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11th Regional GAD Convention

November 15, 2023

TALK SHOW GUIDE | Gender Issues Among Men

Facilitator: Mr. Leonard Paunil, Cavite State University


A. Program Flow

I. Introduction (10 minutes).

 The host will call the guest speakers and briefly introduce each one of them.
 Profiles of the speakers will be requested by the Secretariat and will be
provided to the host.

II. Question and Answer: Sharing of best practices and experiences in

implementing GAD advocacies and initiatives (40 minutes)
 Each speaker will be given a chance to answer all questions listed in item B.
 Speakers will be reminded to respond concisely, limit technical terms and
avoid using jargons.
 There is no time limit for the responses. However, time allocation for
discussion will be observed.
 The host can also ask follow-up questions on the responses provided,
if applicable.

III. Questions from the audience (10 minutes)

 Five participants will be allowed to ask questions on the floor or input
questions using the QR code flashed on the screen.
 Participant will state his/her name and office and direct the question to the
intended speaker.
 Speakers will respond to the questions from the audience.

IV. Synthesis and wrap-up (10 minutes).

 The host will summarize items discussed and synthesize important points
shared by the speakers.
 Speakers may also be provided a chance for any message/comment to wrap
up the information provided, if time permits.

B. Guide Questions:

1. What are the most pressing gender-related issues concerning men at home,
school/universities, workplace and community?
2. What are your office/agency’s initiatives on empowering and educating men in
gender issues and what are your available interventions/assistance for men
victims of gender-based violence?

3. What were the challenges and issues encountered in implementing these

initiatives? How were you able to address and overcome them? Provide the
most significant issues/challenges and share how you responded.

4. What are your plans to continuously improve the implementation of your

initiatives and contribute to the advancement of gender and development in
your sector/area? Please include major programs and projects for
upcoming year/s.

5. How can stakeholders avail your office/agency’s initiatives? Provide

information on how to contact your office/agency for further inquiries.

Additional questions, if time permits.

 What impact does economic and social status have on the experience of
gender issues for men?
 Discuss the mental health challenges that men face when dealing with
gender-related issues. How can they seek help and support?

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