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Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin to Allah SWT for His blessing and

permission until all thing run well on my life in finishing my study. I realize that

without His blessing it is impossible for me to complete my study at Sekolah

Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri ( STAIN ) Malikussaleh. Salawat and Salam I would

like to send to our prophet that is Muhammad SAW who has supported and

efforted to remove the people from the darkness to the lightness.

I would like to give my love words to my parent as my great persons on

my life, and also to all of my family who supported me in every thing in solving

my study.

I express my heartfelt thanks and great appreciation to both of my advisors

for their meaningful guidance, suggestions, encouragement and helpful

corrections in spite of their busy schedule. Without their help, this thesis would

not have been completed. I would like to extend my special thanks to Drs. Ibrahim

Bewa, M.A as my first advisor and to Lili Ardayani, S.Ag, M. Hum as my second


I also would like to express my deep thanks to the Headmaster of SMP

Negeri 4 Baktiya who had allowed me to conduct a research at the headmaster of


In the completion of my study, many people have spent their time to assist

me to make my thesis better. Therefore, through this space I would like to present

my deepest gratitude to my classmates.

Lhokseumawe, June 9th, 2015




ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................................................ i
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................ iii
LIST OF APPENDIXES............................................................................. iv
ABSTRACT.................................................................................................. v

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION.................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study..................................... 1
B. Identification of the Problem............................... 5
C. Problem of the Research...................................... 5
D. Objective of the Research.................................... 5
E. Scope of the Research.......................................... 6
F. Significance of the Research................................ 6
G. Operational Definition......................................... 7


A. The Nature of Teacher......................................... 9
1. Definition of Teacher...................................... 9
2. The Definition of Method............................... 10
B. The Remedial Teaching Program to Junior High School
as Young Learner................................................. 14
1. Definition of Remedial Teaching................... 14
2. Procedure of Remedial Teaching ................... 17
3. Teaching and Learning Pocess....................... 18
4. The Characteristics of Young Learners.......... 19

CHAPTER THREE:RESEARCH METHODOLOGY........................... 23

A. Research Design................................................... 23
B. Setting and the Subject of the Research............... 24
C. Research Procedure.............................................. 24
D. Technique Data Collecting ............................... 25
E. Research Instrumen ............................................ 27
E. Technique of Analyzing Data............................. 28


FINDING............................................................. 30
A. Descriptive of the Research................................. 31
B. Data Presentation................................................. 36


A. Conclusion........................................................... 51
B. Suggestion............................................................ 53

1. Observations Form

2. Interview Form

3. An Appointment Letter of Writing Thesis

4. Letter of Recommendation of Doing Research

5. Letter of the Research work

6. Curriculum Vitae


This thesis entitled “Teacher’s Method in Implementing of Remedial Teaching
Program in Achieving of Minimum Completeness Criteria to Junior High School
Student (A Case Study at SMP Negeri 4 Baktiya)”. The students got low
perfomance and achievement in English subject. The school has remedial teaching
program but students’ score still have under the passing criteria and the lack of
teacher methods in Implementing Remedial Teaching Program in teaching
English. The problem of the research that how is the teachers method in
Implementing Remedial Teaching Program in Achieving of Minimum
Completeness Criteri, what are the problems faced by teacher in Implementing
Remedial Teaching Program in Achieving of Minimum Completeness Criteria
and what are the teachers’ ways to solve the problems in Implementing of
Remedial Teaching Program in Achieving of Minimum Completeness
Criteria?.The objective of the research to know the teacher method in
Implementing of Remedial Teaching Program in Achieving of Minimum
Completeness Criteria to Junior High School Student, to know the problems faced
by teacher in method in Implementing of Remedial Teaching Program in
Achieving of Minimum Completeness Criteria to Junior High School Student and
to know the teachers’ ways to solve the problems method in Implementing of
Remedial Teaching Program in Achieving of Minimum Completeness Criteria to
Junior Hight School Studen. In this research, the design applied is descriptive
qualitative approach. The data was analized qualitatively. In this research, to get
the data the writer used some techniques, they were observation , documentation
and interview. During teaching and learning process there were ten students got
the difficulties in learning English until they got the score under 65, it mean the
students did not reach the criteria of success or Minimum Completeness Criteria,
the teacher decided them to three levels were low ability, lower ability and lowest
ability. In teaching English that teacher found some problems faced in teaching
learning process. Some students were very complex in mastering every materials
gave by teacher. Here were other some problems faced by teacher in teaching
English to the student their behaviour were very diffirences with the other
students, some students are naughty students, they make buzy in the class room,
speak when the teacher explain the lesson and do the other deed while teaching
learning process.

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