Ancient History 14 _ Mains Question __ (Sankalp (UPSC 2024))

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Ancient History – Mains Question
1. Buddhism and Jainism although originated around the same time period both had similarities
and difference as well. Discuss. (10 marks, 150 words)

 Introduction: You can start with the emergence of Buddhism and Jainism and mention
the reason behind the emergence of two religion.
 Body: Discuss the similarities and dissimilarities of Buddhism and Jainism.
 Conclusion: You can conclude by stating its impact on socio-economic sphere.

Buddhism and Jainism emerged around the 5th and 6th Century BC in the Indo-Gangetic plain and laid
their own importance on socio-religious and political sphere in Ancient India. The origin of both Buddhism
and Jainism can be traced due to the prevailing circumstances of rigid Brahmanical society and the
development of the merchant class, along with other factors. Both religions share some striking similarities
and differences as well.

Similarities between Buddhism and Jainism:

 Both were influenced by the philosophy of the Upanishads and other Hindu religious groups. For
instance, salvation is the ultimate goal of life.
 Both groups catered to the social outcasts while welcoming members from various social classes.
 Both of them believed that ‘Salvation’ or ‘Nirvana’, frees the individual from the cycle of endless birth
and death.
 Both placed more emphasis on moral principles than on engaging in ritualistic behaviour or paying
homage to and worshipping God as a method of finding salvation.

Dissimilarities between Buddhism and Jainism:

 Existence of God: Jainism was the only one of these two to admit the existence of God, whilst Buddhism
did not.
 Varna System: Jainism does not criticise the varna system, but Buddhism does.
 Reincarnation: Reincarnation is accepted by Jainism but not by Buddhism.
 Way of Life: Jainism urges its adherents to lead a life of absolute austerity, while Buddhism defines a
middle path.

Both the heterodox sects i.e., Buddhism and Jainism preached living simple life by giving up desires, and
luxuries which are the cause of suffering. Both aimed at establishing an egalitarian society and gave
immense support to Indian art and culture.

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