bachelor fantasy league

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Pkt. Olivia Amber Becca Summe Punkte

Kiss 5 1 3
Make out 2 1
Get a rose at Rose Ceremony 10 1
Get a rose pre-ceremony 15 1
Enter the hot tub 4
Dance 5 1
give Bachelor a gift 7
lern to get over fears 5
steal bachelor away from another woman 3 2
actually say "can I steal you away" 1
take a helicopter 5
ride or drive in a sports car 3 1
paricipate in extreme sports 3
experience local culture (destination dates) 4
refer to your sexual anatomy 10
say "is the perfect place to fall in love" 5
tell bachelor you see a future with him 5
tell bachelor about family 5
tell bachelor about an ex 5
tell bachelor he's attractive 5
tell bachelor you're in love / falling for him 7 1
cry, having tears in your eyes or on your cheeks 2 1 1
cry, having a mega sobbing meltdown 4 1 1
fight with another contestant 5
be obviously drunk 5
say "vulnerable" 3
say "I love you" 5
swear (maximum of 5 per episode) 1 1
tattle (lästern) 3 1
get naked 5
require medical attention 10
say "for the right reasons" 5
get caught with secret boyfriend 20
wear an ugly accessory 3 1
exploit your child's existence for personal gain 5
be called "good mom" material 3
be told the Bachelor sees a future with you 3
have the Bachelor express confusion about why
you aren't liked by other contestants 3
have Bachelor question your intelligence 3
be called "intense" by the Bachelor 3

go on a solo date -10 1

leave the show voluntarily -20
get sent home pre-ceremony -15
get sent home at Rose Ceremony -10 1

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