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Sukarno vs megawati

sukarno and megawati, both great presidents of

indonesia with sukarno being known for the first
president of indonesia while megawati is known for
being the first woman president of indonesia.

Both are related with megawati being sukarno's

daughter,to add to this introduction sukarno was
born in june 6th 1901,dying at the age of 69 in june 21
1970 being president from 1945 till 1967 and
megawati being born in 1947 January 23rd
becoming president in 2001 till 2004 and still
roaming the world.
Strengths and adaptability

Suakarnos strength and adaptability are his personality, his

confidence, his humbleness and voice as in the 1940s people
were inspired by all of his speeches and were probably
surprised. He convinced and inspired people to fight back
and make their own country. And his adaptability through
tough times of the independence war still had the skills to
trick the enemies and even still made speeches to inspire
more people. Megawati on the other hand also has great
speeches and voice she was also the first ever woman
president in indonesia, when she was a young president all
of indonesia had problems so megawati solved them all
which proves her adaptability skills.

The founding father of indonesia,sukarno rised in the 1940s

when he had the idea of making indonesia a country, and all
it took was one speech to start the independence war
between indonesia and after he became president and
indonesia was fully independent he engaged in a operation
called the operation trikora that started in 1961 and ended in
1962 it was about sukarno wanting to seize overseas land
that was obtained by the dutch. Megawati during her rule
made the kpk an anti corruption organization just in case
there is too much corruption with politicians and presidents
and people really liked it.
and builds
sukarno was an architect before his presidency and really
liked building things for example during his presidency in
1961 he built a nuclear power plant in bandung and he also
built other building such as gedung pola located in the capital
city jakarta,he also got the idea of making the very first
department store in indonesia named sarinah also located in
jakarta with another hotel being named ‘hotel indonesia’
made in 1962.
Furthermore megawati a few years after her presidency
formed a science agency named BRIN that stands for “badan
riset dan inovasi national”,a research and technology center
formed in january 2019 with megawati having the idea of
forming the agency during her speech to celebrate her 46th
anniversary suggesting that they form a research and
innovation agency, it was very effective and still active today.
so in conclusion both presidents have done an
amazing job at being president and even though that
sometimes they make mistakes they have both made
the country a better and healthier place with
Megawatis research and technology agency better
known as BRIN, sukarnos speeches being able to
inspire peopleand hothe being the very first
president and women president of indonesia
Thank you for

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