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> N°132 / October-November 2004 / Médecins Sans Frontières’ newsletter

- From one genocide to
the next P3
- Overuse of the term
genocide P4
- A deadly confusion P5
- Violation of
humanitarian law P7

> © Claire Le Blé - Septembre 2004

Situation still fragile MANIP AND PROPAGANDA
in Darfur P8
A fragile transition
Street children

In the shadow
of “just” words
Psychological assistance to
liberian refugees P16

MSF / September 2004 / Bénédicte Jeannerod, Deputy Director Number 132

of Communications / Translated by Lyn Lemaire
DEBATES Beyond our disgust and horror at the assassination Although rare, its was no so much
Genocide in Rwanda P18 on June 2nd of five of our volunteers in Afghanis- the editorial committee who chose
tan, it is imperative that we also address the the main theme of this issue – but
question of our independence within the context of rather the number of contributions
crises such as these, in which identities are often sent to us or public statements
made in the press. In their own way,
confused. Is not producing our own discourse and
RESOURCES analyses the first step towards distancing ourselves
each contributor has attempted to
underline a form of rhetoric that is
- National staff from any interest other than that of the people impregnating the current climate.
volunteering we assist? By screaming “the crime of all
to leave on mission P24 crimes”, mixing military with
- Turnover humanitarianism or brandishing
and Positions to fill P28 Following September 11, the zeal tone of military operations. This terrorism to justify intervention,
with which the powers of the radicalization of objectives, which words do have concrete implica-
“Axis of Good” have intervened on demonizes the enemy, is accom- tions and often serve political
enemy territory has been panied by a radicalization of interests. Producing our own words
INFOS manifest, as in all wars, in the practices on the part of powers is therefore the starting point to
use of propaganda and expressed that elsewhere brandish the flags providing efficient assistance, away
Press review P26 through a carefully chosen of civilization and Human Rights. from amalgams detrimental to our
Watch and reed P26 vocabulary. From Afghanistan to Special crimes deserve special work. It also means defending our
Iraq, Chechnya to the occupied treatment: to embark on the fight independence from any power, in
Palestinian territories, it is, of against terrorism permits the the sole interest of the people we
course, the word “terrorism” that United States, Russia (who did help. This involves distancing
has invaded hawkish discourses not wait for September 11, 2001), ourselves from propaganda and
and that serves as the corners- Israel and, potentially, any other resisting this era of confusion.
state wanting to rid itself by force of
a given enemy, to exonerate itself
from adherence to international
conventions. We saw this, for
example, in the assassination of

DOSSIER hundreds of Afghan prisoners of

war in 2002 at Mazar-I-Sharif, or in
In the shadow the obscene treatment inflicted on

of “just” words
Special crimes deserve special
treatment: to embark on the fight
against terrorism permits the United
States, Russia (who did not wait for
September 11, 2001), Israel and,
> The title of this dossier potentially, any other state wanting to
rid itself by force of a given enemy, to
refers to the lastest MSF exonerate itself from adherence to
publication is the 'Popula- international conventions.
tions in Danger' series. > Ramallah, Palestinian Territories © Juan Carlos Tomasi - 2002
'In the shadows of just
wars" analyses the limits
and contradictions in the
every Chechen, civilian or Bush and his communication Arabs). It also demonstrates, as if it
humanitarian aid operations
combatant, suspected of belonging advisors. Even within the MSF were necessary, that words are used
implemented during
to a terrorist camp, etc. The movement, the Mazar massacre by States not for what they mean but
the most serious crises
rhetoric that accompanies these unleashed but little emotion. for the political objectives that they
“In the shadow of just
crimes tries to convince public To a lesser degree, another term now might serve. It was not enough to
wars“/MSF/edited by
opinion that these enemies are holds the spotlight: that of emphasize the ferocity of the repres-
Fabrice Weissman/Hurst
special, that they are not like other “genocide,” which was so belatedly sion wrought by the Sudanese army
and Company/
human beings, and that, conse- employed in Rwanda in 1994 and so and its militias and the amplitude of
September 2003
quently, these crimes are not promptly unsheathed in Darfur. the violent acts that were committed,
crimes. The weakness of both Resorting to this terminology says it was necessary to resort to this
public and state reactions in the much about the racist representation utmost designation in order to give
face of these massive acts of of African conflicts in the West (the weight to the threat of sanctions.
violence demonstrates the conflict in Darfur reduced to an inevi- Why have we chosen to cover this
marketing success of President table antagonism between Blacks and topic in Messages? Why organize a
debate on genocide at rue Saint-
Sabin (see p. 18)? Why do we think it
so important to use the right words
at the right moment? Simply put, to

… words are used by States not for

what they mean but for the political
objectives that they might serve

reflect on the contexts in which we

work and to make an effort to
characterize these contexts is
essential not only in order to set
ourselves apart from the analyses
produced by states or political
interest groups, but also, and above
all, in order to define the space in
which we work and to provide
appropriate assistance. Another
word appeared at the moment of the
beginning of this war in Iraq:
“embedded,” to designate journa-
lists who covered the war from
inside coalition tanks. To produce
our own discourse is also to refuse
> Iraq © Geert van Kesteren - May 2003
to climb into the tank... ■

P2 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004

From one genocide
to the next?
Doctor Jean-Hervé Bradol, president of Médecins Sans Frontières
Translated by Christopher Scala

On September 9, after the US Congress unanimously

adopted the resolution, the US Secretary of State Colin
Powell -followed closely by the two presidential candida-
tes- insisted again on the notion of genocide to qualify the
events in Darfur. Ten years after the Rwandan genocide,
what questions does this raise?

In June 1994, I met with Donald dered genocide, they must reflect “the
Steinberg, a member of the National intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a
Security Council. Returning from national, ethnical, racial or religious
Kigali, I had come to ask the United group”. In the case of Darfur, those
States to provide UN forces with who support the use of the word
armoured transport vehicles to genocide assert that the action of the
protect wounded civilians threatened “Arab” militias targets the destruction
with extermination while being of the “African” tribes. This argument
evacuated. At the time, Mr Steinberg is based on the assumption that
believed that what was taking place Sudan is populated by two races:
against the Rwandan Tutsis was Blacks and Arabs. The biological
genocide, but he refused to use that notion of race, abandoned several
word. The application of the word decades ago, has been resurrected on
genocide would have triggered the the pretext of a strict interpretation of
legal obligation to intervene an international convention, which is
incumbent upon signatory States of being taken out of its historical > Chad, refugees © Olivier Jobard / SIPA PRESS - February 2004
the Convention on the Prevention and context.
Punishment of the Crime of Genocide racism and slavery continues to exert presented for our approval is the right
(1948). The recent American debacle Any suggestion that the notion that on political decisions. to intervene in response to serious
in Somalia (1993) had led the United race is irrelevant and even dangerous and massive human rights violations.
States to limit its foreign military will be countered by the assertion The need to revive the notion of race For those who support the construc-
interventions to the strict defence of that the overwhelming majority of to support the premise of genocide in tion of this new international order
its vital interests. Acting to put an end Sudanese consider social strife to be Darfur is not the only point of founded on the ambitious promotion
to the extermination of Rwandan weakness in the genocide argument. of human rights (by armed force if
Tutsis did not fall under this category. Public statements of the intent to necessary), progress has not been
In August 2004, the US Congress The biological notion of race, destroy a human group have been no fast enough. They blame the inertia of
unanimously adopted a resolution abandoned several decades ago, more obvious than the existence of the super powers, as reflected by the
qualifying the Darfur situation as has been resurrected on the distinct races. No traces of this intent current functioning of the United
genocide. What has changed over the pretext of a strict interpretation can be found in statements by the Nations Security Council.
past 10 years, between the events in
of an international convention, Sudanese dictatorship or in the
which is being taken out of its
Rwanda and in Sudan, is the United country’s laws. In short, the alleged In response to this inaction, the use of
historical context.
States’ perception of threats to its intent to destroy a human group is not the terms “crime of crimes” and
national security and strategic obvious, and the definition of the genocide offers a sure advantage.
interests. The Sudanese regime is group of victims is based on a Among serious human rights viola-
high – although not first – on the the product of society’s racial category that was rightly invalidated tions, the word genocide most clearly
Bush Administration’s list of US division. It is undeniable that the idea many years ago. invokes an obligation of intervention,
enemies. of race is prevalent in Sudan, as in the not only afterwards as punishment,
United States - two countries with a The argument of genocide in Darfur, but before or during the course of
Despite the obvious political opportu- history of slavery where society although not universally accepted, events to prevent or stop them.
nism, the evolving use of the term remains strongly characterised by the has been welcomed by human rights According to this mindset, the primary
genocide nevertheless finds legiti- everyday use of racial categories. But organisations and humanitarian goal is no longer to determine if the
macy in a scrupulous reading of inter- this does not in itself lend support to bodies. Deep down, the driving force extermination of Rwandan Tutsis and
national criminal law. According to the an argument that racial classification behind this embrace is as political as the Darfur massacres are sufficiently
1948 Convention, for the massacres is relevant. It does, however, give a the unanimous vote of the US similar as historical events to be
committed in Darfur by the army and clear indication of the pernicious Congress. The accepted phraseology grouped in the same legal category,
pro-government militias to be consi- influence that the past history of describing this political project but rather to increase the frequency of

P3 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004

vigorous international action in crimes perpetrated by the Russian menting impartial assistance. But a
response to serious crimes. If army in Chechnya, it is strongly reminder of principles is not always
applying the term genocide to the tempting to note, alongside naivety, a enough to ensure compliance with
crimes committed in Darfur produces good dose of cynicism in this position. them, given the temptation to enlist in
the desired effect – enforcing the law, the construction of a new world that

DOSSIER by force if necessary – then the requi-

rement of characterising markedly
Independence is an essential precept
of humanitarian aid workers so as not
is always presented as better by
definition. A careful examination of
In the shadow dissimilar events in the same way to be perceived by the combatants as the arguments in favour of the right
becomes secondary. taking part in the hostilities. Respect to intervene, alongside the track
of “just” words
for this principle requires eschewing record of modern international
Incidentally, support for the genocide projects aimed at establishing a new military interventions, should be
argument implies the belief that the international political order and enough to convince us to avoid going
permanent members of the Security concentrating our efforts on imple- down this path. ■
Council have the resolve and power to
put an end to the most serious crimes
all over the planet. In view of the list of E XCERPT FROM C ONVENTION ON THE P REVENTION
permanent members of the Security
Council (China, United States, France,
Affairs minister was the first Article I
to use, on May 9, the word The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of
genocide to describe peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they
the events in Darfur when … the alleged intent to destroy a undertake to prevent and to punish.
he described the situation human group is not obvious, and Article II
as ‘resembling genocide’. the definition of the group of In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts
victims is based on a category
The word was then used committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical,
that was rightly invalidated many racial or religious group, as such:
several times before being years ago.
officially ‘adopted’ by a) Killing members of the group;
b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
the US House of Representa-
c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring
tives on July 22. It was
about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
then used repeatedly- d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
United Kingdom and Russia) and their
at times to be rejected, e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
recent history, along with the
as in the case of the Article III
frequency and complexity of the
European Union on August The following acts shall be punishable:
conflicts in which human rights viola-
9 – until the declaration by a) Genocide;
tions are major, the naivety of this
Colin Powell reaffirming the b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
position is astounding. When the
genocide situation one c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
whole world is aware of the extent of
month later. This was d) Attempt to commit genocide;
torture carried out in the American e) Complicity in genocide.
immediately repeated
prisons in Iraq and of the gravity of the
by Georges Bush and the
next day by John Kerry,
who declared in front
of the New Orleans National
Baptist Convention that
the United States could
Overuse of the term genocide
‘simply not accept another MSF / September 2004 / Marc Le Pape, Member of the Board of Médecins Sans Frontières
Rwanda’. Two days later Translated by Carley Hydusik
in front of congressmen
and black politicians in With the forthcoming debate on the Rwandan genocide (see page 18), Marc Le Pape
Washington he described discusses the notion of genocide and emphasizes its specific nature. Given the,
it as ‘the second African widespread use of this term today - used to describe almost anything - we are losing the
genocide in ten years”. true sense of the word…

According to official discourse, the plundered and destroyed, large needed to respond to the disaster.
world has supposedly witnessed two population displacements and the Nevertheless, according to the MSF
genocides since the beginning of 2004. risks that accompany them: these teams, “the intention to destroy, in
First Darfur, then the Gatumba mass murders and terror campaigns whole or in part, an ethnic group” has
massacre in Burundi (13 August 2004). serve to justify the use of the term not been attested.
I don’t think the notion of genocide as “genocide” to describe the events in In Burundi, the victims were refugees
defined in 1948 applies to these two Darfur. Whatever the underlying who fled the Bukavu region in June
situations, but it’s not hard to unders- political interests of certain groups 2004. These refugees, a large number
tand why the term is used. may be, many people seek to use the of whom are Kinyarwanda speakers
Large-scale massacres of civilians by strongest term possible in order to who have lived in Congo for years,
pro-government militias, villages trigger the large-scale assistance feared that the Congolese army would

P4 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004

engage in murderous reprisals against called genocide. I have been following again to tolerate acts of genocide masked behind the emotions conjured
them when it regained control of the statements of various people who, anywhere in the world.” He added that by recalling the Rwandan genocide.
Bukavu. The region had been occupied despite the strong condemnations, go Rwanda is prepared to provide The result is that, in these two situa-
by a dissident military officer, General only so far as to use the term emergency assistance and to intervene tions, resorting to the use of the term
Nkunda, who is a Kinyarwanda “massacre”. There is no question in the event of genocide “such as in “genocide” has many functions other
speaker. The Gatumba massacre was about it. This is a veritable genocide. Darfur“. than legal ones. It aims to mobilize
selective; most of the victims were And genocide should be called by its emergency assistance, trigger military
Kinyarwanda-speaking, often called name. Here we are talking about the By coincidence, 150 Rwandan soldiers intervention, conceal political calcula-
“Banyamulenge”, or “Congolese genocide of Banyamulenge, killed for arrived in Darfur on August 15 on a tions, express an emotion, etc., rather
Tutsis”. At the funerals held in the simple reason that they were born mission to protect cease-fire than to provide an objective description
Gatumba, Azarias Ruberwa, the Vice- Tutsi. This is a genocide of Congolese observers. of the acts by rigorously applying the
President of Congo, describing himself Tutsis.” During the same ceremony, As with Darfur, the term “genocide“ notion of genocide as originally defined
as a “member of this community, the representative of the Rwandan has been used in the case of Gatumba at the end of World War II, and as it was
which has suffered genocide”, stated, government declared, “Rwanda is to serve political ends. However this applied in the case of the Rwandan
“What brings us together today is resolute in its determination never political manipulation only works if it is Tutsis in 1994. ■

humanitarian action by delivering

> Chaman. Afghanis-
tan-Pakistan border.
“humanitarian” food drops during the
Leaflet distributed first aerial strikes in 2001, deploying
by the American army: special forces in civilian dress who claim
“Any attack on coalition
troops will stop all
to be on a “humanitarian mission,” and
assistance in your threatening to suspend humanitarian
region” aid to populations in southern Afghanis-
tan if they refuse to provide military
information etc.. Winning the hearts and
minds of civilian populations and encou-
raging them to cooperate with military
forces are among classic and legal
military techniques. On the other hand,
presenting a combat tactic as a humani-
tarian operation blatantly violates that
symbol, just as does, for example, using
a Red Cross vehicle to transport
weapons clandestinely alongside a

After the defeat of the Taliban, donors

required most NGOs and U.N. agencies
to place themselves at the service of the
> © Saeed Ali Achakzai / Reuters - April 2004
U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
(UNAMA) and of the interim govern-

A deadly confusion ment. The majority of NGOs thus

abandoned the independence essential
MSF / August 2004 / Fabrice Weissman, research director at the MSF Foundation to providing impartial aid and modeled
their priorities on those of the new
Nine days after five Médecins Sans Frontières volunteers were killed in Afghanistan on regime and its Western allies, who were
June 2, 2004, a Taliban spokesperson offered the following justification for their murder: still at war with the Taliban. That consti-
“Organizations like Médecins Sans Frontières work for American interests and are tutes the second element of confusion -
therefore targets for us.” As horrific as the crime is that this accusation seeks to legiti- - making it impossible to distinguish
between a subcontractor working on
mize, the statement itself is hardly surprising given the confusion that currently charac-
behalf of a warring party and a humani-
terizes the symbol of humanitarianism.
tarian actor.

Finally, beyond retaliation for the

Obtaining the right of access to the workers, and their room to maneuver, is position as outsiders to the conflict and September 11 attacks, the defense of
battlefield from belligerents in order to tied closely to the credibility of the the transparency of their intentions. human rights and international humani-
provide impartial aid to non-combatants humanitarian symbol under which they However both coalition forces and the tarian law were presented as forceful
is a difficult and dangerous undertaking. operate. That symbol says, “We refuse majority of aid actors have seriously arguments in favor of armed interven-
Armies in the fields are not comfortable to take sides in this war. Our only goal is abused this image in Afghanistan. tion in Afghanistan. Aid actors do not, of
with the presence of foreign actors, who to provide aid to its victims.” When all is course, have a monopoly on the rhetoric
are always suspected of serving the said and done, the only protection The first aspect of this confusion has they use. However, using the semantic
enemy’s interests. Under these condi- humanitarian actors have is the clarity been to camouflage psychological and legal constructs that aid workers
tions, the safety of international aid of their image. It must reflect their warfare and intelligence operations as rely on for military ends, it is of no

P5 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004

surprise that aid workers are perceived
as the vanguard of the expeditionary
troops of the new “just wars.”
Paradoxically, certain aid actors are
themselves helping to confuse the

DOSSIER picture by holding that war can be the

continuation of humanitarian aid by
In the shadow other means. In the belief that the
worldwide export of market democracy
of “just” words
is the highest philanthropic calling, this
free-market, universalist movement
considers any action to be “humanita-
rian” if it contributes to achieving that
mission. Such actions include assisting
and protecting “good victims” (those
whose survival does not threaten the
project’s accomplishment), imposing
economic sanctions, dropping bombs,
and invading and occupying nations
“guilty of massive violations of human
rights.” Consequently, organizations
that take this position have no objection
to supporting “just wars” and serving
the governments that pursue them.
From this perspective, one fairly close
to Bernard Kouchner’s vision, the term
“humanitarian action” is only a
euphemism for a colonizing mission
that imposes -- by force -- institutions
whose every feature is supposed to
embody a value system believed to be

This dilution of the meaning of humani- > Afghanistan, Kabul, MSF center in Darste Barshi
tarian language, with its neocolonial © Heidi Holzer - September 2003
undertones, has inevitably had
disastrous consequences on the The blurring of the humanitarian are including humanitarian actors in
security and possibility of intervention symbol and its disastrous consequen- their camp. In so doing, they are
for aid actors. In Afghanistan internatio- ces may be found in most places where designating those actors as enemies in
nal aid actors are perceived as back-up international forces are deployed. the eyes of Khartoum’s authorities.
troops to the Western intervention These include, of course, Iraq, but this And the authorities see threats of
> El Geneina, Darfur © Michaël Zumstein / L’œil public - August 2004

forces and their local partners, and as is also the case in countries where the intervention as a genuine “declaration
such have been victims of multiples humanitarian symbol encompasses of war.”
acts of violence. Since March 2003, U.N. peacekeeping operations and
more than thirty Afghan humanitarian protection of non-combatants (Liberia, It may be good for the U.N. or Western
aid workers and nine international Sierra Leone, Angola etc.). Whatever powers to intervene in the Sudan to
volunteers have been killed leading to a their legitimacy, armed interventions assist and protect the Darfur popula-
significant reduction in aid activities and intended to assist and protect civilian tion. However, that is not a question
to MSF’s withdrawal from Afghanistan populations put aid workers’ safety at for aid actors to decide. But conduc-
after a 20-year presence there. Let us risk from the moment they are ting a “just war” in the name, and with
be clear, however, that the murder of deployed under the humanitarian the participation, of humanitarian
our colleagues cannot be reduced to “a banner. If a protection operation is to organizations – most often under
terrible misunderstanding.” Forces be serious, it necessarily involves the cover of a questionable reading of
hostile to the interim government and to use of force against the enemy and, international criminal law that triviali-
the Coalition intend to conduct a total thus, potential non-combatant victims. zes the notion of genocide -- poses a
war, one that accepts no compromise How can a humanitarian organization deadly threat to aid organizations and
with the adversary, including to save provide aid to victims if it is equated the people they assist. After the Iraqi
lives. We are not so idealistic as to think with the “humanitarian” protection and Afghan populations, will the
that a clear understanding of our action force in the fighting? This is the danger Sudanese people on the wrong side of
principles would be enough to dissuade that threatens aid organizations in the front line become the newest
anyone from attacking us. The clarity of Sudan today. By brandishing the threat victims, abandoned by humanitarian
the humanitarian symbol may not of armed intervention in Darfur in the organizations forced to evacuate the
guarantee absolute security but it is, name of humanitarianism, the Security country after their symbol has been
nonetheless, an essential precondition. Council and certain Western nations militarized? ■

P6 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004

Violation of Humanitarian Law
MSF/August 2004/ Françoise Bouchet-Saulnier, legal director at Médecins sans Frontières. Translated by Angela Dickson

Alongside the publication in Russian of The Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law, Françoise Bouchet-Saulnier reviews
the propaganda tools used by the “dominant powers”. In the name of the war against terror, certain words are used to
dehumanize the 'enemy' and to justify the violation of humanitarian law.

The war against terror, in Afghanistan reasoning by refusing to qualify the pline, dedication and effectiveness of involving guerillas, the secret services
as well as in Iraq and Chechnya, has situation in Chechnya as an armed combatants depends on the existence of large countries and non-national
been marked by the refusal to conflict. We might assume, then, that of clear and just rules of combat. The military groups supported, to a
recognize and apply the status of a new law would therefore be tragic stories of veterans of Vietnam, greater or lesser extent, by foreign
combatant, and consequently of necessary for this new type of Afghanistan and Chechnya show us states. Today this system has become
prisoner of war, to the majority of the conflict. However, while novelty may that orders that are not justified by autonomous and has largely escaped
opposing forces. This phenomenon is be a progressive and saleable law and strict military necessity come the control of the former superpo-
illustrated by the creation of the term concept in marketing, in the legal back to haunt the perpetrators and wers, the USA and Russia. The speci-
'illegal combatant' and the abuse of field it is regressive: while we wait for permanently destroy the integrity and ficity of the current problem is
the word 'terrorist'. The dominant a new law, there is no law at all! efficiency of combatants. However, therefore the extent of terrorism and
powers thus seek to avoid the imple-
mentation of humanitarian law which
would ordinarily be applicable in a
period of armed conflict, whether civil
war or international, just as patriotic
and military propaganda try to
convince public opinion that humani-
tarian law is not designed for these
new types of war.
On the contrary - humanitarian law is
applicable as soon as a conflict
situation between two opponents
results in armed clashes of a certain
intensity and duration. These laws are
thus applicable to military action in the
war against terror. In this case, terro-
rists are combatants whose methods
of war are illegal. If they are captured,
they must be recognized as comba-
tants, and may be questioned and tried
for war crimes: but in no event may
they be detained without trial or
tortured to obtain information.


> Grozny, Chechnya © Eddy van Wessel - December 1999

The law of armed conflict can be said

to rely on absolute symmetry between
combatant and civilian status: when >LESSONS FROM THE PAST even if soldiers know that respect for the absence of a forum for political
this first status is contested, the the law is necessary for their own resolution. Waging war on terrorism
definition and protection of civilians is It should be remembered that the efficiency, it is often the opposite view without respecting the rules of war is
brought into question. Thus, in Iraq, 1949 Geneva Conventions were that prevails at the heart of political to risk falling into the same terrorism.
Palestine and Chechnya, the entire amended in 1977 to take into account power.
civilian population is suspected of specific and problematic new forms of The attitude of the United States in
taking part in the conflicts or of war: guerilla warfare, wars of > THE VIRUS OF TERROR Iraq and of Russia in Chechnya illus-
supporting the combatants. independence, civil and insurrectional trates the quotation from Nietzsche:
wars involving acts of terrorism and Insurrections, guerilla warfare and 'He who fights with monsters might
Speaking of the military action in non-state actors. acts of terrorism are by no means take care lest he thereby become a
Afghanistan and Iraq, the deputy The basis of humanitarian law is not new phenomena. The Cold War was monster'. For if we admit that war is
Secretary of State, Richard Armitage, humanism, it is the intimate just that: an impossible military the continuation of politics by other
asserted that the Geneva Conven- knowledge and control of the power confrontation between the Eastern means, we must not forget that
tions were 'obsolete'. The Russian and mechanisms of destruction that and Western blocs and numerous politics is the primary means of
authorities have displayed similar are deployed in conflicts. The disci- active conflicts in the rest of the world conflict resolution.■

P7 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004


Situation still fragile

> El Geneina, Darfur © Michaël Zumstein / L’œil public - August 2004

In late June, we published a report on people having fled attacks recently > LONG-TERM
the consequences of the widespread set up camp in extremely precarious DEPENDENCE
violence committed against civilians. conditions around Shariya and
MISSION We exposed the shortage of aid and Muhajariya, to the east of Nyala, in The displaced who left everything
feared a famine “entirely due to South Darfur. A make-shift camp behind are completely dependent on
SUDAN/DARFUR political reasons”. What we are now has also been set up near to the humanitarian aid. The majority of them
seeing today in the areas where we camp in Kalma, which already has have not been able to sow crops, their
MSF / September 2004 / Bénédicte
Jeannerod / Translated by Justin Hillier are working is that the arrival of aid is 80,000 displaced. Also in Kalma, supplies have been destroyed or
Following several months at least holding the worst at bay. The nearly 800 children are receiving pillaged and they have no resources left
situation, however, remains care at MSF’s therapeutic feeding to guarantee their survival. In spite of
providing assistance to the
extremely fragile. centre and the medical situation is the harsh conditions in the camps, they
displaced people in Darfur,
In the camps in West Darfur still critical. have decided not to return home, mainly
our teams are now able to (Mornay, Zalingei, Nyertiti), we are due to the on-going security risks this
gauge the effects of the seeing an improvement in health > THE MEDICAL AND would entail. Consequently, it is
humanitarian aid distributed indicators and the context is less SANITATION SITUATION essential that the aid continues to arrive
to the populations in the tense. For several weeks, the IS FRAGILE and even be extended to more isolated
camps. Where aid program- mortality rates have stabilized regions. Our teams in West Darfur have
mes were implemented below the emergency threshold in The rainy season, which began mid- gone to see “what is going on
rapidly following the waves the Mornay camp where there are July and will continue through until elsewhere” far from the larger camps.
of violence, the situation has 80,000 displaced: the crude October, is still an aggravating factor: Any decrease in aid could have serious
mortality rate is 0.04 per 10,000 this period is ideal for malaria, and consequences. We are particularly
significantly improved.
people per day (emergency there may well be a seasonal peak concerned with regards to the general
However, in those areas
threshold 1/10,000/day) and around October/November time, as food distribution by the World Food
where it took longer for help 0.6/10,000/day for children under well as respiratory infections and Programme that didn’t achieve its
to be provided, and where five (emergency threshold diarrhoea. These are the major August objective (16,000 tonnes distri-
the fighting continues (like 2/10,000/day). Zalingei – where disease people seek consultation for buted instead of the 21,000 tonnes
in South Darfur), the there are 45,000 displaced - is at our health centres. required) and risks being under target
situation remains extremely witnessing the same trend. The Since June, the teams have also been for September.
precarious. The displaced are number of children admitted to our coping with a Hepatitis E epidemic Another concern is the relocation of the
now – and will continue to feeding centres is decreasing. that is rife throughout Darfur and the displaced and the way in which
be for several months refugee camps in Chad. This illness is Khartoum’s authorities could
> SUSTAINED VIOLENCE particularly fatal among pregnant implement this. The displaced should
still – completely dependant
women (20% mortality). only return home if they want to and
on aid. It is therefore
The situation is still very tense in when there are sufficient security
essential that the action some areas of the North and South. There is also an extremely real threat guarantees, which certainly isn’t the
persists, that help gets In the El Fasher region (North), of cholera; all the factors that promote case at the time of writing. The humani-
through to the more isolated entire villages were destroyed in its emergence are present. The teams tarian aid that could be provided to the
regions and that the distri- late August, causing several have equipment on hand already home regions is contingent on these two
bution of food is stepped up. thousands of people to flee. 20,000 should the disease rear its head. imperatives. ■

> El Geneina, Darfur © Michaël Zumstein / L’œil public - August 2004

P9 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004


From one town to another

MSF / July 2004 / Caroline Livio (El Geneina) and Milton Tectonidis (Mornay) / Translated by Lyn Lemaire and Mary Cassidy

MISSION El Geneina and Mornay are two towns one hundred kilometers apart. Here are the
descriptions of two different field visits, one in July to El Geneina and the other in
SUDAN/DARFUR September to Mornay.

> AHDAMETA’S FACADE – rare and unequal – food distributions. disadvantaged than others. However,
Days of searching for work in the city, there is little information about the
Almost 20,000 people are piled into often without success, sometimes situation beyond the road. There are
Ahdameta, one of three main camps without eating. Neighbors who apparently several inhabited villages
around El Geneina, where a total of sometimes give them just enough to along a wadi (river) 30 km north of
TELEX 80,000 internally displaced people (IDPs) prevent dying of hunger. The rain at night Mornay (including Rumeila). However,
have gathered. To walk through this that transforms the arid ground into the change in the atmosphere does not
> Updated 4.10.04
camp is to penetrate into an abyss of mud and demolishes the hut that one mean that refugees in Mornay expect to
Hurricane Jeanne in Haiti poverty and neglect. At first glance, must try to rebuild the next morning. go back to their villages any time soon.
Mid-September, hurricane however, everything appears calm. The And the violence that chased them from The health indicators also suggest that the
Jeanne caused severe rains that flood the camp every night their village, ever present. “We don’t situation has stabilised. Mortality rates,
flooding in Haiti. have also made the grass grow, covering want to return home. We are left with calculated on the basis of data collected by
In Raboteau, a shanty town the brick red earth with little green nothing and we are scared. We will our home visitors, are not only below the
west of Gonaïves, MSF coats. Children run about, women work return only if all of the IDPs leave at the emergency threshold, but well below the
Belgium has renovated little patches of land here and there. One same time.” On her face, a mix of fear, African average. Despite the hepatitis E
a health centre to order must therefore look a little deeper in fury, and fatalism. But also of relief to epidemic, which seems to be coming to an
to provide assistance order to see beyond this first impression see her son regain his strength. Like end, hospital admissions are falling. The
to the population in need. that many would like to see presented her, over a dozen women came to the number of consultations is also declining,
Two old operating theatres as the reality, that of a quieted conflict in MSF feeding center today. Like her, their with a reduction in the number of cases of
are used for general which time will soon allow these infant, sometimes a newborn, will leave diarrhoea, despite the increase in acute
consultations, one for displaced to resume their normal lives. with his ration of food. Today only one, respiratory infections (because the nights
psychological assistance There are signs, however, that this sick and very severely malnourished, are cold). The number of cases of malaria is
and the other for child birth. appearance of serenity is only an was urgently rushed to the hospital, increasing, but is still marginal, and very
While aid is starting to get illusion. The carcasses of goats and where another MSF team will provide few severe cases have been recorded. The
organised in Raboteau, donkeys that the earth has yet to devour the necessary care. rainy season is coming to an end. Every-
it is still difficult to get aid to betray the extreme indigence of the thing is green, and grasshoppers are more
the region of Port-de-Paix, IDPs, who were forced to flee attacks > MORNAY, THE SITUATION numerous every day.
further north. The French and violence bringing little or nothing ON 8 SEPTEMBER 2004 There has been no general food distribution
section is opening with them. Animals starved to death for since the beginning of August. The World
a healthcare support lack of money to feed them or adequate The general situation in Mornay at the Food Programme (WFP) has promised to
programme there (consulta- security to venture outside the camp. beginning of September was totally begin airdrops this week, using Ilyushins
tions, dressings, paediatrics) Then there are the dozens of women different from the situation I found on my and Antonovs from El Obeid. The drop site is
in the Immaculée Concep- who turn up with their children, last visit in June 2004. The militia were ready, and food distribution after the drops
tion hospital. Eight tonnes sometimes with one, sometimes with expelled from the outskirts of the town is likely to take 10-14 days if all goes well.
of medical and logistic several, at the feeding center opened a over a month ago by massive deploy- Despite everything, admissions to the
material will be sent few days ago by MSF. A nutrition survey ment of police officers, many of whom therapeutic programme are becoming less
by plane to Port-au-Prince. conducted in this camp showed that one are local people. The number of violent frequent (1-2 a day), discharges are increa-
out of four children suffers from malnu- incidents immediately fell as a result. sing and the number of children aided by
trition. The first day, the crowds were not The police are deployed at several points our programme is gradually declining; the
immense. Some women had come just along the road to El Geneina (10 km current figure stands at 250. If the general
because they had seen the center being from Mornay), and people can be seen distribution is a success, this figure can be
built and heard that children were cared venturing further and further in search expected to decline even further.
for and fed for free, which is unheard of of forage and wood. Some are even MSF’s structures and activities have
elsewhere. But everyday when the setting off with tools to work in the fields developed in the meantime. The hospital
center opens, new mothers are there around the abandoned villages. facilities are constantly improving; the pre-
with their children. Pressure on the refugees to return natal and maternity consultation
Mariam thus arrived at the center with home has recently become less frequent programme is to be relaunched, and the
her little boy, barely a year old and and more discreet. logistics staff are awaiting the equipment
severely malnourished. Settled here for The relative calm is reflected in the faces needed to extend the supply of drinking
the past seven months, she tells us of and dialogue of the people, the resump- water to the whole population. Concern’s
her daily suffering: the famous registra- tion of trade and bustling activity at the sanitation project is expanding, and
tion cards for the World Food Program market, which is growing every day, and latrines are multiplying. This NGO will also
(WFP) that she didn’t get and that would improvements and extensions to homes, be opening a supplementary feeding
have allowed her to benefit from several although some districts are far more centre shortly. ■

P10 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004


Operation super-log
MSF / September 2004 / interview Aurélie Grémaud / Translated by Mary Davis

With a budget of over 10 million euros for the French

section only, the activities in Darfur are one of MSF’s
largest emergency missions. Eric Barte de Sainte Fare,
logistics supervisor, describes the means employed to
assist the populations in Darfur.

“The biggest challenge we faced was The quality of the transported

to organize such a large-scale medicine, food and equipment is also
operation in an emergency. Every- fundamental and takes up a lot of
thing had to be done, from the supply time and energy. This is particularly
chain to setting up a water distribu- true during the rainy season: Unimix
tion system for 135,000 people at is an active matter that must always
Mornay, Zalingei and Nyertiti.” be stored in dry places. Products also
need to be reconditioned to prepare
> 5,200 TONS OF FREIGHT the food distribution.”

“This is the first time I’ve seen such > 300,000 FOOD RATIONS > Mornay, Darfur © Michaël Zumstein / L'oeil public - August 2004
large amounts of supplies transpor-
ted for an MSF emergency operation, “I think this is the most impressive
both on the national and international thing we’ve ever done. In Zalingei, in quite overwhelming: the huge crowds system, which wasn’t easy, even if we
level: more than 5,200 tons of cargo western Darfur, MSF distributes waiting for aid generate a lot of stress knew that the pools installed in the
were sent to Darfur at the end of 18,000 rations in one day. This repre- and tension, and the situation can dried riverbeds of the wadi would be
August! sents a population of around 40,000 even degenerate.” flooded as soon as the first heavy
This supply chain is very expensive individuals, each child accompanied rains fell.
and it is the logisticians job to keep by at least one person. One of the > WATER FOR It is not easy to find a water supply
costs as low as possible. For most important elements of a distri- 135,000 PEOPLE source in a semi-dry zone; in Mornay,
example, the overall cost of a ton of bution is rapidity, because the people, logisticians built four wells that were
Unimix (high-protein flour, ed.), who are weak, cannot wait for a long “Supplying water is essential in these five meters in diameter by using pre-
bought for 410 dollars in Europe, is time in the heat or rain. This is how precarious situations where the risk existing drilling sites. Yet nothing is
1,050 dollars once it reaches its 9,000 rations are distributed in 4 of epidemics, cholera and diarrhoea permanently solved.
destination. On top of the purchasing hours. Since the emergency in Angola increases with the density of the Within a few weeks, the problem will
price, loading and unloading costs as in 2002, we have designed a very population. The population of Mornay, come up again: with the end of the
well as storage and transportation smooth distribution system that has originally 5,000 inhabitants, is now rainy season, another solution needs
fees have to be added. A survival reduced the time that people have to 80,000 people. As a result, the clean to be found.
ration distributed by our teams wait. As soon as a person is registe- water supply sources had become Yet it is not enough to extract and
during blanket feedings distribu- red and enters the distribution line, insufficient. At the beginning of the purify water. A distribution network,
tions*, consisting of 5 kg of high- after having waiting outside, he/she year we set up an emergency water well spread out in the city or camp
protein flour and a litre of oil, costs 7 goes through in less than a minute. In supply system. With the rainy season, with enough ramps, needs to be
dollars per family. spite of it all, these distributions are we had to re-evaluate the whole created. We have organised 49 distri-
bution ramps in Mornay, but this is
barely sufficient for the whole of the
For the time being, we have
SUPPLIES WATER succeeded in avoiding the worst-case
- Over 5,200 tons of freight. - By the end of September, 2,700 cu. M/day of chlorinated scenario in the areas where we are
- 5 Full Charters water distributed in Mornay, Zalingei and Niertity. This working, but we’re all on our last
represents 20 litres of water a day per person for 135,000 legs. This is an emergency that
MEDICAL STRUCTURES people. started a year ago, in September
- 5 clinics 2003, although it wasn’t until
- 4 hospitals, with 200 hospital beds - 55 cu. m of chlorinated water are distributed daily in our December that the first teams were
- 4 therapeutic feeding centres, with 180 beds medical facilities.
really able to work in the area.
- 1 operating theatre
Furthermore, from December to
- 2,200 sq. m medical facilities SHELTER
March, we were the only organisation
375 rolls of plastic sheeting have been distributed in the
DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD SURVIVAL RATIONS 300 000 FOOD city of Zalingei. in the area. But we succeeded!” ■
SURVIVAL RATIONS. A total of 825 000 rations will be distri- This represents a roof for 4,500 shelters of 20 sq. m each.
buted by December 2004. * Blanket feeding: food distribution for
children under 5 years and their families.

P11 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004

Republic of Congo

> Updated 4.10.04

> DRC © MSF - 2004

Burundi : end of our
activities in the camps
With harvest time
approaching, the fighting
moving towards the north
of Kivu and the measures DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO
taken by the Burundian
government to close
the camps where we
are working, most of
A fragile transition
the refugees have returned MSF / September 2004 / Aurélie Grémaud, Marc Le Pape / Translated by Steven Durose
home. Only one thousand,
mainly Banyamulenge (Tutsis Two years after a transitional government was created to find a political solution to the
from Congo) who had been conflict, the Democratic Republic of Congo still suffers outbreaks of violence.
targeted in the attack These act as a reminder that stability in the region will prove difficult to achieve as long
on Gatumba , have decided as there are those who stand to profit from political stalemate and where
to stay in Burundi. With help individual interests are intertwined with solving the country’s “essential” problems.
from the government
and under the aegis
of the UNCHR, they have After almost five years of war, the the main armed rebel groups (see The transitional government will
been transferred to a camp government of the Democratic box), the political opposition and civil come to an end when presidential
in Gwasowe in the centre Republic of Congo entered into a society organisations was formed. A elections are held in July 2005. Until
of the country where IMC transitional power-sharing agreement unified national army was created then, the government aims to confine
will provide assistance. in Sun City in 2002 in order to end the under the leadership of high-ranking the rivalry between the various
conflict . Rwanda and Uganda agreed army officials from the various parties. factions to the political arena,
to withdraw their troops (at the end of But the troops are still far from mixed preventing a return to armed conflict.
2002 and May 2003 respectively) and a and former armed groups continue to But recent events have shown that
transitional government composed of dominate the areas they controlled some groups still to resort to
members of the former government, during the war. violence, especially those with

- RCD-Goma – Congolese Rally for Democracy-Goma. Current leader: Azarias Ruberwa. A Rwandan-allied
movement set up in 1998 in opposition to President L.D. Kabila after he expelled his former Rwandan allies from
DR Congo. Following a failed attempt to capture Kinshasa, the group took control of the eastern Congo until the
Sun City agreement.
- RCD-ML – Congolese Rally for Democracy-Liberation Movement. Current leader: Mbusa Nyamwisi. Also know as
RCD-Kisangani, the RCD-ML is a splinter group of RCD-Goma formed in May 1999. Initially backed by Uganda,
RCD-ML has been torn apart by power struggles and in-fighting.
- MLC - Congolese Liberation Movement. Created in 1998 with backing from Uganda. Current leader: Jean-Pierre
Bemba, a vice-president of DR Congo in charge of the economy and finance.
- RCD-National - Congolese Rally for Democracy-National. Current leader: Roger Lumbala. Based in northern
Ituri, the RCD-N was initially backed by Uganda. RCD-N supports the MLC’s attempts to seize control of areas rich
in natural resources from the RCD-ML in 2001 and 2002.

P12 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004

leaders who feel excluded from Troops under the command of the transition process - the presi- woman was shot dead in front of the
power. Colonel Jules Mutebusi, who was dential elections in June 2005. MSF clinic as she sought help. In
suspended from the new national Gbadolite, in the country’s equatorial
Rebels have already made two coup army, took control of Bukavu on 26 > CONTINUING VIOLENCE region, where MSF has been treating
attempts in Kinshasa this year. There May 2004, with the help of Laurent IN THE EAST the local population for trypanoso-
has also been a rise in insurgency in Nkunda. The dissidents captured the miasis, several rape victims were
the east of the country, where a town from forces loyal to the recently Although the most immediate taken into care. The attacks are a
rebel military leader seized control appointed military governor. Rebels threats to peace in the region have direct consequence of the growing
of the town of Bukavu between May occupied Bukavu, the provincial been reduced, the situation remains military presence in the region.
and June. Even Monuc, the UN capital of Sud-Kivu province, before extremely volatile. The government Hundreds of families fleeing violence
mission in DR Congo, has been the loyalist forces recaptured it. The of national unity installed in June linked to recent troop reinforce-
target of violent protests. The town was subjected to several days 2003 has been unable to bring peace ments have arrived in Kayna, in
mission was accused of doing too of looting and violence, including to the population of the eastern Nord-Kivu, where MSF is battling
little to protect the population after rape. The 700-strong Monuc force Congo. The area is at the mercy of against malnutrition. Armed men in
160 Congolese refugees of Rwandan took no military action to prevent the armed groups who roam the these areas have been carrying out
origin were slaughtered in a UN rebels from taking the town from the countryside burning down villages violent attacks against the local
camp in Burundi last August. While pro-government forces. The and stealing food supplies. Rape and civilian population. The lucky few pay
media attention is focused on Iraq mission’s inaction turned an already murder are commonplace. In protection money or risk being
and Darfur, there are very real fears angry population against the Monuc. February 2004, almost 70 villages stripped of their possessions and
that the Great Lakes region will once were destroyed in the Kitenge region food supplies, while many have seen
again descend into violent chaos. One hundred and sixty Congolese in northern Katanga, where MSF has their houses burnt down and their
refugees of Rwandan origin were been working since 2002. One wives and daughters raped. ■
> FROM KIVU TO BURUNDI massacred at night on 13 August in a
UN camp in Gatumba. The refugees
The biggest obstacles to peace and had fled to Burundi following the
reunification are found in the Sud- capture of Bukavu. The identity of
Kivu and Nord-Kivu provinces. This the men who attacked the camp,
area was the scene of the earliest which is located four kilometres
rebel attacks on the government in from the border, is still under
1996 and 1998 and recent outbreaks question. The massacre could have
of violence are a major cause for destabilised the entire region: the
concern. president of RCD-Goma withdrew
from the transitional government for
RCD-Goma, which once controlled several days, while Burundi and
Sud-Kivu and Nord-Kivu, has joined Rwandan closed their borders with
the transitional government. The RD Congo and threatened the
leader of RCD-Goma is one of DR country with retaliation and even
Congo’s vice presidents and there war.
are a number of RCD-Goma
members of parliament. The interim > KEY QUESTIONS REMAIN
government has also appointed UNANSWERED
several regional governors from
among the movement’s ranks. But The scale of the conflict has been
the region is still torn between rival declining since the beginning of
factions and interests. Each group is September 2004 when the dissidents
competing for military control, rejoined the transitional govern-
which offers political advantages ment. But a number of “key”
and access to the country’s rich questions, as they are called in Ex Zones under rebel control
MLC (Congolese Liberation Movement) - RCD-G (Congolese Rally for
natural resources. An RCD-Goma Kinshasa, have yet to be addressed.
Democracy-Goma) - RCD-N (Congolese Rally for Democracy-National) -
splinter group led by one of DR One of the most pressing issues is RCD-ML (Congolese Rally for Democracy-Liberation Movement)
Congo’s most powerful generals, nationality. President Mobutu
Laurent Nkunda, is behind the conti- granted Congolese nationality to the
nuing violence. Some warlords see population of the eastern Congo,
no advantage in joining the transitio- which has close links to Rwanda,
nal government and many fear being before taking it away again six years THE BANYAMULENGE
put on trial for their bloody pasts. later. One of the most important
The prosecutor of the International areas of disagreement between the Originating from Rwanda, the Banyamulenge have lived in Sud-Kivu for
Criminal Court recently started various parties is what defines a several generations. Relations between the Banyamulenge and other
investigations into serious crimes Congolese citizen. The essential Congolese groups are strained. The Banyamulenge are frequently used
as political pawns by Rwanda and DR Congo. They have faced growing
committed in DR Congo since 1 July point is whether the Banyamulenge
hostility over the last six years and Rwanda cites the need to protect
2002. By joining the government, the of Sud-Kivu (see table) and the
them to justify its presence in DR Congo. But the alibi is purely political:
warlords stand to lose the military Banyarwanda of Nord-Kivu are
Rwandan troops killed dozens of civilians when they attacked Banya-
and economic power they gained Congolese. It is vital that the issue is mulenge villages in 2002.
during the war. resolved before the closing phase of

P13 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004


> Chine © Atsushi Shibuya / MSF - 2001


An alternative to the streets

MSF/September 2004/ Isabelle Merny / Translated by Rosalind Mendy

110 M. does not exactly have the life that an adolescent of her age should have: she lives at the
MSF centre for children in difficulty in Baoji, China.
children have
returned to their
families in the past M. has never known her parents. She tions for their recovery (temporary run away from home and the mistreat-
three years, and a only knew her grandfather. Finding lodging, access to medical and psycho- ment and abuse they suffered. 33
herself alone on his death, she had to logical care, and to schooling). Once the children currently live at the centre.
dozen of the “older”
manage on her own: but her nomadic child has recovered, physically and Aged between 8 and 17, the girls and
ones have found childhood meant she did not go to mentally, the social work begins. This boys arrived here after having been
work. school. Helpless, she let herself be involves finding the child’s family and re- rounded up by the police, or were
taken to a clandestine drug factory establishing contact and dialogue with dropped off by compassionate
where she worked hard for a year in his/her close entourage so that strangers. A new child arrives every
> Baoji, China order to eat and have somewhere to eventually the child is no longer margi- week on average. They have the choice:
© Isabelle Merny - July 2004 sleep. She was never paid: instead she nalised and can return to live at home in stay or leave. Over the past three years
was often insulted, even threatened with the best possible conditions. The centre nearly 300 children have chosen the
death when she talked about leaving. is not a solution, but an alternative to life former solution. A few are wary, put off
She was a prisoner and says she ‘seized on the street. Three expatriates -one by their experience of child institutions,
her chance’ the day she managed to doctor, one psychiatrist and one specia- and prefer to go back on the streets.
escape. After a period of aimless lised educator- are currently devoting But, like L., they know that if the need
wandering, M. arrived at the centre. themselves to this task together with arises they can always find help at the
thirteen Chinese staff - one nurse, centre. He even brings other children
> BAOJI : RAILWAY seven educators, two teachers and here that he meets on the streets –
JUNCTION three social workers. children even younger or more vulnera-
ble than himself.
Baoji, in Shaanxi province in the centre > 300 CHILDREN IN 3 YEARS
of China, is an intersection point of the 150 000 cases of vagrancy concerning
numerous railway lines that criss-cross Orphans like M., abandoned children children under 16 are recorded each
this country 50 times the size of France. like K. – this little boy of 8 who does not year on the streets of China’s towns.
Many street children get onto trains that want to remember the evening in July Alone or in groups, they beg or collect
bring them here, sometimes after a when his father left him in the street – plastic bottles, which will be resold by
journey of more than 40 hours. The MSF children ‘lost’ in the turmoil of a railway weight for a pittance. Sometimes
centre in Baoji opened in March 2001, in platform, or rejected after a divorce, passers-by take pity on the youngest
collaboration with the Chinese Civil children who are one mouth too many to ones and give them a little money or
Affairs Office. The aim of the feed, or handicapped … They are all food; the ‘bigger’ ones have to deal with
programme is to offer a stable environ- ‘burdens’ for their families. Some have the hunger, cold and rejection on
ment for children and the right condi- been sold or given away; others have their own. ■

P14 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004


“I always bear been through and what they have seen!

It is true that though the drawings show
lost paradises, enchanted landscapes,

in mind our future separation.” break-up and sadness are nonetheless

present. The children remain very
MSF/September 2004/ interview by IM / Translated by Rosalind Mendy vulnerable.
How about returning to their families ?
Françoise Oppenot, a paedopsychiatrist at the MSF centre, describes her experiences with That is not so easy. First we have to find
the family, and the family has to accept
the children in difficulty in Baoji. The search for their families, their identities etc. Other
to take the child back. There is also the
than the physical and psychological help, there is a considerable of administrative work
problem of the Houko, an administra-
to be done for these children, who often have complex social backgrounds. tive document a bit like the French
“livret de famille” . Without this
« I had a first taste of working with We have between 30 and 40 children in clearly behind at school, and not residence certificate, it is impossible to
children in difficulty with Médecins the centre and every week, on average, mature when it comes to controlling obtain identity documents. The Chinese
Sans Frontières in Armenia. Armenian a new child joins us. I see the new their emotions. They are often intelli- do not have the right to live outside the
and Chinese children are in the same arrivals as a matter of priority, several gent, but unfortunately many of them district marked on their Houko. Those
pitiful state, the institutions look the times. That enables me to pick out have never been to school. They also who live outside the limits are Ming
same, but here their experiences are those who need more than just educa- suffer from inhibition at school, finding Gong, people who have no identity
much more severe. Here we do not tional support, the more vulnerable it difficult to concentrate and pay papers, no home and no right to work.
know the identity of some children, or ones. I do not want to develop too deep attention. There are 2 or 3 special cases The social workers go from one town
even their origin. That is the social a relationship with the children and of children who need to see psychia- hall to another searching for families
workers’ main task, hunting down the become too attached, because after- trists, but it is difficult to contact local and Houkos. The children are confused
families, reconstituting identities. It is a wards, when the psychologist has psychiatrists. It is difficult to make
very long and tedious administrative finished his/her mission and leaves, it correct diagnoses, as these children
job. is a new tragedy for the child, and the develop virtually “experimental” patho-
I do not want to develop too deep
Here at the centre, not a single child children have already suffered too logies that may be likened to mental
a relationship with the children
has a « normal » family (a father and a much, they have been separated too retardation or psychotic disorders. They and become too attached,
mother who are still alive). They are because afterwards, when the
often orphans or else their parents are psychologist has finished his/her
separated. They are then sometimes mission and leaves, it is a new
taken in by an adoptive family, an uncle tragedy for the child, and the
or a grandparent, and when the latter children have already suffered
dies they are really all on their own.
too much, they have been
separated too often.
Here, when a couple gets divorced, the
father often has custody of the children.
He then gets married again and
sometimes the new wife, the stepmo-
ther, who already has her own children, about going home. Even after having
will reject the children from the first suffered atrocities, they remain
marriage. For many children at the attached to their families. They want to
centre, that all happened when they know they exist, where they come from
were very young, between 2 and 6 years etc. In fact they would like to see their
old. They now have no contact with their families, but not stay with them. Others
real mother, and sometimes do not have no idea where they come from,
> China, Baoji © Isabelle Merny / MSF - July 2004
even remember her! and do not remember their parents or
80% of the children have been mistrea- their date of birth. These children have
ted, beaten, often by the « adoptive » often. We do not stay long enough to get have had seven or eight different identity problems.
family who took them in, before being too involved: we might stir things up we homes. At least half of them have
abandoned in the streets of Baoji, or cannot control. I try to spread the suffered all sorts of physical and moral If there were less poverty in China,
elsewhere in the country, particularly in children’s affection around, organize abuse. Such cases are very difficult to families would be more stable. Too
the poorest provinces. They wander meetings with other people, such as treat in an institution. many children come back to the centre
round the streets, collecting empty the educators. I always bear in mind after returning to their families. The
bottles that they sell by weight, and our future separation. On the whole, I am struck by their parents say themselves that their
have to beg to stay alive. The youngest One of my aims here is also to train the ability to resist. Some children have children will be much better off at the
children always say they came across Chinese staff, as I think about what is managed to find a balance, but a fragile centre than with them. They even thank
nice people who gave them food. For coming later. Médecins Sans Frontières balance. A new catastrophe must be us. Some children have been here for a
the older children things were not so will not always be here. The educators avoided at all costs! The stories I hear long time, though that is not the
easy. They are rounded up in the streets have to pay more attention to the are terrible, but their drawings are very centre’s aim – it is supposed to be an
or escorted to the relief centre by psychological aspects of their work. gay, which means they have a good alternative. We would like to make the
adults (the relief centre is an adminis- The children in the centre are greatly psychic structure. The children work relevant authorities aware of the
trative body responsible for referring lacking affection. They are very agitated quite well in class, which is really situation, so they can continue our work
them elsewhere). and want a lot of attention. They are extraordinary in view of what they have when we leave.” ■

P15 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004


Healing Group
Médecins Sans Frontières / August 2004 / Muriel Génot, clinical psychologist / Translated by Melanie Stallard
Médecins Sans Frontières is responsible for the health of the Liberian refugees living in
Sierra Leone the Taiama and Tobanda camps in Bo, Sierra Leone. Some of them have been deeply
affected by the wars that have punctuated the history of Liberia over the last 14 years.
There is an expatriate psychologist at the camp, helped by two assistants and one (or
several) translator(s). This gives the refugees the possibility of receiving psychological
care. Muriel Génot, a clinical psychologist, describes her work with the refugees between
October 2003 and April 2004.

the teenagers and above all their directly and individually with a relative
families, in a cultural context where or peer’s violent death. In every case,
there are no psychologists, the set-up the teenagers, whose ages ranged
said that we were offering care. More from thirteen to eighteen years,
specifically, to the teenagers it said needed to find a balance again (which
that the care was to be given in a seemed impossible after their
framework where there were rules to traumatic ‘initiation’), a balance both
be respected, such as confidentiality; within themselves and with their
and the door closing behind the group families, whom they had either found
gave a concrete form to that confiden- again or lost, but in all events the
tiality. For the community (the families were wounded and unable to
Liberians in the camp), the “psycholo- help them.
gist’s house” came to mean that the
war was not just their tragic destiny, > TWO GROUPS
just a time gone by to be forgotten. It
meant that beyond the penal and After the first sessions, two groups
social responsibilities that were not were set up, one with seven boys who
within the psychologist’s scope, there spoke kissi, and the other with six
> The drawing’s story told were feelings of guilt and moral young girls who spoke mende. The
by the illustrator : For a psychologist, helping patients suffering, personal wars that sole aim of this division was to create
This drawing is about Foya. “ This means finding the right time and the prolonged the effects of armed the best conditions for the partici-
are the six people they killed. This
cannot walk, but has a stick. My right place to contain the suffering. conflict, sometimes making it impos- pants to express themselves freely,
drawing is about the way people has Each case is different. The place may sible to live together in the present. because adolescence is a time when
been killed during the war. People be a consultation room and a one to The desire to forget often requires the gender issue makes it more
were suffering during the war. “
The title : War is not good. one dialogue, or else the patient’s first recalling what happened. complicated to speak in a group; and
home and family, or even his/her also because the language of feelings
neighbourhood. It may also be a The care was also given in a set tends to be spontaneously one’s
group, a group of peers, which we timeframe, divided up into several mother tongue. The teenagers’ words,
know to be a very significant culturally sessions that lasted a few months. (In noted down in their entirety, the
throughout Africa. What follows is an this particular case there were ten original drawings given to us by the
example of this type of work, through sessions for each of the two groups). boys, as well as the photos of the
the experience of two groups of For therapeutic reasons, sessions young girls’ paintings, are particularly
teenagers – one group of girls, and were organized with a start time, an valuable material that reflect the
the other boys, who were patients end time, and a first and last session. therapeutic progress made by these
between February and April 2004 in We thus proposed, though it may have thirteen Liberian teenage war
the Taiama camp in Sierra Leone. been frustrating, a foreseeable and survivors.
anticipated framework, that was
> THE TIME AND PLACE totally different from the traumatic The boys group was distinctive in that
no-limit regime that made everything it was made up both of teenagers who
The place existed before the group. It possible, even the unthinkable. To had taken an active part in the fighting
was called the « isolation room », a voice the unthinkable, which nonethe- – the « ex-fighters » – and teenagers
little house, seven metres by four, less came about, and which was the who had come up against and fled the
with a door, four windows and a sheet source of all the teenagers’ suffering. armed groups fighting in Liberia. This
metal roof. It was set apart, but That is how we measured the decision about the group’s composi-
situated within the boundaries of the progress made. tion came of the following observa-
Médecins Sans Frontières clinic. tion: the Liberian conflict, like other
These details were important. The During the first sessions, most of the conflicts, was a powerful recruiter of
very set-up conveyed messages. To teenagers spoke of being confronted young cannon fodder, and it comple-

P16 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004

tely changed the traditional catego- of the ex-fighters it had once consi- of choice, of weighing up the advan-
ries of executioners and victims. dered in a negative way. A. then told tages and disadvantages of the
of a mini event that had happened in anachronistic and pernicious identity
Among the child soldiers were the camp the week before. There was resulting from his traumatic
teenagers who had been torn away a queue of people at the water pump. experience. Although he himself, and
from their childhood by traumatic He was used to using well-practised the group, considered the change as
seduction methods that clouded the
lines between those responsible for
intimidation methods to push in and
avoid waiting. He knew how to play
having come from outside, I would
like to believe that the “kindly”
exactions and their victims. What attitude attributed to the community > Updated 4.10.04
remains after the conflict is a label, was mostly the result of his own Liberia: first official
and that label is very clear. It internal progress, progress that returns
alienates the teenagers definitively, began as soon as he found a sympa- The HCR launched
both from the community and from thetic ear (the therapist). the official voluntary
themselves. It becomes their new repatriation of Liberian
identity. To avoid accepting this This therapeutic proposition has refugees process on
exclusion ourselves, we chose not to nothing to do with handing out October 1st. For the moment
offer a specific therapeutic option for advice. Its aim is not to encourage a this mainly concerns people
the ex-fighters, but to open the group particular social stance, whether originally from Grand Cape
up to other teenagers. integration or marginalization. Each Mount county.
person’s suffering is very different. It By January 1st 2005,
> A’S EXPERIENCE finds expression in the group, which 30 000 people should
is a living body, and which reacts, be on their way home
A. was one of the teenagers who took sometimes violently. A. was questio- from Ghana and other
part in the fighting. When the schools ned by the group because he used neighbouring countries.
closed in the county of Lofa, he the latter to try to recreate himself. There are still major
believed it was a « solution » for This essential dimension produced question marks as to
escaping the passiveness he had > The drawing’s story told by the by the group created the boy’s own the future of these refugees,
illustrator : “This is my friends
been forced to accept. He agreed to Fallah and Joseph, this is Muriel power to transform himself and this in a country where nothing
learn how to use a weapon, like other in Taiama calling us to come to gave the impression of inexplicable is really ready for their return
boys his age. He certainly did not see her, and the fighters with the and unexplained magic. – neither infrastructure
gun in Foya“.
himself becoming the head of a nor health services.
group later on, which is what he At the last session, A. asked me if As concerns security,
became, first assailant then on the fear he inspired by reminding he had « the right to do for others the 19 000 UN soldiers seem
attacked, and always afraid, the children there of his supposed the work that I had done for them » to be keeping a large part
whatever happened. Months later, he “brutality” so that they gave up their (sic). I replied that whatever the of Liberia stable. However
was still reliving the fear and the places to him without hesitation. He future held, that would be a good there are certain counties
fighting in his nightmares. He told us did the same again this time, but going-away present for me, and he which are far from stable,
his story, almost without a break, at then, thinking of what was at stake, confirmed, as if it were necessary, especially Lofa, which is
our first meeting. His mother lives in he thought better of it, apologized that he had accept by proposition. where most of the refugees
the camp, not far away, but he cannot profusely and started to wait like the He has decided to continue living and displaced in camps
live with her. He wants to break with others. When we listened to him separately from his mother, but are from.
the past that haunts him, and he tries telling his story, not without self- they have both learned to communi-
to overcome his anxiety by smoking mockery, we grasped how much he cate in a satisfactory way, to respect
marijuana every day. He sums up was “staggered” by the risk he had each other, help each other and ask
what he wants in a short sentence taken, for it really was a risk, of for love which are the
that could easily come from the becoming a nobody, just someone gifts–counter-gifts of the Liberian
mouth of one of the others, from the falling back into line. He had found family, and perhaps also the
community, or from his family, “I internal freedom again, the freedom universal family. ■
want to change”. Today in Taiama, a
Liberian refugee camp in Sierra
Leone, being an « ex-fighter » is a LIBERIA, ONE YEAR LATER …
recipe for exclusion and also confers
A little more than a year after Charles Taylor’s departure Bong camps and around Monrovia, tens of thousands of
a “tough guy” reputation. It is a war
and the arrival of the first United Nations troops, what is internally displaced persons (about 80 000) are still
trophy, but also the only garment the situation in Liberia? Officially, more than 70 000 waiting to be able to return home. Like many refugees,
that fits. fighters have been disarmed, and thousands of refugees many of them come from Lofa, a region that has been
in the surrounding countries have started to return devastated by the fighting and is still occupied by armed
A. arrived at the first group session spontaneously. The official process of repatriating 100 guards. Returning to their home region therefore
to share the suffering and depression 000 refugees (there are still about 350 000 living Liberia’s remains hypothetical.
caused by this situation. At the start borders, of which 60 000 in Sierra Leone) should start in
of the second session another boy October, even before the end of disarmament, and The situation in Liberia is very fragile. Its regional
started speaking. He asserted that continue until the end of the year. However, entire prospects are also uncertain, with the conflict in the Ivory
regions are far from being secure, while one out of six Coast far from being settled, and economic and political
since they had been participating in
Liberians, according to the WFP (World Food tension in Guinea.
the group, as if by magic the
Programme), is still dependent on aid for food. In the MSF / September 2004 / Laurence Hugues
community had changed its opinion

P17 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004


> Kigali, April 1994

I was astonished to see
organised militias, albeit a bit
chaotic; to see that the army
was regularly supplying them
with weapons at militia
Jean-Hervé Bradol,
“ The Genocide in Rwan
‘ La commémoration amnésique
des humanitaires’, Humanitaire,
N° 10, Spring/Summer 2004.

Translated by Laura Ball and Rachel Leeson

On 23rd April 2004 a debate was held at rue St Sabin, attended by several speakers from
Médecins Sans Frontières. Marc Le Pape, a sociologist and member of the Board of
Directors, summarises this discussion below. The debate was organised to mark the publi-

cation of a collection of documents on the genocide in Rwanda published by MSF2.
The stories about Rwanda
are strangely reminiscent
of those that we heard at
the start of the conflict
Once past and gone, nobody refuted important to be wary of this repre- The extent and the criminal efficiency
in the former Yugoslavia. the genocide that had taken place in sentation, which contradicts the of military involvement in these
There is talk of inter-ethnic Rwanda. But how did MSF gradually surveys carried out across Rwanda, massacres are evident; but this role is
confrontation, ancestral hate realise that this was indeed a case of particularly the research upon which pushed into the background and
systematic extermination? Did this Leave None to tell the Story (FIDH, overshadowed by the schemas and
being dragged up to incite
realisation affect the way that opera- HRW, 1999) is based. This book is stories that have emerged during the
fighting between opposing tions were carried out in Rwanda and still the main public source of commemoration period. In 2004, it is
tribes. It is almost revisionism, the public statements made interna- verified information about the exter- common to talk about the systematic
these were mechanised, tionally? How can we learn from this mination methods used against the extermination of Tutsis in terms of
unique experience in terms of Tutsis in Rwanda. The genocide was ‘machete genocide’, a description
industrialised pogroms using
current situations where large-scale actively planned by a group of alluding to the notion that all
grenades and machetes, political crimes are committed? Has political and military personnel. The Rwandan Hutus are responsible.
programmed and created it become necessary to exploit the plan was then carried out by militias, MSF was in Rwanda before April 1994
by well-identified groups. term ‘genocide’ - is this now the military personnel and civilians. (when the genocide began) but this

trigger for action, in whose absence First the milita and military were was not the first example of the syste-
Rony Brauman, President’s nothing will be taken seriously? called into action. The massacres, matic extermination of Rwandan
Annual Report - MSF France, especially those in churches, Tutsis. The first time was in
May 1994. Marc Le Pape : During the comme- showed the machetes were used to November 1958 and again several
moration of the genocide in April carry out killings, but that these times between 1958 and 1973, hence
2004, I was taken aback by certain were not the only weapons, far from the innate fear of extermination.
schemas. Rwandan Hutus were it: military firearms were also MSF first thought it was a confronta-
often depicted as a single entity of used to carry out this organised tion between two ethnic groups - a
machete wielding killers. It is extermination. very bloody civil war.

P18 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004

> Rwanda, displaced working to a Transit camp © Roger Job - 1994

reasoning that were used at the These were our concerns, the
time, and hopefully make us better schemas on our minds. The decision
prepared for current operational to reduce the peacekeeping force in
challenges, especially those concer- Rwanda seemed inevitable. After the
ning violence and crimes committed experiences in Somalia, Liberia and
against the people we assist. Bosnia - the failure of peacekeepers
in these conflicts as a means of inter-
Rony Brauman : The interest of this vention - I could understand the
document on the genocide in Rwanda decision. At the time it did not shock
is to prevent any heroic a posteriori me in the slightest.
reconstruction – it juxtaposes People began to realise that genocide
personal memories with documents was taking place in the third week of
written during the period in question, April. We can date it fairly precisely as
i.e. before anyone knew how it would several articles were published at that
end. This means that we can closely time by researchers, notably Jean-
study the events without knowing the Pierre Chrétien . By the end of April, I
I would like to share my personal
memories of the events; I was “The interest of this document
president of MSF until 1st May 1994, on the genocide in Rwanda is to
during the first weeks of the genocide. prevent any heroic a posteriori
I remember what I was thinking at the reconstruction”
time and with hindsight, I can see that
it was very different from what one
might expect. At MSF Rwanda was on

the one hand Burundian refugee was convinced that a genocide was
camps and on the other the internally taking place but this did not directly
displaced people (IDPs) since 1990 affect our field operations. It took time
caused by the war. There was also the for us to change how we saw our
problem of security: every night we responsibility - from being in the field
wondered what things would be like and seeking to act immediately, to
when we woke the next day. Would the something else.
explosion that everyone predicted People started to use the word
happen during the night, or would it ‘genocide’ in May, but there was no
be days or months later? There was before/after. The image of a moment
the omnipresent threat of civil war when the curtain fell and reality
and the localised problems of appeared is a false one. In reality it
refugees and IDPs. was something much more progres-
After the 6th April, when the aircraft sive, a continuous mutation – not a
carrying the Rwandan president was sudden shock.
attacked and the violence exploded,
Françoise Bouchet-Saulnier : The committed during conflicts - particu- we were all thinking of a liberia- Jean-Hervé Bradol : The realisation
‘MSF Speaking out’ case study on larly war crimes and crimes against somalian schema. We were coming was not brutal, but the consequences
Rwanda shows how difficult it was to humanity. But when the military out of, or still involved in, these types could have been brutal if people had
qualify the situation, to say ‘this is objective is the physical elimination of of conflict. It is with this type of not realised, and the later it happened
genocide’. Genocide does not just the population, no humanitarian aid schema in mind that we witnessed the the worse the consequences would
refer to killing or massacring a large can guarantee their survival. For this emergence of violence, I deliberately have been.
number of people; it refers specifi- reason, the 1948 Genocide Convention use this vague term to emphasise the We claim, sometimes pathetically, to
cally to the intention to exterminate a made it compulsory for countries to fact that we did not see any perceiva- be able to access the epicentre of
particular group. An intention intervene, whether alone or with the ble difference. Especially since, crises. In Rwanda, several MSF teams
however is not visible: to recognise it UN, to prevent and punish actions that during April 1994, MSF had been were present in places where the
requires political analysis. Genocide is are beyond humanitarian manage- present throughout the siege in the genocide was happening. There was
not on a higher level emotionally than ment of conflicts defined by the Bosnian Muslim town of Gorazde. We no ‘access problem’ to the genocide.
massacre, the difference is in the Geneva Convention in 1949. thought we were faced with the threat We were there in the field, and the
intention behind the action: this is Genocide is beyond the limit of of extermination – not only against the only acceptable position was to
extermination, it is not only frighte- humanitarian action– this is why population but also against our team oppose it, a position with practical
ning people and forcing them to leave qualification is so important. and ourselves. Most of our energy was consequences. As we were convinced
their homes or into submission. It is interesting to study how we dedicated to establishing radio links that the priority was not to remain
Humanitarian law encourages and came to our positions in 1994. The between the Gorazde team and the neutral and to organise help, but
regulates humanitarian action in journey was not faultless or infallible outside world, believing that it was instead to oppose what was
situations of conflict, allowing protec- and this is explained in the MSF their only remaining lifeline. What happening, we decided to do things
tion and assistance to reach both ‘Speaking Out’ case study. This followed showed the risk had been that we would not normally do. For
direct and indirect victims of armed document helps understand the overestimated, but we didn’t realise at example try to save people, whom the
violence, and to punish ‘mistakes different arguments, dilemmas and the time. militia accused of being secret agents
P19 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004
preparing terrorist attacks, from providing them medical care, hospital news, during which he was critical of
extermination. There was a counter- staff at Benaco, in Tanzania would kill France. He spoke of genocide and
insurrectional dimension to the any children that they thought were implicated France in the responsibility
discourse, especially when these Tutsis. There was always a serious for that genocide .
people were our own staff, it was risk that the aid would be intercepted Juppé, the Pope, various important

DEBATES logical to actively help them.

There were plenty of other occasions
by extremely violent political players,
among them the perpetrators of the
people, researchers, etc., were taking
a position on the matter, and it was
where we had to oppose what was genocide, and would eventually be only in mid-June — because of
happening. The interim government, turned against those people that it organisational constraints regarding
who had organised the genocide, was intended to benefit. other sections and because of the
authorised ICRC and MSF to intervene That’s briefly the difficulties we faced problem of risks in the field — that we
in Kigali. It respected the hospital’s working in the field. came to issue our slogan. With

I was already working in
Tanzania when the refugees
arrived in Benaco... It was
perimeter and outbuildings, which
were used as convalescence homes.
They did not do this out of the
kindness of their hearts; it was
“To me, it would have been
absurd to stay there and use that
hindsight it was practically at the end
of the genocide — the genocide came
to an end in July with the victory of the
undoubtedly because they thought During the two-and-a half-month
the first time that I’d ever seen as an excuse to keep quiet, and to
there was some political benefit to be not express opposition to the period from 6 April to 17 June we
such a large influx of gained. To me, it would have been genocide.” worked while knowing to a certain
refugees... I could see that absurd to stay there and use that as extent that a genocide was going on.
an excuse to keep quiet, and to not Reginald Moreels, then president of
the refugees were organised,
express opposition to the genocide. MSF Belgium published a Carte
but I didn’t realise that The next problem was stopping > Question : How did you come to Blanche article in Le Soir , in which he
they were killers. material aid reaching those commit- publish on 17-18 June: “Doctors spoke of genocide, but spoke of it in

Nicolas de Torrente, MSF adminis-
trator in Tanzania from November
1993 until June 1994: Genocide of
Rwandan Tutsi 1994 (MSF
ting the crimes. Refugee camps in
Zaire and Tanzania were run by the
people who had organised the
genocide. This was not abstract - they
cannot stop genocide”?
R.B. : That decision was taken in June,
after several weeks of procrastina-
tion. By mid-May people were
terms of a particularly serious
There is a considerable difference
between the legal definition of
were taking taxes from the salaries beginning to talk of genocide. Jean- genocide referred to by Françoise and
Speaking Out Collection), p. 30.
paid by MSF. We could see how the aid Hervé, who had come back from the common usage of the word. It was
system was benefiting them on a daily Kigali, represented MSF France as a spoken of as being practically a
basis. Whilst they should have been guest on the eight o’clock television genocide but we were still far from
stating “it’s genocide”, which would
have implied a specific crime which
had been organised and planned, and
aimed at a specific population with the
intention of completely obliterating it.
Genocide was a particularly horrific
massacre. It was only in June that we
regarded it as a specific crime.
That was when MSF issued the slogan
“Doctors cannot stop genocide”. It
was a way for us to express the limita-
tions of our action in this context, but
it should be remembered that neither
is it possible for doctors to stop a
cholera epidemic, a famine, a
massacre or a war either. It should
not be taken too seriously, it was only
a well-received publicity slogan after
all. It was what we had to do, a bit late
in the day. Obviously the idea was:
send in the troops; it was a call to

> Question : Is it normal that MSF

took so long to realise what was
J-H.B. : Over the last ten years that
has been one of the most frequently
asked questions. At first, when we
used the word genocide, it was, as
Rony said, to differentiate a massacre
> Rwanda, Transit camp in Rwabusoro © Roger Job - 1994
more horrific than any other, but the

P20 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004

vast majority of us did not really F.B-S. : Genocide, according to the The Convention uses the phrase “the cularly as it tends to consider
understand what the specific political 1948 Convention, means acts intention to destroy, in whole or in religion and race as almost natural
and legal dimension actually meant. It committed with intent to destroy, in part “. What does ‘in part’ mean? It is groups. The definition is fragile and
took some time, just over two months. whole or in part, a national, ethnical, not necessary to have had the questionable. If anyone is to be
racial or religious group. The intention of exterminating the entire blamed for rendering the definition
R.B. : For various reasons, particu- Convention refers to direct killing, group. Part of the group may be absolutely unintelligible, i.e.,
larly my work on Eichmann, I had a but also to factors which lead to the situated outside the borders. Exter- making it impossible to interpret,
more precise idea of the nature of physical destruction of a group in a minating the part of the group under it’s the International Criminal Court,
genocide from a legal, historical and in describing Srebrenica as a
political point of view. But it was not genocide — a philosophical scandal
enough to know the precise legal and in my opinion. All racist crime, all
political meaning of the term political crime will come to be
genocide in order to give it the considered genocide; in other
emphasis that in retrospect it should words, there is no longer anything
have been given. It was not a case of: unique about this type of crime
“There is a genocide going on in which used to be set apart for the
Rwanda; I know this; I understand very purpose of drawing attention to
this”. To start with there wasn’t really it. It’s the only crime which has its
any proof; there was an array of very own specific Convention.
convincing presumptions and resear- J-H.B. : When the key players are
chers were convinced. But that did not radically violent (culminating during
have any immediate consequences in a genocide), humanitarian workers
terms of our operations. First and must ensure that the aid they bring
foremost there was a war going on, is not used against the victims. They
don’t need to be legal or historical
experts to cope with the situation
“it was only in mid-June — and limit the damage.
because of organisational It takes time to get to grips with a
constraints regarding other situation and begin to realise the
sections and because of the harm that humanitarian workers
problem of risks in the field — can cause.
that we came to issue our Consider this example. We arrived in
slogan. With hindsight it was Kigali on 13 April 1994. It took me a
practically at the end of the
good week to realise that what was
underway in that city was a planned
and organised extermination of
people, and that it was going on in
there were injured people, problems every part of the city — except the
caused by the war. Genocide was part controlled by the RPF. We used
spoken of, but that did not affect our to go to collect the injured from a
other concerns, which at that stage religious institution in the centre of
were equally very important. This Kigali — the Sainte Famille. We
explains the period of several weeks treated them in our hospital, and,
between the moment when it was once they were convalescing — as is
> Rwanda, Transit camp in Rwabusoro © Roger Job - 1994
acknowledged that “there is a our practice — we took them back
genocide” and the moment when this home; brought them that is to a
had practical public consequences. deferred way, such as prevention of your control, within a given territory,
births within the group. It was in is enough. Otherwise, it could be
J-H.B. : Alain Juppé, the then Minister relation to the notion of prevention of claimed that the genocide of the “The Convention uses the phrase
for Foreign Affairs, told the French births that the massacre of all of the Jews did not happen in that the ‘the intention to destroy, in
National Assembly “There is a men of a group, as was the case in group was not totally wiped out. whole or in part’. What does ‘in
genocide in Rwanda”. The issue was Srebrenica, was described as an act Genocide does not mean that part’ mean? It is not necessary to
not so much the use of the word but of genocide by the tribunal on the everyone dies. We should not try to have had the intention of exter-
the need to act accordingly. former Yugoslavia. Similarly the reclassify all crimes committed minating the entire group.”
rapes committed in Rwanda were against civilians as genocide. The
> Question : Often, genocides tend also qualified as a specific act of definition of war crime and crimes
to be spoken of in quantitative genocide. against humanity complete the place where they were to be extermi-
terms, in terms of numbers The extermination can either be description of the different interna- nated. They would have had a much
massacred. Does genocide necessa- immediate or deferred, but it is always tional crimes which the International better chance of survival had we kept
rily mean extermination of involves killing people, not just Criminal Court is today responsible them in hospital. During that first
everybody? Destroying identities, depriving them of their culture or for repressing. week I myself took people from that
exterminating “only” the men — can language. The notion of cultural institution and accompanied them
that not also be legally identified as genocide is not recognised by the R.B. : Some analysts have begun to back to the institution, where it was
genocide? 1948 Convention. reassess the 1948 definition, parti- highly likely they were killed.
P21 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004
R.B. : I would like to come back to Hutus participated. The idea is that > Question : The word genocide is
what lies beneath the idea of a all Hutus were mobilised and that often used to mean an excess of
massacre carried out with bladed they therefore can be collectively maliciousness or immorality. That
weapons, with killings involving accused of genocide. This argument meaning masks the political
everyone against everyone else — gives comfort to the regime of terror character of acts of genocide. Isn’t the

DEBATES “machete genocide” to use Hatzfel-

d’s phrase [ndlr: Jean Hatzfeld -
set up by the RPF in Rwanda. And
the NGOs which took part in the
concept of genocide weighed down by
moral obsessions; in its usage today
“Une saison de machettes, éditions commemorations are unconsciously hasn’t the word lost the particular
du Seuil]. If the killings were carried associating themselves with meaning it was given in 1948? On a
out primarily with bladed weapons the justification of an indiscri- more practical level, is it the role of an
then the numbers killed would be minate repression of all Rwandan aid organisation like MSF to label
due to the fact that (almost) all Hutus. situations? Is it MSF’s responsibility?

Action in Rwanda today means
using the army to put an end
to the genocide. It means feeing
the captive populations,
hostages, before they are put to
death. It means neutralising
the armed groups at the
vanguard of the slaughter.

Rony Brauman, “Humanitarian
ethos versus duty of humanity”,
Le Monde, 30 June 1994, Genocide
of Rwandan Tutsi-1994, MSF
Speaking Out Collection, p. 60.

I heard a dozen times the
complaint « You called for
Operation Turquoise ». I would
reply, “Did you ever hear us
call for unilateral French
military intervention to
undertake humanitarian work?
Where? Which document was
that ? Which of us made that

Jean-Hervé Bradol, Genocide of
Rwandan Tutsi-1994, MSF
Speaking Out Collection p. 61

> Rwanda, Transit camp in Rwabusoro © Roger Job - 1994

P22 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004

J-H.B. : The point of classifying
crimes is to punish them. To carry out
the punishment of crimes a hierarchy
must be established. So, the fact that
the massacre of the Rwandan Tutsis
is not considered to be just another
crime against humanity, allows those
responsible to be arrested, accused
and convicted.
I agree that the wide use of the term
genocide is confusing; but its use also
has a positive knock-on effect: it
means those responsible can to be
tried and ostracised from society.

In ’94, during the genocide, were

we wrong to call for an armed
intervention? I think we were
right to do it. (...) Over the last
ten years I have not seen
anything like the serious crisis
that occurred in Rwanda.

R.B. : I don’t think that labelling situa-

tions is MSF’s responsibility. There > Rwanda, Rwandese refugee orphan in Ruhango, © Roger Job - July 1994
may be circumstances in which it is a
real issue. But overall the classifying
of crimes occurring in situations act. The UN is fuelling this as was In Rwanda, it was necessary to state MSF. I have changed my mind on this
where MSF is intervening, comes very the case with Srebrenica… For fear of that a genocide was occurring. We since 1994.
very far down our list of priorities. being slow, of being accused again, cannot justify not speaking out just
Currently in the United States (this as in the case of Rwanda where as because we are a humanitarian J-H.B. : In ’94, during the genocide,
April), people are either completely we know restrictions were imposed organisation. Following the logic of were we wrong to call for an armed
ignoring the issue of Darfur or hyping on the United Nations Assistance rejecting the principle of classification intervention? I think we were right to
it up as a genocide. It’s either one or Mission by Kofi Annan , then head of amounts to claiming that labelling the do it. I think in certain situations
the other, as though beyond the department of peace-keeping events going on before our very eyes humanitarian organisations must
genocide, there’s nothing of interest. operations. in Rwanda was of no importance. recognise that violence has its uses. I
Any crime which is not genocide is believe that when faced with a large-
not big news. There is a vast range of J-H.B. : I do not entirely agree. We > Question : In this case the label scale process of extermination, saying
crimes… There are crimes other than have an obligation to assess situa- genocide brought about calls for that the only way to put an end to it is
genocide which are extremely large- tions for ourselves, but not necessa- armed intervention… by means of violence, is a position I
scale and serious —what’s rily from a legal point of view. This R.B. : I still maintain that this is not believe I would take again. Over the
happening in Darfur for example — leads us at times to describe various our job. We must be quite clear about last ten years I have not seen anything
and we do not need the label of actors as a gang of hardened killers: a this. I believe we should never call for like the serious crisis that occurred in
genocide to know when it is time to kind of diagnosis or labelling. armed intervention in the name of Rwanda. ■

1- Laurence Binet (project coordinator), preceded, accompanied and followed Monde on 18 June 1994, Genocide of Brussels, 6 May 1994, Genocide of
Françoise Bouchet-Saulnier (legal the decisions taken and public state- Rwandan Tutsi-1994, MSF Speaking Out Rwandan Tutsi-1994, MSF Speaking Out
director at the Foundation), Jean- ments. Debates such as those on Collection, p. 52. Collection p. 29-30.
Hervé Bradol (president of Médecins recognising and qualifying the 6- Jean-Hervé Bradol interviewed on the 8 - On this subject see Jean-Michel
Sans Frontières), Rony Brauman genocide in Rwanda, or those sparked TF1 news of 16 May 1994. Patrick Poivre Chaumont, La concurrence des
(research director at the Crash) and by the French section’s appeal for d’Arvor concluded the interview saying: victimes. Génocide, identité, reconnais-
Marc Le Pape (member of the Board armed intervention from the UN “It was high time someone spoke out sance, La Découverte, 1997.
of Directors). (17-18th June 94), or the discussion forcefully about what is happening over 9 - In January 1994, Kofi Annan prevented
2- Genocide of Rwandan Tutsis – 1994 – on protecting Rwandan Tutsi there, as it really is genocide.”, script of the UNAMIR (United Nations Assistance
MSF ‘Speaking out’ Collection, written personnel working with MSF sections. the interview, Genocide of Rwandan Mission for Rwanda) led by General
and edited by Laurence Binet. This 3- Security Council, 21 April 1994, Tutsi-1994, MSF Speaking Out Collec- Dallaire from carrying out raids on the
first case study, published in October resolution 912. tion p. 35-36. militia’s arms cache. The militia were
2003, traces the work of the MSF 4- JJean-Pierre Chrétien, ‘Un nazisme 7- “Opinion sur la crise du Rwanda”, preparing to “exterminate the Tutsis”
movement during these events. It tropical’, Libération, 26 April 1994. Dr Reginald Moreels, on behalf of in Kigali. Roméo Dallaire, J’ai serré la
presents the internal debate that 5- Appeal by MSF France published in Le Médecins Sans Frontières, Le Soir, main du diable, [Libre expression-2004].

P23 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004


National staff volunteering

RESOURCES to leave on mission
MSF / September 2004 / Cécile Aujaleu, coordinator of national staff / Translated by Christopher Scala

In response to the growing number of national staff volunteering to leave on mission as

expatriates, Cécile Aujaleu underlines the commitment involved in becoming a volunteer
and explains the procedure to follow and the possibilities of progressing as an expatriate.
> Specifically for
emergency missions In order to improve our programmes, it
is important to encourage national staff
Following the development members to shoulder increased
of the national staff responsibilities (through intermediate
database (slated for 2005), supervisory positions, transfer to
we will be able to draw up different sites, access to internal
a list of people capable training programmes, and opportunities
of responding to an to fill coordination positions). Becoming
emergency in their area an expatriate is no longer the only way
of expertise. This may to secure a coordination position within
entail their leaving the association. For anyone seeking to
their country for several go on mission as an expatriate, taking
months on an emergency on increased responsibilities in one’s
mission: they then own country is now a preferred (but not
return to their position obligatory) first step. However, this step
when they go back does not guarantee becoming an
to their country. expatriate volunteer. An application
The conditions governing procedure must be followed, and
these specific procedures several criteria must be met.
will be defined in 2005.

We do not have an active policy for

sending national staff on missions as
expatriate volunteers. It is a voluntary
process – an adjective that underlines
> Iran © Sebastian Bolesch - September 2004 the individual commitment, the desire
to participate in a collective action and
> Sudan © Michael Zumstein /
agree to abide by the Charter.
L'oeil public - August 2004
motivated by a spirit of solidarity, to
Applicants for expatriate missions need to know the practical conditions of work with populations and to open up to
leaving on mission as an expatriate with MSF: these are identical for all
other cultures as well as to speak out
expatriates. The “carnet de route” is available on all missions to check all the
about the realities encountered.
detailed information about what is and what isn’t paid for. It is important that
However this project also entails
the applicant be aware of the following points:
- Even if the expatriation application is accepted, the waiting time can certain risks and constraints that the
sometimes be long (several months) before an offer is made to go on a volunteer must accept (see box below).
mission. It also requires that the applicant resign
- There is no guarantee of continuity between missions: at the end of each from his position in his/her home
mission, an evaluation is carried out to determine whether a subsequent country, which makes the process more
mission is appropriate. difficult. For this reason this process
- MSF does not pay any stipend or cover any expenses during the waiting cannot be actively promoted: it is
period between two missions. strictly a personal decision.
- MSF does not pay for families except for people in coordination positions.
- There is no guaranteed position when returning to the country of origin: when
returning from a mission, the person does not get his old position back. The
person may be offered a position depending on the needs of the mission, but
this is not guaranteed at all.
- A person cannot have expatriate status in his/her own country: a person who An accepted candidate will be
has been an expatriate and who returns to a position in his own country will proposed an initial expatriate post
be reassigned the status of national employee. (between six months and one year in
length, depending on the position)
P24 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004
corresponding to his/her abilities. If this Brazzaville (see interview next page) number of training-related criteria favours applicants who are available
first experience is positive (end of after eight months of mission. (medical, logistics, management or for a one-year period, along with
mission evaluation) and the volunteer other) as defined by the relevant those who speak French or English.
wishes to continue on another mission, > CRITERIA FOR departments (identical for all Knowledge of both languages offers
s/he will have the possibility of evolving EXPATRIATE expatriates). Once this “compatibi- broader opportunities. ■
into other types of position (including VOLUNTEERS lity” is verified, at least two years of
coordination positions) in the field – like professional experience within MSF For further information
Doctor Norbert Ebenga Zula who is For a candidate’s application to be is required before the first mission. on the decision process,
today field coordinator in Betou, Congo considered, he/she must meet a The human resources department please contact headquarters.

From one Congo to another

MSF / September 2004 / interview by Aurélie Grémaud / Translated by Mary Davis

Doctor Norbert Ebenga-Zula worked with MSF for three years as a national employee in
his home country, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In July 2003, he went on
mission as an expatriate doctor. First field coordinator for a nutritional program in Niger,
Norbert now works in Bétou, in Congo-Brazzaville.

react far from their families, in ideas about what MSF is and what we from. I tell them I’ve been national
> How did you decide to go on stressful conditions, living around should do. When you’re field coordi- staff, like them, and that we are
mission as an expatriate with MSF? the clock with different people who nator, it’s not always easy to make there to work together. This makes
I was recruited by MSF when I was have different cultural backgrounds others understand the goals and the people curious, because very few of
working in a camp for displaced and habits. It’s not always easy to be choice of the program. You have to them imagine it is possible for them
people which was around 45 minutes the only local staff member living devote a lot of time to discussion, to work elsewhere. The fact that I’ve
north of Kinshasa by car. I met some with expatriates. You have to get used which can sometimes be exhausting. been national staff allows me to
MSF volunteers who later on asked to the new environment. But I don’t Another thing that’s hard is when you bring up certain sensitive subjects
me if I wanted to work with the think this rule needs to be set in arrive in a team that’s already set up, more easily - is particularly as
association. I accepted. After a few stone, and I especially believe that and you have to introduce a change in I recognize their work, show consi-
months discovering what MSF was the ‘why’ of these two years needs to the direction of the programs. It’s deration for the teams, and it shows.
and what it did in different parts of be better explained. important that people don’t think the The people we work with have
the world, I wanted to leave to work work they previously did was useless knowledge to impart, just as we
in a country other than my own, on > What did you get out of three but at the same time they need to have things to teach them. It’s a
different issues. Very soon I talked years working with MSF in your understand MSF’s need to change question of teamwork and synergy,
about becoming an expatriate with home country? approaches and to redefine the orien- not of an expatriate who arrives,
my field coordinator at the time and I learned a lot by working as “national tation of its programs. claims to know more than the
the head of mission, and then the staff”: for example living in precarious This work of discussion and persua- others, and believes he/she is
human resources officer. They conditions, working with new material sion constitutes a large part of a field contributing everything. I also think
explained that there was a process to and new medicine that had not been coordinator’s work, and I don’t think that because I’ve been an MSF
respect, including the fact that I first available to me before. It was horrible it’s harder if you’ve been “national employee before I was a volunteer, I
needed to work for two years in my to be faced with a disease that we staff” before or not. However, what know how to transmit ideas
home country before being able to were familiar with and knew how to can make a difference is previous smoothly, in order to improve
leave on mission as an expatriate. treat but couldn’t because we lacked professional experience—whether things.
I also had to send a letter of motiva- the medicine. For example, with you’ve had teams to manage before On the other hand, I think it is a
tion to Paris, and then get the malaria, we could do nothing except or not, for example. I don’t think shame there is not more briefing on
agreement from my head of mission observe the predictable evolution of you’re treated any differently the context and culture of the
and medical coordinator. the disease, until the patient died. So because you’ve been national staff. country volunteers are going to be
working with MSF was wonderful: I’ve always felt a sense of mutual working in. For example, they might
> What did you think of this I was finally able to treat patients! respect with the teams that I’ve know they’re going on a cholera or
required waiting period? Did it worked with. malnutrition mission, but they don’t
surprise you, or seem unjust? > When you became an expatriate, know how they will be accepted
No, it didn’t surprise me. On the what were the main difficulties you > Does having worked as “national culturally.
contrary, I understand why it’s encountered? staff” before add anything in parti-
important, and for several reasons. The management of expatriate staff is cular to the way you work? > And now?
First of all, it’s an opportunity to harder than that of local staff. Small I think I try to listen better, to be I still have time to go on mission
understand how things work, how misunderstandings become quickly closer and more pedagogical again with MSF. Afterwards, like
MSF works in the field. It’s also much more acute when being around because I’d been “national staff” everybody, I’ll need to stop. But
important on a human level. You can each other all the time. Each person previously. From the beginning, I think I have several great years
see and understand how volunteers has his/her own personality, and I explain who I am and where I come ahead of me! ■

P25 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004


The hunting and killing

of Rwandan refugees...
INFOS MSF / September 2004 / Laurence Binet / Translated by Carole Patton

WATCH AND READ The CRASH has added a fifth volume to the ‘MSF
Speaking Out’ collection case studies, at the request of the
MSF international movement: the fourth and last in a
series dedicated to the Crisis of the Great Lakes region
during the genocide of the Rwandan Tutsis, and the three
PRESS years that followed.

MSF / October 2004 / Phoïba This volume addresses the period from about, and the forced repatriation of of extracts from documents and inter-
Monteiro / Translated by October 1996 to October 1997. During sick refugees to Rwanda. views, linked together by short texts.
Julia Maitland that year, Laurent Désiré Kabila’s These public statements were The volume also contains a detailed
> Afghanistan ADFL rebel troops (Alliance of sometimes slow in coming and chronology, maps, lists of abbrevia-
At the end of July, two Democratic Forces for the Liberation followed internal debates over the key tions, and of the people interviewed
months after the deaths of
of Congo-Zaire), and Paul Kagame’s dilemmas that the situation raised: and MSF reports quoted. All is
our five colleagues in
Afghanistan, MSF regime-led RPA (Rwandan Patriotic available in both English and French
announced that our teams Army), attacked the Rwandan refugee - Could MSF publicize mere estimates versions. The next volume of MSF
were leaving the country camps in Zaire, then hunted down the of the conditions of these refugees Speaking Out, ‘Famine and Forced
and our programmes
escapees, through the forests of Zaire and their health needs, in light of the Transfers of the Population in Ethiopia
stopped. This announce-
ment was widely covered by across to Congo-Brazzaville, in a fact that we had no access to them? 1984 – 1985’ should be published at the
the media. The daily concerted effort to kill them all. Conversely, given lack of access, end of 2004.
newspaper Ouest France At every stage of this bloody exodus, should MSF refrain from communi-
published a special report
MSF attempted to bring aid to the cating these catastrophic predic- As and when they are published, the
entitled: “Aid workers’
mission impossible”. survivors and to bring their existence tions? Is it wise for a humanitarian MSF Speaking Out case studies are
Journalists asked, “Is it still to the attention of the international organization to predict the worst? distributed to the departments, desks
possible for aid workers to community by publicly denouncing - Given that MSF was being used to and field teams by the Heads of
be considered as neutral in
what was happening to them. lure refugees, should the organiza- Mission. They are also available at the
the field?”.
In this way, in autumn 1996, MSF tion cease activities in the area or documentation centre. Additional
> Iraq called for an international military pursue them, denouncing this copies can be obtained from the
The hostage taking operation to establish protected manipulation in the hope of preven- CRASH and the communications
of two Italian aid workers refugee areas. MSF warned of the ting massacres – but at the risk of department. ■
in Baghdad led to the withdra- death risk that threatened more than endangering its teams and its other Please send your comments to:
wal of several organisations
13,000 refugees, kept out of reach of operations in the region? lbinet@paris.msf.org
from Iraq. “In an occupied
country, all those contributing aid. Then they drew attention to the - Should MSF call for the refugees to
to its rebuilding are seen fact that not all refugees had returned, remain in eastern Zaire, with its deadly
as back-up troops for contrary to the assertions of the dangers, or participate in their forced Already published: “Salvadoran Refugee
the occupying power”,
Rwandan government. repatriation to Rwanda, where their Camps in Honduras – 1988” – “Genocide of
said Françoise B. Saulnier.
Dr Jean Hervé Bradol critici- In 1997, the organisation publicly security was not guaranteed either? the Rwandan Tutsis – 1994” – “Rwandan
sed the dangerous confusion denounced, in its press releases and Refugee camps in Zaire and Tanzania 1994
between humanitarianism reports, the Human Rights’ violations, This episode in MSF’s history is – 1995” – “ The Violence of the New
and politics, claiming that
the massacres that their teams knew described by a chronological montage Rwandan Government – 1994 –1995’
NGOs must clearly defend
their independence.
(Le Monde September 9, 2004).

> Haiti
Following hurricane Jeanne
Home and away
Rip Hopkins / September 2004
on September 17 and 18,
the country is still counting
the dead and missing. ‘Home and Away’ is a photo-reportage photographs rebuild the history of these
“The worst is transferring of the displaced population in Uzbekis- “non-Uzbeks” now emigrating back to
seriously injured patients that tan by Rip Hopkins, photographer for the their home countries. Each photograph
we are unable to treat on site,
Agency ‘Vu’. A Soviet invention, Uzbekis- carries a caption and a few words
the extremely serious
shortages in water, food, tan groups together a multitude of describing the past of those photogra-
treatment and shelter” ethnic communities many of which were phed. .
(statement from MSF deported here by the Stalin regime: Born in England in 1972, Rip Hopkins
for “l’Humanité”,
Germans, Polish, Greeks, Russians, has carried out a number of photogra-
September 22, 2004).
Koreans and Tartars amongst others. phic and documentary reports for
Through portraits and compositions, 99 Médecins Sans Frontières. ■

P26 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004

> Chechnya/Ossetia
New books available “The humanitarian situation
in Chechnya is deteriorating,

in the documentation centre although Russian authorities

are doing all they can to
convince us that things are
MSF / Alix Minvielle getting back to normal” said
the newspaper La Croix
> MEDICAL (coll. Etudes et statistiques).- 345 p. LES ONG / P. Ryfman.- Paris : La Décou- (September 7, 2004).
After the events in Beslan,
“far from appeasing the
SOIGNER, PRÉVENIR / N. Horassius TRAVAIL SOCIAL / M. R. Moro, Q. De La P. Dauvin (dir.).- Paris : L’Harmattan, silence and the restrictions
et P. Mazet (dir.).- Paris : Fédération Noë, Y. Mouchenik.- Grenoble : La 2004.-276 p. imposed on the media spark
further suspicions and
française de psychiatrie, 2004.-595 p. pensée sauvage, 2004.- 397 p.
encourage revenge” wrote
REQUIEM FOR THE SUDAN : WAR, Le Figaro (September 15, 2004).
EN 2003 / DREES.- Paris : La LIEU ? / T-D Nguyen.- Paris : éditions Collins.- Oxford : Westview press, August 13, 2004,
160 Kinyarwanda-speaking
Documentation française, 2004.- Johanet, 2004.- 238 p. 2004.- 385 p.
Congolese refugees were
massacred in a camp
in Burundi. “The responsibi-
lity for this massacre,
perpetrated by automatic
MSF/September 2004/Arnaud Robin, Rémi Vallet / Translated by Janet Wells weapons and machetes,
was soon claimed by
a Burundian movement,
Want to read (or reread) the article Afghanistan : l’humanitaire assassiné, the book Devant le mal : Rwanda, un
the Forces nationales
génocide en direct, or the Santé pour tous en l’an 2000 debate? Need to urgently consult Epicentre’s epidemiolo- de Libération (FLN, Hutus)”
gical study in Darfur or MSF’s 2003-2004 Annual Report? reports the newspaper
‘Libération’ on August 16,
These documents (currently 160) are now accessible on the MSF website, and can be downloaded in PDF format. 2004. And yet, the identity
The MSF on-line library groups together a selection of reports, press dossiers and articles published by MSF, its of the murderers’ remains a
members or colleagues. It also lists books like Soigner malgré tout, A l’ombre des guerres justes or Le chardon subject of debate.
The murders were
tchétchène, with a link to buy them on-line.
condemned unanimously by
the international community.
The MSF library also tracks the history of our association and presents documents from key moments (Genèse de At the same time, public
la campagne pour l'accès aux médicaments essentiels, speech given on receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, etc.). prosecutor Luis Moreno
Ocampo opened an inquiry
This space is available to MSF members, journalists, students, researchers, humanitarian activists and anyone else into the crimes committed
who is interested. And this is just the beginning; the MSF library will get bigger and bigger. If you are not able to find in the Democratic Republic
of Congo (DRC), planning
a document that you think should be included, contact webmaster Arnaud Robin (arnaud.robin@msf.org).
to target those with the
greatest responsibility…
(Le Monde, September 7 2004)
> AVAILABLE IN THE DOCUMENTATION (and on int. database) - MSF / Christine Dufour / Andrea Bussotti
Sudan : (Darfour : Mornay et Al-Geneina), DRC : (Nut à Kayna), juillet 2004, Florence Reppel –
août/septembre 2004, Michaël Zumstein / L’œil Tarik Haddab / MSF - China : (Baoji, SIDA à Nanning),
Public - South Sudan : (Paludisme et TB à Akuem), août 2004, Isabelle Merny / MSF - Mozambique :
août 2004, Rémi Vallet / MSF - Burundi : (Etude (SIDA), mars 2003, Martin Beaulieu - Nepal : (TB
Epicentre), août 2004, Sybille Gerstl / MSF - Niger : ward à Rukum), juillet 2004, Myrto Schaëfer / MSF -
(CNT à Maradi), juin 2004, Julien Poublan / MSF (Rukum), août 2004 Tomas Van Houtryve


From 15th to 19th November 2004 in MSF Paris headquarters

Duration : 5 days
English speaking session


Medical or Para-medical personnel with basic knowledge in epidemiology and at least one experience within an epidemic context.
fi Particularly : desk members, emergency coordinators, medical coordinators and field coordinators.
By the end of the course, the trainee will be able to:
- Detect an outbreak
- Carry out an outbreak investigation
- Define necessary strategies and organise effective management of epidemics
Pathologies involved are : meningitis, diarrhoeal diseases, haemorrhagic fevers, malaria, measles and influenza.

For further information and to apply: contact your desk and Epicentre
Isabelle Beauquesne (01 40 21 29 27) or Danielle Michel (01 40 21 29 48)

P27 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004

> Guillermo BERTOLETTI Guillermo has replaced Guillaume LE GALLAIS as Director of Operations.
> Graziella GODAIN Graziella has been appointed Deputy Director of Operations.
> Giuseppe SCOLLO Giuseppe has replaced Graziella as RP on desk F.
RESSOURCES > Annette HEINZELMANN Annette has replaced Giuseppe as ARP. Annette is a doctor.
> Pauline HORRILL Pauline has replaced Christophe FOURNIER as RP on desk A. Pauline is a doctor.
> Isabelle DEFOURNY Isabelle has replaced Myrto SCHAEFER as ARP on desk E. Isabelle is a doctor.
> Jean-Clément CABROL Jean-Clément has left MSF.
> Anne-Louise
JACQUEMIN Anne-Louise is working as a project coordinator in the HR department until the end of 2004.
> Ingrid FORD Ingrid has replaced Ann SAUNDERS as HRO (human resources officer) on desk A.
> Casey KEIDERLING Casey will be helping ‘bureau des départs’ until the end of the year.
> Emilie BIARE Emilie has left after working as HRO since 2003.
et Manuel COLIM Loïc and Manuel left MSF in July.
> David VICQUERY David has replaced Loïc Schneider.
> Fabrice WEISSMAN Fabrice has returned to his position at the Foundation after a six month mission in Guinea.
> Kathryn ALBERTI Kathryn has joined Epicentre as an epidemiologist.
> Bénédicte JEANNEROD Bénédicte started as deputy director of communications at the end of August.
> Emeric LANGUERAND Emeric left MSF in September.
> Claire REYNAUD Claire, a psychologist, has joined the department until May 2005.


> ASAP - Medical/nurse field co, Congo, - Wide-wife, Darfur, Zalinguei, > DÉCEMBER
- Head of mission (nurse), Malawi, Betou, 6 months 3-6 months - Medical coordinator, Darfur,
Blantyre, 1 year - Nurse field co, Darfur, El Genina, - Nurse, Liberia, Bong, 6 months El Genina, 3-6 months
- Medical coordinator, Kenya, Nairobi, 3-6 months - Nurse, DRC, Loko, 6 months
- Head of mission (medical),
1 year - Nurse field co, Chad, Adre, 3 months - Logistician field co, DRC, Beni,
Cambodia, Phnom Penh, 1 an
- Head of mission (medical), Angola, - Nurse field co, Southern Sudan, 6-9 months
- Logistician field co, Liberia, Bong,
Luanda, 1 year Akuem, 6 months - Logistician field co, Congo, Brazza-
ville, 12 months 6 months
- Medical Coordinator - HIV medical, Uganda, Arua,
- Logistician field co, Southern Sudan, - Medical, Congo, Betou, 6 months
(medical/psychologist), Occupied 12 months
Loki, 9 months - Medical, Liberia, Bong, 6 months
Territories, Jerusalem, 1 year - medical, Darfur, El Genina, 3 months
- medical, Darfur, Zalinguei, - Logistician officer bases in capital, - Medical, Liberia, Lofa, 6 months
- Head of mission (medical), Sierra
3-6 months DRC, Gbadolite, 6 months - Medical, Darfur, Mornay, 3-6 months
Leone, Freetown, 6 months
- Logistician, Darfur, Zalinguei, - HIV medical, Kenya, Homa Bay,
- Head of mission, Darfur, El Jenina, - medical, Darfur, Niertiti, 3-6 months
3-6 months 1 year
3-6 months - medical, Cambodia, Kompong Cham,
- Logistician field co, Darfur,
- Medical coordinator, Ethiopia, Addis, 12 months - Medical, Iran, Mashad, 1 year
El Genina, 3-6 months
1 year - medical, Southern Sudan, Akuem, - Technical lab, Northern Sudan,
- Logistician, Kenya, Homa Bay,
- Medical coordinator, Liberia, 6 months Bentiu, 6 months
6 months
Monrovia, 1 year - medical, Northern Sudan, Bentiu, - Chemist, Kenya, Homa Bay,
- Logistician, Chad, Adre, 3-6 months
- Head of mission, Southern Sudan, 6 mois 12 months
- Builder logistician, Southern Sudan,
Loki, 1 year - Nut nurse, DRC, Kayna, 6 months Akuem, 6 months - Psychologist, Congo, Brazzaville,
- Head of mission, China, Nanning - Wide-wife, DRC, Ankoro, 6 months - Logistician, Darfur, El Genina, 6 months
1 year - Nurse, Darfur, Mornei, 3-6 months 3-6 months - Nurse, Darfur, Mornay, 3-6 months
- Medical coordinator, Ivory Coast, - Nurse, Darfur, El Genina, 3 months - Logistician field co, Liberia, - Nut nurse, DRC, Ankoro, 6 months
Abidjan, 1 year - Nut nurse, Southern Sudan, Akuem, Monrovia, 6 months - FlyCo Logistician, Darfur, Nyala,
- Nurse field co, DRC, Kitengue, 6 months - Logistician field co, Northern Sudan,
3-6 months
6 months - Wide-wife, Ivory Coast, Bouake, Khartoum, 6-12 months
6 months - Logistician, Congo, Mindouli,
- Nurse field co, Georgia, Akhmeta, - Head of HR, DRC, Lubumbashi,
3 months - Nurse, Darfur, Zalinguei, 3-6 months 6 months 6 months
- Nurse field co, Darfur, Niertiti, - Psychologist, Colombia, Tolima, - Administrator, Cambodia, Phnom - Logistician field co, Ivory Coast,
3-6 months 6 months Penh, 12 months Abidjan, 1 year
- Nurse field co, Darfur, Zalinguei, - Nurse, Burundi, Makamba, 6 months - Head of HR, Southern Sudan, Loki, - Logistician, Northern Sudan, Bentiu,
3-6 months - Nut nurse, Niger, Maradi, 6 months 6-9 months 6 months

Médecins Sans Frontières - 8, rue Saint Sabin - 75544 Paris Cedex 11 - Tél: +33 (0) 1 40 21 29 29 - Fax : +33 (0) 1 48 06 68 68 - www.msf.fr
Editor in chief: Bénédicte Jeannerod - Editing: Olivier Falhun - Photo librarian: Christine Dufour, Andrea Bussotti - Translation : Caroline Serraf/TSF -
Layout: Sébastien Chappoton /TC Graphite - Design: Exces communication - Print: Artecom.

P28 messages MSF N°132 Oct.-Nov. 2004

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