10_chapter 3

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3.0 Introduction

Plan and procedure is a very important part of any research. No research work can be
undertaken fruitfully without proper planning. Anything to be done properly must be
planned before hand. This helps the investigator to proceed directly without confusing
with the associated events. A well thought out plan of action in advance followed by a
systematic execution brings out fruitful results. Research is not a haphazard task put it
requires to proceed in a definite direction with definite intention of taking a specific
problem and try to find a solution in a scientific manner of research. Research design is
the choice of an investigator about the components of his project and development of
certain components of the design. A design of research does not consist of ordered
sequential step by step procedures. It is a planning stage of research which is usually
made logical visualizing its practicability. The selection of research components is done
keeping in view of the objectives of the research. Research hypothesis also provides the
basis for designing a research work. A research design includes the following
components, research method, sampling design, choice of research tools, and choice of
statistical techniques. Research design is the plan, structures and strategy of
investigations conceived so as to obtain answer to research questions and to control
variance (Kerlinger, 1986).

According to Best to (1995) “Research design is the arrangement of conditions for

collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine reliance to the research
purpose with economy in procedure.”

This chapter is devoted to the method and procedure followed in the present
investigation and the same is given in the following sequence (Koul, 1996):

3.1 Research method

3.2 Population and Sample

3.3 Tools Used for Data Collection

3.4 Procedure of data collection

3.5 Statistical Techniques

3.1 Research Method

There are several methods of conducting research study. But, it is a fact that the choice of
method is determined purpose of the study, its objectives and the nature of the problem.
The method is of great importance in any research work, it is not possible to have the
research work done without research method, whenever the hypotheses and experiences
are to be confirmed, the experimental method for research work is used. Whenever you
have to study the historical background and occupation an attempt is made to see the
relevance in his present, then in such a situation the historical method is used for
research work. Whenever the ideology of education philosopher is studied in relation to
any other education philosopher or in reference to the relevance of the present, then in
this situation, the philosophical method is used in the research work and when the
conditions of any current education and its development. If the attempt is made to look at
the order, then in such situation, the survey method should be used because the survey is
related to research and development. So, in the present study survey method was used by
the investigator.

3.2 Population and Sample

The present study was carried out in order to study the status of government and private
schools with reference to teachers, infrastructural facilities, enrollment of the students
and their academic achievement, co-curricular activities, Parents Teacher Meeting,
evaluation pattern, teaching strategies adopted by the teachers and views of the parents
about government and private elementary schools of Haryana. Therefore, entire
government and private schools at elementary level affiliated to Board of School
Education Haryana, Bhiwani, entire teachers of government and private schools and
entire parents whose children were studying in government and private schools at
elementary level constituted the population of the present study. All the students of first
to eight classes from government and private schools were constituted the population of
the present study.

3.2.1 Sample of the Study

For drawing the sample of the present study, at the first stage, three districts were
selected through random sampling technique. At the second stage, two blocks from each
district were selected through random sampling technique. At the third stage, 5
government and 5 private schools at elementary level were selected from each block

through random sampling technique. At fourth stage, 180 teachers were selected in
which 90 teachers from government schools and 90 teachers from private schools at
elementary level through random sampling technique, 600 parents of the students were
selected by accidental sampling technique in which 300 parents whose children were
studying in government schools and 300 parents whose children were studying in private
schools. Further, results of all students from first to eight classes were taken from all the
selected government and private schools.

3.2.2 Design of the Sample

Table No. 3.1 The design of the sample

Districts Blocks Type of Schools Teachers Parents

(03) (02 from School (03 from (10 from
each each each
District) school) school)
1. Fatehabad Tohana Government 05 15 50
Private 05 15 50
Ratia Government 05 15 50
Private 05 15 50
2. Kaithal Kaithal Government 05 15 50
Private 05 15 50
Pundri Government 05 15 50
Private 05 15 50
3. Sirsa Sirsa Government 05 15 50
Private 05 15 50
Kalanwali Government 05 15 50
Private 05 15 50
Government 30 180 600
Private 30
Total School 60

3.3 Tools Used for Data Collection

After the selection of the sample the next step was to choose suitable tools for the
collection of data. In the present investigation status of government and private schools
at elementary level were analyzed with reference to teachers, enrollment of students and
their academic achievement, infrastructural facilities, co-curricular activities, Parents
Teacher Meeting and evaluation pattern, teaching strategies used by teachers and views
of parents about government and private schools. In the present study, the primary data
was collected from first-hand sources by the investigator with the help of School

Information Blank, schedule for teachers and schedule for parents. The following tools
were developed by the investigator:

1. A self developed School Information Blank was used to collect the information
regarding status of government and private schools with reference to students,
teachers, students’ academic achievement, infrastructural facilities, co-curricular
activities, Parents Teacher Meeting and evaluation pattern. (Appendix-I)

2. A self developed schedule for teachers to collect the information regarding

background of teachers and teaching strategies adopted by them. (Appendix-II)

3. A self developed schedule for parents was used to collect the views about
government and private schools. (Appendix-III)

3.3.1 Preparation of School Information Blank

Considering the objectives of the present study, School Information Blank was
developed for knowing the information about type of school, whether the school giving
co-education, medium of instruction, total number of teacher working, whether the
school has computer teacher, sports teacher and music teacher, student teacher ratio,
enrollment of the students class wise, gender wise and category wise, enrolment
strategies, academic achievement of the students, infrastructural facilities like building,
boundary wall, office, staff room, electricity, ramp, play ground, library, canteen, labs,
drinking water and source of water, toilets for staff and students, adequate classrooms
and benches for students, firefighting equipment and first-aids, teaching learning
material, co-curricular activities and different competitions organize by school, other
miscellaneous co-curricular activities, Parents Teacher Meeting and evaluation system
adopted by the schools at elementary level

After consulting the review of related literatures in the field concerned, discussing with
the supervisor, faculty members of the department of the education, specialists, fellow
researchers, teachers and headmasters/mistress of government and private schools a list
of items was prepared and given to the language expert, some sample schools and
teachers for their expert comments. Overlapping of items was also critically examined
and some of items were rejected. The suggestions given by the expert were accepted. In
this way the items/statements of the School Information Blank was considered fit for
initial try out. The list of items/statements of the School Information Blank was also
given to the subject expert for face validity. The suggestions of the subject experts were
also incorporated.

35 Initially Try Out

The tool prepared for the collection of data was given to five sampled Government and
Private schools for the purpose to know about ambiguities and to check whether the
items were properly communicated for what it was intended. Final Try Out

After initially try out the copies of the draft items were given to experts to view the items
so as to determine if there is any ambiguity. The views given by the experts were
carefully examined and suggestions for any modification in items were carefully noted.
Unwanted items were dropped and new modifications were incorporated. In the light of
final try out and after modification of the final draft the tool was prepared. The final draft
has total 55 items. The detail of the items is shown in the table given below:

Table No. 3.2 Detail of items of School Information Blank

Part Components Items
A General information about School 05
B Availability of Teachers 05
C Enrollment of the students 04
D Academic achievement of the students 01
E Infrastructural Facilities 06
 Availability of Infrastructural Facilities
 Availability of Labs
 Availability of Water and Source
 Availability of Toilet Facility
 Availability of Infrastructure related to classroom
 Availability of Firefighting Equipment & First-aid
F Teaching Learning Materials 01
G Co-curricular Activities 23
H Parents Teacher Meeting 05
I Evaluation System Adopted by School 05
Total 55
* Result of all the students from first to eight classes were taken from all the selected government and
private schools. Scoring

The responses of the respondent were recorded in the forms of Yes or No, Always,
Sometime, Never or fill in the blanks. The frequency was count for each item,
statements, question and fill in the blanks and arranged accordingly.
3.3.2 Preparation of Schedule for Teachers to Know the Teaching Strategies

The second important tool used for the present study was schedule for teachers. The
schedule was administered to know the teaching strategies used by the teachers during
teaching and learning process. A list of items was prepared for knowing the background
of the teachers like gender, teaching experience, educational and professional
qualifications and teaching strategies. The teaching strategies contain three stages:

Pre-Active stage of teaching: this stage contains items related to preparation of lesson
plan and determining teaching objectives,

Inter-Active stage of teaching: this stage contains items related to previous knowledge
testing, introducing the lesson, developmental questions, teaching aids, teaching
methods, innovative methods of teaching and involvement of students.

Post-Active stage of teaching: this stage contains the items related to oral and written
test, summarizing the lesson, assigning home work and checking of home work daily.

After the questions are constructed, their language was shown to the language expert
with a view to purifying the linguist errors were pointed out and corrected. Then the
schedule was shown to the expert with the intention that the schedule included whether
the questions are according to the research objectives or not. After getting the opinion of
experts, some questions were removed or modified from the schedule and the opinions of
the experts were included. An initially tryout was taken and the tool was modified

The final list of items of the schedule was also given to the subject expert in the
concerned field of education for face validity. The suggestions of the subject experts
were also incorporated. Initially Try Out

The tools prepared for the collection of data was given to ten teachers, five teachers from
government schools and five teachers from private schools for the purpose to know about
ambiguities and to check whether the items were properly communicated for what it was
intended. Final Try Out

After initially try out the copies of the draft items were given to experts to view the items
so as to determine if there is any ambiguity. The views given by the experts were
carefully examined and suggestions for any modification in items were carefully noted.

Unwanted items were dropped and new modifications were incorporated. In the light of
final try out and after modification of the final draft the tool was prepared. The final draft
has total 19 items. The detail of items is shown in the following table:

Table No. 3.3 Detail of Items of Schedule for Teacher

Part Components Items

A General Information about the Teacher 05

B Teaching Strategies

B1 Pre-Active Stage 02

B2 Inter-Active Stage
B 2.1. Introductory Part 03
B 2.2. Teaching Aids used by teacher 01
B 2.3. Teaching Methods used by teacher 01
B 2.4. Involvement of Students 02

B3 Post-Active Stage 05

Total 19 Scoring

The responses of the respondent were recorded in the forms of Yes or No, Always,
Sometime, Never or fill in the blanks. The frequency was count for each item and fills in
the blanks and arranged accordingly.

3.3.3 Preparation of Schedule to Know the Views of Parents about Government and
Private Schools

The third main tool for data collection of the study was schedule to know the views of
parents about government and private schools. A list of questions was prepared for
knowing the general information about the parents whose children were studying in
government and private schools, educational qualification, occupation, annual income,
bases of school choice, views about infrastructure facilities, views about organization of
co-curricular activities, and views about teacher.

After the items are constructed, their language was shown to the language expert with a
view to purifying the linguist errors were pointed out and corrected. Then the schedule
was shown to the expert with the intention that the schedule included whether the items

are according to the research objectives or not. After getting the opinion of experts, some
items were removed or modified from the schedule and the opinions of the experts were
included. An initially tryout was taken and the tool was modified accordingly.

The final list of items of the Interview Schedule for the parents was also given to the
subject expert in the concerned field of education for face validity. The suggestions of
the subject experts were also incorporated. Initially Try Out

The tool prepared for the collection of data was given to ten parents of the students. In
which five parents whose children were studying in government schools and five parents
whose children were studying in private schools were included in the study for the
purpose to know about ambiguities and to check whether the items were properly
communicated for what it was intended. Final Try Out

After initially try out the copies of the draft items were given to experts to view the items
so as to determine if there is any ambiguity. The views given by the experts were
carefully examined and suggestions for any modification in items were carefully noted.
Unwanted items were dropped and new modifications were incorporated. In the light of
final try out and after modification of the final draft the tool was prepared. The final draft
has total 26 items. The detail of tool is shown in the following table:

Table No. 3.4 Detail of Items of Schedule for Parents

Part Components Items

A General Information of Parents 08

B Views of parents whose children were Studying in Government and Private

B1 Parents views about infrastructure facilities contained six questions 06

B2 Parents views regarding organization of co-curricular activities contained 06

six questions

B3 Parents views about teachers of government and private schools 06

contained six questions.

Total 26

39 Scoring

The responses of the respondent were recorded in the forms of Yes or No and to great
extent, to some extent and not at all. The frequency was count for each item and fills in
the blanks and arranged accordingly.

3.4 Procedure for Data Collection

The investigator personally went in all the selected schools to collect the data with the
research tools. Firstly, the investigator met to the head of the institute and told about the
purpose of his research work. Prier permission was taken from the head of the institution
for collecting the data.

The investigator approached to the head teachers/teachers with schedule and humbly
request was made by the investigator for collecting the data. Prier permission was also
taken from the teachers. The investigator requested to the head teacher/teacher to give
the required information of the school and ensure that the given information will be kept
confidential and this information/data will be used only for research purpose. The
investigator requested to head of the institution for providing name and address of
parents whose children were studying in the schools. After getting the list of name and
address of the parents the investigator approached to the parents with the schedule for
collecting the data. The investigator met the parents and told the purpose of visit and
prier permission was also sought from the parents. The investigator ensured that the
given information will be kept confidential and this information/data will be used only
for research purpose. After collecting the data the investigator thanked to the head of the
institutions, all the teachers and also all the parents for their kind co-operation and

3.5 Statistical Techniques Used

For the purpose of analysis of data, frequencies and percentage were calculated for each
item and each statement. Percentage technique was used for the analysis and
interpretation of the data. The data was presented through the table and bar-diagram. The
percentage was calculated by using the following percentage method:

( )

x = given quantity
n = total amount
P = percentage of the quantity compared to the total


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