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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Senior High School

Steps of the Research Process

Scientific research involves a systematic process that focuses on being objective and gathering
a multitude of information for analysis so that the researcher can conclude.
The first step in the process is to identify a problem or develop a research question. The
research problem may be a concern of a particular group of people. Now that the problem has been
identified, the researcher must learn more about the topic under investigation. To do this, the researcher
must review the literature related to the research problem. This step provides foundational knowledge
about the problem area. Many times, the initial problem identified in the first step of the process is too
large or broad in scope. In the third step of the process, the researcher clarifies the problem and
narrows the scope of the study. This can only be done after the literature has been reviewed. The
knowledge gained through the review of literature guides the researcher in clarifying and narrowing the
research project. Terms and concepts are words or phrases used in the purpose statement of the study
or the description of the study. These items need to be specifically defined as they apply to the study.
Terms or concepts often have different definitions depending on who is reading the study. To minimize
confusion about what the terms and phrases mean, the researcher must specifically define them for the
study. Research projects can focus on a specific group of people, facilities, park development,
employee evaluations, programs, financial status, marketing efforts, or the integration of technology into
the operations. Once the instrumentation plan is completed, the actual study begins with the collection
of data. The collection of data is a critical step in providing the information needed to answer the
research question. All the time, effort, and resources dedicated to steps one through seven of the
research process culminate in this final step. The researcher now analyzes the data according to the
plan. The results of this analysis are then reviewed and summarized in a manner directly related to the
research questions.
As you have probably concluded, conducting studies using the eight steps of the scientific
research process requires you to dedicate time and effort to the planning process. You cannot conduct a
study using the scientific research process when time is limited or the study is done at the last minute.
Researchers who do this conduct studies that result in either false conclusions or conclusions that are
not of any value to the organization.
Excerpt from Applied Research and Evaluation Methods in Recreation
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 3 seconds. Contains 411 words.

Comprehension Questions:
1. What is the final step in the scientific research process?
a. Identifying a problem
b. Reviewing the literature
c. Analyzing the data
d. Defining terms and concepts

2. How does the information gained from reviewing the literature impact the research process, as
discussed in the text?
a. It helps in identifying a research problem.
b. It guides the clarification and narrowing of the research scope.
c. It directly initiates data collection.
d. It defines terms and concepts.
3. What can be inferred about the role of specifically defining terms and concepts in research?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


Senior High School
a. It reduces potential confusion among readers.
b. It complicates the study.
c. It aligns the study with organizational goals.
d. It replaces the need for data analysis.

4. Based on the information in the text, what challenges might a researcher face when conducting a
last-minute research project without sufficient planning?
a. The project will likely be easier to manage.
b. The research will yield groundbreaking insights.
c. The project will likely receive ample funding.
d. The researcher may struggle to gather quality data and draw meaningful conclusions.

5. What potential consequences are highlighted for organizations that do not invest adequate time and
effort into the planning process of their research projects?
a. The organizations may experience increased efficiency.
b. The organizations may receive more funding for research.
c. The organizations may risk drawing false or valueless conclusions from their studies.
d. The organizations may find it easier to conduct research at the last minute.

Modernization’s Halt
by Sofhia Angela D. Buenafe

With Modernization’s sudden halt, progress lost its derivation from access. Slowly, those who do
experience it address someone’s way of living as a social drawback.
After a 73-year run of World War II occurred, the call for modernization among jeepneys started
to take place. The government promulgated a memorandum under the Land Transportation Franchising
and Regulatory Board (LTFRB), which aims to phase out old jeepneys over 15 years to shift to
modernized minibuses that make use of Euro IV emission standards that eliminate various risks to the
environment. In a way, it will make sense to those granted the privilege, but on the contrary, it discards
the practical capacities of people under the poverty line, especially a wide number of jeepney operators.
Our Filipino hearts certainly yearn for the blaring horns and colorful display of various signboards
that contain places to embark. Jeepneys became a huge trademark of our country, from the moment we
journeyed to our workplaces, schools, and destinations, to how our shoulders slumped after an
exhausting day. According to the current data, there are over 9 million utility jeepneys that are registered
under the LTFRB. Moreover, there are approximately 200,000 commuters who make use of their
services. These numbers indicated how huge a loss this modernization will cost not just for our beloved
drivers, but also for those who benefit.
The modernization is abrupt, aggravating, and uncalled for. Jeepneys embody dominance in the
local forms of transportation and replacing them would put a halt to everyone’s usual cycles. Despite the
fact that it will surely boost emerging technologies and create a cleaner environment, the authorities
seemed unprepared. It reveals that the government’s subsidy only covers 5.7% of the program’s total
cost. If the ones to promulgate are not well-inclined, how will everybody else follow?
Certainly, everyone seeks progressive change. Time parallels change. It is not modernization
that is to be refuted, but the ideology of it being anti-masses. No one desires a change that seeks to
steal and exploit. Never.
Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 38 seconds. Contains 329 words.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


Senior High School
Comprehension Questions:
6. What is the main reason for the government's push for modernization in the transportation sector?
a. To reduce traffic congestion
b. To phase out old jeepneys with Euro IV emission standards
c. To eliminate the use of colorful signboards
d. To increase the number of registered utility jeepneys

7. How do the different parts of the text collectively convey the challenges and consequences of the
abrupt modernization of jeepneys?
a. By discussing the government's subsidy and its coverage.
b. By describing the cultural significance of jeepneys and the number of commuters.
c. By emphasizing the potential environmental benefits and the lack of preparedness.
d. By contrasting the positive and negative aspects of modernization.

8. What can you infer about the impact of modernization on the jeepney operators and commuters
from the text?
a. Modernization will have a negative impact on both jeepney operators and commuters.
b. Modernization will benefit both jeepney operators and commuters.
c. Modernization will mainly benefit jeepney operators.
d. Modernization will have no impact on jeepney operators and commuters.

9. What might be a potential consequence if the government's subsidy for modernization remains
a. More people will start using jeepneys.
b. The program's total cost will decrease.
c. The government will increase its subsidy.
d. The modernization program may face challenges in implementation.

10. What is the author's stance on modernization in the text?

a. The author believes modernization is necessary but poorly executed by the government.
b. The author supports modernization and its benefits.
c. The author opposes modernization and sees it as detrimental to the masses.
d. The author is neutral and presents both sides of the modernization issue.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


Senior High School

Making Everything Premium

by Audrey Dominique Cardinoza

The K to 12 programs mandated more than a decade ago did not stop students from wanting to
have a college degree, and neither will the K to 10 Plus Two Bill proposed by former president and
Senior Deputy Speaker Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
According to the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), only a fifth of Senior High
School graduates join the labor force after graduation. Additionally, a study provided by the Philippine
Business for Education revealed that only 14 out of 70 leading companies in the nation employ SHS
graduates. The majority still look for college degree holders. The Department of Education also reported
a decline in Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track enrollees, accounting to at least 20% of senior high
If this shows anything, it is this — college is a training launchpad often equated to success.
Taking on a different road would mean less job opportunities and less promises of financial stability. It is
highly doubtful that students would want to “help their parents in their farms of micro-businesses” when
the said micro-businesses are not supported enough to last. In fact, during the height of the pandemic,
the businesses were forced to close down due to insufficient government funding.
As long as the roads that veer off college remain to be financially stricken, the optional two years
proposed by Arroyo would remain mandatory. K + 10 + 2 would still equate to K to 12.
Not only are the options besides college left decrepit, the educational system too. It is only
logical for companies to hire college degree holders when they do not have an assurance that Senior
High School graduates are employable and job-ready.
Senator Alan Peter Cayetano noted the lack of the promised equipment for the TVL and the
Sports Track, saying that “What was promised was that when you have a sports track, [there would be
an] oval, gym, equipment, coaches, and swimming pool. For the technical-vocational track, there should
be a garage, testing equipment, motor, and qualified professors.”
The Vice President and Department of Education Secretary is not blind to these problems. In
fact, in her MATATAG agenda that aims to revamp the education sector, she has managed to pinpoint
the problems of student exit outcomes, lack of equipment, lack of teachers, among other educational
With this, Arroyo’s new bill may have given light to the unreached goal of employability of Senior
High School graduates, but it does not address the roots of the problem. What needs to be done is to
give a premium to not only college, but career prospects outside of a university. And while doing so, give
a premium to the quality of the education system, which in the end determines the readiness of students
for employment.
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 15 seconds. Contains 451 words.

Comprehension Questions:
11. According to the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), what percentage of Senior
High School graduates join the labor force after graduation?
a. One-fifth
b. One-fourth
c. One-third
d. Half
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


Senior High School
12. Why does the author believe that college remains a crucial step for success, despite the existence
of Senior High School programs?
a. Because college graduates are more employable according to the Department of Education.
b. Due to the financial challenges faced by non-college paths and the quality issues in the
education system.
c. Because Senior High School graduates receive adequate equipment and coaching for their
chosen tracks.
d. Because the government fully supports micro-businesses run by students' parents.

13. What can be inferred from the information provided in the text about the relationship between Senior
High School programs and college education in terms of students' career prospects?
a. Senior High School programs guarantee immediate employment for graduates.
b. The majority of students prefer Senior High School programs over college education.
c. College education is still seen as a valuable path to better job opportunities.
d. The government fully supports Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track enrollees.

14. What do you think might happen to the proposed K to 10 Plus Two Bill if significant improvements
are made to the quality of education in paths other than college?
a. It will become more popular among students.
b. It will become less mandatory.
c. It will be implemented as K to 12.
d. It will be abolished entirely.

15. How does Senator Alan Peter Cayetano criticize the implementation of the Technical-Vocational
Livelihood Track in Senior High School?
a. He believes it provides too much equipment.
b. He thinks the track lacks qualified professors.
c. He praises it for meeting all its promises.
d. He believes it is adequately funded.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


Senior High School

Legendary: The Craze that Mobile Legend Carries

by Kate Aira L. Mendoza

We hold onto our phones most of the time when we celebrate joy, when we fall into misery, or
even when boredom hits us. It became our companion at every milestone of our lives, and online
games started to rise, making everything way more fun. Mobile Legends made a crazy feat in the
Philippines; however, some people can't hop on the craze that it gives.
Hooked Right Away
According to Adrian, a Mobile Legend player, “Filipino gamers are big fans of Multiplayer Online
Battle Arena (MOBA) even before the release of Mobile Legend; the players can already play MOBA but
only on the computer or PC, but when Mobile Legend was presented, people were immediately hooked
on the reason that it can be played through the use of a phone, unlike other MOBA games, and it is
easy to use.” The convenience of playing the game was a huge edge. Mobile Legend came into view
and stole the spotlight.
“It is entertaining,” Stephany asserted. The thrill of playing a team game with a huge chance of
playing against or with strangers makes it more fun. The graphics were mind-blowing, and being able to
communicate with other players is one of the reasons why Mobile Legend became more interesting.
Furthermore, as gamers, things become more striking when there is a ranking system. That is why they
wanted to engage in the game more often to be a top player.
Fun and Funds
The game was not only made for entertainment. Live streaming became a job, and some took
playing the game seriously. That is why E-Sports were born. A player stated that “Although it (Mobile
Legend) does not involve any physical exertion, it could still be considered a sport since gamers also
require things such training, strategies, etc., which in other words, involve mental exertion just like other
sports.” There are a lot of privileges lying on being a pro-player, and there is a huge future ahead of
them because, as explained by a huge fan of E-Sports, “Since the release of Mobile Legend, there are
tournaments even on the international level, take SEA games for example.” That is why a lot of gamers
are inspired to be a pro-player because of the benefits that the sector holds.
Time to Shine
A student who plays Mobile Legend believes that “Why not give it a try? Having a school-based
Mobile Legend tournament will be fun for the students since most of them could play the game.” Now
that Mobile Legend has become a popular game all around the globe, it is fruitful to hold a school-based
competition. At Jose V. Yap National High School, there was a Mobile Legend tournament at one event,
and it made everyone elated because it is not usual to see a school hold that kind of competition.
Through these kinds of events, the school can be a helping hand to gamers’ skill.
Individuals use their phones in different ways, and who would have thought of the opportunities
and power that a phone could lead us into? Mobile Legend is a platform where skills can be enhanced,
people can socialize with others, and nowadays, it gives hope to some people. It provides paths for
opportunities and lets everyone grab on to the benefits that it could bring. For some, it might be a
double-edged sword, but for many, it could be a sword that they use as a weapon to fight uncertainties.
Still, Mobile Legend made a crazy feat.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


Senior High School
Comprehension Questions:
16. According to Adrian, why were Filipino gamers immediately drawn to Mobile Legend?
a. The game's impressive graphics.
b. The availability of a ranking system.
c. The ability to play it on a phone.
d. The opportunity for live streaming.

17. How did Mobile Legend impact the gaming community based on the information from the text?
a. By providing entertainment and mental exertion
b. By introducing a new type of physical sport
c. By creating a ranking system and improving graphics
d. By making it easier to communicate with strangers

18. Why did some players consider Mobile Legend to be a sport, even though it doesn't involve physical
a. Because it requires mental exertion and strategies.
b. Because it involves intense physical training.
c. Because it has better graphics than other games.
d. Because it can only be played on a computer.

19. What potential benefits might a school-based Mobile Legend tournament offer to students?
a. The chance to improve their physical fitness.
b. An opportunity to win cash prizes.
c. A platform to enhance their gaming skills and socialize.
d. Access to international gaming tournaments.

20. How does the text suggest that the popularity of Mobile Legend has affected Filipino society?
a. Positively, by promoting physical fitness and outdoor activities.
b. Positively, by creating opportunities in E-Sports and entertainment.
c. Negatively, by causing addiction and health problems.
d. Negatively, by leading to a decline in the use of smartphones.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


Senior High School

The COMELEC Registration Process

Every Filipino citizen has the right to vote. For you to exercise this kind of right this coming 2023
Barangay, SK Elections and to other upcoming elections, the first requirement you must do is to register.
It is important for you to know the requirements and process of COMELEC registration. These are
various steps to be followed before one must considered a registered voter.
First, prepare the COMELEC registration requirements. For first-time voters, COMELEC
registration requirements include at least one valid IDs and a photocopy. For applicants turning to 18
years old on the upcoming election day the original photocopy of birth certificate is an additional
requirement. Next, download and accomplish the Voter's Registration Form. The COMELEC
recommends downloading the application forms from its website, print, and fill up them out manually at
home before your registration. Lastly, even if restrictions have eased, make sure to know and follow the
COVID-19 Safety Protocols in COMELEC Offices.
Now that you know what you should do before you register, it is equally important to learn what
to do during your voter's registration. First, go to the Local COMELEC Office. The COMELEC requires
Filipinos to personally file their application for voter’s registration at the Office of the Election Officer or
local COMELEC office in the district, city, or municipality where they currently live. Also, submit your
accomplished voter’s registration application forms to the designated officer who will check them for
completeness of the information. Next, have your biometrics captured. If your application form is good
to go, you will be asked to proceed to the biometrics capture area. Line up at the first queue to have
your photo taken.
Lastly, receive your acknowledgment receipt, when you are done with your biometrics capture,
you will be requested to write down your name and sign on a logbook. You will then be issued an
acknowledgment receipt. At this point, you are not a registered voter yet. Your application will undergo
approval by the Election Registration Board (ERB) during its scheduled quarterly hearing. After the ERB
hearing, your information will be recorded in the book of voters of your district, city, or municipality. Only
then can you be considered a registered voter.
Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 48 seconds. Contains 363 words.

Comprehension Questions:
21. What specific documentation is mandatory for first-time voters during COMELEC registration?
a. Birth certificate and one valid ID
b. Voter's Registration Form and a photocopy of an ID
c. Voter's Registration Form and an original photocopy of a birth certificate
d. Two valid IDs

22. Considering the information provided in the text, what is the correct order of steps to follow when
registering with COMELEC?
a. Prepare requirements, go to the Local COMELEC Office, download the Voter's Registration
Form, have biometrics captured, and receive acknowledgment receipt.
b. Download the Voter's Registration Form, have biometrics captured, go to the Local
COMELEC Office, prepare requirements, and receive acknowledgment receipt.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


Senior High School
c. Go to the Local COMELEC Office, prepare requirements, download the Voter's Registration
Form, receive acknowledgment receipt, and have biometrics captured.
d. Download the Voter's Registration Form, prepare requirements, go to the Local COMELEC
Office, have biometrics captured, and receive acknowledgment receipt.

23. Why is it essential to have your biometrics captured during the voter's registration process?
a. To receive an acknowledgment receipt.
b. To complete the voter registration application.
c. To ensure that your information is recorded in the book of voters.
d. To verify your identity and eligibility to vote in upcoming elections.

24. What challenges might applicants face if they do not comply with the necessary registration
a. They will lose their voter status.
b. They will be excluded from the registration process.
c. They may encounter difficulties in completing their registration.
d. Their registration will be expedited.

25. How does the role of the Election Registration Board (ERB) impact the overall voter registration
a. They assist with completing the Voter's Registration Form.
b. They issue acknowledgment receipts.
c. They capture biometrics.
d. They review and approve voter registrations during quarterly hearings.

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