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(Hortatory Eksposition Text)

Name : M. Fahreza Aditya

Classs : XI-7
No. : 21
The Reason Implementation of “Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar
Pancasila” in the Indonesia School Curriculum is Inefficient

Recently, the learning system that was tried to be implemented in Indonesia has
become a problem for students and teachers. In the mechanism of the curriculum, it is
completely different from the previous curriculum, so it is quite difficult to implement the
stagnation of the student curriculum that has occurred to date. The curriculum is called
"Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar". In "Merdeka Belajar", the government tries to remove
restrictions for students on far who often lose their aspirations to make dreams come true.
This curriculum tries to facilitate students to be able to freely determine their educational
career desires. But problems can arise, especially for schools in Indonesia. The government,
through the Minister of Education, is less thorough in understanding the systematics of school
facilities, namely teachers. Good education must start with good teachers, while the
curriculum does not start with improving quality teachers. Programs that should have support
become errors and cannot perform their functions properly.
One thing that has been tried to be criticized is the existence of the "Projek Penguatan
Profil Pelajar Pancasila" activity, which actually damaged the structure of the independent
learning program. In its application in several schools, the problem of limited understanding
in carrying out the project for students becomes very difficult. Teachers and staff are still not
enough to meet the demands of the Minister of Education, who is trying to explore the
achievements and advantages of various students through the provision of these activities.
Finally, this activity becomes a problem that arises followed by an error in the
implementation of the curriculum. The problems are piling up and students feel stressed and
bored and even less able to show their potential.

Firstly, about setting the schedule. Schools that suddenly receive new proposals for
procuring learning projects must include these working hours in the school schedule. This
makes students not optimal in carrying out project work instructions from the teacher
according to the theme given, considering the density of study hours and the subject delivered
is still quite the same as the previous curriculum. With this inefficiency, the hours of study
will overlap and become reduced on both sides.
Secondly, is the follow-up step to accommodate students' ideas in implementing the
project. Students who should be free to choose the direction of learning ideas and find new
breakthroughs regarding a problem actually become hampered by the existence of projects.
This happens due to the lack of knowledge of students in carrying out the curriculum and the
choice of themes that are less acceptable as principles of educational freedom. Students
should not be pressured by deadlines to complete the project because it will be worth the
learning load, but students should be given enough time to be able to draw connections
between the knowledge taught academically and the project ideas they want to develop.
Last but not least, the problem that all students in Indonesia should have from the past
is the clarity towards university level. It is felt that the lessons that are trying to be conveyed
in "Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar" are still not suitable for accepting the demands of university
selection for most students. The existence of student project work actually worsens the
intellectual quality and basic knowledge of students about the things they should learn at the
school level. Most students are still confused about understanding the potential that exists in
them, so they find it difficult to get things that are taught in the curriculum through student
project programs.

We have faith that one day the education system will begin to find its way of reform
according to the situation. However, this is not only to be looked forward to but must be
started by making small changes in the curriculum as a teaching tool. Habits can only be
formed if we can learn from old ideas so that the implementation of the Pancasila student
learning project program is not detrimental to the implementer. The program should be
intensified for parties concerned, such as parents, teachers, schools and universities, in
shaping the character of Pancasila in the students themselves.

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