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Presenting By,
Date : Feb - 24 - 2022
Python with Django
Code is read more than it is written
Agenda Python with Django Overviews

● Introduction to python
● Features of python
● Reasons to learn python
● What is Web Framework
● Introduction to Django
● Why Python-Django
● Django MVC - MVT pattern
● Recently We worked
● Questions ?
Python with Django Overviews

Introduction to python
● Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level
programming language
● Used for developing websites and software,data analysis,
and data visualizations
● Python laid its foundation
in the late 1980s and
Implemented on December,
1989 by Guido Van Rossum
at CWI in Netherland
Python with Django Overviews

Features of python
● GUI Programming Support
● Object-Oriented Language
● Multipurpose & Portable
● Interpreted Language
● High level user friendly
● Large Standard Library
● Data Science
● Open Source
Python with Django Overviews

Reasons to learn python

● Testing Frameworks
● Web Development
● Current Market trends
● Used in Most Advanced feature Artificial Intelligence
( Which is the next huge development in the tech
● A more user-friendly language than co-programming
Python with Django Overviews

What is Web Framework

● A web framework (WF) or web application framework (WAF) is
a software framework designed to build web applications
including web services, web resources, and web APIs

—---- Common Web Framework Functionalities:

- URL routing
- Database connection configuration and resolute data
manipulation through an object-relational mapper (ORM)
- Web security against Cross-site request forgery (CSRF), SQL
Injection and other frequent malicious attacks
Python with Django Overviews

● The aim of frameworks is to provide a common structure so

that developers don't have to redo it from scratch and can
reuse the code provided
● The purpose of framework is to allow designers and
developers to focus on building an unique feature for their
web based projects rather than re-inventing by coding.
—------Framework softwares for web applications-----—
Python with Django Overviews

Introduction to Django
● When all frameworks are compared, Django is the
most user-friendly and offers the most built-in
● Django styles itself as ‘a high-level Python web
framework ‘ that encourages rapid development and
clean, pragmatic design
● Django prides itself as a batteries-included framework.
What that means is that it comes with a lot of stuff out of
the box
Python with Django Overviews

● In addition, Django provides a default Administrator

Interface that can be used for creating, reading, updating,
and deleting models directly

Who uses Django?

Python with Django Overviews

Why Python-Django
● Basically, Django is a Python framework for full-stack web
application development and server development.
● Django - Python had a high-level combination for building
web apps and services
● Python and Django are intertwined, that used for many
different applications, including artificial intelligence,
machine learning, desktop apps, etc.
Django MVC - MVT pattern Python with Django Overviews

● MVC has a controller that drives both the Model and View, while
MVT has Views that receive HTTP requests and respond to HTTP

we have to write all the control the controller part is taken care of by
specific code the framework itself

view tells how the user data will be Templates are used in MVT for that
presented purpose

Doesn't involve mapping of URLs URL pattern mapping takes place

Examples are ASP.NET MVC, Spring Django uses MVT pattern

MVC etc.
Diagram of
MVC vs MVT :

The MVT architecture is the

main star of the game, which
helps to work on different
components parallelly, and
then we can integrate it easily
Python with Django Overviews
Python with Django Overviews
Recently We worked
➔ JWT implementation :-
● JWT, short for JSON Web Token is an open standard for
communicating authorization details between server and
client. Unlike Token Authentication where the token is
randomly generated and the authentication details are
stored on the server
● JWT is self-contained, this means that a JSON Web Token
contains all the information needed for the server to
authenticate the client, the server does not have to store
Python with Django Overviews

➔ Snowflake : -
● Snowflake is one of the few enterprise-ready cloud
data warehouses that brings simplicity without
sacrificing features
● It automatically scales, both up and down, to get the
right balance of performance vs. cost. ... With
Snowflake, you can store all your data in a single
place and size your compute independently
Python with Django Overviews
Python with Django Overviews


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