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EdZola Technologies

Technical Round 1: Developer- Zoho Creator

What should you do?

Create an application that resembles the use cases of Zomato in Zoho Creator. It must contain
all the modules given below:

Module 1:

A module for restaurant owners to add their own menu and price. Only the items which have
been marked available can be shown to the customer. Owner can add a Quantity present as

As a restaurant owner, I should be able to track the sales done by my restaurant, most ordered
items, least ordered items etc.

Module 2:

It must have a module for the customers to place an order. The module must contain the
● Name
● Email
● Contact number
● Location
● Order Details (Note - A customer can place an order for more than one food item)

Note : Total, subtotal of the order to be calculated, If Item is not available, should throw alert to
display “Out of Stock”

Upon successful booking, a confirmation mail should be sent which has a pdf invoice containing
all necessary details.

Module 3 :
It must have a module for the registration of delivery personnel. The driver registration portal
must contain the following:
● Name
● Location
● Locations driver can travel
● Vehicle type

There should be an option to assign every order to a delivery driver based on their location.
Should be able to track the progress on a map.

**Creation of this application can be done completely with respect to your own imagination. Let
there be no restrictions. We love surprises ;)

Steps to execute

Step 1:
Start : Create an account in Zoho Creator

Step 2:
Learn : There are inbuilt apps in Zoho Creator as templates. Install some of them to understand
how Zoho Creator works. Try experimenting with the apps by editing / modifying them. You can
also see some tutorials here.

Step 3:
Ideate : Think of how you can create a Zomato like application in Zoho Creator for the above
requirements. You can design the entire app first in a piece of paper before actually building the
application in Zoho Creator.

Step 4 :
Build : Create a new application with the above-mentioned modules. Do test your application
before sharing it with us.

Step 5:
Demonstrate : Create a screen recorded video of the completed app , and walk us through
different aspects of your application. You will need to submit the video in your submission link.

Step 6:
Export : You can export your Zoho Creator Application as a file. Please follow the instructions
here and upload it in the link sent to your email.

Step 7 :
If you have any questions anytime, do not hesitate to ask. You can write to us at Given the magnitude of applications we have received, we might not be
able to respond to individual technical questions regarding Zoho Creator. In that case, Google
will be your best resource :-)

All the Best! :)

Team EdZola

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