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.;{: Very Short Answer Type Questions - - - - - - - - 1 1 marks each)

Q. 1. Write the temperature requirement of OR
Maize crop. 50-75 an
OR Q. 2. Fill the blank:
Write the amount of annual rainfall re- _ _ is the largest producer of raw
quired for the cultivation of Wheat. jute and jute goods and stands at second
[CBSE 00, Set 1, 2020] place as an exporter after Bangladesh.
Ans. 21-23 degree Celsius. [CBSE Delhi, Set 2, 2020]
Ans. India.

,,#: Short Answer Type Questions-II - - - - - - - - - 1 3 marks each)

Q. 1. Describe any three main features of cm . Availability of precipitation dur-

'Rabi crop season.' ing winter months due to western
OR temperate cyclones help in success of
Describe any three main features of these crops.
'Kharif crop season.' OR
(CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019) Features of Kharif crop season:
Ans. Features of Rabi crop season: (i) It begins with the onset of monsoon
(i) It begins with the withdrawal of in May.
monsoon in October. They are sown (ii) Crops are harvested in September-
in winters from October to Decem- October.
ber. (iii) Requires more rainfall between
(ii) At the time of ripening, ii requires 100-tlOcm
bright sunshine and is harvested in (iv) It requires loamy or alluvial soil.
summer from April to June. Q. 2. Highlight any three differences between
(iii) Crops depend on sub-soil moisture. primitive subsistence farming and
(iv) Requires less rainfall between 50-75 commercial farming. (CBSE, 2019)

iJI Topper's Answers

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Q. 3. What is the importance of pulses in our helpful in maintaining the quality of the
economy? Why are pulses grown as a soil.
rotation crop? Pulses are grown rotationally with
[CBSE, Term 1, 2015] other crops. They need less water and can
Ans. Protein is the main source of energy and survive in dry conditions. As we know
pulses are the main source of protein. that India is the largest producer of the
Pulses are the leguminous crops, they are pulses in the world so, it helps in the
helpful to restore the fertility of the soil. development of economy of the country.
Leguminous crops have the feature of In the Rabi season Arhar, Urad and
nitrogen fixation naturally, it gets nitro- Moong and in the Kharif season Masur,
gen from the atmosphere directly. So, it is Peas and Grams are grown -

,f; Long Answer Type Questions - - - - - - - - - - 1 5 marks eachl

Q. 1. Why is agriculture called the backbone hkc hoe, dao and d1ggmg sticks with
of India n economy? Explain. the help of fami ly members
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020] (ii) Itdepends upon monsoons, natural
ferti lity of soil and environmental
Ans. Agriculture is called the backbone of
Indian economy because 70% of Indian
(iii) It is also called 'slash and bum' agri•
population are engaged in agriculture
and raw material for the Industrial sectors (iv) Farmers clear a patch of land and
like food processing company, textile produce crops for their sustenance.
industry comes from the agricultural (v) When the soil fertility decreases,
sector. Its share in the GDP is also high. farmers shift to new area, clear forest
Agriculture sectors serves as the source by burning and again sow crops.
of raw material fo r non-agricultural
sectors. Not just in India, but all around Q. 3. Name the two major beverage crops
the world. Agricultural and industrial grown in India. Describe their growing
sectors always go hand in hand not as areas. [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019)
alternatives. Ans. Tea and Coffee are the two most impor•
lant beverage crops of India.
Q. 2. Describe any five features of primitive Assam is a major lea producing stale in
subsistence farming. India along with West Bengal, Kerala and
[CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2020] Tami l Nadu . The cropping season in As-
Ans. The features of primitive subsistence sam begins as early as March and extends
farming are given below: almost to mid-December. Besides, the
(i) It is practiced on small patches of popular black tea, Assam also produces
land with the help of primitive tools small quantities of white and green tea.
This slate has favourable conditions for The geographical condition required
the growth of tea. for growth of rice are as follow:
The tea plant grows well in tropical and (i) It is a kharif crop and requires hot and
sub-tropical climates. It requires deep and humid climate for cultivation. Tem-
fertile well-drained soil, rich in humus perature above 25°C and high humid-
and organic matter. Tea bushes require ity with annual rainfall above 100 cm
moist, frost-free and warm climate all is favourable for growth of rice.
through the year with abundant skilled (ii) Rich alluvial soils of the flood plains,
labour. Frequent evenly distributed river basins and deltaic areas which
showers over the year ensure continuous are renewed every yea r are ideal for
growth of tender tea leaves. rice cultivation.
The following are the conditions
(iii) Rice requires abundant rainfall or
required for tea cultivation:
good water supply through irriga-
Temperature- 10-30 degrees Celsius
tion and flooded fields during the
Rainfall- average yearly rainfall of
earlier part of its growing season in
ZOO an
June-July. Ankle deep water in the
Altitude- ground level of between
field helps the crops grow.
600-2000 meters above sea level.
Coffee is a tropical plant which is also (iv) Plenty of cheap labour is required as
grown in semi-tropical climate. Coffee most of the farming involves manual
tree requires heat, humidity and abundant labour.
rainfall. Kamataka, the largest coffee Wheat is the main food crop for the
producing state along with Kerala and people residing in the North and
Tamil Nadu has favourable conditions North-western part of the country.
necessary for coffee cultivation. The geographical conditions favour-
The temperature of the place is 23°C to able for growth of wheat are as follows:
28°C. Growth is most rapid during hot, (i) Wheat is a rabi crop and requires a
rainy season and during cool, dry season, cool growing season. Average tem-
berries ripen and get ready for picking. perature should be between 10°C to
Bright sunshine and warm weather arc S°C at the time of sowing, but higher
necessary for the harvesting. temperatures and bright sunshine is
It needs rainfall between 60-85 cm. required at the time of harvesting for
Water stagnation is ve ry harmful for proper ripening of arrains.
coffee plants; therefore, hill slopes are
(ii) Wheat requires moderate rainfall
best suitable for growing it.
of 50 cm to 75 cm annually, evenly
Soil is the guiding factor in coffee
distributed over the growing season.
plantation. The ideal soil is one with a
A little winter rain before ripening
good sub-surface drainage, and one that
helps in increasing the yield .
is easily workable. The presence of humus
and other nitrogenous matter in the soil is (iii) Deep alluvial clayey soils of North•
an advantage. em Plains and black soil of Deccan
are suitable for growing wheat.
Q. 4. Name the two most important cereal
crops grown in India. Describe the There arc two important wheat-
conditions required to grow these two growing zones in the country : the
crops. [CBSE OD, Set 3, 2019I Ganga-Sutlej plains in the North-
west and the black soil region of
Ans. Rice and wheat are the two most
the Deccan. Punjab, Haryana, Uttar
important cereal crops grown in India.
Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan and parts
Rice is the staple food crop of most
of Madhya Pradesh are the major
people in India especially in coastal
wheat-growing states.
Q. 5. "The Government of In dia has introduced various institutional and technological refo rms
to improve agriculture in the 1980s an d 1990s." Support this statement with examples.
(CBSE, 2018)

ffll Topper's Answers

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Ans. The Government of India has introduced (i) Kisan Credit Card (KCC): Scheme for
various institutional and technological giving easy and cheap loans to small
reforms under comprehensive La nd farmers. Personal Accident Insurance
Development Programme to improve Scheme (PAIS) for Kisan Credit Ca rd
agriculture in the 1980s and 1990s. (KCC) holders.
Land Development Programme: (ii) Special weather bulletins and ag-
ricultural programmes for farmers
(i) Provision for crop insu rance against
were introduced through radio and
d rought, flood, cyclone, fire and
television channels.
(iii) Government also announced Mini-
(ii) Establishment of Grameen (regional
mum Support Price (MSP) for vari-
rural) banks, cooperative societies and ous agricultural products like cereals,
banks for providing loan facilities to pulses and others (to check the ex-
the farmers at lower rates of interest. p loitation of farmers by middlemen).
Other Reforms:
Q. 6. Compa re 'intensive s ubsistence
Apart from land development farming' with that of 'commercial
programme, government has initiated farming' practiced in India.
many other benefit schemes for the
(C BSE, 2018)
farme rs.
Intensive Subsistence Farming Commercial Farming
(i) In this type of farming, crops produced by The farming practice, in which the farmers
the farmers are mainly consumed by their grow crops for the purpose of trade, it is called
families. Surplus production is sold in the commercial farming.
nearby local markets.
(ii) In this kind of farming, more than one crop In this type of farming generally, one crop is
is cultivated in the agricu ltural field. cultivated.
(iii) It is labour intensive farming. Farming is mechanised and is prevalent
in areas where farms arc large and market
economy is well developed.
(iv) It depends on monsoon. It uses modem irrigation methods.
(v) It is practiced in small area. Major crops It is practiced in large area. Major crops are:
are: Food grains, fru its and vegetables. cash crops and cereals.
Q. 7. "The declining share of agriculture in (ii) Government is reducing investment
the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is in agricu ltural sectors, especially the
a matter of serious concern in India." irrigation sector.
Support the statement with any five (iii) Subsidy on fertilizers has decreased,
reasons. [CBSE, Term 1, 20161 leading to a rise in cost of production.

Ans. The declining share of agriculture in (iv) Reduction of import duties on
the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a agricultural products.
matter of serious concern in India. (v) Farmers are withdrawing their
Five reasons to support this statement investments from agricu \tu re causing
areas follows: a downfall in the employment in
(i) Indian farmers are facing challenge agriculture.
from international competition.


Tl1e G1111g11-S11t. luj pla ins in the nurt h-wcst imd black
ONE MARK QUESTIONS soil region of the Decc11n.
12. In whicl1 ~ystcm of agriculture, a si ngle crop is grown
1 Name th e cropi, for which lndi n il' thfl largest. prod11CT'r
uu u ]urge ure11? [CBSE 2016]
in lhe world.
Ans :
Ans : [CBSE201l l
Frnit.~ and ,·egct11hles, oil.,;ccds and pul.o;es Plnutatiou agriculture.

1 By which uamc is spcdnlizcd c: ultimtion of rrnits rmd 13. i\'.amu somti pl11nt atio11 crops. [CBSE 20lUI
n .-gcta hk-s kuowu? A 11J:1 :
Ans : [CBSES. P. 2016-17) Ten, coffoe. ruhher. s11g11 rc11 11c an d bn11aru1.
3. Describe '.l lu1111111i11g culti vat ion· in one scntcUt'().
Ans ; (CBSES.P.2018-17)
·Slash a nd burn' culti\'ation in Nort h- Eastern suue:.
or lndin.
l Which is the lcudiug oofft.~ prodm:cr state iu ludia?
Ans ; [C BSES.R20115- IT]
5. By which other name is ·slash a nd bu rn ' agricnlrnrc
kuuw11? jCBSE 2014]
Ans , 14. Which type of farming
Primitive s ubiistcncc form ing/j humming farming?
(Anyooo) Ans:
I. In which country the 'slash and burn' agriculture is Labour intensive farming.
known as ' Roca ' ? [CBSE 2012]
15. Which two areas of India prodnce orangei, mainly?
Ans: (CBSE2015I
Brazil. Nagpur in M11harashtr11 1111d l\ludhyu P rudetih.
1. Hoc. dao, digging sticks are associated with whi ch 16. \ Vhi ch country is t he lin;t lnrgt'tit producer of rice?
ty pe of farming? (CBSE 20 12]
Ans; [CBSE201T)
Ans :
C hiua.
Primitive s ubsistence formiug.
U. lu{fol i.':I tl1e lt1rgt'tit producer l\.':I we ll us t'Q nsumer uf
l \\' hich crop is grown with the onset monsoons 11nd 11re whi ch 11gricult.ural prod uct in t.he world?
ha rn~tcd in the rn ont h of Septe m her and October? An:, : (COSE 2014]
Ans: ICIISE 2000) Pulses
ll Which crop is uR-<l OOt,h a8 food un<l fodder?
l Whi ch crop i.~ t he major crop of rahi"! [Cl3SE 20 14] Ans: [CBS E 2015)
Ans : ~laize.
Wheat 19. Which crop is known as golde n fibre'!
11. Nam cso111urnh i crop,;. [CBSE 2015] Ans: [CBSE2015)
Ans : Ju te.
Wheat , barley, peas, gram and mustard. 21. Which state is t he largest producer of ragi'r
fl. Name t he two ituportant wheat growing zones in Ans: ICDSE 201 8)
India. K11rn11t11kn.
Ans: ICBSE2015]
2t Ju whidi type of soil does maize grow well'! re\-o!ut ion.
Ans : {C8SE2011] c. Land development prognumm.-s : Prol'isiou for
Old alluvial. cro p in su rrmce agni nst drought, nood , cyclone
etc., cst11blisl1111e11t of GrnmL'CII bunks. Coopcruti1·c
socictia, and hanks for providing loans.
THREE MARKS QUESTIONS <l. Issui ng of Kis.-;{ln Credit Card and Pcrl:l()llal
Accident lnsuranceScheme,etc.
22. "Dense and efficient network of transport is a pre- Special weather bulletin:; and agricultural
requisite for l=al and uatioual devclopweut"·. Analy:sc programm e:, for farmers on radio and TV.
t he statement. H. Explain any two geograp hi cal conditions required for
ICBSE2018] the c11hiv,1tiou of pulse,;. Name nuy two importnut
a. The pl'll.-c of development of cou ntry depends pnLo;es prod nci ng stat,~. [C BSE2013]
upon the product ion of goods and services 11s well o,
as their movement over space. Therefore efficient \V hy the pulses urc most ly !(town in rot11tion with
means of trans()Ort are pre-reqnisite for national ot her cro1i;;·t Name nny two mnjor pu lse prod11ciug
de\"elopment. st ntes?
b. Today, the world has hoe11 oom·er tcd into I\ large Aus : [C BSE201t]
\'illnge wich the help of efficient and fast moving P11lscs arc mostly grown in rotation with other crops
trausport system. ht.'Cuusc:
c. T he trad e;; from local to i11ternatio1ml levels have Pulses need less moisture and survive even in dry
u<lded to the dtnlity of our L'o:;o nomy witl1 tl1c co nditions.
help of dense and efficient network of t.ran s()Orf. h. Bei ng legumi nous cropi; , all these crops
in the co uutry. ll !ms curichL'< I our life 1md addL'tl
r. lajor pulse producing states arc Madhyn
suli;;tantiall.r to growing ,u11c11ities 11.ll(l facililies Prn(ksh uud Uttur Pradesh.
for the comforts of life.
21. Give an acco unt of oilseeds in India. State the
23. \Vh icl1 arc the two 111ui11 cropping ,;c!l.'SIJns in lndi n"! im portance of groundnut, and name the slates where
r.Iention their growing 1111d harvesting periods.

it is grown. [CBSE 2013]
Ans : ICBSE2015)
The two m11i11 cropping se11SOIIS urc Rabi und Kl111rif: D,:;i;cribc the uses of oil.s<..""L-ds? Wliich state is th4•
a. lli1hi cropi; are sown in winter from October t.o producer of groundnu t'!
December and lmn= tL-d in summer from April Ans : ICBSE201
to Juue. l111portu11cc:
b. Kharif crops are sown with the onset of monsoon a. A re edihlc and used as cooking med ium
in different parts of the country and harw,ncd iu
h. Ust'tl ns rnw material in production of soap .
co,;mutic:1andoi 11t.meut..
24. \Vlmt a re the growing conditions rcquirL-d for the main c. lndia-lnrgL-.;l producer.
sta ple food crop of India? :\lention the main growing Grouudnlll:
regions. [CBSE 2014] Khari fc rop.
Aus : Li. Accounts half of the torn] oiL'!(."L'<l production.
c. State: Andhra Pradesh. Tam il NM n . Kt1rnntaka,
Growing L"(mditions fL'(1uiwd for rice:
Gujarat und Malmrnshtru.
11.Hi gh tcmpe rnturc (above 25"C). It is a Kharif
h. High humidity with imuuu.l miufoll above 100 cm. FIVE MARKS QUESTIONS
~lain growing n.sgion.~: Northern plains,
northeastern ludia. Coastal areas, dcltaic p lains nnd 21. ~T he Go\-ernment of India has im rodnced variotL~
river rnlleys. institutio11ul tmd tL-clmological re forms to impro\"e
25. Describe the institutional and technical changes ngricu lture in t hu 1980s nml 1990s" . Snpport t his
int rod uced in the field of agriculture in India in the st ate111eut with cxnmplcs. [CDSE 2018]
recent ycan;. [CBSE 2014]
o, Compare intensive subsistence forming with that of
\Vh at were tl1e tttt.rih ut ~•~ of 1he comprehensi\-c land connnercial farming pract it."(.'<I iu ludin.
development progranune initiated in India in the A11s : ICBSE2018)
decade 1980 and 1990. (CBSE20 15] In the 1980s and 1990s, a comprehensive lnnd
development programme wa.s iuitiatt..'< I, which
Oo:;cribc any three t echnological and institutiouul included hotl1 institutional and technical reforms.
reforms miu!ti in the field of agricul ture in India. b. Pro\·~ ion for crop insunrn<..-c against drought ,
A u..s : ICBSE201r;J nood , cyclone. fire and <lisca.--.e establ ishment of
a. Land reforms: L-O llect.ivizntion, consolidation of Gramccn bank,; for providing loau fodlitk':1 to
holdings, cooperation and a holit.ion of ;mmimlari. the farmers at lower rates of interest. 111~rt: llt)ll\U
b. Agricultural reforms: Green revolution and White importat1t steps in this direction.
KiSS11.n Credit Card (KCC) . pcr;;onal accidcut
insurance sc heme are some other schemes c. R11gi-grovi11 well in dry region 011 red . hlac k. Slllld_\'
iutro<lucc<l by the government of lu<lia for the un<l lo1.1my soils.
benefit of the farmers . Stult.'ll produdng-Tnmil Nu<l u, Himu.d111I Prmk>sl1.
d. Special weather bulletins and agricultural Uttnrn khan<l and Sik kim
prograuunes for farmers were imrodure<l un th e
radio and tclc\"ision. 31. Which crop is known IL'- 1hc ·golden fihr<?"! Expla..iu
e. The go\·erm nent also /IIIII Ol\11(.-0, mi11imu111 suppo rt Kll}' t\\-O geograph ical coudi t ions Psseut inl for the

price, remnnerntivc an<l procuremen t. prices for cultivation of t his crop. ~lentio11 its any four uses.
important croµ,s tu cli'--ck t ile cxploitutiun of [CBSE S.R 20 16- 17)
fann crs hy s1-.ccul ators an<l middlemen. Ans :
.l ute is called t he gulden fi hre.
lntcnsi\"C S ubsistence Comm ercial Farming b. Googra1lhical conditions:
Farming c. Grows well in drniued ferti le soil of the flood
plains where the soil is renewed every year.
I. This type of farming: In this type of farming
d. High temperature is rl"(Jttired <luriug the time of
is prnc tis1.:,J ill urcw; single crop is grow n on
of high population a large area.
Useti: Con be w;c,:I lo 11u111ufact11re gunny b11g:;, 111at.s,
pn.'>ISure 011 lnnd. ropes , yam. carpets ani l 01 hcr artefact s.
2 It is labour-int.ensin: Themain characteristic
forming. where high of this type of farmiag
<loi;e1 of hiochemical is the use of higher
input li 11ml irrigntion d= of
are used for oh01i11ing modern inputs e.g.
higher prod uclio11 HYV seeds, chc1nica!
fertilisers. insecticides
and pesticides in
order to ubt aiu lligh!cr
product ivity.
3. Thougli the •right of In com mercial farming
inherit anoo leading to plan ta tion has an
the di\·i.,; iou of laud interfan: of ugricu!ture 3t Name any four ~il:;t.'t..'(ls produc(.'(I in Iudia. E.xp laiu t h- •
a mong successive and industry. h covers importance of o!lso.•eds in 0 11.r day-to-day life.
generation has large tractis of hmd Ans : (CBSE S.R 20111- 1
rcudcro:I land-holding using ca pital i11tcn~i n i (i) Groumhmt (ii ) t-.l ust ard
si1.c. U11cco110111ical t he i11put.s, with the help of (iii) Cocormf. (i\') Scs.i!mun
formers cont inue to mi gra nt lnhourers. (\·) Soyubc1111. ~unflowcr: etc.
Ink<? maximum ou tput Im portance of oilseeds:
from thd limitt,,J laud l\ ltl!lt of th, nrc edible in the form of oil. Usc..'(I as raw
iu the absence of material for manu facturin g 1miuts, v11.rn i.~hes. soaps.
11.ltenmti\'C oourcc of ]>e rfumC!! etc. oil cake is w;c,:I as cuttle focd . Oil cake
li\'elihoo<l. isalsouSt.'<la.safcrtiliser.
4. In thi.,; type of farmiug Croµti are muiuly 32. i\fomion any two geogr11ph ical conditioJL~ required for
crops are grown for grown for t.he market the growth of maize crop iu ludia. Describe any thrL'C
fnmi l_y cons umption. ur used in indu.slry 11.\1 fact.o rs which ha\'C cont.rihuted to in rn 11.izc
r11w materiul. production.
5. Rice, wheat , mniie, Ten, coffoc , sugarcane, Ans : ICBSE2016]
are mainly grown with r ubber, banana etc. are Goographical c:ondit.ions required for the growth of
the help of tradit ional grown wit h the help of maize crop in lmlin:
tools. modern inputs. It is II kharif crop whieh re(Juin.."> tem perature
29. What arc millet s'! Gi\·c brief dl'SCription of the clhnnt.i c bctWl'CII 2 1°c to 27"C.
t-ouditiom; and prod ucing ~tatl>s of the millet s grown b. It gro\\'S \\'ell in nl!uvial .soil.
in India. [CDSE S. ll 20 16- 17] Ui<Cofmodern inpntssnch as HY Y ... fertilisers
Ans: anJ irrigutiou have contribuh:d to the increasiug
,\ lill<?ts arc coarse grains h11t hm-e high 11111.ritional product ion of maize.
v11lue e.g., ragi-rich in irou, !citlciUlll. 33. Ex pli1 i11 any three goograpl1ical conditions required for
.lo\\m-Rain fed crop;, mostly grown in moist area. t he growth of rice in lmliu, Ho\\' is it po,,.si blc to grow
States pro<luci ug-Haharashtra, Kl1nmt11kn u.nd rice in areas of les.<i rainfall'! Explain with examples.
M P. A mi : ICBSE2015]
b. Dajra-grown well on sandy w ils 1111d shallow black Three googra ph ic11l conditions for t he growt Ii of rice:
soil. States producing- Raj ast.!111.n. t-. la luuashtrn , a It requirffi hi gh t em perature, (abm'C 25°C) .
Gujarat. Haryn na and UP. b. Annual rniufoll above 100 cm .
c. High humid ity 7 The gonirnmcnt provides HYV seeds and
It is possible to grow rice in areas of ]cs,; rainfall ferti lisers.
8. Government provides technica l a..-..;istancc and
wit h the help of irrigation in Punjah an<l Haryana.
training for farmel"li.
34. \Vhy has t he agriculmrc sector in India got a major 9. Soil te.ting facililie,;, cold storage and
setback iu spite of increase iu the GDP growt h rate? tnmsportation fociliticis tlrc provided by
[CBSE 20 15] government forfarnmfl<.
A IL~:
31. Define plantation 11gricnltnrc. Explnin llllY four
!\lore an<l more lan<l is used. for construction of dmructeristks of pl11utation agriculture.
factories, warchom;c,; aud shelters whieh w<luce<l Ans: [CBSE20ll]
the land under cultivation. Plantat ion Agricohure: It is II type of commercial
b. Soil gets degraded by 1hc use of pesticides. furmiug pructi.S\.-<l in truµicu.l uuJ suh-truµirn l regio~;, O\-er irrigation, etc.. which leads to
It was introduced by tho Bril ish in India.
water logging and i;alinity. Clmrnctcristiu;;
Tod ay Ind ian farmers are faciug a big challcuge a. A single crop is grown m~r large area.
from international competition .
b. h is capital intensive and doue with migrant
d. Our gO\"CflllllCIU is ll..'(!Ucing the public iuwl!tment
in agriculture. subsidy on have c. All produce is 1L'iCd. as raw material in in<lustrie,;
dt..-crerus<.><l. such a..,; tea. coffee, r ubber, sugarcane. bummn,
e. Heduct.ion in imporl duties on agricnltnrnl
products ha\·e pro\·cd detrimental to agriculture J. Pluntation ha:; iutcrfocc of agriculture und
inthe1..-01mtr;',". ind11srry hot h .
35. \Vlult llre 1he climatic conditions requir{'{[ for the 31. "Wheat and rice farming in India nrr, fair ly different
growth of rice? [CBSE 2014j from each other~. Support the stntemeut wit h fa·e
A11.s: suitable examples. (CBSE 2012]
Climatic condit iom; rcq uir{'{I for the growth of rice: o,
a . It is a Kharif crop whkh req11ire:. high hm1pera111re Wheat and rice farming in lndill are fairly different

(aho\·e25°C). from each other. Expliliu.
b. High humidity with annual rni nfall 11bove 100 cm. Ans;
c. Jnt hearcasof lc:ssrninfall.itgrowswiththe help
Brnsis of Wcat Rice
of irrigat iou.
d. It is grown in t he plains of nort h an d north-easten d ifference
India, coastal arctlll and tl1c deltaic regions. 1. Hninfnll 50-75 cm Alxwe 100 cm
e. Develop ment of dense network of Cflnal irrigation
2. Temperature 15" cm Aho\·c25"c m
anJ t ubcwells hu\"c m1\U.e it p(.l!;.Sible to grow rice iu
areas or less rai nfall such as P1 mjRh and Haryam\. 3. Arca wise North and
Dist ribution Nort h-west nml nort h-west
36. Suggest any fh~ mca,;nrc,, to enhance t he agriculCural part of the count ry
production in India. [CBSE 201 4)
4. Ty pe or Rubi Kharif
Explain any fa·c inst itutional and tL-clmical reforms Crop
brought by the gonmrnienl to improve the co111lit io11 5. ;\I a j o r P1111jah Wcst Bcngul
of Indian Agricultnre. [CBSE 2012,2011.2010] Prod ncer

Describe any fi\"C steps tllkeu by the gcwcrnme11t of 39. Dist ingnish betw1JCn primitive suh!-;i:.tencc forming
Indi a to incrc,~ tl1e productivity of agriculture iu and commercial farm ing by :.tat ing fin: points of
India. distinct ion.
Aus : [CBS E2012)
Ans: ICBSE 201 2)
I. Land reforms: Collectivisation, cu11.SOlid11lion of Suhsistcnccfam1ing Commercial fanning
hold ings. cooperation and aholition of wmindari.
I. It is practist.'(I 011 small It is practi.S\.'(I 011 a
2. Agricultuml reforms: GrL-cn rcvulutiou aud \\' hitc
pa tches. large sca le.
3. Llmd development p rognunmes: P ro\'isiou fo r 2. Far ming depends 011 l rriga tiou fncilities
crop insurance agai nst drouii,ht. flood. cydmw, Irrigation arc avai11tble.
etc, L'Sta hlishment ofCrnruceu bauks. Cooperative 3. P rimi tive tools are used Modcru techuology
socictit"S 1111d bauk.s for providing loans. istL-;e(i.
4. Iss uing of Ki.s.~ar1 Credit Card and Personal
ALt ide111 lnsuraucc Scl1e111e, etc. <I. Product ion is low. Production is high.
5. S1>ccial weat her bulletins and agricnltnral 5. No cootly fertilisefll are Chemical fert.iliser.;
programmes for fornters 011 radio uud TV. \L'il.>J. !lrC\lliL>J.
6. Qo\"Cfllmcnl ann0llllCel l\·linimum Support Price
6. Family memhet'l< provide Labouret'l< a re hired.
(MSP ) and rcmuncrntivc and procure111c11t prices
to check exploitatiou.
Subi.istencc farming Commercial farmiug 41. \Vhich arc the ty,u major cotton producing states of
North l11di11 ? Describe four geogrnphical conditions
7. Only cereals and other Commercial crops fl..'<.JUirL-<l for the growth of L'Oltou. ICBSE 20121
food crof)6 arc grow n arc grow n
U. Dc:;crilJ.c any four gcogrnµhical t'Ou<litious rt'quirt-<l Dci-icribc the geographical conditious required for 1he
for the growth of tea. J\lcntion 1hc Cwo major t c11 cuhiv11tio11 of cotton.
producing stale,; of South lndi /1. ICBSE 20 12] Ans : {CBSE 2011]
ll nrynna and Uttar Pradesh arc the two major cotton
Name t he important bcv1Jrugc crop i111r0<.h1cL-,: I by the producing ijlntcs of Nort h India
British in India. Explain the gt'Ogrnphical t·t.rnclitio11s Geographical conditions required for the cultivat ion
nccrlcrl for its cultimtion. Write any two imponnnt of cotton;
states where it is growu. a. It grows well in drier parts oft he black cottou soil
of the Deccan plateau.
Ju which agriculturul production, lm.li11 is t he len<liug b. It requires high tempernturc.
producer H.'! wdl 11.. exporter in world? DC!lcribc c. It requires light rainfall or irrig1Hion.
the geographical n.-,:p1iremcut,s for its growth and <l. It requires 21 fro,;l frt>t: Juys imd bright ,;unshinc
dcwdopmc11t. [CBSE 2012] forit;;growth.
Q. Ex plain Huhht'.'r cultivat.ion in India under the
\Vhut iu-c the >,0il typt.? . dinmtic t"<m<litions and rainfall
conditions required for t.he cultivation of tea? Write following l1cuds:
two stalL'S of l ndiu where tcu grows. a. lmport11.n cc
b. Gt'Ogmphical co11ditio11s
An!! : ICBSE 201l]
Tea: Grov,-:,; well in tropical and sub-.t ropical
Aus ; [CBSE2011,12)
Importance: Many industries depend 111,011 rubber
b. Soil type: Dt.-,::p and fertile, wcll-<lraiued soil, rich
in 1111mm; nncl orgnnic matters their raw 111aterial t.-spccially trausJ)(}fl industry.

c. Climntc: \ Vann nud moist, frost-fn.'C climnte b. Geograph ical conditions:

(i) It is au t'qUntori11J crop, but under special
throughout 1he year.
d . Ruinfoll: Frt'queut showen; throughout the ycur.
e. Two ,-;tatC!l: Assam , West Bengal. Kerala. Tamil
(ii) :ii:~o:::~::d;~ i ~ - :
Nndu. llimn.clml Pradesh, UttMnklmnd. Amlhru
Pradt.><;h. i\leghalaya and Tripura.
rniufall or more thnn 200 cm aud tempcrat ur
Ubo\'e 25°C.
llnbhcr prodncing states arc Kcrnla. Tamil Nn<li
Kamntuku. Amla11111.11 11.11d Nicobar lslumls nn<
Garo hills of Meglu1.l11.ya.
U. Explain any four features of pri111iti\'e snb,;istencc
11griculture in India.
Au:; : [CBSE20 ll)
Features of primitive subsistence agriculture in India

a. lt is practised on smllll pat.ches of land with the

help of primitive tools.
h. Tools which are ui-t.-,:I arc bn.~ically 1ra,1ition11.I
'1. Dct.cribe rour geographical conditions required for tools such as hoc, dao and digging st ick.
the growth of sugarcnm:. N11111c 1.wo major sugnn;11uc c. This type of agriculture totally depends upo n
producing states of Nort h India. [CBSE 2012]
d. \Vhcu the >,0i] fertility <lecrcascs, the formers ~hift
\\/ hat geographical conditions arc rcquircrl for t.he to another plot or land
culth-ntion of s ug/lrcanc'/ Nmue two largci;t produciug "5 . \Vhat is intcusivc subsistence forming"! Write three
stah~ofsugarcanc. feature! or
iu w nsi\·e farming. [CBSE 20111
A ns ; ICBSE 2011,2010]
Googrnphical conditions required for the growth of
l utcusive subsistence farming is practised iu nrel\S
sugarcane in India:
of high population prcss11re on land. 111 this type of
a. It is a tropical a;; well as sul,-tropicnl crop
farming. the agricultural pr0<.luction is iucrcn."Ksl by
so it re,:1uircs n hot nud humid di mnte with 11
using high dose; of biochemical inputs a nd better
temperature of 24°C to 27°C.
ugricultural iuputs.
b It rt.'quires 1111 mmuul rainfall bctWL>t:n 75 to 100
Features of intensive farming:
cm. High yielding mricty (HYV) seeds uud modem
c. It can be gro11·n 011 11 variety of soili;. chemical inputs irrig11.tio11 are m;ed to increH.'ie
d. l\lajor sngn rnmc producing !:> fa tes of North
the product ion
c. India nrc : Uttnr Pradci;h. Bilmr, Punjab and
b. The per ht-cture y ield is l"cry hi.11,:h.
c. :\ lore than one crop is cultin\ted during 11. year.
Q. Compare the gl•ographical conditions required for the
production or cotton and jute. !C BSE 2012]
Ans :

Collon .Jute
L Cotton requires Jute rC(Jllircs 30°.
more th11n 21 °C of temperature.
temperat ure
2. Rainfall: 50-100 cm Ruiurall: Near about
l f,O cm.
3. Fru;t free days iu-c Hot 11ud humid climt1lc
11111st during Picking is requin:d.
4. Loamy and black soil is Well-drained fertile
fC(lllirc.1 . loamy soil is fC(JUircd.
5. :\lninly grown in Grown in ea:,;tern state,
:\ laharashtra >111d of t he country.
fl. Why is agricultnre c,Alled the mainstay or Indian

What is the importance of agricnlture in Indian


Ans : (C BSE201S]

Agriculture i.~ the mainstay of Indian ()C()nomy
lx.'Causc about 67% of our populntiou dcpcuds
d ifl'ctly or imlim::,ly on ,igriculture.
b. It provides raw materials to the imlustries.
l11di11 eurn;i foreign exchange by exporting
agricultural products.
d. It l"Outributcs about 29% to the gru;s domestic
e. It provides rood to owr 1250 million population.
U. \ V]iy has Indian agriculture sturkd u dl'Cline i11 tlu.1
trend of food production"! How cnn we overcome this
[C BSE2011]
Ans :
Indian agricult.nrc started a docline in the trend of
food pnxluctiou lx'
u. :\ lore 11.m\ more bmd is used for coustrnct ion of
foc toriCti, warehouses and shclten; luwc reduced
the land under cultivation.
h. Soil gets degraded by t he use of pesticides,
fcrtilizcns. over-irrigutiou, etc. which !cuds to
water logging and AAlinity.
RemC(lial Mca,mreti:
a. Use of agricuhurul tedmiqnes which are
endro11111e11tally ,ntstainable.
b. Use or biotl-clmolog.r in modifying diffcrcut crops
and increase the yield per hoctare. It reduces
dcpc11dcncc on insecticides aud ulHO rl'(tUire le:;s

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