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A Written Narrative

Question 1
What is that you should do prior to the assessment activity?

Before the assessment activity, I should do the following: prepare the facilities, prepare
the equipment, tools and materials. I will check the attendance from the assessment
center. I will also check the application form and admission slip. I will also collect the
Self-Assessment Guide from processing officer of the assessment center.

Question 2

What will you explain during the orientation of the candidates?

During the Orientation, I will explain about the purpose of assessment. It is to determine
whether the actual competency levels of the candidates in Organic Agriculture
Production NC II is the same with the competency standard. Organic Agriculture
Production NC II has four competency units: Raise Organic Chicken; Produce Organic
Vegetables; Produce Organic Fertilizer; Produce Organic Concoctions and Extracts.

There are three methods of assessment that I will use: Writing Test, Performance Test.
The time limits are: Writing Test, 1 hour; Performance Test, 2 hours; and Oral
Questioning, 20 minutes. I will ask if the candidates have personal issues that may
impede their performance. If they do, they should inform me so that I can provide
allowable and reasonable adjustment, if appropriate.

I will remind them that all that take place in the assessment proceeding are strictly
confidential. They must not disclose anything. What they hear and do here, they must
leave them here.

I will mention about how the rating is done. It is only Competent and Not Yet
Competent. In addition, I will state that if they are Not Yet Competent, they may file an
application for re-assessment once they feel that they are ready. Meanwhile, if they
disagree with the assessment decision, they may take the appeal process. I will explain
the appeal process.

I will issue the Competency Assessment Results Summary both to those who are
Competent and Not Yet Competent. For those found Competent, I will tell them to
present their CARS to TESDA provincial office to claim their National Certificate of
Competency. They may do this within five days after they received their CARS.

Paragraph 3

What is the purpose of giving an orientation to candidates?

The purpose of orientation is to inform the candidates about the process of assessment.
This way, they will know what to expect to take place in the assessment.

Paragraph 4

How do you make sure that the candidate understands the tasks to be performed?

To make sure that the candidates understand, I will ask them if they have any

Paragraph 5

How do you make sure that the candidate taking the assessment is the same person in
the application form.

During the checking of attendance, ask the candidates to present their admission slip.
Check if the picture in the admission slip is the same picture in the application form. If in
doubt, ask for a valid ID.

Paragraph 6

What are the do’s and don’ts of an assessor while observing the candidate performing
the tasks? Why?

The assessor must have the checklist so he can record the feedback or comments of
the candidates after the demonstration. This will ensure that the feedback process is in
order and all are considered.
Paragraph 7

During the interview of oral questioning, when the candidate’s answer is wrong, do you
provide the correct answers immediately? Why?

The Oral Questioning is still an evidence-gathering tool. If it is still in progress, no
feedback should be given yet. All comments must be reserved for the time of giving

Paragraph 8

What should be the basis of your assessment decision? If you are in doubt, what would
you do?

The basis of assessment decision are: evidence requirements; 4 dimensions of

competency; rules of evidence; corroboration of all evidences. If in doubt, I will review
the rating sheets. – MEMORIZE THIS !!!

Paragraph 9

How should you provide the feedback? In case the candidate does not agree with your
decision, what would you do?

In giving feedback, I will cite first the strong points of the candidate. Next is I will
enumerate areas of improvements. Finally, I will suggest how to overcome his weak
points to narrow the gaps in performance.


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