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For example , of the poverty rate in society are lack of housing . Poverty is a disease and
not being able to see a doctor . Poverty is not having access to school and not being to get
education and don’t know how to read . Poverty is not having a job , is fear for the future .
living one day at a time .
For off all the poverty rate of the community is more likely to have some type of family
problem , including divorced and family conflict , poor people are more likely to have some
type of health problem caused by mental health such as depression or due to falling ill or
paralysis which makes is difficult for individuals to work . Children who grow up in poverty
are less likely to finish high school or to go to college and they are more likely to commit
street crimes such as begging all over the place because they are homeless , this is because
the problem stem from losing a job , losing a relative or being thrown out by family . No
direction and purpose in life and causing unmanaged poverty to the point of being
Poverty can occur due to individual deficiencies and also due to socio-economic problems
in a society. Accordingly, the causes of poverty can be seen from two dimensions , namely
the individual dimension and also the societal dimension . Individual dimensions edit lack of
certain individual can lead to poverty .This individual is usually a significant weaknesses of
and can caused a person to be poor , even if he is in a society full of sustenance
opportunities . The weaknesses of this individual are as follow like gambling habits the
habits of gambling is a practice that causes a person to poor . This is be caused people who
gambling , will lose a lot of money in gambling activities , and they often lose focus in work
because of indulging in gambling . Drug addiction people are addicted to drugs find it
difficult to performs a job because their bodies are weak . They will also lose a lot of
property in buying drugs . The poverty they face in buying drugs . The poverty they face is
prolonged because drug addiction is something that is very difficult to let go of . Health
problem jpersonality that causes poverty is laziness . The lazy attitude is reflected in
behavior such as fantasizing , talking nonsense , and even ‘’avoid work’’ A lazy person is a
lack of productivity and they will miss out on many opportunities to earn a living .
From this a dimension , poverty is something that is caused by socio-economic problems
that is exist in a society and is not something that is caused by the weakness of the
individual himself that an individual should try to solve the problem of poverty , and one of
the effective way to overcome poverty because with higher education , a person can get out
of the cocoon of poverty by getting a job that can guarantee a better future and economy .
To reduce poverty of each less able individual and reduce their burden , giving help the
underprivileged in society , However this kind of method will not be able ease the burden of
the poor because theaid channeled by the government , welfare agencies or short periods
of time . For example for indi individual effort need try to solvethe problem of poverty faced
on of effective ways to overcome poverty is through education , asisstant to the poor ,
economic , development , expanding the employment sector , community development
and the free market and however so importans to aeknowledge that ss much as making a
donation matters . By doing this role it can reduce the poverty rate in society .

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