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THE HINDU Vocabulary from Editorial and Opinion (all articles) dated 19.12.

2023 by @Qmaths

S.N. Word अथर् Synonyms Antonyms Example Sentence

1 Abdication यागपत्र Retention, Holding The king's abdication of the throne was unexpected.

2 Acrimony कटु ता Harmony, Goodwill The acrimony between the two parties made compromise difficult.
3 Aspirations आकांक्षाएँ Ambitions, Desires Disinterest, Apathy His aspirations to become a doctor were clear since his childhood.
4 Assent सहमित Approval, Consent Disapproval, Veto The governor gave his assent to the new law.
5 Assertions दावे Declarations, Claims Denials, Retractions His assertions of innocence were not convincing.
6 Attrition क्षय Erosion, Reduction Increase, Expansion The company experienced high attrition rates last year.
7 Backsliding पतन Regression, Decline The country's backsliding into corruption was a concern for its citizens.
8 Belligerent आक्रामक Aggressive, Hostile Peaceful, Friendly The belligerent tone of the speech alarmed the audience.
9 Bifurcated िवभािजत Divided, Split United, Joined The company was bifurcated into two independent entities.
10 Browbeating धमकाना Intimidating, Bullying The manager was criticized for browbeating his staff.
11 Buoyed प्रो सािहत Encouraged, Uplifted The team was buoyed by their recent win.
12 Chinks दरार Cracks, Weaknesses Strengths, Solidities The chinks in the armor were exploited by the opposition.
13 Concurrent समवतीर् Separate, Divergent The two events were concurrent, making it difficult to attend both.
14 Conducive अनुकूल Favorable, Helpful A quiet environment is conducive to study.
15 Considerable काफी Insignificant, Minor The project requires a considerable amount of time and resources.

16 Conundrum पहेली Puzzle, Dilemma Solution, Answer Solving the energy crisis is a major conundrum for the government.

17 Deliberation िवचार-िवमशर् Disregard, Neglect After much deliberation, the jury reached a verdict.
18 Depredations लूटपाट Plunder, Ravage The depredations of pirates along the coast were a serious problem.
19 Discretionary िववेकाधीन Optional, Elective The use of funds is left to the manager's discretionary judgment.
20 Dismal िनराशाजनक Bleak, Depressing Bright, Cheerful The dismal weather made the day feel gloomy.
Disagreement, Agreement,
21 Dissent असहमित His dissent on the issue was noted during the meeting.
Opposition Concurrence
The new law was criticized for its draconian measures against minor
22 Draconian कठोर Harsh, Severe Lenient, Mild
23 Emphatic जोरदार Forceful, Insistent Hesitant, Uncertain The judge was emphatic about the need for prompt justice.
Randomly, Selectively,
24 Indiscriminately अंधाधुंध The policy was applied indiscriminately, affecting everyone equally.
Haphazardly Discriminatingly
25 Jurisdiction याय क्षे त्र Authority, Dominion The court has jurisdiction over all criminal cases in the area.
26 Landmark मील का प थर Significant, Notable Common, Ordinary The Supreme Court's decision was a landmark in legal history.
Outdoing, Cooperation,
27 One-upmanship प्रित पधार् The debate quickly turned into a game of one-upmanship.
Competitive Teamwork
28 Partisan पक्षपाती Biased, One-sided Impartial, Fair His views were clearly partisan and not objective.

29 Persistent लगातार Constant, Enduring Intermittent, Ceasing Her persistent efforts finally paid off when she won the competition.

30 Plagued परे शान करना Troubled, Afflicted Untroubled, Healthy The project was plagued by delays and budget overruns.
31 Promulgate प्रचािरत करना Enact, Publish Repeal, Conceal The government decided to promulgate the new law immediately.
32 Proviso शतर् Clause, Condition - The contract contains a proviso for early termination.
33 Redress पिरहार Rectify, Remedy Worsen, Aggravate The court decision provided redress for the wronged party.
34 Repugnant घृिणत Pleasing, Attractive The idea of cheating is repugnant to me.
35 Scrapping खुरचना Extracting, Gleaning Data was collected by scrapping information from various sources.
36 Sham ढग Pretense, Fake Reality, Authenticity The so-called "miracle cure" was nothing but a sham.
37 Sharply तेज़ी से Quickly, Steeply Slowly, Gradually Prices have risen sharply in recent months.
38 Snowballed बढ़ते जाना Escalate, Multiply Decrease, Diminish The small problem snowballed into a major crisis.
Tactically, Haphazardly,
39 Strategically रणनीितक प से The company positioned its products strategically in the market.
Deliberately Randomly
40 Stymie बाधा डालना Hinder, Thwart Assist, Facilitate The new regulations might stymie our business expansion plans.
41 Testy िचड़िचड़ा Irritable, Touchy Calm, Easygoing The manager was testy and snapped at her employees.
42 Theatrical नाटकीय Dramatic, Showy Understated, Plain The politician's theatrical speech captured everyone's attention.
43 Threadbare िघसा-िपटा Worn, Shabby Fresh, New His argument was so threadbare that no one believed him.
44 Ulterior िछपा हुआ Hidden, Covert Overt, Open He suspected there was an ulterior motive behind her kindness.
45 Undermined कमजोर करना Weaken, Erode Strengthen, Support His constant criticism undermined her confidence.
46 Unprecedented अभूतपूवर् Unmatched, Novel Common, Familiar The pandemic led to unprecedented changes in the workplace.
47 Unraveling खुलासा Unfolding, Revealing Concealing, Hiding The detective was quick in unraveling the mystery.
48 Unseemly अनुिचत Proper, Suitable His unseemly behavior at the formal dinner was embarrassing.
49 Upend उलट देना Overturn, Upset Stabilize, Settle The scandal threatened to upend the politician's career.
Truthfulness, Falsehood,
50 Veracity स यता The veracity of his statement was confirmed by the evidence.
Accuracy Dishonesty
Toppers Choice, "Blackbook of English Vocabulary" a must read book for all SSC Aspirants.

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