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EX1: Fill in the blanks using “HE, SHE, IT, WE, THEY”
cat and horse they Mary she Tom he Jack and I we books they sister she
You and Dave they plane it sunshine it cheese it cactus it parents they
Pamela she news it scissors they geese they flowers they piano it
school it daughter she milk it children they sugar it feet they
bicycle it Ann and Kate they tennis it son he mice they sky it
shop it buses they papers they Mr. Green he brother-in-law he
picture it friendship it dolphin it The Riggs family they

EX2: Fill in the blanks using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISN’T, AREN’T”
1. It is an onion. (+)
2. Jasmine isn't a student. (-)
3. We are friends. (+)
4. I am not hungry. (-)
5. Mark is 20 years old. (+)
6. A bee isn't a big insect. (-)
7. Newsweek is a magazine. (+)
8. I am not a professional football player. (-)
9. I know you. You are in my class. (+)
10. Cows aren't insects. They are mammals. (- / +)
11. İzmir is a city. (+)
12. He is a postman. (+)
13. It is nine o’clock. (+)
14. Manhattan isn't an island. (-)
15. Mr. Richards is a lawyer. (+)
16. I am ill. I am not happy. (+ / -)
17. London is a big city. (+)
18. Dave and Adrian aren't sisters. They are brothers. (- / +)
19. New York is near to New Jersey. (+)
20. Susan and I aren't teachers. We are students. (- / +)

EX3: Fill in the blanks using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISN’T, AREN’T”
1. Germany, England, and Spain aren't cities.
2. A lemon isn't sweet. It is sour.
3. Copper isn't cheap. Diamonds are expensive.
4. Airplanes aren't slow. They are fast.
5. Ice cream and candy are sweet.
6. Today isn't cloudy. It is bright.
7. My brother isn't married. He is single.
8. I am not from Turkey. I am from Canada.
9. Maths isn't hard. It is easy.
10. Maria is a beautiful girl. She isn't ugly.

EX4. Rewrite the sentences by using “ IS, ISN’T, AM, AM NOT”

1. London aren’t a country. London isn't a country.
2. The United States aren’t a city. The United States isn't a city.
3. An elephant am not a small animal. An elephant isn't a small animal.
4. English and Turkish isn’t sister languages. English and Turkish aren't sister
5. Mercedes aren’t a bike. Mercedes isn't a bike.
6. Is I a student? Am I a student?
7. Mrs. Stuart aren’t a poor woman. Mrs. Stuart isn't a poor woman.
8. Cigarettes isn’t good for people. Cigarettes aren't good for people.
9. The North Pole am not hot. The North Pole isn't hot.
10. Simon are from United Kingdom. Simon is from the United Kingdom.

EX5. Complete this postcard by using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT , ISN’T,AREN’T”
My name is Jack, and this is Sue. She is my sister. Sue is twelve years old and I
am sixteen. We aren't adults. We are students. We aren't Canadians. We are
Americans. We are from Chicago. Chicago is in the United States.
Best regards, Jack

EX6. Write short sentences:

(Chris, 9, student, short, not Chinese.)
 Chris is nine years old. He is a student. He is short. He isn’t Chinese……..
1. Leonard and Mike are 25 years old. They are firemen. They are tall. They are
2. Patty and Brian are 12 years old. They aren't electricians. They are short. They
aren't Turkish children.
3. Natalie and I are nurses. We aren't tall. We are French.
4. Mark is 19 years old. He is an accountant. He is short. He is British.
5. Cengiz is 23 years old. He is a lieutenant. He isn't blonde. He is Turkish.

EX7. Change the sentences into questions

Example: I am an engineer. ……Am I an engineer?……….
1. You are ill. Are you ill?
2. Linda is a pretty girl. Is Linda a pretty girl?
3. Belinda is a singer. Is Belinda a singer?
4. Nick is an actor. Is Nick an actor?
5. We are good friends. Are we good friends?
6. He is an officer. Is he an officer?
7. It is an eraser. Is it an eraser?
8. You and Eddie are partners. Are you and Eddie partners?
9. Rosie is angry. Is Rosie angry?
10. Jack and I aren’t good swimmers. Aren’t Jack and I good swimmers?

EX8. Give a short and a long answer

1. Is it a fish? 8. Is it Saturn?
No, it isn’t. No, it isn’t.
What is it? What is it?
It is a bird. It is the Earth.
2. Is it a river? 9. Is it a mountain?
No, it isn’t. No, it isn’t.
What is it? What is it?
It is a moutain. It is an island.
3. Is it a radio? 10. Is it a CD player?
No, it isn’t. No, it isn’t.
What is it? What is it?
It is a television. It is a camera.
4. Are these tomatoes? 11. Are these farms?
No, they aren’t. No, they aren’t.
What are they? What are they?
They are roses. They are cities.
5. Are these pencils? 12. Is this a motorcycle?
No, they aren’t. No, it isn’t.
What are they? What is it?
They are books. It is a airplane.
6. Is it a school bus? 13. Is it a bottle?
No, it isn’t. No, it isn’t.
What is it? What is it?
It is an ambulance. It is a cocktail.
7. Is it a horse? 14. Are these tables?
No, it isn’t. No, they aren’t.
What is it? What are they?
It is a cat. They are beds.
EX9. Give a short and a long answer
Example: Are you a scientist? ………Yes, I am a scientist.…….
1. Are you a student? Yes, I am a student.
2. Is Tom in the park? No, he isn't in the park.
3. Is it a poetry book? Yes, it is a poetry book.
4. Are Mary and John friends? Yes, they are friends.
5. Am I an executive? No, you aren't an executive.
6. Is Thomas fifteen years old? Yes, he is fifteen years old.
7. Are your earrings expensive? No, they aren't expensive.
8. Is ice cream hot? No, it isn't hot.
9. Are lemons yellow and sour? Yes, they are yellow and sour.
10. Are Andy and Jack girls? No, they aren't girls.

EX10. Build up questions and give answers

Example: engineer / William  Is William an engineer? Yes, he is an engineer. (+)
1. good rider / Steve
Is Steve a good rider?
Yes, he is a good rider. (+)
2. lazy students / Mark and Lucy
Are Mark and Lucy lazy students?
No, they aren't lazy students. (-)
3. soup / hot
Is the soup hot?
Yes, the soup is hot. (+)
4. the baby / asleep
Is the baby asleep?
No, the baby isn't asleep. (-)
5. basketball team / L.A. Lakers
Are the L.A. Lakers a basketball team?
Yes, they are a basketball team. (+)

EX11. Read the passage and answer the questions

Sophia: I am Sophia Berger. Are you Jordan Turner?
Jordan: Yes, I am. Are you English?
Sophia: Hector is. I am French. Are you from the United States?
Jordan: Yes, I am. Hector, are you from London?
Hector: Yes, I am. Are you from California?
Jordan: No, I am from New York City. Is London a big city?
Hector: Yes, it is a big city. Sophia, are you from Lyon?
Sophia: Yes, I am from Lyon.
Hector: Is Lyon near Florence?
Sophia: No, it isn’t. Florence is in Italy.
Hector: Oh, isn’t it in France? I am a real fool.
Jordan: No, Hector. Of course you are not a fool! Are you and Sophia students?
Hector: I am a student. She is an actress in France. We are tourists in the United
Sophia: Are you a student, Jordan?
Jordan: No, I am not a student. I’m a lawyer. I am on a holiday.

* Give long answers. If the answer is negative, then give the right answer:
Example: Is Sophia from Paris? …No, she isn’t…… She is from Lyon…………….
1. Is Jordan from California?
No, he isn't from California.
He is from New York City.
2. Is Florence in Italy?
Yes, Florence is in Italy.
3. Are Sophia and Hector students?
No, they aren't students.
Sophia is an actress in France, and Hector is a tourist.
4. Is Hector from Manchester?
No, he isn't from Manchester.
He is from London.
5. Is Sophia a dancer?
No, she isn't a dancer.
She is an actress in France.

Write True or False

1. True
2. True
3. False (London is a big city.)
4. False (Hector is a tourist.)
5. False (Sophia is an actress in France.)
6. False (Sophia is French.)
7. True
8. True
9. False (Jordan is a lawyer.)
10. True

EX 1. Fill in the missing words am / is / are

1. It is easy.
2. There are some people waiting to see you.
3. There is some money to pay into the bank.
4. They are coming.
5. We are nearly ready.
6. It is impossible.
7. He is unfriendly.
8. You are not to blame.
9. How much is it?
10.Who is on the phone?
11.Each week is worse.
12.Everybody is leaving now.
13.Is anybody there?
14.Whose are those books?
15.I am feeling very tired.

EX 2. Fill in the missing words am / is / are

1. He is French.
2. We are not cold.
3. Is he a footballer?
4. Where is John?
5. We are German.
6. He is not a journalist.
7. We are not singers.
8. Are you a nurse?
9. They are from Libya.
10.Where is David?
11.How is your mother?
12.We are thirsty.
13.How long is the film?
14.How often are you in London?
15.He is handsome.
16.I am not English.
17.You are not a doctor.
18.She is not Italian.
19.He is my brother.
20.You are not Egyptian.

EX 3:
1. Are you hungry?
2. They are not at home.
3. When is the party?
4. Are Julie and Ann on the bus?
5. Is she kind?
6. Are they German?
7. Are you late?
8. Am I early?
9. Are you from London?
10.They are sad.
11.She is beautiful.
12.We are in love.
13.Where are you?
14.I am happy.
15.What is this?
16.I am not too hot.
17.She is not called Julia.
18.How old is she?
19.What time is the train?
20.He is not an accountant.

EX 4:
1. Are you from London?
2. Is he old?
3. Are we early?
4. Is Joseph new?
5. Is she nice?
6. Are they brothers?
7. Is Patricia here?
8. Are David and Paul ready?
9. Am I late?
10.Is your car blue?

EX 5:
1. My mother and father are from Moscow.
2. She is really friendly.
3. Donatella is Italian.
4. I'm from Paris, the capital of France.
5. Are you Italian or Spanish?
6. They're from San Francisco.
7. A: Are you and your friends American? B: No, we aren't.
8. A: Is Maria from Rio de Janeiro? B: Yes, she is.

EX 6:
1. d
2. e
3. c
4. g
5. a
6. f
7. b

EX 7:
1. Is John in the garden?
2. Are they hungry?
3. Are we late?
4. Are you tired?
5. Is he French?
6. Is she a teacher?
7. Are Harry and Lucy from London?
8. Am I early?
9. Are you thirsty?
10.Is she on the bus?
11.Are we on time?
12.Is Pedro from Spain?
13.Are they in Tokyo?
14.Is Julie at home?
15.Are the children at school?
16.Are you in a cafe?
17.Am I right?
18.Are we in the right place?
19.Is she German?
20.Is he a doctor?

EX 8:
1. Where are my glasses? The glasses are on the table.
2. What is your favorite color? My favorite color is blue.
3. Who are they talking to? They are talking to a famous actor.
4. How is this possible? I'm not sure. It is a good question!
5. Why are you so happy? I am excited because I just got a promotion!
6. When is the meeting? The meeting is tomorrow afternoon.
7. How much is it? It is five dollars.
8. How many kittens are there? There are three kittens in the box.
9. Which is better, chocolate or vanilla? I think chocolate is better.
10.Who are you? I am your neighbor! Nice to meet you!

EX 9:
1. A: My friend Tony is English. He is very kind. B: Is he from London? A:
Yes, he is. A: My friends, Joe and Mel, are American. They are very warm
and friendly. B: Are they married? A: No, they aren't. They are just good
2. A: Hello. What’s your name? B: I’m Juan. A: Are you from Spain? B: No,
I'm from Mexico. A: And that woman over there. Is she your sister? B: No,
she isn't. She’s a student at my school. A: OK. And is she from? B: She’s
Italian. She’s from Venice.
3. A: Hi, I am Manuel. B: Hi, Manuel. Where are you from? A: I am from
Lima, in Peru.
4. A: See that footballer. What is his name? B: He is Philip Lahm. A: Where is
he from? B: He is from Germany.
5. A: Excuse me, where are you from? B: We are from Japan. We are here for
the World Cup.
6. A: Hi, my name is Alice, and this is my sister, Marta. B: Hi, Alice. Hi,
Marta. Are you from England? A: No, we aren't. We are American. We
are from New York.
B: Oh really? My cousins are from New York.

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