Ancient History 20 _ Mains Question __ (Sankalp (UPSC 2024))

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Ancient History – Mains Question DPP - 20

1. Discuss the developments in architecture during the Post Mauryan Period.

(10 Marks, 150 Words)

❖ Introduction: Start with the brief introduction of the Post Mauryan Phase.
❖ Body: Discuss the various features of art and architecture that developed during this period.
❖ Conclusion: You can write about the cultural assimilation brought by the Post Mauryan Period.

A number of minor dynasties came to prominence with the collapse of the Mauryan Empire. They gave rise
to the Shungas, Kanvas, Kushanas, and Shakas in the north and the Satavahanas, Ikshavakus, Abhiras, and
Vakatakas in the south and western India - which is known as the Post Mauryan Period. The Post Mauryan
Period constitutes a phase of remarkable progress in the field of art and architecture.

Developments in Architecture during the Post Mauryan Period:

❖ Rock Cut Cave: In the Post Mauryan Period large numbers of beautiful caves were cut out of hills in
western and eastern India. This period saw the development of two types of rock caves – Chaitya and
Viharas. Example: Ajanta Caves.
❖ Stupas: Stupas from the post-Mauryan period grew larger and more decorative, and stone replaced the
wood and brickwork. Example: Amaravati Stupa.
❖ Torans: The Shunga Dynasty developed the concept of torans, which are beautifully painted
entrances to the stupas, during the Post Mauryan Period. Torans represent the influence of the
Hellenists. Example: Bharhut Stupa.
❖ Sculpture: Following the fall of the Mauryan Empire, the three prominent schools of the sculpture
came into prominence in three different regions of India namely:
1. Gandhara (First sculptural representation of Buddha in human form),
2. Mathura (Influenced by all the three religions Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism), and
3. Amravati (Gave more emphasis on the use of dynamic images or narrative art).

Though the Post Mauryan Phase is mostly referred to as the Dark Age which is debatable, one cannot ignore
the aspect of cultural assimilation with the outside world and this liberal and progressive assimilatory
culture was clearly visible in various art and architectures that flourished during this time.

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