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1.) Elaborate what is Law?

•The law is ones guide to ethical behavior. The discipline and profession concerned with the
customs, practices, and rules of conduct of a community that are recognized as binding by the

2) Cite the reason why Filipinos are constrained to follow the law.

•Because if we didn't obey the law we can be punished by it. Filipinoes always follow the rule
because it is ethical and it is the right to do as a inhabitants of this country

3) Expound Positive Law

•Positive law, is a collection of written legal principles currently applicable and binding either in
general or specifically, which are enforced by or through the government or courts in a country.

4) Whats the highest Law of the Universe?

•The law of divine oneness is the highest of the universal laws, in that it’s the one upon which all
the others build. “This law states that we are all connected through creation,” Wilder says.
“Every single atom inside of you is connected in some way, shape, or form to the rest of the
universe you move through.

5-7) Provide the sources of authority.

Legal/Formal Authority

Traditional Authority

Acceptance Theory

Competence Theory

Charismatic Authority

8) Discuss the connection between Religion and Morality

•Though religion may depend on morality, and even develop alongside morality, morality does
not necessarily depend upon religion, despite some making "an almost automatic assumption"
to this effect.
9) Expound Divine command theory.

•The divine command theory defines an act or action as good or bad, depending on whether it
supports God’s commands or not.Any act that goes against what God has commanded is
classed as wrong, no matter the situation or circumstance. An absolutist approach means that
the decision and outcome will always be the same.

10-11)- Name the two nagging questions faced by Socrates regarding the divine command

•Does God command this particular action because it is morally right, or is it morally right
because God commands it?

12) Explain why God's commandments are considered arbitrary and authoritative.

•If things are right because God commands them, then God’s commands are morally
arbitrary.Even worse, if God’s commands are morally arbitrary, then God could command things
that we consider to be morally reprehensible, and these things would become right.

13) Whats the Law of nature?

•law of nature, a stated regularity in the relations or order of phenomena in the world that holds,
under a stipulated set of conditions, either universally or in a stated proportion of instances.

14) Whats that statements from God which were used by religious conservatives as
endorsement for prohibition of abortion?

• Statements from religious texts, such as the Bible, are often cited by religious conservatives in

opposition to abortion, like "Thou shalt not murder" from the Ten Commandments.

15) explain culture.

•All the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down
from generation to generation. Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society.
16) Compare ethnocentrism from cultural relativism.

•Ethnocentrism compares other cultures by using a group's specific culture as the basis of that
comparison, believing theirs to be superior and the standard to be used in comparison to other
cultures. Cultural relativism, on the other hand, believes that culture is understood best through
its own people.

17) Whats the benefit if one person practices ethnocentrism?

•You will not find problems with racial friction, class conflicts, or sectarian violence if
ethnocentrism is the approach that people take to their interactions with others.

18) Cite one example of cultural practice that is weird to other country.

•Avoid Using Red Ink for Writing Names of Your Friends in South Korea

Pen inks come in a wide array of colors and sometimes it is fun to use them to make colorful
doodles, drawings and whatever. For some people, it does not matter what ink color you use to
write their names with, as long as their names are spelled correctly. For South Koreans however,
you can use other colors except red because for them red ink symbolizes death.

19) What benefit will cultural relativism bring to people?

•Cultural relativism is good because it allows people to practice their beliefs and enjoy their
cultural heritage or religious beliefs without having to fear or have fear of others for why they do
what they do.

20) Which is best the morality coming from the commandments of God or from the Law of

•God approves of right actions,because they are right and disapproves of wrong actions
because they are wrong. So, morality is independent of God's will; however, since God is
omniscient He knows the moral laws, and because He's moral, He follows them.

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