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Dwayne Biel


The Muslim Sunrise ( formerly The Muslim dawning ) is a monthly Islamic magazine
published by the Ahmadiyya Moslem residential area in the United States of USA .Founded
in 1921 by Mufti Muhammad Sadiq in Highland common area of Detroit , Michigan , it is the
earlier Muslim publication originating in the United nation .It took its name from a saying of
the Islamic prophet Muhammad to the effect that in the latter days `` the sun shall jump
from the Cicily Isabel Fairfield '' and serves as a platform for Islamic and interfaith
discussion .Its stated purpose is that it `` seeks to open discourse on Islam and topics
relating to religion in cosmopolitan .It highlights the role of Islam in an ever-changing
globose fellowship .It provides a weapons platform for public opinion on present-day
offspring and presenting their solutions from an Islamic perspective '' .== History == The
first volumes of the magazine featured write up of Sadiq 's lecture tours , public public
debate , and other bodily process , and published lists of people who had embraced Ahmadi
Islam .== Notable features == Being the longest-running Islamic magazine in the United
States , it is also an of import diachronic source for the history of Islam in the United
country since the early twentieth century .The traditional formatting of the mag has been a
featured passage from the Quran , followed by sayings of Muhammad and excerption from
the writings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad the founder of the Ahmadiyya movement , believed by
its follower to be the expected Mahdi and Messiah ; an computer address by an Ahmadi
imaum and a serial publication of scholarly article typically dealing with theological issues
and Islamic practice and morals .It also frequently discusses contemporaneous issues and
events in the Muslim world or within local American English Moslem biotic
community .Sadiq , and the American Ahmadiyya Moslem Community utilized The Muslim
Sunrise as a tool to guard Mohammedanism and the Quran particularly against Christian
polemicist .Recognizing racial intolerance in early 20th century America , Sadiq also
popularized the Islamic timbre for inter-racial concord .According to the religious historian
Richard Frederick Jackson Turner , The Muslim Sunrise was the foremost medium of
spreading the Ahmadiyya message across the States in the former 20th century , multi-
racial missioner work was its principal knife thrust and it exercised `` a profound influence
on the import that black Americans formed for themselves in Mohammedanism '' .Recent
editions regularly contain `` Friday sermon '' and `` poetry recess '' discussion section
alongside a novel lineament on `` Religion and science '' .

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