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B.Com.(Semester – VI)
FR & FSA Theory Suggestions, 2024

1. AS – 16
2. AS – 33
3. AS – 1
4. Conceptual Framework
5. Name the elements of financial statements and their measurement bases as per the conceptual
framework of Ind-AS.
6. What are the components of financial statements as per Ind-As 1?
7. What is potential ordinary shares? Give two examples of potential ordinary shares.
8. What is property, Plant and equipment as per Ind-AS 16? Mention any two items excluded from the
scope of Ind-AS 16.
9. Specify three purposes of conceptual framework for preparation and presentation of financial statements
of a company.
10. Explain 'understandability' and 'comparability' qualitative characteristics of financial statements.
11. What do you mean by financial statement analysis and its objectives? Why such analysis is required?
Mention five parties who are interested in such analysis with their information need.
12. State the assets to which Ind AS 16 “Property, Plant and Equipment” does not apply.
13. What are the conditions need to be satisfied in order to recognize the cost of an item of property, plant
and equipment as an asset?
14. Define carrying amount and depreciable amount as per Ind AS 16.
15. Differentiate between Traditional and Modern Approaches to financial statement analysis.
16. Explain in brief, the capital maintenance concept in accounting.
17. Write a note on Fair Value Accounting.
18. Distinguish between Comparative Financial Statement and Common Size Financial Statement.
19. Objectives of Financial Statements?

All the very best for the exam!!

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