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1. What is a key to group effectiveness according to the text?

A) Emphasizing task-oriented roles exclusively

B) Balancing task-oriented and socioemotional roles
C) Avoiding socioemotional roles
D) Having more destructive roles

2. Which role involves generating new ideas but often lacks interest in details?
A) Chairperson
B) Devil’s advocate
C) Brainstormer
D) Expert

3. Who is responsible for keeping the group organized and on track?

A) Brainstormer
B) Chairperson
C) Implementer
D) Representative

4. What characteristic best describes a devil’s advocate?

A) Optimistic and excited
B) Methodical and serious
C) Rebellious and curious
D) Assertive and direct

5. Which role acts as a liaison with external groups?

A) Secretary
B) Implementer
C) Representative
D) Expert
6. The socioemotional role of an advocate involves:
A) Challenging members to express true feelings
B) Encouraging new ideas and recommending change
C) Mediating to reach solutions
D) Recording the group’s activities

7. Who typically boosts and motivates the group's morale?

A) Confronter
B) Peacemaker
C) Encourager
D) Mediator

8. The peacemaker role is best described as:

A) Initiating and guiding discussions
B) Recording activities and maintaining the group's memory
C) Resolving conflict and ensuring fairness
D) Generating new ideas

9. Which destructive role is characterized by hostility and domination?

A) Aggressor
B) Blocker
C) Distracter
D) Husher

10. The recognition seeker in a group often:

A) Avoids conflict at all costs
B) Delays plans and avoids action
C) Seeks attention and related activities back to themselves
D) Feels threatened by group actions
11. A norm in a church setting might be:
A) Being punctual to services
B) Cheering loudly during a sermon
C) Discussing personal issues openly
D) Wearing casual attire

12. Conformity to group norms often leads to:

A) Reduced group cohesion
B) Increased group cohesiveness
C) Negative individual wellbeing
D) More frequent conflicts

13. What’s the best strategy for making highly cohesive groups?
A) Reducing group size
B) Appointing a devil's advocate
C) Eliminating diversity
D) Avoiding assertive group members

14. Which leadership style is characterized by dictating orders and making decisions
without group input?
A) Autocratic
B) Collaborative
C) Laissez-faire
D) Transformational

15. Collaborative leaders are known for:

A) Dominating group discussions
B) Making decisions unilaterally
C) Consulting with group members
D) Avoiding group interaction
16. A teacher who leaves students to sort out their own roles with little intervention likely
has which leadership style?
A) Autocratic
B) Collaborative
C) Laissez-faire
D) Transformational

17. Transformational leaders are effective because they:

A) Dictate tasks and deadlines
B) Leave group members to work independently
C) Provide vision and motivate members
D) Focus solely on task completion

18. Which leader integrates culturally diverse groups while maintaining their identities?
A) Autocratic leader
B) Collaborative leader
C) Transformational leader
D) Cultural leader

19. Which socioemotional role is similar to the devil’s advocate but focuses more on group
members' feelings?
A) Confronter
B) Encourager
C) Mediator
D) Tension-reliever

20. The role of the tension-reliever is to:

A) Record group activities
B) Encourage new ideas and changes
C) Break the ice and defuse conflicts with humor
D) Seek external support for the group
Short Answer Questions
21. Describe the role of the chairperson in a group.
The chairperson organises and leads group meetings. They set the agenda, keep discussions
on track, ensure everyone gets a chance to speak, and make sure the group stays focused on
its goals. They also represent the group to outside parties.

22. What is the primary concern of individuals who assume task-oriented roles?
People in task-oriented roles focus on getting the job done. Their main concern is achieving
the group's goals efficiently and effectively, meeting deadlines, and maintaining high
standards in the group's work.

23. How does a mediator contribute to group harmony?

A mediator helps keep the group peaceful by resolving conflicts. They listen to all sides, help
everyone understand each other, and find solutions everyone can agree on. This prevents
disputes from disrupting the group's work and keeps the group working well together.

24. Explain how the recognition seeker can be counterproductive in a group setting.
The recognition seeker can be a problem because they want attention and praise more than
they want to help the group. They often distract the group by talking about their own
achievements or issues, which can frustrate others, slow down progress, and create a less
cooperative atmosphere.

25. Discuss the impact of conforming to group norms on individual and group wellbeing.
Conforming to group norms can help the group work better together and create a sense of
belonging. However, too much conformity can stifle creativity and lead to poor decisions if
everyone just goes along with the majority without thinking critically. It's important to
balance following norms with encouraging individual input.

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