never been to before, and meet different kinds of people.
So, if you have a hobby,
it is important to know that you should never give up on it!

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