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1. The level of government that controls the national security, national economy and currency is the
____(a) federal (b) state (c) municipal (d) local
2. The list that is controlled by the state and local government without the interference of the federal
government is called (a) concurrent list (b) residual list (c) exclusive list (d) preside list
3. Nigeria operates a _____ system of government (a) federal (b) unitary (c) military (d) confederal
4. ______is the highest court in Nigeria (a) High court (b) Supreme court (c) Magistrate court (d)
District court
5. Bye-laws are made by the ____(a) local government (b) governors (c) presidents (d) parliament
6. The federal executive council is headed by the ____(a) governor (b) councilors (c) judges (d)
7. The principle of the rule of law was promulgated by (a) A.V Mandi (b) A.C Dicey (c) A.V Dicey
(d) V.A Crow
8. The principle of the rule of law was first published in a book titled (a) Introduction to the law of
the Constitution (b) Introduction to Law (c) Principle of Law (d) Principle of the law of
9. _____is referred to as legal entitlement a citizen enjoys in a country. (a) Foundational right (b)
Fundamental Human Rights (c) Principal entitlement (d) Legal obligation
10. These are limitations to the rule of law except (a) customs and traditions (b) unlawful detention
(c) executive immunity (d) peace
11. The statement “nobody is above the law” means (a) the supremacy of the law (b) partial principle
(c) fair hearing (d) right to privacy
12. A person who absconds from the law is referred to as a _______(a) accused (b) fraud (c) noble
(d) fugitive
13. These are situations that could mar a society except (a) kidnapping (b) child trafficking (c) rape
(d) harmony
14. The highest form of punishment is (a) death sentence (b) flogging (c) payment of fines (d)
15. All of these except _____brings chaos in society (a) armed robbery (b) fraud (c) electoral
malpractice (d) payment of taxes
16. The mass media consist of all except (a) television (b) magazine (c) pen (d) radio
17. The umbrella the governs all trade unions is (a) Nigeria Labour Congress (b) Action Group (c)
Nigeria Conservative (d) Occupy Trade Acts
18. The most important human right is (a) right to speech (b) right to property ownership (c) right to
life (d) right to education
19. The rule of law was propounded in the year (a) 1884 (b) 1885 (c) 1886 (d) 1887
20. _______is referred to as grass root government (a) federal government (b) state government (c)
local government (d) executive government
21. An urgent situation that requires immediate attention is called _____(a) emergency (b)
suddenness (c) problem (d) challenges
22. _____is used to snuff out fire outburst at home or school. (a) Fire repellant (b) Fire extinguisher
(c) power changer (d) electric quencher
23. A sudden societal disorder which may lead to panic, death, or injury is called (a) riot (b) sport (c)
conflict (d) peaceful protest
24. A situation in which one loses consciousness over a short period is called (a) break down (b)
fainting (c) exhaustion (d) ventilation
25. The following can result to riot except (a) cultist rivalry (b) political problems (c) boundary
dispute (d) stamina
26. All but one is not a source of value (a) family (b) school (c) church (d) hospital
27. Social justice as a factor that influences values suggests that (a) we should treat people equally
and fairly (b) we should disregard people (c) we should place values on people than ourselves (d)
we should hate others
28. Muslims visit _____for pilgrimage at least once in a lifetime. (a) Mecca (b) Jerusalem (c) Jericho
(d) Israel
29. Polyandrous marriage refers to a marital relationship between (a) a man and a woman (b) a man
and a man (c) a woman and more than a man (d) a man and more than a woman
30. Another term for court marriage is (a) Statutory marriage (b) Islamic marriage (c) Christian
marriage (d) Close marriage
31. A group of people related by blood, tie, marriage or adoption is referred to as (a) family (b)
partnership (c) togetherness (d) bloodlines
32. The act of ascribing roles to an individual based on gender is called (a) gender equality (b) gender
stereotype (c) gender proportion (d) gender coding
33. Male are often considered to be all except (a) uncaring (b) emotional (c) rational (d) brave
34. Your uncles son or daughter is known as your (a) cousin (b) nephew (c) niece (d) auntie
35. What do you call your brother’s or sister’s son? (a) cousin (b) nephew (c) niece (d) auntie
36. The following are the similarities between male and female except (a) similar body parts apart
from genitals (b) the same essential needs (c) They undergo puberty (d) they menstruate
37. _________ is referred to as a strong tie in any family setting that brings about the recognition of
individual family member's rights and respect for such rights. (a) family bond (b) family power
(c) family strength (d) family tree
38. Democracy originated from _____(a) Nigeria (b) Greece (c) America (d) Ghana
39. ________ defined democracy as government of the people, by the people and for the people. (a)
Abraham Lincoln (b) Adam Smith (c) Barrak Obama (d) Bill Clinton
40. The following conditions are necessary for the smooth run of democracy except (a) Supremacy of
the constitution (b) Independent judiciary (c) Free and fair elections (d) Arbitrariness


1. List and Explain four types of marriage (8 marks)

(b) Define marriage (2 marks)

2. Distinguish between federal government and its components in a tabular form (8 marks)
(b) Define rule of law (2 marks)

3. Define the following (a) riot (b) fainting (c) emergency situation (6 marks)

(c) State four ways of preventing emergency situations at home (4 marks)

4. Explain fundamental human rights. (3 marks)

(b) State at least four fundamental human rights (4 marks)

(c) Define democracy according to the origin of the word and according to Abraham Lincoln
(3 marks)

5. Who is a consumer? (2 marks)

(b) Explain four consumer responsibilities (4 marks)

(c) Explain four consumer rights (4 marks)

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