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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848

p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at Volume 06 Issue 1
January 2019

“Role of Christian Missionaries in Jammu and Kashmir”

Arshad Ahmad Bandh & Dr. Jyotsanha Agarwal
Research Scholar, Department of History, Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya Bhopal
Head and Professor, Department of History, Sarojini Naidu College - Bhopal
Email Id:

When the Dogra’s became the rulers Keywords: Missionary, Role, Activities,
of Kashmir, Christian Missionaries were Contribution, Jammu and Kashmir.
attracted to it, Kashmir’s salubrious climate,
its beauty and location promised it to Introduction
become a great Christian centre amid China,
Tibet, Samarkand, Afghanistan, Turkistan Christianity has been defined as, The

and Bukhara. Missionaries held the Religion that traces its origin to Jesus of

prejudice that people of Kashmir would be Nazareth, whom it affirms to be the chosen

converted easily, as they had first converted one (Christ) one God1.This definition of

from Hinduism to Buddhism and vice versa Christianity is very brief. Alfred A. Garvie

and finally to Islam in 14th century. These has amplified this definition, as he writes as,

missionaries knew the deplorable condition “We may define Christianity as the Ethical,

of the people of Kashmir, their mass Historical, Universal, Monotheistic and

illiteracy, ignorance, poverty, diseases and Redemptive Religion, in which the relation

their oppressed and tortured condition. The of God and man is mediated by the person

missionary cherished the hope that if the and the work of the Lord Jesus

people of Kashmir were converted to Christ2.Christianity is a missionary religion

Christianity. The arrival of Christian like Islam. Christianity and Islam are both

missionaries has heavily contributed. The known as Abrahamic religions because of

present paper raises a good number of such their common origin through Abraham.

queries as how the Christian missionaries Muslims consider Ismail the first born son

played any significant role in the state of Abraham to be the father of the Arabs and

Jammu and Kashmir. Abraham’s second son Ishaq is called father

of the Hebrews. Christians are considered

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at Volume 06 Issue 1
January 2019

the people of the Book. Believing in the Injil

Research Methodology
(The New Testament or the original Gospel
of Jesus), although Muslims view the The secondary source of data has
current Gospel as distorted form of the been used in the study from various
original. Christianity is an historical religion published and un-published sources. Further
of the world. There are two major sects of various published research papers, books,
Christians i.e., Catholic and Protestants. periodicals, reports, magazines, newspapers,
Missionary is a person or a group of people and websites have also been used for the
dedicated to teach or invite people towards study.
their own religion .Christianity became
common to all of Europe and became Role of Christian Missionaries in Jammu
world’s largest religion. It is only because of and Kashmir
their missionary activities. The first person
The first person who played the role
who played the role of missionary activity
of missionary in India was Francis Xavier
was Paul3.
(1506-1552)4 and Kashmir was an
Objectives autonomous princely state at that time and
that is why these missionaries entered
Some of the explicit objectives of the study
Kashmir very late. After the Dogra’s
related to Indian Economy are as under:
became the rulers of Kashmir, Missionaries
 To study the impact of Christian were attracted to it. Kashmir’s salubrious
missionaries on academic education climate, its beauty and location promised it
of Kashmir. to become a great Christian centre amid
 To study the impact of Christian China, Tibet, Marquand, Samarkand,
missionaries on moral education of Afghanistan, Turkistan and Bukhara.
Kashmir. Missionaries held the prejudice that people
 To study the impact of Christian of Kashmir would be converted easily, as
missionaries on culture and religious they had first converted from Hinduism to
beliefs of Kashmir. Buddhism and vice versa and finally to

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at Volume 06 Issue 1
January 2019

Islam in 14th century. These missionaries appointed Dr Elms lie and he worked for
knew the deplorable condition of the people eight years, and died in 1872 B.C., on his
of Kashmir, their mass illiteracy, ignorance, way out of Kashmir8. And after the Rev. T.
poverty, diseases and their oppressed and R. Wad worked with him, and did excellent
tortured condition5. The missionary work in the early days of medical mission.
cherished the hope that if the people of The society then sent out Dr. Theodore
Kashmir were converted to Christianity, Maxwell to whom, because he happened to
they might become great evangelists in Asia. be the nephew of General John Nicholson9,
Moorcroft expressed the same view when he the hero of Delhi, the Maharaja granted a
visited the valley in the early 19th century. site for the mission hospital, on a hill called
He observed: “I am convinced that there is Rustum Gary, which lies below and is a
no part of India where the pure religion of continuation of the tacit – suliamani10. It is a
the gospel might be introduced with a fairer splendid position overlooking the Dal or city
prospect of success than in the Kashmir”6. lake. The state government constructed a
Last but not the least, the sweltering heat of building at this place at its own expense.
many parts of India was very distressing for The hospital was known as Drugjan hospital.
many Missionaries, so Kashmir was The state also gave a yearly donation to the
regarding as the best place for Missionary mission hospital including free electric light.
personal to recuperate. Never could any hospital in the Srinagar
earn such reputation as did the Drugan
On 18th April, 1864, the Christians
hospital. It was a boon to the poverty –
opened a school in Srinagar despite the
stricken people of the valley. No doubt, Dr.
opposition of the authorities7. It was an
Arther Neve (1882-1920) describes it as a
important event in the history of Kashmir.
second pilgrimage centre the first being
Such parents who sent their children to
Hazratbal11. Dr. Maxwell remained until-
missionary school received domiciliary
187612, when ill health compelled him to
visits from the police. They were told if their
retire, owing to continual worries .Another
children’s went to school, they would be
hospital, exclusively for women, was
banished to Gilgit. The missionary
established at Rainawari, by the Church of

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at Volume 06 Issue 1
January 2019

England zenana Missionary society13. medium of instruction were Sanskrit and

Among the lady missionaries whose Persian. The proposal of Christian
dedication to the cause of women’s health missionaries to found schools in Kashmir
earned approbation were, Miss Butler a lady was approved by the C.M.S .in London. The
doctor, Miss Irinie Petrie and Miss founder of the modern school in Srinagar
Robinson14, trained nurses, “ who laid down was Rev. J.H. Knowles17. It was in 1880 that
their lives on duty in the valley.” Miss kate Knowles laid the foundation of the C.M.S
Knowles was yet another noble doctor who school on the hospital premises in Srinagar.
earned deep affection for her service to the In 1880 there were only five pupils reading
women of Srinagar. in the C.M.S school18. To remove the
obstacle 0f accommodation the missionaries
The medical Missionaries also did a
obtained in 1883 a building at Sheikh Bagh.
great deal of work during famines of 1877-
This act is said to have given rise to
80, 1888, 1892, 1900. Credit goes to
opposition and suspicion. It is clear that in
missionaries for saving thousands of people
the beginning the attitude of the state
who would have otherwise died. The
authorities towards the missionaries was
people of Kashmir are fortunate in having
hostile. But it was in 1890 that the
much medical assistance, besides the two
government permitted the C.M.S to shift the
well –equipped state hospitals in Srinagar,
school down to the city, and it was moved
the one for the general public and the
from the hospital premises to a large house
hospital for women, there are dispensaries in
and compound on the river bank in the
all the important centers15. At Anantnag
middle of the city (Fatah Kadal). As a result
there is a well run hospital, founded by Mrs.
of this, the number of students increased to
Bishop bitterly known as traveler and writer,
about 200 in 1890. Mr. Knowles had to
she established it in 1902 B.C. There was
undertake ten years spade work in laying the
not a single school in Kashmir, where the
foundation of the C.M.S .school. He was
right type of education could be imported.
assisted by C.L.E .Burges, A. B. Tyndale
Maharaja established a school in 187416, and
and also by some kashmiri teachers in the
it was the only state school but here the
work of building up the school .The first

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at Volume 06 Issue 1
January 2019

step taken by Biscoe, was to insist upon that this would be encouragement for the
punctual attendance by the students. For this girls and their parents, in 1914 the number
purpose he introduces regular hours of of girl’s schools rose to 3 in the city. As
instruction. Also holidays were arranged on Miss Mallinson joined as the principal of
the western pattern. Thus started the school (1922 - 1961), the C.M.S girl’s
processes of westernization in mission school underwent a radical transformation.
school19. She was instrumental in bringing about
enough educational and cultural
At the beginning these measures
advancement among the women of Srinagar.
were opposed by the pupil. To discourage
She introduced swimming, dancing, drill,
absenteeism among the boys, the practice of
picnics, camping and mountaineering. Some
fine was introduced. This was not enough.
vocational skills like basket making,
Sometimes the boys did not come to school
embroidery and Cushions were also taught20.
and pretended to be sick. To check this
Also, Laundry and cooking received much
tendency Biscoe hit on a knovel scheme of
attention. It is also said that the girls learnt
visiting the houses of the boys. The
to weave some woolen bags and mats. In
success of missionaries in both medical and
spite of the noble work of the Christian
the educational fields encouraged them to
take up the cause of the women education in
Kashmir. To the missionaries the education Conclusion
of girls was of utmost importance for the
It can be concluded from the above
girls would be the mothers of the future
study that the Christian missionaries have
generation. Accordingly, the missionaries
done the perfect job in Kashmir no doubt
started a girl’s school at Fateh Kadal, in
their aim was to preach the doctrines of
1895. The people of Srinagar fearing that
Jesus Christ and wants to convert people
the character of the girls will be spoiled
towards their own religion. They know that
revolted. The principal of the school invited
the Kashmir is a central place of Asia and
some of the European ladies to Srinagar city
they are thinking that when we will convert
for the prize day of the school. the hope was
people of Kashmir towards Christianity this

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at Volume 06 Issue 1
January 2019

will become the bridge for us to reach other [6]. Robert Clark, The mission of C.M.S
parts of the Asia. Their aim was to win the and C.E.Z.M.S in the Punjab and sindh,
London 1904, p. 129.
hearts of the Kashmiri towards their own
religion and for that purpose they [7]. Ibid, p. 213.

established hospitals, schools. They worked [8]. Ibid, p. 244.

on social grounds they helped people and [9]. Tyndol bisceo, Kashmir in sun light
they got victory in Kashmir they converted and shade , p. 245
many people to Christianity. However they
[10]. Ibid. p. 248.
opens the hearts of people towards their
[11]. Arther Nave, op. cit, p. 301-302.
religion but they also opened the people’s
eyes and minds towards modern education [12]. Tyndol Biscoe, Op. cit., p. 248.

and in response of that many Muslim [13]. Arther Nave, Op cit, p. 303-304.
organizations have opened the schools on
[14]. C. E. Tyandle Biscoe, op. cit., p. 240.
modern lines.
[15]. Mohammad Ishaq Khan, op. cit., p.
[16]. C. E. Tyandale Biscoe, op. cit., p.
[1]. Encyclopedia Britanica, Vol.5, p. 251.
[17]. P. N. K. Bamzai, Socio- economical
[2]. Alfered A Garvie, (Article on history of Kashmir (1846-1925), Gulshan
Christianity), Encyclopedia of Religion and books Srinagar, 1990, p. 254.
Ethics, p. 581.
[18]. C.E. Tyandale Biscoe, op, cit., p.
[3]. Mark R. Woodward, Religions 260.
Originating in India, p. 289.
[19]. Eric Biscoe, Fifty years against the
[4]. Ibid, p. 310. stream, Wesleyen Mission Press, Mysore
1930 p, 1
[5]. Shafi Ahmad Qadri, Biscoe in 19 : Eric Biscoe, op. cit., p. 7
Kashmir, Gulshan publishers and Exporters
Srinagar 2003, p. 21. [20]. 20 : Eric Biscoe, p.169

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