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IELTS Task 1 : Pie Chart

The pie charts compare/ show /illustrate + Title (หัวข้อเรื่อง) + where (สถานที)่ + year (ปี )

The pie charts compare the highest level of education achieved
by women in Someland across two years, 1945 and 1995. It can be
clearly seen that women received a much higher level of education in
Someland in 1995 than they did in 1945.
It can be clearly seen that + S +V (ประโยค ที่สรุ ปภาพรวม ของกราฟ ว่าเกิดอะไรขึน้ )

1. In + ปี , % of N + V
2. % + V +to /from + N

In 1945, only 30% of women completed their secondary education
and 1% went on to a first degree. No women completed post-graduate
studies. This situation changed radically by 1995. In 1995, 90% of
women in Someland completed secondary education and of those, half
graduated from an initial degree and 20% went on to postgraduate
studies. At the other end of the scale we can see that by 1995 all girls
were completing lower secondary, although 10% ended their schooling at
this point. This is in stark contrast with 1945 when only 30% of girls
completed primary school, 35% had no schooling at all and 35% only
completed the third grade.

In conclusion, we can see that in the 50 years from 1945 to 1995 there
have been huge positive developments to the education levels of women in

In conclusion + we can see that + S + V (ประโยคสรุ ป โดยนา Thesis Statement มา

เขียนใหม่ แต่ใจความเดิม)

1. There was a 10% increase.
2. 25 percent of women decreased dramatically.
3. No schooling increased by 15%,
4. No schooling dropped by 10 per cent,
5. Completing lower secondary fall at 50%,
6. Completing secondary education reached to 75%,
7. No schooling stood exactly at 43%.

4% = A tiny fraction. 79% = Well over three quarter.

24% = Almost a quarter. Proportions

25% Exactly a quarter. 2% = A tiny portion, a very small

26% = Roughly one quarter.
4% = An insignificant minority, an
32% Nearly one-third, nearly a third. insignificant proportion.
49% = Around a half, just under a half. 16% = A small minority, a small
50% Exactly a half.
70% = A large proportion.
51% = Just over a half.
72% = A significant majority, A
73% = Nearly three quarters. significant proportion.
77% = Approximately three quarter, 89% = A very large proportion.
more than three-quarter.
89% = A very large proportion.




10 festive English idioms (especially when your sibling complains
about the size of your present), giving
1. Christmas came early this year = this idiom a festive twist.
When something good but surprising
Example: "I know the box is small, but
remember, good things come in small
Usage: If you experience something packages!"
unexpected that you’re grateful for,
3. Lit up like a Christmas tree = To
you can use this expression to show
display visible joy.
your delight. Perhaps you received an
unexpected gift from your friend, or got Usage: Use this phrase when talking
some really good news about a job you about a person’s involuntary but
applied for — it looks like Christmas positive physical reaction, like a gleam
came early this year! You can use this in a person's eyes or a huge grin. This
idiom all year round — in fact, the idiom describes when someone’s joy or
further away Christmas is, the more joy happiness is so visible, their facial
you express. expression “lights up”. This expression
draws comparison to a traditional
Example: “I got a surprise promotion at
Christmas tree, which is usually
work today. Looks like Christmas came
decorated with bright lights and shiny
early this year!”
2. Good things come in small packages
Example: “Her face lit up like a
= Don't judge something by how big it
Christmas tree when she realized it was
a surprise party!”
Usage: Use this idiom when you want to
4. The more the merrier = The more
suggest something small has positive
people in attendance, the better it will
qualities, attributes, or values that
exceed your expectations. It's an
optimistic way of expressing that Use this phrase to tell someone that
physical size has little to do with worth. the more people invited, the more fun
You can easily use this idiom to it will be. This is appropriate for any
describe actual gifts at Christmas time gathering of people, such as parties,
dinners, or trips. The term “merry” — Use this phrase when you want to try
meaning happy or jolly — is often used out something new, but are not sure
at Christmas, such as in the common how it will go. After all, you won’t know
festive greeting “Merry Christmas”. With if something is good until you try it.
more people around, there’s more Remember — despite its pudding-based
room for fun, diverse conversations, phrasing, it doesn’t have to be about
and general enjoyment. food specifically and could refer to
anything from trying a new restaurant
Example: "I’m organizing a games night to testing some new shoes. The festive
tonight. Invite as many people as you twist comes from Christmas pudding
want — the more, the merrier!" being a famous cake made with dried
fruits soaked in rum eaten around
5. To go on a wild goose chase = To
Christmas time in some parts of the
complete a hopeless task.
Have you ever found yourself looking
Example: “He told me doing yoga every
for something and ended up convincing
week would change my life. I’m
yourself that it just didn’t exist in the
skeptical but I guess the proof is in the
first place? Well, then you might
describe yourself as being on a wild
goose chase. Your searching was 7. Like turkeys voting for Christmas = To
pointless, aimless, and tiresome! This make a decision that is harmful to
idiom has a festive twist because goose yourself.
is a very traditional dish to enjoy over
Christmas. This idiom is used to describe actions that
go against your own well-being and
Example: “I've looked everywhere for personal interests. The phrase compares
my house keys and I can’t find them! I your bad decision to turkeys choosing to
feel like I’m going on a wild goose have Christmas – turkeys are usually eaten
chase here.” as traditional dishes in England and
America. Therefore Christmas would not
6. The proof is in the pudding = You
be in their best interest.
only know if something is good by
trying it.

Example: "Choosing the most considered rude to look a gift horse in the
complicated board game with my very mouth as it means you’re examining the
competitive friends – feels like turkeys worth of something you received as a gift.
voting for Christmas." People use this idiom when someone is
ungrateful for a gift given out of goodwill,
8. Be there with bells on = To be excited for example during Christmas.
and enthusiastic.
Example: "Complaining about a free meal
If you are particularly excited about an is like looking a gift horse in the mouth."
event, like a party, you might use this
phrase to exaggerate just how pumped 10. A Christmas miracle = Something
you are. If you arrive somewhere with highly unlikely but wonderful.
“bells on” you are sending out a very
eager and happy attitude. In the UK, bells “It’s a Christmas miracle!” is an
are traditionally rung at midnight to expression used to describe something
celebrate the start of Christmas. unexpected and highly improbable. This
could be something great, almost magical,
Example: "Karaoke night tonight? Count that you can’t quite believe has
me in, I'll be there with bells on, ready to happened. Or it can be said somewhat
hit the high notes!" sarcastically to describe a situation that,
though not quite a miracle, is extremely
rare (as per the example below). This
9. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth = idiom, although decidedly festive, can be
To be ungrateful. used at any time of year.
The idea is that when you receive a gift or Example: "Wow — the whole family has
something for free, you shouldn’t agreed on a movie to watch together. It’s
question it or judge its value. It’s a Christmas miracle!"

IELTS Speaking Festival – Part 1

1.. Do you enjoy attending festivals?

Answer 1: Yes, I absolutely love attending festivals. They provide a great opportunity to
celebrate and immerse myself in the rich cultural traditions and festivities. Festivals are a
time when people come together to enjoy music, dance, food, and various forms of
entertainment, creating a vibrant and joyful atmosphere that I find truly exhilarating.

2. What is the most popular festival in your country?

Answer 2: In my country, the most popular festival is [insert festival name]. It is a grand
celebration that brings people from all walks of life together. During this festival, the entire
country is adorned with colorful decorations, and various cultural activities take place. It is a
time when families and friends gather to exchange gifts, enjoy traditional delicacies, and
participate in cultural performances.

3. How do people usually celebrate festivals in your country?

Answer 3: Festivals in my country are celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervor. People
engage in a range of activities, such as attending religious ceremonies, organizing cultural
performances, preparing traditional meals, and decorating their homes and streets.
Additionally, many people choose to wear traditional attire during festivals to showcase their
cultural pride. It’s a time of joy and togetherness.

4. Have you ever participated in a festival from another culture?

Answer 4: Yes, I have had the opportunity to participate in a festival from another culture.
Last year, I attended a Diwali celebration, which is a significant festival in the Indian culture. I
was invited by a close friend, and it was an amazing experience. I witnessed beautiful light
displays, enjoyed delicious Indian food, and was mesmerized by the energetic dances and
music. It gave me a deeper appreciation for the diversity of festivals around the world.

5. Why do you think festivals are important?

Answer 5: Festivals hold great importance as they serve multiple purposes. Firstly, they bring
communities together, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie among people. Festivals
also provide an opportunity to preserve and promote cultural traditions and heritage,
ensuring they are passed down to future generations. Additionally, festivals offer a break
from the monotony of daily life, allowing individuals to relax, rejuvenate, and enjoy
moments of happiness and celebration.

IELTS Speaking Festival – Part 2

Question: Describe a festival that is celebrated in your country. You should say:

▪ What the festival is

▪ When and where it is celebrated
▪ How people celebrate it, and
▪ Why this festival is important in your country

Answer: One of the most prominent festivals celebrated in my country is the Spring Festival,
also known as Chinese New Year. It is a significant cultural event that holds immense
importance for the Chinese community.
Firstly, the Spring Festival is typically celebrated in late January or early February, depending
on the lunar calendar. It marks the beginning of the Chinese lunar year and lasts for about
15 days. During this time, streets, homes, and public spaces come alive with vibrant
decorations and festive ambiance.
The festival is celebrated throughout the country, but the most elaborate and spectacular
festivities can be witnessed in major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. People
travel from various parts of the country to reunite with their families and celebrate together.
During the Spring Festival, families gather for a lavish reunion dinner on the eve of the New
Year. This meal holds great significance as it symbolizes unity and the coming together of
loved ones. People also engage in the age-old tradition of exchanging red envelopes
containing money, which is believed to bring good luck and blessings for the upcoming year.
Fireworks and firecrackers illuminate the sky, adding to the excitement and joyous
This festival is of utmost importance in my country because it not only marks the beginning
of a new year but also represents a time of renewal, hope, and good fortune. It is a time
when people express gratitude, pay respects to ancestors, and set positive intentions for the
future. The Spring Festival also showcases the rich cultural heritage and traditions of China,
allowing people to reconnect with their roots and preserve their cultural identity.
Overall, the Spring Festival is a remarkable celebration that brings families together, instills a
sense of cultural pride, and sets the tone for the year ahead. It symbolizes the values of
unity, happiness, and prosperity, making it an integral part of our country’s cultural fabric.

IELTS Speaking Festival – Part 3

1. Why do you think festivals are important in society?

Answer 1: Festivals hold great significance in society for several reasons. Firstly, they provide
an opportunity for people to come together and celebrate, fostering a sense of community
and social cohesion. Festivals also play a crucial role in preserving cultural traditions and
heritage, passing them down to future generations. Moreover, they offer a break from the
routine of daily life, allowing individuals to relax, have fun, and experience moments of joy
and happiness. Overall, festivals contribute to the overall well-being of society by promoting
cultural diversity, unity, and a sense of shared identity.

2. How have festivals changed over time?

Answer 2: Festivals have undergone significant changes over time. In the past, festivals were
primarily religious or agricultural in nature, closely tied to specific rituals and customs.
However, with the influence of globalization and evolving societal dynamics, festivals have
become more diverse and inclusive. They now encompass a broader range of themes and
attract participants from various cultural backgrounds. Furthermore, festivals have embraced
modern technology and entertainment, incorporating elements like music concerts, art
exhibitions, and international collaborations. These changes have made festivals more
appealing to a wider audience and have transformed them into platforms for cultural
exchange and creative expression.

3. What impact do festivals have on the local economy?

Answer 3: Festivals can have a significant positive impact on the local economy. Firstly, they
attract tourists and visitors from both domestic and international locations, boosting tourism
revenue. Increased footfall in the area leads to higher demand for accommodation,
transportation, and local businesses, resulting in economic growth. Festivals also provide
opportunities for local artisans, craftsmen, and food vendors to showcase their products and
generate income. Moreover, the festive atmosphere often encourages people to engage in
shopping and leisure activities, further stimulating the local economy. Overall, festivals act
as catalysts for economic development and contribute to the prosperity of the community.

4. Are traditional festivals still relevant in the modern world?
Answer 4: Absolutely, traditional festivals continue to be relevant in the modern world.
While society has become more globalized and interconnected, people still value their
cultural roots and traditions. Traditional festivals provide a sense of identity and belonging,
allowing individuals to connect with their heritage and celebrate their unique customs. They
serve as a reminder of our history, preserving important cultural practices and passing them
on to future generations. Moreover, traditional festivals often attract tourists and visitors who
are eager to experience authentic cultural celebrations. In this way, traditional festivals
contribute to cultural tourism, promoting cultural diversity and understanding.


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