(MGT111) Assigment 1

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Introduction to Public Administration (MGT111)

Assignment No. 01
Question 1:
Analyze the scenario from the perspective of Weber’s theory of bureaucracy and identify three such
instances when this theory’s principles have been disregarded. Link those instances to specific
violated principles of Weber’s theory in the table provided below.

Violated Principle(s) of Weber's

Instance Theory
Mr. Talha's repeated denial of promotion despite meeting all outlined
requirements and exceeding performance expectations Violation of merit-based promotion
Mr. Hamza's lack of specific reasons for denying Mr. Talha's promotion Violation of formal rules and
requests and providing vague justifications procedures, Lack of transparency
Mr. Talha's frustration due to the disregard for established regulations Violation of formal rules and
documented in the ‘Promotion Procedures Manual’ procedures, Lack of transparency

Question 2
Weber also distinguished between three types of authority, what kind of authorities are being
possessed by Mr. Talha and Mr. Hamza respectively from Weber’s point of view.

Mr. Talha's Authority;

Mr. Talha's authority aligns more closely with legal-rational authority. Legal-rational authority is
based on a system of rules and regulations, where authority is vested in positions rather than
individuals. In this case, Mr. Talha's authority as a potential Sanitation Crew Supervisor would
derive from his position within the bureaucratic hierarchy and his adherence to the established
rules and procedures outlined in the Promotion Procedures Manual.

Mr. Hamza's Authority;

Mr. Hamza's authority, on the other hand, may exhibit elements of traditional authority.
Traditional authority is based on longstanding customs, traditions, and inherited positions of
power. While Mr. Hamza holds a supervisory role within the department, his decision-making
regarding promotion requests appears to lack transparency and adherence to formal rules,
suggesting a reliance on personal discretion rather than formal procedures. This deviation from
legal-rational authority principles can be indicative of elements of traditional authority in Mr.
Hamza's leadership style.

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