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Ancient History - Prelims Questions DPP - 11

1. What is the subject matter of Manu Smriti? Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) Law (b) Medicine correct?
(c) Politics (d) Geography (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
2. With reference to ancient history of India,
consider the following statements: 5. Which of the following is the oldest of the
1. Anuloma Marriage is the marriage of a Indian Orthodox Philosophical Systems?
man of higher Varna with a girl from (a) Nyaya (b) Uttar Mimamsa
lower Varna. (c) Samkhya (d) Yoga
2. Pratiloma marriage is the marriage of a
girl of higher Varna with a man of a 6. Which of the following represents the
lower Varna. Orthodox School of Indian Philosophy?
Which of the statements given above is/are 1. Samkhya System
2. Vaishesika
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
3. Charvaka
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
4. Nyaya
Select the correct answer using the code given
3. With reference to Rig Veda, consider the below:
following statements:
(a) 1 only (b) 1, 2 and 4 only
1. Rig Veda consists of 8 Mandalas only.
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 2 and 3 only
2. 9th mandala contains the Gayatri Mantra.
3. 10th Mandala has ‘Purusha Sukta’.
7. Which among the following is the oldest
Which of the statements given above is/are Puranas?
(a) Brahma Purana
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(b) Matsya Purana
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 3 only
(c) Agni Purana
(d) Garuda Purana
4. With reference to Yajur Veda, consider the
following statements:
8. Which among the following Vedic text is
1. Krishna (black) Yajurveda was written in
considered as the origin of music?
verse form.
(a) Rig Veda (b) Yajur Veda
2. Shukla (white) Yajurveda was written in
(c) Atharva Veda (d) Sama Veda
prose form.

9. With reference to Upavedas consider the 4. Gandharvaveda is Upaveda of Samaveda, it

following statements: deals with the science of art and craft.
1. All the 4 Vedas have one Upavedas. Which of the statements given above is/are
2. Dhanurveda is Upaveda of Rigveda and it not correct?
deals with the science of archery. (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
3. Shilpaveda is Upaveda of Yajurveda and it (c) 3 only (d) 3 and 4 only
deals with music.

1. (a) 6. (b)
2. (c) 7. (b)
3. (d) 8. (d)
4. (d) 9. (d)
5. (c)

Hints and Solutions

1. Option (a) is correct: 2. Daiva Vivah: It is a marriage when the

Manu Smriti (Pre Gupta period) is the oldest father donates his daughter to a priest as
Smriti text. Its commentators were Vishwarupa, a part of Dakshina.
Meghatithi, Govindraj and Kullu Bhatt. The 3. Asra Vivah: A token bride-price of a
Manavadharmasastra, also known as cow and a Bull was given.
Manusmriti or the Laws of Manu, is a Sanskrit 4. Prajapati Vivah: It is a marriage
text belonging to the Dharmaśāstra, the literary without dowry.
tradition of Hinduism. The subject matter of
5. Gandharva Vivah: It was a kind of love
Manu Smriti is Law. The Manu Smriti
marriage or a ‘swyamvara’ type of
contains the following content:
 The genesis of the universe.
6. Asura Vivah: It is a marriage by
 Procedures of performing ceremonies purchase.
and the methods of fulfilling vows.
7. Paisach Vivah: Seduction of a girl while
 Holy baths, sexual life, performing
sleeping or mentally unstable due to
marriages, Mahayagya (religious
sacrifices), method of pacifying deceased
ancestors etc. 8. Rakshasha Vivah: It is a marriage by
 Regular ablutions and routines, Sutak abduction.
Vrata. 9. Anuloma Marriage: The marriage of a
 Edible and non-edible things, cleanliness, man of higher Varna with a girl from
impurity. lower Varna.
 The duty of the wife, the duty of royal 10. Pratiloma marriage: The marriage of a
people, the duty of regulation, the duties girl of higher Varna with a man of a
of men and women and all departments. lower Varna.
It also contains annihilation of the
wicked duty in emergency.
3. Option (d) is correct:
 Vanaprastha, liberation, Detachment and
Repentance. About Rig Veda:
 Rigveda is the oldest among all the 4
2. Option (c) is correct: Vedas. It is the oldest literature of Indo-
The Dharmashastra mentions ten types of Europeans.
Marriages, which are as follows:  It has 1028 hymns or suktas classified in
1. Brahma Vivah: Marriage of a girl with 10 mandalas (chapters).
the boy of same Varna with Vedic rites  Main Gods were: Indra, Agni and
and rituals. Varuna.

 There are several hymns dedicated to  It is the oldest example of prose literature
female Goddess. For example: Usha of Indo-Europeans.
(Goddess of Dawn), Prithvi (Goddess of  Taittiriya Brahmana and Satapatha
Earth) and Vak (the Goddess of Speech). Brahmana are part of Yajurveda.
Hotri priests were associated with
 Satapatha Brahmana contains –
 Upanayana Samskara.
 Most of the hymns concentrate on the
 Ploughing or agricultural rituals.
themes of life, death, creation, sacrifice
and for seeking godly pleasure or soma.  Taittiriya Upanishad, Brihadaranyaka
Upanishad, Katha Upanishad, Isa
 Mandalas:
Upanishad Svetasvatara Upanishad and
 II to VII: Earliest written mandala.
Maitrayaniya Upanishad are associated
 I and X: It was written at the end. with Yajurveda.
 Gayatri Mantra is part of the 3rd  Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is the earliest
mandala of Rigveda. It was composed reference of transmigration of soul.
by Vishwamitra and it is dedicated to
God Savitri.
5. Option (c) is correct:
 Mention of Dasraj war on the bank of
About Samkhya philosophy
river Ravi.
 It is the oldest of the Indian Orthodox
 The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th mandalas
Philosophical Systems. The Samkhya
are the oldest. They were composed by
Philosophy holds that reality is
different families of priests and therefore
constituted of two principles - one
these mandalas are famously known as
Prakriti (female) and the other Purusha
family books.
(male). Prakriti and Purusha are
 9th mandala is dedicated to Soma and
completely independent and absolute.
Soma sacrifice.
 According to this system, Purusha is
 10th Mandala has ‘Purusha Sukta’.
mere consciousness, hence it cannot be
modified or changed. Prakriti on the
4. Option (d) is correct: other hand is constituted of three
About Yajurveda: attributes - thought, movement, and
change/transformation. These three
 It is the collection of hymns used by
priests during rituals and ceremonies. It attributes bring about the change in all
was originally recited by Adhvaryu objects.
priests.  The Samkhya philosophy tries to
 It was divided into 2 parts: establish some relationship between
1. Krishna (black) Yajurveda (in Purusha and Prakriti for explaining the
prose form) creation of the universe.
2. Shukla (white) Yajurveda (in verse  The founder of this philosophy was
form). Kapila.

6. Option (b) is correct:  There are 18 major Puranas

About the Orthodox School: (Mahapuranas) and each gives

prominence to a particular deity and
 Historically known as Sanatana Dharma,
expound on the philosophical and
the orthodox (astika) schools are now
religious concepts related to them. Some
collectively referred to as Hinduism.
of the more prominent and well-known
 The Orthodox school has six distinct
Puranas are Bhagvata, Brahma, Vayu,
philosophical and theological systems:
Agni, Garuda, Padma, Vishnu and
1. Samkhya
Matsya. Matsya Purana is the oldest
2. Nyaya puranic text.
3. Vaishesika  Puranas contain anecdotes about the
4. Yoga social, cultural, and religious life of post-
Vedic India and provide the historians
5. Purva Mimamsa
with critical information about the
6. Vedanta or Uttara Mimamsa. geography, history and the dynastic
7. Option (b) is correct:
About Purana 8. Option (d) is correct:

 As the word 'Purana' suggests, these The Sama Veda, which is one of the Vedic text,
is considered to be as the origin of music. The
texts talk about 'that which renews the
hymns of Samaveda Samhita are mostly taken
old'. Puranas are ancient Indian from Rigveda Samhita. Only 75 hymns of
mythological texts, which consist of the Samaveda are original. The hymns of
narrative stories about the creation of the Samaveda are set to musical tunes for the
purpose of singing during rituals and
universe and illustrate its history till the
ceremonies. Udgatri priest chant hymns of
supposed destruction of the universe. Samaveda. It is also called as the ‘Book of
 It contains the stories of the kings, Chanters’. It provides the earliest literary
reference about the origin of Indian Music.
heroes, sages, and demi-Gods, but it
It is available in 3 versions, namely Jaiminiya
focuses on the divine Hindu Trimurti or
in Carnatic, Kauthuma in Gujarat and
trinity/ three Gods: Brahma, Vishnu, and Ranayaniya in Maharashtra. Tandya
Mahesh. Mahabrahmana or Panchavimsha Brahmana,
Shadavimsa Brahmana and Jaiminiya
Brahmana belong to Samveda. Kena Upanishad
or Talavakara Upanishad and Chhandogya
Upanishad also belong to Samveda which
shows the first evidences of Krishna.

9. Option (d) is correct:  Shilpaveda is Upaveda of

About Upavedas Yajurveda. It deals with the science
of art and craft.
 All the 4 Vedas have one Upaveda each
associated with them. These Upavedas  Gandharvaveda is Upaveda of
are like appendices to the main books. Samaveda. It deals with music.

 They deal with specific issues in detail.  Ayurveda is Upaveda of

Atharvaveda. It deals with the
 They are a collection of applied
science of longevity. It is a book of
the medicine branch of medical
 These Upavedas are: science.
 Dhanurveda is Upaveda of
Rigveda. It deals with the science of

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