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Maths1151 Assignment


Ques+on 1:

(a) Show that 𝑒 !"# + 6 cos(62𝑥) = 0 has exactly one solu+on for 𝑥 ∈ .0, "%0

The intermediate value theorem states,

if 𝑓: [𝑎, 𝑏] → ℝ is con+nuous and 𝑓(𝑎) < 𝑓(𝑐) < 𝑓(𝑏), then ∃𝑐 𝜖 (𝑎, 𝑏) 𝑠. 𝑡 𝑓(𝑐) = 𝑦. This
can help us prove that 𝑒 !"# + 6 cos(62𝑥) = 0 has a solu+on in the domain 𝑥 ∈ .0, "%0.
Essen+ally this implies that if two points on a con+nuous func+on are above and below 0,
there must be some 𝑐 𝑠. 𝑡 𝑓(𝑐) = 0.
Therefore, we must first prove that 𝑒 !"# + 6 cos(62𝑥) = 𝑦 is con+nuous on this interval.

Let 𝑒 !"# + 6 cos(62𝑥) be the func+on 𝑓: .0, "%0 → ℝ. We can say 𝑓 is con+nuous on this
interval if it sa+sfies three proper+es,

1. 𝑓 is con+nuos at 𝑥& for all 𝑥& ∈ .0, "%0,
2. lim 𝑓(0) exists and equals 𝑓(0),
$ $
3. lim
𝑓 E"%F exists and equals 𝑓 E"%F.

By defini+on, all exponen+al func+ons and their transforma+ons such as 𝑒 !"# and
trigonometric func+ons such as 6 cos(62𝑥) sa+sfy all three condi+ons, and therefore as the
func+on 𝑓 is just the sum of these two func+ons, we can say 𝑓 is also con+nuous.


𝑓(𝑎) = 𝑓(0),
𝑒 + 6 cosG62(0)H = 7,
7 > 0,
𝑓(𝑎) > 0.

Repea+ng for the upper limit "%.

𝑓(𝑏) = 𝑓 E"%F,
𝑒 !"*#$+ + 6 cos K62 E"%FL ≈ −5.26,
−5.26 < 0,
𝑓(𝑏) < 0.
So, we have 𝑓(0) = 7 and 𝑓 E"%F ≈ −5.26, and by the intermediate value theorem we have,
−5.26 < 𝑓(𝑐) < 7.
Therefore, ∃𝑐 𝜖 (𝑎, 𝑏) 𝑠. 𝑡 𝑓(𝑐) = 0.

This proves that there is at least one solu+on for 𝑒 !"# + 6 cos(62𝑥) = 0, however it does not
prove there is exactly one solu+on.
To prove there is exactly one solu+on we can use the mean value theorem. To apply the mean
value theorem, we must first know that 𝑓 is both con+nuous and differen+able in our domain.
We know that 𝑓 is con+nuous, but not if it is differen+able. However, by defini+on we know
that both exponen+al func+ons such as 𝑒 !"# and trigonometric func+ons such as 6 cos(62𝑥)
are differen+able ∀𝑥 ∈ ℝ, and therefore must also be differen+able for 𝑥 ∈ [0, "%].
Now let us suppose 𝑎 and 𝑏 are two solu+ons, to 𝑒 !"# + 6 cos(62𝑥) = 0, 𝑠. 𝑡 𝑓(𝑎) = 𝑓(𝑏) =
0. If this is true, then we have a 𝑐 𝑠. 𝑡 𝑎 < 𝑐 < 𝑏 𝑠. 𝑡 𝑓 , (𝑐) = 0.
𝑓 , (𝑥) = -# 𝑒 !"# + 6 cos(62𝑥),
𝑓 , (𝑥) = −6𝑒 !"# − 372 sin(62𝑥),
𝑒 !"# + 6 cos(62𝑥) < 0 ∀𝑥 ∈ .0, "%0.
Therefore, we have a contradic+on as 𝑓 , (𝑐) ≠ 0, and we therefore can only have a maximum
of one x-intercept, which implies there is a unique solu+on to 𝑒 !"# + 6 cos(62𝑥) = 0.

(b) Use MATLAB to plot the le[-hand side of the above equa+on and explain how the plot
illustrates your result in part,
(c) Include both your MATLAB code and your plot in your assignment.

>> x=linspace(0,pi/62,401);
>> y=exp(-6*x)+6*cos(62*x);
>> plot(x,y)
>> grid on
>> title('e^{-6x}+6cos(62x) with 401 points')
>> xlabel('x')
>> ylabel('y')
Figure 1: Matlab Plot of 𝑓(𝑥)
As seen in the plot above, the func+on 𝑒 !"# + 6 cos(62𝑥) appears to be con+nuous
suppor+ng the use of the mean value theorem. It also only visibly only crosses the x axis once
suppor+ng the idea of the unique solu+on. Furthermore, we can see how the func+ons
gradient between points 𝑎 and 𝑏 is nega+ve which also supports the use of the mean value
theorem as there is no turning points within the domain.

Ques+on 2:

(a) Find vectors 𝒏𝟏 and 𝒏𝟐 that are normals to Π0 and Π% respec+vely and explain how
you can tell without performing any extra calcula+ons that Π0 and Π% must intersect
in a line.

We have,
𝑥0 0 1 2
Π0 : V % W = V0W + 𝜆0 V−1W + 𝜆% V1W,
𝑥1 0 1 0
𝑥0 2 1 2
Π% : V % W = V−2W + 𝜇0 V−1W + 𝜇% V1W,
𝑥1 3 2 1

where 𝑥0 , 𝑥% , 𝑥1 , 𝜆0 , 𝜆% , 𝜇0 , 𝜇% ∈ ℝ.

1 2
The plane Π0 is created by two vectors V−1W and V1W, which create the span of the plane.
1 0
We also know that 𝑎 · 𝑏 = |𝑎| · |𝑏| cos(𝜃) = 0. Therefore, two vectors nonzero vectors 𝑎 and
𝑏 in ℝ2 are said to be orthogonal (normal) if 𝑎 · 𝑏 = 0, as this implies that cos(𝜃) = 0, 𝜃 = % .
Therefore, if we find 𝒏𝟏 such that the dot product of 𝒏𝟏 and the two vectors crea+ng the span
of Π0 will be equal to 0, the resultant vector 𝒏𝟏 will be orthogonal to the plane.

1 2
V−1W · 𝒏𝟏 = V1W · 𝒏𝟏 = 0,
1 0
Let 𝒏𝟏 = V % W,
1 𝑥0 2 𝑥0
V−1W · V𝑥% W = V1W · V𝑥% W = 0,
1 𝑥1 0 𝑥1
𝑥0 − 𝑥% + 𝑥1 = 2𝑥0 + 𝑥% = 0.

Conver+ng these two linear equa+ons into a matrix gives,

1 −1 1 0 1 −1 1 0
. ^ 0 𝑅 → 𝑅% − 2𝑅0 . ^ 0,
2 1 00 % 0 3 −2 0
𝑥% = 1 𝑥1 ,
𝑥0 + 1 𝑥1 = 0.
Let 𝑥1 = 𝛼 as it is the non-leading parameter,
0 0
𝑥0 −1𝛼 −
𝒏𝟏 = V𝑥% W = a % 𝛼b = 𝛼 a %b.
𝑥1 1 1
1𝛼 1

Therefore, we have the orthogonal vector 𝒏𝟏 is equal to 𝛼 a %b. If we take 𝛼 = 3 we have,
𝒏𝟏 = V 2W.

Repea+ng the same process for 𝒏𝟐 and Π% we obtain,

𝒏𝟐 = 𝛽 V 1W.
Choosing 𝛽 = 1,

𝒏𝟐 = V 1W.

Looking at 𝒏𝟏 and 𝒏𝟐 we see that they are not scalar mul+ples of each other implying they’re
not parallel. This means that they will intersect at some point, also meaning that the two
planes Π0 and Π% are not parallel and will have to intersect at a line.

(b) Find Cartesian equa+ons for the planes Π0 and Π%

𝑥0 0 1 2
Π0 : V % W = V0W + 𝜆0 V−1W + 𝜆% V1W,
𝑥1 0 1 0
𝑥0 = 𝜆0 + 2𝜆% ,
𝑥% = −𝜆0 + 𝜆% ,
𝑥1 = 𝜆0 .
Subs+tu+ng 𝑥1 = 𝜆0 into 𝑥0 and 𝑥% ,
𝑥0 = 𝑥1 + 2𝜆% ,
𝑥% = −𝑥1 + 𝜆% ,
subs+tu+ng 𝑥% + 𝑥1 = 𝜆% into 𝑥0 ,
𝑥0 = 3𝑥1 + 2𝑥% ,
𝑥0 − 2𝑥% −3𝑥1 = 0.
This gives the final cartesian form for Π0 .
𝑥0 2 1 2
Repea+ng the process for Π% : V % W = V−2W + 𝜇0 V−1W + 𝜇% V1W,
𝑥1 3 2 1
𝑥0 = 2 + 𝜇0 + 2𝜇% ,
𝑥% = −2 − 𝜇0 + 𝜇% ,
𝑥1 = 3 + 2𝜇0 + 𝜇% .

Subs+tute 𝑥1 − 3 − 2𝜇0 = 𝜇% into 𝑥0 and 𝑥% ,

𝑥0 = −4 + −3𝜇0 + 2𝑥1 ,
𝑥% = −5 − 3𝜇0 + 𝑥1 .

Subs+tute 𝑥% = −5 − 3𝜇0 + 𝑥1 into 𝑥0 ,

# 34!#
𝑥0 = −4 − 3 E $ !1 &F + 2𝑥1 ,
𝑥0 − 𝑥% − 𝑥1 = 1.
This gives the cartesian form for Π% .

(c) For your first method, assign one of 𝑥0 , 𝑥% or 𝑥1 to be the parameter 𝜔 and then
use your two Cartesian equa+ons for Π0 and Π% to express the other two variables
in terms of 𝜔 and hence write down a parametric vector form of the line of
intersec+on 𝐿.

From above we have Π0 : 𝑥0 − 2𝑥% −3𝑥1 = 0 and Π% : 𝑥0 − 𝑥% − 𝑥1 = 1. We can use this to

create an segmented matrix with 2 equa+ons.

1 −2 −3 0 1 −2 −3 0
. ^ 0 𝑅% → 𝑅% − 𝑅0 . ^ 0,
1 −1 −1 1 0 1 2 1

As 𝑥1 is the only non-leading variable, we’ll assign it the parameter 𝜔 ∈ ℝ, (𝑥1 = 𝜔).
Therefore, we can expand the matrix and back subs+tute to get 𝑥0 , 𝑥% and 𝑥1 in terms of 𝜔.

𝑥% + 2𝜔 = 1,
𝑥% = 1 − 2𝜔.
Back subs+tu+ng,
𝑥0 − 2(1 − 2𝜔) − 3𝜔 = 0,
𝑥0 = 2 − 𝜔.

So, we have 𝑥0 = 2 − 𝜔, 𝑥% = 1 − 2𝜔 and 𝑥1 = 𝜔. Therefore, we can use the values to

create an equa+on for the intersect of the two planes.

𝑥0 2−𝜔 2 −1
𝐿: V % W = V1 − 2𝜔W = V1W + 𝜔 V−2W, 𝜔 ∈ ℝ
𝑥1 𝜔 0 1

(d) For your second method, subs+tute expressions for 𝑥0 , 𝑥% and 𝑥1 from the parametric
form of Π% into your Cartesian equa+on for Π0 and hence find a parametric vector
form of the line of intersec+on 𝐿.

We have the cartesian form of Π0 : 𝑥0 − 2𝑥% −3𝑥1 = 0.

𝑥0 2 1 2
We have the parametric form of Π% : V𝑥% W = V−2W + 𝜇0 V−1W + 𝜇% V1W.
𝑥1 3 2 1

Therefore, we have,
𝑥0 = 2 + 𝜇0 + 2𝜇% ,
𝑥% = −2 − 𝜇0 + 𝜇% ,
𝑥1 = 3 + 2𝜇0 + 𝜇% .

Subs+tu+ng 𝑥0 , 𝑥% and 𝑥1 into 𝑥0 − 2𝑥% −3𝑥1 = 0 gives,

(2 + 𝜇0 + 2𝜇% ) − 2(−2 − 𝜇0 + 𝜇% ) − 3(3 + 2𝜇0 + 𝜇% ) = 0,

3 + 3𝜇0 + 3𝜇% = 0.
We let 𝜇% = 𝜔, 𝜔 ∈ ℝ.

3 + 3𝜇0 + 3𝜔 = 0,
𝜇0 = −𝜔 − 1.

Therefore, we subs+tute this back into 𝑥0 , 𝑥% and 𝑥1 .

𝑥0 = 𝜔 + 1,
𝑥% = 2𝜔 − 1,
𝑥1 = 1 − 𝜔.
𝑥0 𝜔+1 1 1
𝐿: V % W = V2𝜔 − 1W = V−1W + 𝜔 V 2W, 𝜔 ∈ ℝ
𝑥1 1−𝜔 1 −1

(e) Now, use Matlab to help find the line of intersec+on or Π0 and Π% . Use the following
steps. Include your Matlab code and output in your write up.

i. Equate the right-hand sides of the parametric forms of these planes to obtain a
system of 3 linear equations for 𝜆0 , 𝜆% , 𝜇0 and 𝜇% .

𝑥0 0 1 2
Π0 : V𝑥% W = V0W + 𝜆0 V−1W + 𝜆% V1W,
𝑥1 0 1 0
𝑥0 2 1 2
Π% : V𝑥% W = V−2W + 𝜇0 V−1W + 𝜇% V1W.
𝑥1 3 2 1

𝜆0 + 2𝜆% 2 + 𝜇0 + 2𝜇%
g 0 + 𝜆% h=g −2 − 𝜇0 + 𝜇% h, where 𝜇0 , 𝜇% , 𝜆0 , 𝜆% ∈ ℝ
𝜆0 3 + 2𝜇0 + 𝜇%

This matrix creates the 3 linear equa+ons,

𝜆0 + 2𝜆% − 𝜇0 − 2𝜇% , = 2, (1)

−𝜆0 + 𝜆% + 𝜇0 − 𝜇% = −2, (2)
𝜆0 − 2𝜇0 − 𝜇% = 3. (3)

ii. Enter an augmented matrix for this linear system in Matlab and use rref to find
the reduced row echelon form of this matrix.

1 2 −1 −2 2
We’ll use the augmented matrix, g−1 1 1 −1i−2h, where 𝜇0 , 𝜇% , 𝜆0 , 𝜆% ∈ ℝ
1 0 −2 −1 3

We can use matlab to create a reduced matrix form for the above matrix.

>> a=[1,2,-1,-2,2;-1,1,1,-1,-2;1,0,-2,-1,3]

a =

1 2 -1 -2 2

-1 1 1 -1 -2

1 0 -2 -1 3

>> rref(a)

ans =

1 0 0 1 1

0 1 0 -1 0

0 0 1 1 -1

Therefore, the reduced row echelon form of the matrix is,

1 0 0 1 1
g0 1 0 −1i 0 h
0 0 1 1 −1


From the reduced row echelon form matrix, we can get three equa+ons,

𝜆0 = 1 − 𝜇% , (1)
𝜆% = 𝜇% , (2)
𝜇0 + 𝜇% = −1. (3)

Let 𝜇% = 𝜔 because it is a non-leading variable, and subs+tute (1) and (2) into Π0
𝑥0 0 1 2
Π0 : V𝑥% W = V0W + (1 − 𝜔) V−1W + 𝜔 V1W,
𝑥1 0 1 0
1 1
= V−1W + 𝜔 V 2W.
1 −1

Therefore, the line of intersec+on is,

𝑥0 1 1
𝐿: V𝑥% W = V−1W + 𝜔 V 2W, 𝜔 ∈ ℝ.
𝑥1 1 −1

(f) If your parametric forms in parts (c), (d) and (e) are different, check that they
represent the same line. If your parametric forms in parts (c), (d) and (e) are the
same, explain how they could have been different while still describing the same

Method 1 (a):

𝑥0 2 −1
𝐿: V𝑥% W = V1W + 𝜔 V−2W, 𝜔 ∈ ℝ
𝑥1 0 1

Method 2 (b):
𝑥0 1 1
𝐿: V𝑥% W = V−1W + 𝜔 V 2W, 𝜔 ∈ ℝ
𝑥1 1 −1

Method 3 (c):

𝑥0 1 1
𝐿: V % W = V−1W + 𝜔 V 2W, 𝜔 ∈ ℝ.
𝑥1 1 −1

Lines (b) and (c) are the same, however there is a disparity with line (a). To check if they are
the same line, they (a) must have a scalar mul+ple of the direc+onal vector of (b) and (c), as
well as intersec+ng the same point as (b) and (c).


−𝜔 = 1,
−2𝜔 = 2,
𝜔 = −1.

Therefore, we can see 𝜔 = −1, and therefore (a) has the same direc+onal vector as (b) and
2 −1 1
We must also check share a similar point, or ∃𝜔 ∈ ℝ 𝑠. 𝑡 V1W + 𝜔 V−2W = V−1W.
0 1 1
This gives three linear equa+ons,

2−𝜔 =1
1 − 2𝜔 = −1

As seen there exists a solu+on where 𝜔 = 1, and therefore (a) is the same line as (b) and (c).

(g) Find 𝒎 = 𝒏𝟏 × 𝒏𝟐 and show that 𝑚 is parallel to the line you found in parts (c), (d)
and (e)

We have,

−1 −1
𝒏𝟏 = V 2W, 𝒏𝟐 = V 1W.
3 1

The vector 𝑚 represents the cross product of 𝑛0 and 𝑛% .


−1 −1
𝒎 = V 2W × V 1W,
3 1

And therefore, the determinant is,

𝑒0 𝑒% 𝑒1
𝒎 = n−1 2 3 n,
−1 1 1

𝒎 = 𝑒0 G2 × 1 − (3 × 1)H − 𝑒% G−1 × 1 − (3 × −1)H + 𝑒1 (−1 × 1 − (2 × −1)),

𝒎 = −𝑒0 − 2𝑒% + 𝑒1 ,

𝒎 = V−2W.
1 −1 1
We need to know if ∃𝜔 ∈ ℝ 𝑠. 𝑡 𝜔 V 2W = V−2W. Note that V 2W is the direc+onal vector
−1 1 −1
of 𝐿.

𝜔 = −1, 2𝜔 = −2, −𝜔 = 1.

By observa+on have 𝜔 = −1, and therefore the cross product of 𝒏𝟏 and 𝒏𝟐 is parallel to 𝐿.
(h) Give a geometric explana+on of the result in part (g).

Part (g) states that the cross product of the normal vectors of both planes is parallel to the
line of intersec+on between the planes.

This happens because every individual line that creates the span of the plane is perpendicular
to the normal vector of the plane. Therefore, the shared line between both spans of the planes
is perpendicular to the normal vector of both planes. By the proper+es of cross products, the
cross product of both normals will be perpendicular to both lines, which shares the same
proper+es as the line of intersec+on. Therefore, the cross product of both normals is parallel
to the line of intersec+on.

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