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Ryan Nicholas A.


Based on what the Apostle James said in his letter that "Faith without works is
dead (James 2:17)",
As Perpetualite, how are you going to express your faith to the following:
1. To the School?

- As Perpetualite we should attend classes regularly and strive to learn for us to excel
academically. On the other hand, like teachers, staff, and fellow students we need to treat
them with respect and kindness. In order for us to express our faith in school, we should
participate in school activities, clubs, and events, and be positive role models for others.
Not only by participating in any events but also by helping others who may be struggling
with their studies or personal issues. And also, by volunteering for school projects or
initiatives that make a positive impact on the university. It is not only for the school but
also for us to prove that we know to express our faith in many ways.

2. To the church where you belong or a member of?

- I can express my faith in the church where I belong or am a member of by giving time or
by attending church services regularly and participating in church activities and events.
We can also offer our time and skills to help with church programs, such as youth groups,
music ministry, or charity initiatives. It will be a great impact on the group where you
belong because it shows that we are a good example for others, not only for the co-
members but also for the other people who don’t have any religious group. We can share
our faith and testimony with others and invite them to attend church with us. By serving
others in our community like volunteering for cooking food for those people whose
homeless or in other charity organizations. In the end, we need to pray for the needs of
others and actively seek ways to help meet those who need it.

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