1695636103_Syllabus Class 7, Term-2 2023-24) (1)

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Syllabus for the Second Term- October to March, ( Session 2023 - 2024)
Class VII
ENGLISH: MCB- Unit-5 : Keeping Healthy, Unit-6 : War and Peace
English Channel Reader‟: L-2 How Much Land Does a Man Need?
L-10 It All Began with Drip-Drip
L-12 The Child’s Letter.
Poems: L-5 Lines Composed in a Wood,
L-7 Billy Rabbit to Mary,
L-11 The Seven Ages of Man
Supplementary Reader : Around the World in 80 Days -(Ch.15 to 28.)
Grammar: Modals, Prepositions, Tenses ( all forms), Active & Passive Voice.
Exercises will be done independently & cross checked by the students
Writing: i) Diary Entry, message ii) Notice Writing ii) Formal Letter
iv) Article & Speech (v) Magazine Report.
The entire syllabus of Grammar & Writing of Term-1 will be included.
Subject Enrichment Activity 1 (5 marks) Art Integrated Activity: Story telling- Each student will
tell a witty story where the main character used his intelligence to overcome a difficult situation.
Subject Enrichment Activity II (5 marks) Activity : Recitation of the poem „The Seven Ages of
Multiple Assessment – 5 marks Activity: Oral Assessment of any one of the grammar topics.
Notebook Assessment -5 marks Timely submission & neatness of Notebooks.
Marks will be deducted for untidiness & late submission.
Note: Qs. may be asked from anywhere in the lesson, not only the ones done in the notebook.
English- Format & Marks Distribution:
Periodic Assessment 20 marks(To be reduced to 5 marks later)
Activities 05 marks
Multiple Assessment 05 marks
Notebook Assessment 05 marks
Final Examination 80 marks
Periodic Assessment : (20 marks):
A.1.(Reading) An unseen Passage or a Poem 05 marks
B.1.(Writing) Based on the given syllabus 05 marks
C.1.(Grammar) Exercises based on the given syllabus 05 marks
D.1.(Lit. Reader) a) An extract with questions based on the given topic.
b) Short answer questions based on the given topic. 05 Marks
Final Examination- (80marks):
Section-A Reading- 20 Marks Attempt all three passages.
Q1. One Passage ( unseen). (Sentence Completion & Gap Filling ). 10 marks.
Q2. One Unseen passage ( Short Answer Questions) 05 marks.
Q3. One Poem ( Unseen). 05 marks.
Section-B Writing-20 Marks
Q.4. Notice 4 marks
Q.5. Formal letter 6 marks
Q.6. Article or Speech 5 marks
Q.7. Magazine Report on any given topic /Diary Entry. 5 marks
Section-C Grammar-20 Marks
This section will have five questions of 4 marks each.
Two of these questions (Nos. 8 & 9 = 4 marks each) [ 8 marks ]
* Gap filling * Sentence completion *Dialogue completion
Three of these questions i.e. ( Nos.10, 11, &12= 4 marks each) will be based on students‟ responses
* Sentence Reordering * Editing * Omissions [12marks ]
Section-D Literature 20 Marks
Q.13. Short Answer Type Questions:-3 Extracts of Reference to Context (based on
A ) One out of the two extracts from Poetry (3 marks)
B ) One extract from prose (3 marks) [6 marks]

P1 /Cl-7/23-24
Q.14. Five out of the six Short Answer Type Questions based on prose, poetry or plays of 2 marks each.
[10marks ]
Q.15. One out of the two long answer type questions from the Supplementary Reader
for critical analysis of characters or events. [4 marks ]
Ch -4 Simple Equations, Ch -5 Lines & Angles, Ch-8 Rational Numbers, Ch-9 Perimeter & Area,
Ch- 10 Algebraic Expressions, Ch-11 Exponents and Powers, Ch-12 Symmetry
Subject Enrichment Activity- 5marks: Art Integrated Activity
Write the population and area covered by Tripura, and its division into districts and sub districts in
tabular form.
Multiple Assessment-5 marks: worksheet
Notebook Assessment-5 marks: Timely Submission & Neatness of Notebooks.
Marks will be deducted for incomplete work,untidiness & late submission.
Maths- Format and Marks Distribution:
Unit Test 20 marks
Subject Enrichment Activities 05 marks
Multiple Assessment 05 marks
Notebook Assessment: 05 marks
Half Yearly Exam: 80 marks
Unit Test (20 marks):
Type No. & marks Total Marks

1) Multiple Choice Questions 5x 1 5 marks

2) Fill Ups 5 x1 5 marks
3) Very Short Answer 5x 2 10 marks
Final Exam (80 Marks):
Type of Qs. No. of Qs. Marks for each Total Marks
1. Very Short Answer. Type of 20 1 20

2. Short Answer Type I 6 2 12

3. Short Answer Type II 8 3 24
4. Long Answer Type 6 4 24
Total 40 80
Geography: „Our Environment‟ L 2- Inside Our Earth, L-5 Water, L- 8 Human Environment
Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Region, L 9 Life in the Deserts.
Maps- Pg 59 (Fig 8.8) Ganga-Brahmaputra Basin, pg. 66 (Fig 9.2) Sahara Desert, pg. 68 (Fig 9.4)
History: „Our Pasts-2‟ L-7 Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities (deleted pg.101 „Elsewhere).
L-8 Devotional Paths to the Divine (deleted pg.119 „Elsewhere‟).
L-10 Eighteenth-Century Political Formations (deleted pg. 152 „Elsewhere‟, pg. 153 Question no. 1,2
and 4, pg. 154 Question no. 5,8 and 11).
Maps- Pg 114- Major Bhakti Saints and the Regions Associated With Them & pg. 139- British
Territories In The Mid-Eighteenth Century.
Civics: L-2 Role of Government in Health, L-4 Growing up as Boys and Girls, L-6 Understanding
Media, L-7 Market Around Us.
Subject Enrichment Activity 1- Imparting the knowledge about the Political, Cultural and Media of
Union Territories of Chandigarh, Tripura and Mizoram. Students will make an interesting folder with four
pages describing the information of Administrator, Publishing Newspapers (local languages), Traditional
cuisine, Culture and Dance of UT Chandigarh and Tripura & Mizoram.
Subject Enrichment Activity 2- Group Activity: 18th Cent. Sikh & Maratha‟s struggle for independence.
Each group will illustrate and prepare a Chart or File on the above given topic.
Multiple Assessment Activity: On an outline map of India mark the territories under British control in
mid-eighteenth century (Patna, Murshidabad, Calcutta, Dhaka, Northern Sarkars – Rajahundry,
Notebook Assessment-5 marks: Timely submission & neatness of notebooks. Marks will be deducted for
incomplete work, untidiness & late submission
Note: Qs. May be asked from anywhere in the lesson, not only the ones done in the notebook.
P2 /Cl-7/23-24
Social Science- Format & Marks Distribution
Periodic Assessment : 20 marks(To be reduced to 5 marks later)
Subject Enrichment Activities: 05 marks
Multiple Assessment 05 marks
Note book Assessment 05 marks
Final Exam : 80 Marks
Unit Test : (20 marks):
1. M.C.Qs 06 marks
2. Q/A ( Hist. Geog. & Civics) 12 marks
3. Map Work 02 marks

Final Examination:- ( 80 marks):

History & Geography (28 Marks each)
MCQs 1 x 5 = 5 marks
Short Answer Type Questions. (Choice will be given) 3 x 5 = 15 marks
Long Answer Type Questions . (Choice will be given) 4 x 1 = 4 marks
Map = 4 marks
Civics (24Marks)
MCQs 1 x 5 = 5 marks
Short Answer Type Questions. (Choice will be given) 3 x 5 = 15 marks
Long Answer Type Question . (Choice will be given) 4 x 1 = 4 marks

Physics -- L-13 Motion and Time , L-15 Light
Chemistry -- L-5 Acids, Bases and Salts , L-6 Physical and Chemical Changes , L-18 Waste
Water Story
Biology -- L-11 Transportation in Plants and Animals , L-12 Reproduction in Plants , L17
Forests : Our Lifeline
Subject Enrichment Activity - I- (5 marks) Art Integrated Activity
Each child will make a working model based on what they have studied and relate it to the
daily use of science in our lives.
 Water dispenser
 Hydraulic lift
 Working model of lung
 Working model of heart
 Wind mill
 pH indicator
 House with burglar alarm
 Sundial
Subject Enrichment Activity - II- (5 marks) Activity : L-12 (MCQ Test). ‟.
Students will be assessed on the basis of a MCQ Test on „ Reproduction in Plants.‟
Notebook Assessment – (5 marks) Timely submission and neatness of Notebooks .
Marks will be deducted for untidiness and late submission.
Multiple Assessment – (5 marks ) Activity : Collect information about the following :
 Dialysis – What is the problem due to? Why does a person require it ?
 Pendulum – What is a simple pendulum ? Who discovered it ?
 Clogged / Blocked ateries – What happens ? What is the cure ?
Write your findings on an A4 sheet, support it with pictures.
Science -Format and Marks Distribution:
Unit Test: 20 marks
Subject Enrichment Activities : 05 marks
Notebook Assessment: 05marks
Multiple Assessment : 05marks
Final Examination : 80 marks

P3 /Cl-7/23-24
Unit Test :(20 Marks):[Physics=7 marks, Chemistry= 6 marks, Biology = 7 marks]
Biology & Physics ( 7 marks each ) :

Q.1. MCQs : ½ x2 Qs. = 1 mark

Q.2. Very short answer type question: 1 x 1 Q. = 1 mark
Q.3.Short answer type questions : 2 x 1 Q. = 2 marks
Q.4. Long answer type questions : 3 x 1 Q. = 3 marks
Chemistry ( 6 marks) :
Q.1. MCQs : ½ x 2 Qs. = 1 mark
2. Very short answer type question: 1 x 1 Q. = 1 mark
3. Short answer type questions- 2 x 2 Qs. = 4marks
Final Examination- 80 marks: ( Physics-20 marks, Chemistry-30 marks & Biology- 30
Physics & Chemistry ( 30 marks each)
1. M.C.Qs.: 6 x 1 = 06 marks
2. Very Short answer type questions: 5 x 1 = 05 marks
3. Short answer type questions (I) : 5 x 2 = 10 marks
4. Long answer type questions : 3 x 3 = 09 marks
Biology ( 20 marks).
1. M.C.Qs. 5 Qs. x 1 = 05 marks
2. Very Short answer type questions: 3 Qs. x 1 = 03 marks
3. Short answer type questions 3 Qs. x 2 = 06 marks
4. Long answer type questions 2 Qs. x 3 = 06 marks
Total = 80 marks
(Periodic Assessment: 20 marks (weightage 5 marks) + M.A(5 marks) +S.E.. Activities: 5 marks
Notebooks: 5 marks+ Written Exams: 50 marks Practical: 20 & viva: 10 Marks=100 Marks)
„Cyber Beans-7‟
L-1 Number System, L-4 Log on to Animate CC, L-2 Formulas & functions, L-3 Advance features of
Excel (Lab activity), L-8 More on CSS3, L-9 Using Lists and Tables in HTML 5, L-10 Cyber Safety.
(Multiple Assessment Activity- 5 marks) :-
MCQ test will be conducted from L-2 Formulas & functions.
(S.E. Assessment - 5 marks) (Art Integrated Activity):-
Make a PowerPoint presentation showing the heritage places of Tripura, Mizoram and Chandigarh.
Write few lines on the History of these places. Give animations and transitions to your PowerPoint
presentations (Maximum 10 Slides). Submit print out of the same.
(Notebook Assessment- 5 marks): Timely submission and neatness of notebooks.
Marks will be deducted for untidiness and late submission.
Note: Qs. may be asked from anywhere in the lesson, not only the ones done in the notebooks.
Unit Test (20 marks )
Fill ups: 1 x 3 =3 marks
M.C.Qs: 1 x 5 =5 marks
True / False: 1 x 3 =3 marks
Short Questions 2 x 3 =6 marks
Long answers 3 x 1 =3 marks
Terminal Examination-Written (50 marks) : Practical = 20 marks + Viva = 10 marks.
Fill Ups: 1 x 5 = 5 marks
M.C.Qs 1 x 5 = 5 marks
True /False 1 x 5 = 5 marks
Short questions: 2 x 10 = 20 marks
Long questions 3 x 5 = 15 marks

P4 /Cl-7/23-24
1. ' सरल ल ' – 7:
- 1 'सत्कर्तव्य '
- 4 ‘ दीपदान ‘ एकाांकी
पाठ-10 ‘नीतर् के दोहे'
- 11 ' कामचोर ' ( कहानी )
- 13 ' सच्चा र्ीर्तयात्री ' ( )
2. र -' र स -7': - , तिलोम , ,
र , िाकयाांशों के तलए एक शब्द।
3. र ल 4. ल 5. स ल
( - )

1. 5
2. 5
( - )
3. - स 11-18 3
4. ल 31 (1 स 48 ) 3
5. ल सख्ं या 33-34 (1 स 40 ) 3
6. स 32-33 (1 स 30 ) 3
7. र स 120-122 (क-छ तक) 3
8. र 10
( )
9. 5
10. र 15
11. 5
12 5
( -घ)
13. र 5
14. ल 5
15. स ल 5
: स स र (20 ) स ल र5 और
और र र ल ल र5 । स र 80 ल
। कॉ र -र ल 5 ।
* - 5 ल ।
* ल र ल ।


P5 /Cl-7/23-24

Wow ! - 6: L-12 Castles, Palaces and Forts, L14 – War of Words, L-15 Bookworm, L-17- Art Zone
L-18 Time to Play, L-19 Math-a- Thon, L-20 Science Quiz. Test Papers 3 & 4
Subject Enrichment Activity 3- 10 marks, Activity: Oral assessment
An oral assessment will be conducted after each lesson is completed.
Subject Enrichment Activity 4- 10 marks, Project/Presentation
Students share information on National parks and wildlife Sanctuaries in India.

Human Values : L-7 I have my Rights, L-10 Together We Can , L-11 Bullying, L-13 Human Rights
S.E.A.1- (10 marks) Activity : Project / Presentation.
Students will speak on bullying and its negative effects.
S.E.A.2- (10 marks) Activity : Essay On Your Views.
Each student will write his/her views on any of the chapters done in the second term

lektion: -3 'Was gibt es im Fernsehen‟
Grammar:-Verb-“ sehen” , Structure “es gibt”, Personal Pronouns (Accusative)
Questions :- Wann, wie viel uhr, Von wann bis wann.
Preposition :- "un "& "von - bis"
Lektion:-4 Um wie viel uhr stehst du auf ?
Grammar:-Verb- “fahren" , Seperable verbs, Interrogative Pronoun “Wohin”, Preposition "in"
+ accusative" , Question: Wann, wie lange, wie spät, um wie viel Uhr?
Preposition- um and am
Difference between = Uhr and Stunde
Lektion: -1 Kannst du inlineskaten?
Grammar: Modal verbs- können ,Müssen, wollen
Lektion: 2 :- “Wem gehört das Fahrrad”
Grammar : Verb- gehören, Interrogative pronoun ,Wem‟
Possessive pronouns in nominative and accusative case
Dative case mir , dir

Activities: Additional Texts, E-mails, Crossword puzzle, Dialogue puzzle, sentence making, songs,
Subject Enrichment Activity 1- 5 marks Activity: Listening and Speaking
• Students will listen to CDs in German and be assessed on their ability to understand them.
• Students will be assessed on the pronunciation of words & sentences from the textbook.
Subject Enrichment Activity 2- 5 marks Activity: Reading & Workbook
• Students will be given passages to read to test their comprehension.
• A workbook will be done independently and then discussed. This work will be assessed.
• Students will listen to CDs in German and be assessed on their ability to understand them.
• Students will be assessed on the pronunciation of words & sentences from the textbook.
P6 /Cl-7/23-24
1. Basics of Human Sketches.
2. Animals
3. Creative Writing
4. Geometrical design
1. Origami Lotus
2. Craft with Foil sheet

A) Warming up exercises and Cooling down exercises.
B) Stretching exercises
C) Recreational activity- Rope skipping, Rubik‟s cube, Dribbling the ball, Throwing and
catching, Free hand exercise.
D) Game and Rules and regulations of various games.
Fit India activity- BMI ( Body mass index ) aim and Target Plate tapping test(for boys and girls)

Monthly Themes for the Display Boards- Middle Wing (Classes VI – VIII)
(Session 2023-24)
Month Theme
April Baisakhi – The Festival of Harvest

May Around the World

July Nurture the Nature

August We The Citizen of India

September Sustainable Development Goals

October Disaster Management Techniques

November Diwali – Triumph of Light over Darkness

December Christmas- Festival of Joy, Forgiveness and Benevolence

January, 2024 India of My Dream

February, 2024 Natural Resources Vs Man Made Resources

March, 2024 Science and Space

P7 /Cl-7/23-24
Unit Tests’ Schedule (Term-II, 2023-24) [ Classes VI to X]

Date Class/es


30-10-2023 ---------- -------- MATHS SCIENCE

02-11-2023 ---------- -------- ENGLISH HINDI




23-11-2023 I.T. PUNJABI / COMP. APP. PUNJABI /
07-12-2023 SCIENCE SOCIAL ------------------ ---------------
11-12-2023 PUNJABI / I.T. ------------------ ---------------

11-01-2024 ENGLISH HINDI ------------------ ---------------

15-01-2024 MAT HS SCIENCE ------------------ ---------------

18-01-2024 HINDI ENGLISH ------------------ ---------------

22-01-2024 SCIENCE SOCIAL ------------------ ---------------

01-02-2024 I.T. PUNJABI / ------------------ ---------------
05-02-2024 SOCIAL SCIENCE MATHS ------------------ ---------------
08-02-2024 PUNJABI / I.T. ------------------ ---------------

P7 /Cl-7/23-24
1. Besides the Periodic Assessment, the teachers may conduct Class Tests (oral or written) with
prior intimation.
2. Each Term will be of 100 marks. Periodic Assessment – 20 marks which includes Unit Test 5
marks, S.E.A. 5 marks, Multiple Assessments 5 marks and notebook submission 5 marks
and 80 marks for Final Exam.
3. In case the scheduled date of any Assessment or Activity happens to be a holiday, the
Assessment will be conducted on the next working day.
4. No Re-test will be conducted for any student who misses a Unit Test whatever the reasons
may be. However if a student misses any Unit Test on medical grounds, then he/she will be
marked on the basis of the other Tests.
5. All notebooks / files /scrapbooks or project work in each subject should be submitted by the
dates given by the concerned teachers, failing which no marks will be awarded.
6. In case a student misses any class, it is the parents‟ responsibility to get the work
completed. Such students will not be allowed to attend school till their work is complete/ up
to date in all respects.
7. The syllabus for the Unit Test will be given by the respective teacher well in time before the test.
S.E.A.= Subject Enrichment Activity
M.A = Multiple Assessments

P8 /Cl-7/23-24

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