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Mid Term Assignment

Special Topic of Human Resources Economics & Labor Economics

Ichwan Rizky Muranda | 2010512028

Gender in Economic Perspective

The issue of gender and economic status is very important because of its great impact
on economic and social development. Economic equality goes beyond social justice, it is a
necessary condition for achieving sustainable economic growth. According to Kabeer and
Naila (2005), gender differences in wealth can limit a country's economic potential. Women,
often among the most economically marginalized, often face barriers to access to employment,
education, and other economic resources. This not only harms women, but also has serious
consequences for economic development. The fight for gender equality in the economy will
ensure fair access to the greater potential of human resources, thereby stimulating innovation
and promoting strong economic growth. In this article, I will explain gender from an economic
perspective, such as gender roles and carrier choices, gender relations and equal pay, gender
equality and economic development and gender policy from an economic perspective.

Choosing a job is an important life decision can affect a person's lasting well-being.
happiness and personal growth. However, our career choices are often not only our interests
and rights are affected, but also by social and cultural issues, including gender roles. nature
plays an important role in shaping our perception of work as "fit" or "inappropriate" for us.
According to Daugenti (2007), things like the influence of our parents and our related work
values contribute to us career decision. The story makes it clear that women often see
themselves Parental guidance is more influential, especially that of their mother, when make
career choices. This behaviour can be explained by the persistence of social conditions social
norms, which state that women should be selected for the recommended career paths have
creative work, usually work related to social work or education. When it comes to career
decisions, women tend to weigh in for concepts such as work-life balance, job search
satisfaction and promote teamwork. Meanwhile, men usually do focus on things like salary and
job level and their jobs choice. The impact of gender-related career decisions is widening their
reach significant impact on the wider social fabric and on the economy. A One example is a
significant and persistent gender bias that still exists. prevalent in fields such as engineering
and science, in large numbers no. This inequality can be attributed, in part, to public opinion
and expectations are persistent and do wonders an obstacle. Women may find themselves
struggling with reduced motivation or do not get enough support when trying to pursue a career
in these fields’ region. These challenges often stem from traditional ideas about gender. roles
Mid Term Assignment
Special Topic of Human Resources Economics & Labor Economics

Ichwan Rizky Muranda | 2010512028

and stereotypes guide women in certain professional orientations, thus limiting gender
stereotypes in these sectors. The result So these gender-based career choices extend beyond
everyone level, affecting the global work and innovation landscape, and can affect the growth
and strength of the global economy a ladder.

The gender pay gap exists is a persistent and important problem that has attracted much
attention look at different regions and countries for a for a long time. Despite the progress and
efforts made in the fight continues for gender equality, the gender pay gap continues to be a
problem. source of concern. This salary gap reveals the difference in the wages of those who
receive from different, even when they have the same qualifications, experience levels and
professional qualifications responsibility. The prevalence of this type of problem shows
confusion what contributes to this inequality, makes it a different problem a challenge that
requires careful consideration and targeted solutions. gender A variety of factors affect pay
inequality, including important ones The cause of this problem is the variety of careers that
men pursue. and women. Women are more interested in the jobs they found earlier History-
related departments and small fees, including areas such as such as education, health care or
social work. Women make their own choices Careers are shaped by deep-rooted social and
cultural values, which continues to lead women into roles that are traditionally seen as more
"appropriate" for them depends on these values. These expectations and Stereotypes can lead
women to make career decisions, regardless of self-fulfilling, may offer fewer financial rewards
than men's options generally pursued. This difference in career choice plays a big role in it
perpetuate the gender pay gap.

Also, the pressure of work-life balance often motivates women to do so express a role
that provides more flexibility in terms of family management and professional services. In such
a situation, the women's choice is theirs Not only social norms affect work, but also control it
practical needs to balance professional and family life well. These services can were more
receptive to change and reduced working hours work-related stress, but they may not provide
the same financial support wages and male-dominated agricultural work. It is It is important to
understand that this complicated issue of gender inequality is rooted in society and culture,
making it important society to question and change these values. A primer to enhance creativity
equality in the workplace, reduce racism and encourage women to pursue careers jobs based
on their interests and skills rather than fantasy would be is critical for reducing gender pay gaps
and promoting professional landscape.
Mid Term Assignment
Special Topic of Human Resources Economics & Labor Economics

Ichwan Rizky Muranda | 2010512028

Women's participation in economic development is very important and the situation on

a global scale was gradually recognized as an important factor in the promotion sustainable
economic growth. Focus on community growth and change social values, women have taken
an important role in economic life. progress on a global scale. Their gifts go beyond the simple
participate in the labour market; women are now active in business, leadership, and various
other economic sectors. Central role of women and labour markets are important to promote
sustainable economic development. Women work in many jobs, including both industrial and
service sectors, and an increasing number of them are engaged in important work. work in
different companies. They represent a significant part of global workforce, making an
outstanding contribution to productivity and, in general, economic growth. When women have
fair job opportunities and they compete with men in terms of their job prospects, it follows
creating a variety of work environments that are rich in ideas. This one Diversity, in turn,
promotes innovation and increases productivity in all areas. different economic sectors. Besides
their involvement in the formal labour market, there is a growing trend of women entering the
business. They are first creating and manage their business, which is not true it not only creates
job opportunities, but also plays a major role in it economic development of regions and cities.

The effect of women's participation in business can be great opportunity, not only in
terms of economic growth, but also in terms of creative stimulation and promote social work.
Their money-making efforts often focuses on identifying market gaps and addressing unmet
needs; thus, contributing to innovation and proposing new solutions to problems. From
Embracing multiple perspectives, women entrepreneurs promote diversity and business, which
in turn inspires cultural change and resilience. The impact of women participating in business
can be greater, not only in terms of economic growth, but also to stimulate creativity and
innovation human activity. Their marketing efforts are often focused identify gaps in the market
and meet unmet needs, thus contributing to innovation and proposing new ways of solving
problems. By having many ideas, women entrepreneurs promote diversity in business, which,
in turn, fosters a culture of adaptability and resilience.

In addition, women's leadership roles in the decision-making process are important.

great importance in economic development. According to Judge and Livingston (2008), female
leaders in organizations can exert positive influence and financial performance of the company.
Their research results are clear the valuable contribution of women in leadership positions to
the economic growth of the company success. This study examines the impact of women in
Mid Term Assignment
Special Topic of Human Resources Economics & Labor Economics

Ichwan Rizky Muranda | 2010512028

leadership positions various aspects of the company's financial services, including profit and
efficiency. Their research showed a positive correlation between presence of women in
management positions and better financial results for organization. This good connection
highlights the great value of that differences between men and women in life can contribute to
financial success support of business.

Participation of women in economic and political life the decision-making process

plays an important role in ensuring justice a representation of the members of different
communities. This is hard work to share formed the cornerstone for the development of internal
policies and procedures inclusive, responsive, and responsive to diverse needs and desires from
all walks of life. By deliberately involving women in decision-making power, the whole idea
is introduced into word. Different ideas make it spread differently interests, challenges and
aspirations of society, culture, and a crowd of people. Therefore, the decision-making process
becomes more complex good sense of society, thus ensuring that there is no division society
faces exclusion or neglect. Meaning Such decision-making processes involve a lot of weight.
In the field of the economy, this leads to the creation of a policy that is not only to promote
economic growth and development, and meet the special needs of Communities that are not
supported or marginalized. This may include appropriate economic measures Policies;
financial support programs and resources are designed to respond to this many economic
problems and opportunities. In politics in this regard, women's participation in decision-making
is developing a more accepting form of government. This, in turn, is productive and policies
that consider the concerns and interests of different regions, ultimately promoting fair and just
governance. This shows an important step towards the creation of a community where rights
and the interests of all people are protected. According to Wangnerud (2009), women
Representation in Parliament plays an important role in public policy.

Gender policy and Wealth is very important because of the great impact they have on
the economy. development and society in general. Achieving gender equality in the economic
sector the context is not only a question of social justice but also an important factor for
promoting sustainable and sustainable economic growth the welfare of the country. Economic
aspects of gender policy including many factors that have many effects on social and economic
conditions. landscape. It explores the complexities of how nature differs from money,
employment opportunities, access to resources and economic participation affects the broader
economic situation of the country. Also, it checks things out the critical impact of gender
Mid Term Assignment
Special Topic of Human Resources Economics & Labor Economics

Ichwan Rizky Muranda | 2010512028

equality on various aspects of social progress, by reducing poverty and improving innovation.
According to Kabeer, Naila (2005), Gender Conflict in a Potential Economic Context hindering
the economic power of the country. Women, being one of the most Economically
disenfranchised groups are often at odds barriers that limit their access to work, education and
other opportunities treasure. This inequality does not only affect women individually; he
reverberates across the entire economic spectrum, affecting the entire situation. development
of the national economy. Promotion to promote gender equality in the economic field, try to
level the playing field, by giving more equal access to many untapped human rights. And this
in turn, it not only promotes innovation but also promotes strong economic growth, leading to
a more prosperous society. The instinct is within the economic sector includes many aspects,
from restructuring difference in salary to ensure fair access to education and employment
thoughts. For example, gender equality has become a focal point for a broader mission to
achieve gender equality. equality in the professional field. This approach has many aspects of
nature implementation is critical to correcting historical inequality and promote a more
inclusive and equitable economic environment. Equity debt is not just closing the income gap;
it is also proof of settlement program that provides full access to all, regardless of their gender.
Also, gender equality policies are more inclusive area of wages and salaries; they also involve
a wider range of users’ actions that support different roles, including equality environment,
ultimately benefiting society.

Moreover, the pivotal components of gender policies in the economic domain

encompass women's accessibility to education and career prospects. According to Eagly &
Carli (2007), Understanding and addressing the barriers that hinder women from attaining
crucial positions in the business and economic world is vital.

In Indonesia, there are currently many gender policies related to economic aspects.
Such as Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning employment which contains various aspects of
employment including work protection and rights, including the rights of working women.
Presidential Regulation No. 9 of 2020 concerning Creative Economy Agencies which views
the important role of women in creative industries and includes efforts to encourage women's
involvement in this sector, which contributes significantly to the economy. The Family Hope
Program also has a gender component which aims to empower women in managing this
assistance, so that they can play an active role in the economic aspects of the family. While the
National Medium Term Development Plan includes a commitment to achieving gender equality
Mid Term Assignment
Special Topic of Human Resources Economics & Labor Economics

Ichwan Rizky Muranda | 2010512028

in national economic development, Indonesia's National Human Rights Action Plan also
includes a commitment to achieving gender equality in various aspects, including the economy.
This plan includes efforts to reduce wage inequality between men and women and increase
women's participation in economic decision making.

In summary, the issue of gender and economic status which is very important because
of the great impact they have on economic and social development. Achieving economic
gender equality goes beyond social issues justice; it is the basis for promoting a economic
growth and improving the social welfare of the country. This book examines various aspects,
including the effect of gender and function choice, persistent gender pay gap, participation of
women economic development and the important role of gender law in the development of
economic land.

One of the central concepts is social, especially gender roles and stereotypes, have a
great impact on it career choices of individuals. Such an influence can perpetuate the gender
gap in various occupations, subsequently affecting the broader labour market and, and in some
cases, innovation is hindered in certain areas. Also, people the gender pay gap remains a
persistent challenge, driven by career choices social expectations. This defines the speed of
query and replication these values to reduce these differences.

In a more optimistic way, the participation of women in various economic activities,

including business and leadership, contribute greatly to economic growth. new social work.
Evidence shows that women management conditions can have a positive effect on the
company's financial performance, highlights the different needs of men and women in the
labour market.

Finally, gender policy in Indonesia and other countries plays a major role an important
role in promoting gender equality in the economic sphere. These predictions covering many
areas, from operational standards to support for entrepreneurial efforts and efforts to reduce the
wage gap. Their sum the goal is to develop a more inclusive and fairer economic environment.

Looking for nature equality, it is important to understand that economic aspects are
critical areas that can promote sustainable development and to develop a prosperous and just
society. By saying these words various challenges associated with the creation and
implementation of the plan include. companies can release the full potential of human
resources, promoting innovation and economic growth for the benefit of all. Gender equality
Mid Term Assignment
Special Topic of Human Resources Economics & Labor Economics

Ichwan Rizky Muranda | 2010512028

Economics is not just a question of justice but a catalyst for progress, it is a positive trend at
the national and international level.
Mid Term Assignment
Special Topic of Human Resources Economics & Labor Economics

Ichwan Rizky Muranda | 2010512028


Wangnerud, Lena. 2009. Women in Parliaments: Descriptive and Substantive Representation

Blau, Francine D. & Lawrence M. Khan. 2017. The Gender Wage Gap: Extent, Trends, and
Explanations. Journal of Economic Literature

Kabeer, Naila. 2005. Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: A Critical Analysis of the
Third Millenium Development Goals. Journal of Gender and Development Vol.
13, No. 1

Sassine, Joey & Hajj, Jacqueline. 2022. Gender Differences and Career Choice: The Role of
Personality, Interest, Ability, and Motivation in Choosing to Pursue a Career.

Eagly, Alice H. & Carli, Linda L. 2007. Women and the labyrinth of leadership. Harvard
Business Review

Post, Corinne & Bryon, Kris. 2014. Women on Boards and Firm Financial Performance: a
Meta-Analysis. Academy of Management Journal

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