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Processing Engineering School For training purposes only

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Shake Mix Blending Area
Arvid Matheson

Tetra Pak Internal

Processing Engineering School For training purposes only

Blending Area
- Pre Heated Milk can enter either of 3 Mixing tanks
- Mixing tanks circulate over an Almix for powder additions
s ed S
- Finished Shake
a e Mix is
s transferred
a s e ed to
o Finished
s ed Milk Tanks
a s via
a a Pasteuriser
as eu se

AM 201110

Tetra Pak Internal

Processing Engineering School For training purposes only

Pre Heater
What hygienic risks apply with this PHE Design?
- Diaphragms on Pis
- Hot water heating
- Cold water cooling

AM 201110

Tetra Pak Internal

Processing Engineering School For training purposes only

Tank CIP
Mixing Tank:
Unique SeatClean valves
Rotating sprayball
Tank Vent
Cleaned from External CIP system

What Functional Hygienic Design considerations

are required for this type of tank CIP?
What are the hygienic risks?
- Shadowing
- CIP Flips
g of CIP
- Dead ending
- Inadequate Scavenging/Pooling
- Etc

AM 201110

Tetra Pak Internal

Processing Engineering School For training purposes only

What hygienic risks apply with this Pasteuriser and Filter Design?

Product Out

Product In

AM 201110

Tetra Pak Internal


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