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Deforestation also leads to a general decline in the quality of life.

Trees are
essential in maintaining the water cycles, reducing soil erosion, and regulating
the effect of greenhouse gases (Spilsbury 41). They also help to prevent all types
of pollution, which is crucial in maintaining a high quality of life. This element
should not be ignored because trees play an important role in the ecosystem.
Effective management of deforestation will require all the relevant stakeholders to
come up with a strong legal framework.

Deforestation is a serious global challenge that needs to be addressed as soon as
possible. It is important for people to understand the value of trees with regard
to maintaining the life cycle. This will help in encouraging good stewardship.
Several causes of deforestation, such as clearing land for cultivation and
settlement, are influenced by human activities. These activities have led to
serious effects such as climate change, whose effects are costly to address. Proper
coordination between respective government authorities and their citizens can lead
to finding a lasting solution to this challenge. It is very important to protect
the forests in order to avoid the loss of biodiversity, plant and animal species,
as well as manage the effects of climate change.

Work Cited
Spilsbury, Richard. Deforestation. The Rosen Publishing Group, 2011.

Ecological Feminism and Environmental Ethics

Biodiversity: American Museum of Natural History
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