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THEME FOR THE DAY: Speak For Yourself

The Basic Norm:

Always speak

Rules of class: -

1. You have to listen carefully if someone is speaking.

2. Do not interrupt anyone.

3. Raise your hand in case of any query.

4. Refer to your teachers as Miss/Sir.

5. Give respect, take respect.

Activity 01:
Small Talk Activity:
Ask students to form pairs and make a small talk conversation, plan it and speak
in front of the class. Teacher will give prompts.

Activity 2.
Classroom Market:
One group of students will be buyers another sellers, buyers will ask certain
questions, sellers will answer accordingly.

Activity 3.
Students will form groups and interview each teacher, they will ask questions
like name, age hobbies, education and write it down. Then present the data to the

Activity 4.

Short Story and Mind Mapping:

Teach about mind mapping, ask students to think about a memorable incident in
their school and share it with the class.

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