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International School

Capstone Project 2
CMU-SE 451 – C2SE.12

Project Plan
Version 1.1
Date: March 20th, 2021

Learn English Together

Submitted by
Ha, Le Thanh
Hieu, Le Xuan
My, Ngo Ngoc
Thong, Doan Trung

Approved by
MSc Huy, Truong Dinh

Proposal Review Panel Representative:

Name Signature Date

Capstone Project 2- Mentor:

Name Signature Date

Project acronym LET

Project Title Learn English Together

Start Date 26 Feb 2021 End Date 08 Jun 2021

Lead Institution International School, Duy Tan University

Project Mentor MSc Huy, Truong Dinh

Scrum master / Ha, Le Thanh

Project Leader Email:
& contact details
Tel: 0334002818

Partner Duy Tan University


Project Web

Team members Name Email Tel

Ha, Le Thanh 0334002818

Hieu, Le Xuan 0399706614

My, Ngo Ngoc 0764497391

Thong, Doan Trung 0886428208

The following signatures are required for approval of this document.

Ha, Le Thanh Signature Date

Student ID: 2321122516
Scrum Master
Hieu, Le Xuan Signature Date
Student ID: 2321124665
Team Member
My, Ngo Ngoc Signature Date
Student ID: 2321124970
Team Member
Thong, Doan Trung Signature Date
Student ID: 2321124144
Team Member

Project Plan Document
Author(s) H2MT Team

Role Product Owner, Team Member, Scrum Master

March 16th,
Date File name: C2SE.12_ProjectPlan_LET_ver1.0.doc


Version Person(s) Date Description

1.0 Le Thanh Ha 16-Mar-2021 Create Project plan document
1.1 Le Thanh Ha 20-Mar-2021 Fix Project plan document
1. Introduction:................................................................................................................6
1.1. Purpose:...................................................................................................................
1.2. Project Overview:.....................................................................................................
1.3. Project Deliverable:.................................................................................................
2. Team Organization:....................................................................................................6
2.1. Scrum Team Information:......................................................................................
2.2. Role and Responsibility:..........................................................................................
2.3. Communication Methodology:...............................................................................
2.4. Communication and Report:...................................................................................
3. Development Process:.................................................................................................9
4. Schedule and Cost:....................................................................................................10
4.1. Detailed Schedule:.................................................................................................10
4.2. Cost:.......................................................................................................................16
5. Project Risk:..............................................................................................................17
6. Deliverables................................................................................................................18
PROJECT PLAN International School - Capstone 2 – 2021

1.1. Purpose:
This document provides a summary of the project's objectives, division of work,
the major milestones, required resources, time and overall schedule and budget
allocation used and based on the document proposal to build a dating website
application on time, at the request and plan.

1.2. Project Overview:

- Reference to C2SE.12_Proposal_LET_ver1.2.docx

1.3. Project Deliverable:

- The project will be implemented for users such as admin, manager, teacher,
alumni, and student.
2. Team Organization:
2.1. Scrum Team Information:

Table 1: Scrum Team Organization.

Full Name Phone Email Position

MSc Huy, Truong

0982132352 Mentor
Ha, Le Thanh 0334002818 Scrum Master
Hieu, Le Xuan 0399706614 Member
My, Ngo Ngoc 0764497391 Member
Thong, Doan Trung 0886428208 Member

2.2. Role and Responsibility:

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PROJECT PLAN International School - Capstone 2 – 2021

Table 2: Role and Responsibilities.

Role Responsibility Name/Title
Product Owner - Understand the user and customers with Duy Tan University
their needs.
- Collaborate with the development team.
- Manage the stakeholders.
- Describe the user experience and product
- Provides detail user stories.
Scrum Master - Communicate the value of Scrum Ha, Le Thanh
- Teach the organization on Scrum to
maximize business value
- Attend all Scrum meetings
- Preserve the integrity and spirit of the
Scrum framework
- Maintain the focus of the Team
- Make the Team aware of impediments
and facilitate efforts to resolve them
- Serve as a coach and mentor to members
of the Team
- Respectfully hold the Team, Product
Owner and Stakeholders accountable for
their commitments
- Continually work with the Team and
business to find and implement
Secretary - Record the content of group meetings and Hieu, Le Xuan
activities of the member
Reviewer - Review documents All Members
Developer - Analysis of the functions and All Members
requirements of the product.
- Code and test.
- Fix error.
Analyzer - Gather user stories. All Members
- Analysis user story to do specify
Tester - Do the Test plan All Members
- Creation of test designs, test processes,
test cases and test data.
- Carry out testing as per the defined
- Graph the results and make sure people

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PROJECT PLAN International School - Capstone 2 – 2021

know when test results decline.

- Prepare all reports related to software
testing carried out.
- Analysis and evaluate the Test result.
- Ensure that all tested related work is
carried out as per the defined standards
and procedures.
Mentor - Guide on the process. MSc Huy, Truong Dinh
- Monitoring all activities of Team.
- Help with anything.

2.3. Communication Methodology:

Table 3: Communication Methodology.

Audience/ Topic/ Deliverable Frequency Method
Mentor and Team Project Progress Review Weekly Meeting, Email,
member Zalo
Team Member Project Progress Review and Daily Trello, GitHub,
Daily Meeting Zoom

2.4. Communication and Report:

Table 4: Communication and Report.

Type of Methods, Frequency Information People
communication tools
Communication among in group
Scrum meeting Face to face Every two Informed about what was Project team
or Hangouts day done in the last 24 hours,
working on plans for today,
the difficulties encountered
and the solutions required,
just meeting 10-15
Sprint Planning Meet face to 15-20 days All members in team Project team
Meeting face together to analyze the
requirements, functions,
working on the sprint going
to do, planning and design
for the sprint.
Retrospective Meet face to 15-20 days Complete documentation. Project team
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PROJECT PLAN International School - Capstone 2 – 2021

meeting face For each stage, sharing and Mentor

materials, given the
strengths and weaknesses
for each. Period for each
member and the solution
calculated measurement
Demo Meeting Every day A web-based task tracking Project team.
online system. To manage or
divide task, report

3. Development Process:
Scrum Process

● Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development framework for

managing software projects and product or application development.

● Scrum focuses on project management institutions where it is difficult to plan.

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PROJECT PLAN International School - Capstone 2 – 2021

● Mechanisms of empirical process control, where feedback loops that constitute

the core management technique are used as opposed to traditional command-

and-control management.

● Its approach to planning and managing projects is by bringing decision-making

authority to the level of operation properties and certainties.

Benefit of the methodology:

− Project can respond easily to change.

− Problems are identified early.

− Customers get the most beneficial work first.

− Work done will better meet the customer’s needs.

− Improved productivity.

− Ability to maintain a predictable schedule for delivery.

4. Schedule and Cost:

4.1. Detailed Schedule:

No. Task Name Start Finish Effort

1 Initial 20/06 28/06 21 hrs

1.1 Gathering Requirement 20/06 20/07 8 hrs
Get requirement from
1.1.1 Mentor MSc Huy Truong 20/06 21/06 2 hrs
1.1.2 Analyzing requirement 21/06 22/06 6 hrs
1.2 Create Proposal 23/06 28/06 16 hrs
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1.2.1 Product Definition 23/06 24/06 3 hrs
1.2.2 Business Need 24/06 25/06 2 hrs
1.2.3 Prior Art 25/06 26/06 3 hrs
1.2.4 Proposed Solution 26/06 27/06 3 hrs
1.2.5 Master Plan 27/06 28/06 5 hrs
2 Start Up 29/06 06/07 44 hrs
2.1 Project kick-off 29/06 30/06 2 hrs
2.2 Create Document 30/06 06/07 42 hrs
Project’s Meeting
2.2.1 30/06 30/06 3 hrs
Create User Stories
2.2.2 01/07 01/07 6 hrs

2.2.3 Create Product Backlog 02/07 02/07 10 hrs

2.2.4 Review Document 03/07 03/07 5 hrs

2.2.5 Create Project Plan 04/07 04/07 8 hrs

Create Architecture Design
2.2.6 05/07 05/07 8 hrs
Review Document
2.2.7 06/07 06/07 2 hrs

3 Development

3.1 Sprint 1 07/07 04/08 103 hrs

Sprint Planning Meeting
3.1.1 07/07 07/07 4 hrs
Create Sprint Backlog
3.1.2 07/07 07/07 2 hrs
Create Test Plan document
3.1.3 08/07 08/07 2 hrs
for Sprint 1
Create Database document
3.1.4 08/07 08/07 2 hrs
for Sprint 1
3.1.5 Design 09/07 17/07 21 hrs
Design interface of Home 09/07 10/07 5 hrs
Design interface of 10/07 10/07 4 hrs
Register Design interface of Login 10/07 10/07 4 hrs

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PROJECT PLAN International School - Capstone 2 – 2021 Design interface of profile 11/07 11/07 4 hrs

Design interface of chat 12/07 12/07 4 hrs
room group
Design interface of list 13/07 13/07 4 hrs
Design interface of 14/07 14/07 4 hrs
member group
Design interface of call 15/07 15/07 4 hrs
video group
Design interface of record 16/07 16/07 4 hrs
Design interface of 17/07 17/07 4 hrs
3.1.6 Coding 18/07 01/08 58 hrs Code Main Menu for users 18/07 20/07 16 hrs Code Login for users 21/07 22/07 4 hrs Code Register for users 22/07 23/07 4 hrs Code Profile for users 24/07 25/07 10 hrs Code Group for users 26/07 29/07 10 hrs Code Message 30/07 01/08 10 hrs

3.1.7 Testing & Fix Bug 01/08 03/08 10 hrs Test Main Menu 01/08 01/08 2 hrs Test Login 01/08 01/08 2 hrs Test Register 02/08 02/08 2 hrs Test profile 02/08 02/08 4 hrs Test group 03/08 03/08 4 hrs Test message 03/08 03/08 4 hrs

3.1.8 Release Sprint 1 03/08 04/08 4 hrs Sprint 1 Review Meeting 03/08 03/08 2 hrs Sprint 1 Retrospective 04/08 04/08 2 hrs

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3.2 Sprint 2 05/08 01/09 185 hrs

Sprint Planning Meeting
3.2.1 05/08 05/08 4 hrs
Create Sprint Backlog
3.2.2 05/08 05/08 2 hrs
Create Test Plan document
3.2.3 06/08 06/08 2 hrs
for Sprint 2
Create Database document
3.2.4 06/08 06/08 2 hrs
for Sprint 2
3.2.5 Design 07/08 12/08 40 hrs
Design user interface of
07/08 Find a helper 08/08 8 hrs
Design user interface of
08/08 Support for user 09/08 8 hrs
Design user interface of
09/08 Search user 10/08 8 hrs
Design user interface of
10/08 Learn Vocabulary 11/08 8 hrs
Design user interface of
11/08 Quiz 12/08 8 hrs
3.2.6 Coding 12/08 28/08 99 hrs Code Find a helper 12/08 13/08 18 hrs Code Support for user 13/08 15/08 18 hrs Code Search 16/08 18/08 16 hrs Code Learn Vocabulary 19/08 24/08 25 hrs Code Quiz 25/08 28/08 22 hrs
3.2.7 Testing & Fix Bug 29/08 30/08 32 hrs Test Find a helper 29/08 29/08 8 hrs Test Support for user 29/08 29/08 5 hrs Test Case for Search 30/08 30/08 5 hrs Test Learn Vocabulary 30/08 30/08 7 hrs Test Quiz 30/08 30/08 7 hrs
3.2.8 Release Sprint 2 31/08 01/09 4 hrs Sprint 2 Review Meeting 31/08 31/08 2 hrs Sprint 2 Retrospective 01/09 01/09 2 hrs
3.3 Sprint 3 02/09 23/09 119 hrs
Sprint Planning Meeting
3.3.1 02/09 02/09 4 hrs
3.3.2 Create Sprint Backlog 02/09 02/09 2 hrs
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Create Test Plan document

3.3.3 03/09 03/09 2 hrs
for Sprint 3
Create Database document
3.3.4 for Sprint 3 03/09 03/09 2 hrs

3.3.5 Design 04/09 08/09 30 hrs

Design interface of 04/09 05/09 8 hrs
Design interface of 05/09 06/09 5 hrs
Manager account Design interface of Admin 06/09 07/09 10 hrs Design interface of Event 07/09 08/09 7 hrs

3.3.6 Coding 09/09 19/09 59 hrs Code Dashboard 09/09 11/09 12 hrs Code Admin 12/09 14/09 15 hrs Code Manager account 14/09 16/09 22 hrs Code Event 17/09 19/09 10 hrs
3.3.5 Testing & fix Bug 20/09 21/09 16 hrs Test Dashboard 20/09 20/09 4 hrs Test Admin 20/09 20/09 4 hrs Test Manager account 21/09 21/09 4 hrs Test Event 21/09 21/09 4 hrs

3.3.6 Release Sprint 3 22/09 23/09 4 hrs Sprint 3 Review Meeting 22/09 22/09 2 hrs Sprint 3 Retrospective 23/09 23/09 2 hrs

Table 5: Detailed Schedule.

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4.2. Cost
4.2.1. Cost Person/Hours

Full Name Role Salary Rate (USD/hour)

Ha, Le Thanh Scrum Master 2
Hieu, Le Xuan Team Member 2
My, Ngo Ngoc Team Member 2
Thong, Doan Trung Team Member 2
Table 1. Cost person/hours
4.2.2. Total Cost Estimate

No Criteria Price Total (USD)

1 Working hours 2 2700
2 Other cost 100 400

Table 2. Total cost estimation

Description Amount Unit

Number of members 4 Person
Number of working hours per day 3 Hours
The cost per hour per member 2 USD

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The number of working days 90 Days

- The explanation for the table:

o Amount of working hours = 4 members * 3 hours * 90 days

o Other cost = 4 members * 100 USD

5. Project Risk:

Table 7: Rating for likelihood and seriousness for each risk.


L Rated as Low E Rated as Extreme
(Used for
Seriousness only)
M Rated as Medium NA Not Assessed
H Rated as High

Table 8: Project Risk.

Risk Definition Level Likelihoo Mitigation

d Strategy
Estimates of project The plan may be delayed L L Analysis and
planning for the initial estimate of the assessment of the
project. scale.
Requirements Internal contradictions that H H Uniform
may exist in the request. requirements
Important requirements prior to analysis.
may be missing from the
formal requirements
Estimated project Time sort of work. E E Time project was
schedule created to be
updated and
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Programming Programming Languages M L Experience
experience and technology sharing used to
reduce the
research time.
Technical processes The standard procedure L M Analysis of
cannot meet the requirements and
requirements of specific processes to
solutions. ensure
The new process may be appropriate
required. levels.
The process can be If the new process
improved and more is needed, we
efficient. need to evaluate
this response has
improved over the
old process.
Network Block by Limited H H Upgrade
Bandwidth transmission line
Time Project implementation H M Reduce time and
period is too short, so our increase
team cannot complete this individual
project on a short time. personal time
During project working in their
implementation, our team to stay on the 7th
learn and have more work day and Sunday.
to do, our team cannot
focus all their time to carry
out this project.
Project Project management system L H Discuss with the
Management may not be sufficient to group to offer
support the requirements of solutions and
the project. consistent

6. Deliverables
Table 9: Deliverables

No. Document Deadline File Name

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PROJECT PLAN International School - Capstone 2 – 2021

1 Proposal Document. 16 –Mar – 2021 C2SE.12_Proposal_

2 Project Plan Document 20 –Mar – 2021 C2SE.12_ProjectPlan_LET_ver1.

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