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Marie Trowbridge


At first , they called themselves `` Children of the Light '' or `` Friends of the Truth '' , and
later simply `` Friends '' .Fox seems initially to have had no desire to come up a sect , but
only to proclaim what he saw as the pure and genuine principles of Christendom in their
original simplicity , though he afterward showed enceinte prowess as a religious personal
organizer in the structure he gave to the New society .There were a keen many rival
Christian appellative holding very diverse notion in that period ; the atmosphere of dispute
and disarray gave Fox an opportunity to put forward his ain beliefs through his personal
preaching .Charles James Fox 's preaching was grounded in Christian Bible but was mainly
in force because of the intense personal experience he was capable to see .He was scathing
about immorality , fraudulence and the exacting of tithes and urged his listeners to lead life
history without sin , avoiding the raver 's antinomian view that a worshiper becomes
automatically sinless .By 1651 he had gathered former talented preachers around him and
continued to roam the country despite a harsh reception from some listeners , who would
welt and tucker them to force back them away .As his reputation spread , his words were
not welcomed by all .As an uncompromising preacher , he hurled debate and contradiction
to the faces of his resister .The worship of Quaker in the var. of silent waiting punctuated by
individuals speaking as the emotional state moved them seems to have been well-
established by this clip , though it is not recorded how this came to be ; Richard Bauman
asserts that `` speaking was an of import feature of the meeting for adoration from the
earliest days of Quakerism . ''=== Imprisonment === Fox complained to justice about
decisiveness he considered morally wrong , as he did in a letter on the display case of a
woman referable to cost executed for theft .He campaigned against paying the tithes
intended to fund the established church , which often went into the scoop of absentee
landlords or spiritual colleges distant from the paying parishioners .In his view , as God was
everywhere and anyone could preach , the established church was unnecessary and a
university qualification irrelevant for a preacher man .dispute with civil authority was
inevitable .Fox was imprisoned various times , the first gear at Nottingham in 1649 .At
Derby in 1650 he was imprisoned for blasphemy ; a justice mocked slyboots 's incitement to
`` tremble at the Bible of the noble '' , calling him and his follower `` quaker '' .After he
refused to fight against the return key of the monarchy ( or to direct up arms for any
reason ) , his prison term was doubled .The refusal to swear oaths or consume up coat of
arms came to be much more authoritative in his public program line .Refusal to require
oaths meant that Quakers could be prosecuted under laws compelling subjects to pledge
commitment and made testifying in motor inn problematic .In a letter of 1652 ( That which
is set up by the blade ) , he urged Friend not to utilize `` animal arm '' but `` spiritual
weapons '' , saying , `` let the waving [ the power of nations ] break over your fountainhead ''
.In 1652 , Fox preached for several hours under a walnut tree at Balby , where his disciple
Thomas Aldham was instrumental in setting up the showtime encounter in the Doncaster
orbit .In the same year Fox felt that idol led him to ascend Pendle J. J. Hill , where he had a
visual sensation of many someone coming to Saviour .From there he travelled to Sedbergh ,
where he had heard a group of Seekers was meeting , and preached to over a thousand the
great unwashed on Firbank hide , convincing many , including Francis Howgill , to accept
that Christ might speak to the great unwashed directly .At the conclusion of the month he
stayed at Swarthmoor Hall , near Ulverston , the nursing home of St. Thomas Fell , vice-
chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster , and his wife , Margaret .Around that clock time , the
ad hoc meeting of Friends began to be formalised and a monthly meeting was set up in
County shorthorn .Margaret became a Quaker , and although Thomas did not convert , his
closeness with the friend proved influential when Fox was arrested for desecration in
October .felled seam was one of three presiding judge , and the charges were dismissed on a
triviality .slyboots remained at Swarthmoor until the summer of 1653 , then left for Carlisle ,
where he was arrested again for desecration .It was even proposed to put him to death , but
sevens requested his release rather than have `` a young human being ... dice for religion
'' .Further imprisonments came in British capital in 1654 , Launceston in 1656 , Lancastrian
line in 1660 , Leicestershire in 1662 , Lancaster again and Scarborough in 1664–1666 and
Worcester in 1673–1675 .Charges usually included causing a disturbance and travelling
without a pass .Quakers fell foul of irregularly enforced laws forbidding wildcat worship ,
while actions motivated by belief in sociable equality – refusing to utilize or recognize
titles , take hats off in court or arc to those who considered themselves socially superior –
were seen as disrespectful .While imprisoned at Launceston , dodger wrote , `` Christ our
Almighty and master saith 'Swear not at all , but let your communications be yea , yea , and
nay , nay , for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil . '... the Apostle James saith , 'My
brethren , above all affair swear not , neither by heaven , nor by terra firma , nor by any
early cuss .Lest ye fall into condemnation . ' ''In prison George Fox continued writing and
preaching , feeling that imprisonment brought him into contact with people who needed his
help—the jailers as well as his confrere prisoners .In his diary , he told his magistrate , ``
God dwells not in temples made with hands . ''He also sought to localise an example by his
military action there , turning the early cheek when being beaten and refusing to indicate
his captors any demoralize feelings .=== Encounters with Ironsides === Member of
Parliament grew suspicious of monarchist plots and cowardly that the radical travelling
with Fox aimed to reverse the governing : by this time his meetings were regularly
attracting crowds of over a M .In early 1655 he was arrested at Whetstone , Leicestershire
and taken to John Griffith Chaney under armed sentry go .In March he was brought before
the Jehovah Protector , Oliver Ironsides .After affirming that he had no intention of taking
up arm , dodger was capable to speak to Cromwell for nigh of the dayspring about the
Friends .He advised him to take heed to Supreme Being 's voice and obey it , so that as
George Fox left , Cromwell `` with tears in his eyes said , 'Come again to my planetary house ;
for if thou and I were but an hour of a day together , we should be penny-pinching one to
the other ' ; adding that he wished [ Charles James Fox ] no more ill than he did to his have
soul . ''This episode was later recalled as an example of `` speaking truth to major power '' , a
preaching technique by which subsequent Quakers hoped to influence the
powerful .Although not used until the 20th one C , the phrase is related to the ideas of plain
speech and simplicity which Charles James Fox practised , but motivated by the to a greater
extent worldly goal of eradicating state of war , injustice and oppression .Fox petitioned
Cromwell over the course of 1656 to alleviate the persecution of Quakers .Later that
twelvemonth , they met for a indorse time at Whitehall .On a personal stratum , the meeting
went well ; despite disagreements between the two piece , they had a sure resonance .fox
invited Cromwell to `` put down his Crown at the metrical unit of Jesus '' – which Cromwell
declined to suffice .Fox met Cromwell again twice in March 1657 .Their stopping point
confluence was in 1658 at Hampton Court , though they could not mouth for long or
forgather again because of the Protector 's worsening illness – George Fox even wrote that ``
he looked like a dead Man '' .Oliver Cromwell died in September of that twelvemonth .===
James Nayler === One early Friend convert , the Yorkshireman Saint James the Apostle
Nayler , arose as a spectacular preacher in Jack London around 1655 .

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