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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Lesson Plan in Science VI

First Quarter- Week 8
October 13, 2023
Friday (9:15 -10:05 AM)
Name of Teacher JOAN IBAY-ANTOLIN Grade/Year Level SIX
Learning Area:Science 6 Quarter:1st LDM: Face to face
Competency: Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as decantation, evaporation, filtering,
sieving and using magnet
CODE: S6MTId-f-2
Indicator 1: Applied knowledge of content within
and across curriculum teaching areas
I. Objectives:
a. Know the importance of separating techniques
b. Identify the different separating mixture techniques
c. Create a filtering tool using stones and sands
d. Separate Mixtures using different techniques

II. Subject Matter:

a. References: MELCs, DepEd SLM Module: Separating Mixtures, DepEd TV,, Google
. com
b. Materials: multimedia presentation, stone, sand, muddy water, plastic bottles, magnet, sieving
tools, nails, flour, oil, spoon
English- Make connections between information viewed and personal experiences
Indicator 1: EN6VC-IVd-1.4
Applied Mathematics-Multiplies mentally decimals up to 2 decimals places by 0.1, 0.01,10, and 100.
knowledge M6NS - Ie -111.4
of content
within and Values Integration: Importance of Separating garbage.
III. Instructional Procedures
A. Preliminary Activities
Before we start look under your tables and chair if there are no any trash.
areas What are the rules before we start our discussion?

1. Drills/Energizer (picture puzzle)


Let them multiply the given equation, each equation has a picture underneath.

The learners should answer all the equation to reveal the picture hidden.

9x0.1= 93x0.01= 8x10=

12x0.1 = 7x100= 46x0.001=

9x10= 100x4= 0.01x87=

Indicator 2: Used a range of teaching strategies that
enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy
2. Review
Present different kind of mixtures to the pupils. Let them identify the substances that are
present in the mixtures. Call a pupil who wants to identify the substances that are present in
the mixture.
What kind mixture is that?
What is Homogeneous?
What is Heterogeneous
3. Motivation

Look at the picture in our puzzle.

Indicator 7: Established a learner-

centered culture by using teaching
strategies that respond to their
linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and
religious backgrounds.

What can you say about the picture?

Who do you think cause the untidiness?
Who should make a move to make our world a better place?
What can we do to lessen the garbage?
Is it important to segregate the garbage? Why?
(choose the learners that will raise their hand and appraise them for actively participating in the class
Indicator 6: Maintained learning environments that
promote fairness, respect and care to

B. Developmental Activities

Explain Indicator 4: Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino

and English to facilitate teaching and learning.
1. Discussion/Presentation of the Lesson

Let us watch a video presentation that will teach us about separating mixture.

What are the benefits of different separating techniques?

Can we use it in our daily lives?

To check if you really understand the lesson let us have a short reporting.
*What are the rules for in working with groupmates?
For 5 minutes, think of what material should use to separate the mixture and explain it to the class.
Group 1. Separating component of mixtures using Filtration Method
Group 2. Separating component of mixtures using Magnetism Method
Group 3. Separating component of mixtures using Decantation Method
Group 4. Separating component of mixtures using Sieving Method
Group 5. Separating component of mixtures using Picking Method
Group 6. Separating component of mixtures using Evaporation Method


2. Performing Activity


Indicator 8:
Adapted and used
culturally appropriate
teaching strategies to
address the needs of
learners from
indigenous groups

For Victoria Rejano-Organo, 49, Aeta tribal chieftain in Barangay del Rosario, Buenavista, Quezon
Province, gone are the days when members of her tribe felt left out in community affairs or

According to Victoria, the Aetas got their main water supply for drinking and general use from the
river, which gets muddy when it rains.It was not just the Aetas who were affected by the problem.
Even the locals also had problems accessing clean and potable water.Sanilyn Balonso, one of the
locals, shared that several children have suffered from diarrhea because of the lack of clean water.

“Marami na ang namatay dahil sa diarrhea. Kaya naman ginusto namin na magkaroon ng malinis na
patubig para masiguro ang kaligtasan at kalusugan ng mga tao dito (Many have died due to diarrhea.
This is why we want to have a potable water system to ensure a safe and clean source of water),”
Sanilyn added.

Filter Making
Group the class into 6. Give each group the materials needed to make their own
filtering tool.
Each group should create a filtering tool and test if it really works by filtering a muddy
After the experimentation the group secretary will write a short explanation on why it is
important to learn the filtering method.
Before we start let us review the rules for in working with groupmates?

Indicator 5: Established safe and

secure learning environments to
enhance learning through the
consistent implementation of policies,
guidelines and procedures.

IV. Generalization


Show pictures of materials/Mixtures and identify what technique of separating mixtures is/are
applicable to these.
V. Evaluation

I. Read carefully the following questions. Analyze the questions and choose the letter of the
correct answer.

1. In a construction site, what method is used to separate gravel (small stones) from sand?
a. centrifugation c. hand picking
b. magnetic separation d. sieving

2. You returned to the beach. This time, you want to separate the salt from the water but saving
the water as well. What is the best method to use?
a. decantation c. distillation
b. evaporation d. filtration

3. Why is filter paper necessary for brewing coffee?

a. It does not do anything.
b. It makes the water taste better.
c. It makes the coffee taste better.
d. It separates the water from the coffee powder.

4. Your mom ask you to soak brown rice in water to prepare it for cooking. After 30 minutes, your
mom told you to give her the rice without water. Which method you will use to separate rice
from water?
a. Decantation c. distillation
b. Hand picking d. Magnetic separation

5. Which of the following is not a benefit of separating mixtures?

a. Can produce pure and clean water.
b. Magnet may be used to find needle easily.
c. Drying clothes
d. Producing clear water

Indicator 9: Used
strategies for providing
timely, accurate and
constructive feedback to
improve learner
performance of learners
VI. Assignment from indigenous groups
Observe the different mixtures that are commonly done at your Kitchen.
List down 3 mixtures need to be separated and tell why?

Mixture Why do we need to separate these mixtures?




Prepared by:

Teacher III

Observed by:
School Principal II

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Prepared by:

Teacher III

Observed by:


School Principal II
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


Pre- Observation

During Observation

Post Observation

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