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Unit Background of 802ND MC

Pursuant to republic act no. 6975 known as an “act establishing the Philippine
National Police under a reorganized Department of Interior and Local Government”, the
Philippine National Police together with the other public safety Bureaus was created,
hence, this also pave the way for the creation of the regional mobile forces (to include
its mobile companies), whose members were absorbed from the defunct Philippine
Constabulary/Integrated National Police (PC/INP), mandated to conduct Internal
Security and Counter-terrorism Operations, respond to crisis and disaster situation,
search and rescue and relief operation which extends to beyond the capabilities of
territorial police units in the region.

From the creation of the Regional Mobile Force which was renamed as Regional
Mobile Group (RMG) in the mid-90s and later to Regional Public Safety Battalion
(RPSB) in 2009, its maneuver companies remained deployed in Leyte island. Until then,
in the year 2010, during the national and local elections, the three (3) maneuver
companies of the 8th RPSB were deployed to the three (3) provinces of Samar island to
address threat and security situation stemming from the electoral process, with the 2 nd
Regional Public Safety Maneuver Company deployed at Brgy. Canticum, Calbiga,
Samar taking-over the Samar PPSC.
The 2nd Regional Public Safety Maneuver Company was renamed to 802nd
Maneuver Company in 2017 which is located along Maharlika Highway at Brgy.
Canticum, Calbiga, Samar more or less 50 km from Catbalogan City, the capital of
Samar province and more or less 59 km from Tacloban City, the capital of Leyte.

Moreover, 802nd Maneuver Company currently has (3) Maneuver Platoons. The
1st Maneuver Platoon and 2nd Maneuver Platoon which is presently stationed at Brgy.
Canticum, Calbiga Samar and the 3rd Maneuver Platoon located at Brgy. Tambongan,
Gandara, Samar.
Currently, this unit is headed by PCPT MARK DANIEL L MARAQUILLA, Officer-
In-Charge, and is assisted by the 3rd Maneuver Platoon Leader, PCPT MARVIN B

Morale and Welfare

802nd Maneuver Company had endorsed one (1) PCO and Thirty-Seven (37)
PNCOs for the CY 2023 at Level Regular Promotion. Based on the result after the
processes being under taken this unit has the breakdown of promotees, to wit:
Police Major 0
Police Captain 0s
Police Lieutenant 0
Police Executive Master Sergeant 0
Police Chief Master Sergeant 0
Police Senior Master Sergeant 0
Police Master Sergeant 0
Police Staff Sergeant 1
Police Corporal 1

Commendations Given to Deserving Personnel


April 1,
2023- March 1 0 29 7 37
31, 2024

This office sustains in the issuance of commendations to deserving and worthy

personnel who performed exemplified efforts by command or initiatives reflected
towards the good image of the RMFB8 and PNP in general. The purpose is to lift the
morale and welfare of personnel that is a suitable tool to ignite effective and efficient
service. Through this, various accomplishments were achieved born from the eagerness
and passionate toil of his subordinates in the realization of a most peaceful community.

802nd MC Unit Performance Evaluation Report (UPER)


APRIL 2023 79.84%
MAY 2023 82.63%
802nd MC JUNE 2023 %
JULY 2023 %
AUGUST 2023 %
OCTOBER 2023 %
JANUARY 2024 %
MARCH 2024 %

HRDD Accomplishment Report

April 2023 - March 2024

The accomplishments of 802nd Maneuver Company (802nd MC) for the period
April 2022 to March 2023 involve trainings, seminars and schoolings which improved,
developed and enhanced the abilities, capabilities and skills of all personnel in
performing well the duties and responsibilities in different administrative and operational
work fields for effective law enforcement. These accomplishments also helped the PNP
organization in achieving its goals against insurgency.


The Philippine National Police has redesigned a training program on

marksmanship that greatly improved the shooting skills of every police personnel. This
marksmanship training has been conducted in three (3) phases in accordance with the
Training Action Plan. The program also enshrined in the 9-point PNP Sustainable
Development Plan under the strategic roadmap, PNP P.A.T.R.O.L Plan 2030 on
Improving Performance in Crime Prevention and Solution; and Comprehensive Human
Resource and Skills Development.

The main purpose of this Marksmanship Training is to provide proper

information and instruction so you can become a safe and effective shooter. This was
also done to continuously enhance the personnel’s confidence in gun handling and
inculcate proper gun discipline.

The Modified PNP Hand Gun Marksmanship training was conducted by

this unit last April 2023 to March 2024 at Samar Police Provincial Office, Firing Range,
Camp General Vicente Lukban, Brgy. Maulong, Catbalogan City, Samar. All personnel
assigned in this unit were required to undergo the said marksmanship to test if they are
still capable of handling their issued handgun and still a good shooter for the purpose of
not only for safety and security of themselves but also in catching criminals in their tour
of duty. A total of 100% have undergone the Marksmanship training from April 2023
(Phase 1) and 100% had already undergone the Marksmanship training from October
2023 (Phase 2) 2023, while on March 2024 (Phase 1) only had MHMT is still on going.

Month Participants Date

April 2023 89 April 11-13, 2023
May 2023 - -
June 2023 - -
July 2023 - -

August 2023 - -

September 2023 - -

October 2023 74 October 12, 2023

November 2023 - -

December 2023 - -

January 2024 - -

February 2024 - -

March 2024 81 March 19, 2024


The Philippine National Police has programmed training courses and

seminars to support the PNP P.A.T.R.O.L Plan 2030. The main objective of these
trainings is to provide all members of the PNP with essential knowledge and specialized
skills in the administrative, technical, and operational fields of police service. The goal is
to ensure the effective and efficient discharge of their duties and responsibilities as
members of the organization. These programs will also help instill discipline, integrity
and proper work ethics required to be professional public servants.

The 802nd Maneuver Company (802nd MC) personnel has already

undergone different seminars, trainings, schooling conducted by the higher
headquarters. This served as unit accomplishment and also achieved the unit’s goal in
making all personnel of 802nd MC equipped of the necessary training programs to
become effective and efficient police officers. The following trainings, schooling and
seminars below are the unit’s accomplishment for the period April 2023 - March 2024.

Trainings Participants Date

December 8, 2022 -
SAF Commando Course 4
January 29, 2024
Investigation Officer Basic 1 April 20, 2023 - July 17,
Course (IOBC) 2023
ITP for Mandatory
Seminar on MRP, HR and 1 May 8-12, 2023
GAD Batch 4 – 2023
Disaster Preparedness
Search and Rescue 1 June 19 - 23, 2023
Operation Seminar
ITP for Mandatory
Seminar on MRP, HR and 2 July 7 – 13, 2023
GAD Batch 5 & 6 – 2023
ITP for Mandatory
Seminar on MRP, HR and 2 July 24 – 31, 2023
GAD Batch 8 – 2023
ITP for Mandatory
Seminar on MRP, HR and 3 October 16 – 20, 2023
GAD Batch 13 –2023
POBC – PNCO Batch 7 &
8 December 1 – 28, 2023
ITP for Mandatory
Seminar on MRP, HR and 3 December 4 – 8, 2023
GAD Batch 16 & 18 –2023
ITP for Mandatory
March 26, 2024 - April 3,
Seminar on MRP, HR and 1
GAD Batch 2– 2024
Logistic Accomplishment
This unit’s unceasing logistics-related progress has focused on improving the
sustainable development, appearance, vitality, and integrity of every personnel.
Feasible camp beautification and advancement efforts can generate a sense of
motivation for camp staff and other personnel. This can be managed to accomplish by
the surrounding areas and optimizing the comfort and peacefulness of the personnel’s
workplace environment. Amongst these beautification and Improvement initiatives are
the following:
Repaint and Beautification (Office)
Creation of New Barracks
Repair and Beautification (Recreation Area)
Purchase of two (2) Handheld Radio (Baofeng)
Donation of Heavy Duty Hand Tools (2 Shovels, 1 Bolt Cutter and 2 Saftey
Helmet) from Private Individual “JJ Macrons”
If the workplace is being valued, it will inspire pride and provide important
changes to enhance quality service not only to the community but to the organization as
well. With this, camp facility enhancement is being carried out to fulfill a well-motivated,
dedicated and efficient personnel from this unit.
A to administrative content, this office likewise initiated seminars and workshops
to personnel assigned at the logistic section to make further significant improvements in
the field. Some of which are as follows:
Safety Handling of Firearms
Basic Radio Operations Procedures and Preventive Maintenance and Utilization of
Tactical Radios
Monthly Logistic Family Conference
Proper Care and Maintenance of Firearms, Magazines and Ammunitions
Conference and seminars provide continuing development opportunities to
personnel and be able to communicate proficiently to exchange insight and viewpoints
which is relevant to the performance of their duties.
Further, this office religiously monitors the proper care and maintenance of
all PNP-issued equipment to ensure readiness and serviceability, updates of inventory
of every company, and ensure the timely submission of compliances. Of all the
initiatives, efforts, and excellent work performance. The 802nd Maneuver Company will
continue to strive hard and maintain the position in all plans and programs of the
organization as a whole and to the community it serves.
A. Camp and Facility Enhancement

802nd MC, RMFB8, has gained a vast during operational readiness, office
fixtures, and equipment move, shoot and communication capabilities. A gradual
development through the efforts of his subordinates and his creative and exceedingly
great ideas that the following were realized;

The 802nd MC, RMFB8

is located at Brgy. Canticum
Calbiga, Samar through the
guidance of the CPNP,
that no mobile force/platoons
should be stationed at Region
and Provincial Headquarters.
This is in support to EO no.
70 “Institutionalizing the
Whole-of-Nation Approach in
Attaining Inclusive and
Sustainable Peace, creating
a National Task Force to End
Local Communist Armed
Conflict”, purposely to
develop and intensify
effective fighting stance and
maneuvers against
Communist Terrorist (CTGs)
Mobility enhancement,
following the MC No. 2008-01
which refers to the Guidelines on
the Preventive Maintenance and
Repair of PNP Transportation,
Firepower, Communication,
Investigative and Computer
Equipment” the 802nd MC, RMFB8
regularly conducts preventive
maintenance on its transportation
and other equipment to ensure
their good working condition and
to prevent the occurrence of
potential problems that may costly
and adversely affect the 802nd
MC, RMFB8’s operations.

Fan Belt Adjustment,

Door Handle Replacement and
Signal Light Check-up of KIA
Patrol Car.

Preventive Maintenance
Service of KIA Patrol Car (change
oil, brake checkup, and greasing)
Additional office, communication
and SAR equipment such as Desktop
Computer, cellphone, handheld radio and
heavy duty hand tools to improve and
avoid interruptions of work compliance.

To strengthen the good

relationship between the company and
the private sector. Additional Search and
Rescue (SAR) Equipment was Donated
by a generous Private Individual “JJ
Macrons”, two (2) shovels and two (2)
safety helmets.
This Camp enhancement
initiative was made generally to
give decent ambiance around the
B. Seminars/Workshop Conducted

Safety Handling of Firearms

seminar provides the proper
education on how to handle and
use firearms.

Basic Radio Operations

Procedures and Preventive
Maintenance and Utilization of
Tactical Radios seminar conducted
by Regional Communication and
Electronics Unit 8 (RCEU8).
Monthly Logistic Family
Conference to updates inventory of
every company and ensure the
timely submission of compliances.

Proper Care and Maintenance of

Firearms, Magazines and Ammunitions
religiously monitors to ensure readiness
and serviceability.
Tab C – QUAD Operation Performance Report
The 802nd Maneuver Company currently led by PCPT LESLIE R LALIC, in line
with the mandate to suppress Communist Terrorist Groups, has been conducting
combat operations and preventive patrols within the area of responsibility to eradicate
the lawlessness activities of the CTGs and Emerging Armed Groups.
April 2022 – March 2023
14 25 2,688

With the effort of this unit accomplished the successful arrest of Five (5) CTG Members
and One (1) CTG Surrendered covering the period April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023.
Accomplishments on Service of WOA
April 2022 – March 2023
Service of WOA 27
Arrest Under Special Laws 6

The table indicates for past year and 1st quarter for this year 2023, Accomplishments on
Service of WOA and other Arrest Under Special Laws in cooperation/support with other
law enforcement agencies in the area of responsibility.
Intelligence Section Accomplishment Report
April 2022 – March 2023
The 802nd Maneuver Company, RMFB 8 composed of different sections to achieve and
maintain their objective to serve and protect the people. Intelligence section helps to
initiate and responsible for gathering and disseminating information, collect and process
data in pursuing the goals of organization against insurgency. To provide intelligence
and assistance in assuring the security of visiting dignitaries and most importantly the
safety of the personnel in the camp.


April 2022 – March 2023
Wanted Persons 11
Arrest Under Special Laws 8

The table indicates for past year and 1st quarter for this year 2023, there are Eleven (11)
arrested wanted persons and Eight (8) under Special Laws spearheaded by this unit
with the assistance of other law enforcement agencies in provincial, municipal station
level. With proper coordination outcomes effective arrest of these unlawful abiding
citizens. This illustrates the hard-work and determination laid by the intel operatives to
maintain the peace and order in a community.


For over 50 years Communist-Terrorist Group and other names continue to
influence the minds of people especially the youth and extorting food supplies from local
residents in an area. But through utmost effort and determination by our intelligence
operatives and programs of the government such as E-CLIP created to benefit those
who will abandon the armed struggle and opted to become a productive member of
society. There are Four (4) Communist-Terrorist Group (CTG) members from April 2022
- March 2023 who voluntarily surrender this unit.
April 2022 - March 2023

The Community Affairs Section is an important channel in addressing all forms of

lawless elements for it gives an opportunity between the Philippine National Police and
the Community to frame a strong bond and partnership to achieve lasting peace among
the people. The 802nd Maneuver Company, Regional Mobile Force Battalion 8 through
the effort of its Community Affairs Section (CAS), unrelentingly showed its active
support and compassionate dedication in service to the people of Eastern Visayas in
the face of this present plight.
This unit made a commendable step in reaching out to the community amidst the
danger they are facing to battle against the pandemic. Beyond doubt, this is an epitome
of public servant leading by example and going the extra mile in responding to the call
of duty dedicated to providing the most excellent service whereby establishing a
peaceful community. Here are some courses of action and accomplishments that
helped in boosting community relationship and illustrates, in general, the 802 nd MC,
RMFB8’s benevolent response when we need each other’s helping hand.


The Philippine National Police has been in the limelight in boosting police-
community relations to win the hearts and minds of the people, strengthen community
partnership and solicit strong support from the community in addressing problems on
Anti- Criminality, Illegal Drugs, and armed conflicts. In so doing, the Regional Mobile
Force Battalion 8 came up with its Best Practice Serbisyo ha Barangay dubbed as
“RMFB8 BULLET FORMULA” which aims to strengthen and capacitate the community
especially the Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDAs) and conflict-
affected areas which are marginalized and socio-economically neglected, thus
vulnerable to the propaganda and manipulation of the CTGs. In order to carry out the
indispensable role of maintaining peace and order and ensure public safety and security
in attaining inclusive and sustainable peace in the region one step of benevolence can
create a vast change in the lives of many people.
The project consists of eight (8) basic programs and services that are essential to
the community: Reinforced Education thru IEC Distribution, BP, Health and Weight
Monitoring, Unified Clean-Up Drive, Libre nga Arot /Free Haircut, Lecture/Seminar on
Anti-Criminality and Anti-Insurgency, Entertainment or “Kaliawaan ha Barangay”, Team
Building and Feeding Program.
This activity has reached more or less one thousand eight hundred persons. The
project serves as the Monthly Community Outreached Program of the unit that aims to
develop an effective and deepened community partnership considered as a suitable tool
in contending lawlessness in the community. Accordingly, this unit partakes to this wide-
range strategy by initiating a clearer prioritization of targets with emphasis on preventing
the community from appending to the Communist Terrorist Groups (CTGs) and other
lawless crimes.

This tree planting activity is part of this unit’s advocacy to reduce the effects of
climate change and to aid in the preservation of natural resources. This also will enable
the community to know more about the benefits of trees and encourage environmental
stewardship as this endeavor is a part of a broader collective initiative in helping our
This unit advocates that trees are essential to the survival of practically every
living being on our planet. Every single tree planted will go a long way toward giving
critically endangered animal species habitat and a future to us humans. The
preservation of our natural resources and saving the earth against climate change
adhering to the PNP CORE VALUES "MAKAKALIKASAN" is one of the inner
convictions of every public servant should have. A connection to the environment
should foster, encourage people to the same thing, and will eventually benefit from
these growing trees.


The cleanup's goal is to get people throughout the community to be involved in

cleaning up waste and trash, identifying litter sources, and changing polluting behaviors.
Likewise harness the power of the community and PNP unity in cleaning their
environment. This initiative was motivated because of the need to put an end to the
pollution which will give us a safer place and conducive environment to live in.

Therefore, this unit continuously upholding the core value “Makakalikasan”

through replicating the same in their respective Area of Responsibilities. Coastal Clean-
up activities were pursued by this unit. However, these activities were not realized
without the participation of the community and other government and non-government
D. Information Operations

This unit, in its compassion to serve and protect the people, intensified its
information operations using Television, Radio, Internet, Messaging and Print (TRIMP)
to further reach many people and provide timely and relevant information about the
government’s plans and programs and the current peace and order situation of the
country. Thus, from April 2022 to March 2023, this unit accomplished a total of Fifty One
Thousand Seven Hundred Forty Five (51,745) information operations. This composed
of different approaches where it engaged the community through giving relevant and
current information.
No. of No. of TRIMP Activities
No. of
-Pulongs/ Brgy.
Visitations/ Print
UNIT ons/Pres
School (No. of
Visitations and Activities
Releases Televisi Radi Intern Messag
other related conducted/N
activities on o et ing
o. of IEC
712 115 0 10 1729 335 48844



The 802nd Maneuver Company strongly supports the implementation of the PNP
Enhanced Revitalized Internal Cleansing Program. This aims to instill discipline to the
members of the organization in three manners-preventive, punitive and restorative. With
this, series of activities and projects were undertaken in support to this advocacy. This
includes the implementation of the “squadding system” which emphasizes values
formation, spiritual development and strengthening family ties of its personnel. Under
this, a squad leader and a representative from the religious sector will be in charge of
teaching and guiding cops.
Also, one initiative in imposing strict discipline is the regular conduct of personnel
accounting and guard mounting. It aims to address the perennial problem of the
organization among its personnel who does not report who report during hours of work
and other unacceptable deeds. Such situations greatly affect not only the unit
concerned but the whole PNP organization’s efficiency, effectiveness, and reputation as
an agency serving public interest. Inspecting teams were formed to carry out this
program. Also, a series of rank inspections were initiated to instill discipline among
personnel not only on attendance but also in the observance of Tamang Bihis and other
directives coming from the higher-ups.
Tab F – Other Notable Accomplishments
Through the combined efforts of the personnel of this unit, especially of the
intelligence operatives, we have accomplished the successful arrest of Four (4) CTG
Members covering from April 2022 to March 2023.

Moreover, this unit is striving to convince the Communist Terrorist Group

members to surrender and return to the folds of law to end the local communist armed

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