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Prepared by: Genara Pacana

Philosophy Keywords
IDEALISMiizxd rethink latent ideas, aims, vision, goals, ideals, perfection, something spiritual
PERENNIALISM universal education, Great Books of Classical Civilization, development of the mind, rationalism,
teachers are authoritarian, subject-matter is used in developing the mind
ESSENTIALISM Subject -centered, education is preparation for adult life, academic oriented, teachers are authoritarian
REALISM Based on actualities of life, truth exists independent of the mind, lay the foundation to the study of
science and technology
PROGRESSIVISM Child-centered, social activities, problem solving, experiences, interest, capacity, needs, problems,
aspirations of the child are considered; education is life, learning by doing; teachers are non-
PRAGMATISM Educate to cope for change, practical knowledge, skills and attitude useful in solving present
EXPERIMENTALISM Experiment is the true source of knowledge, related to progressivism and pragmatism=Research
RECONSTRUCTIO Teach knowledge, skills and attitude for social change in the future; rebuilding of the society
EXISTENTIALISM Freedom of choice, individual existence of man and not universal, democratic ideals, use of values as
a strategy in teaching, heavy use of individualized instruction
BEHAVIORISM External environment, rewards, punishment, reinforcement, stimulus-response; classroom conducive
to learning
UTILITARIANISM The child becomes a useful member of the society; for the greatest good of the majority
HUMANISM Development of an individual or human potential to the fullest in the different aspects; balanced
LIBERALISM ideas come from experience; sensation and reflection create learning; cultivation of a free human
being, a liberal person is open minded and reflective
HINDUISM Karma-what you sow is what you reap, started in India
BUDDHISM Detachment from material things
CONFUCIANISM Education for all, moral education, golden rule
TAOISM Do nothing, planned ignoring, let nature takes its course, respect for the old
CHRISTIANITY Moral education
HEDONISM Sensual Pleasure, be free from physical pain
SKEPTICISM There can never be real knowledge of anything, doubt in the existence of truth

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