Lakeport City Council - Council Reorganization

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City Council Lakeport Redevelopment Agency City of Lakeport Municipal Sewer District

RE: City Council Reorganization SUBMITTED BY: Janel Chapman, City Clerk PURPOSE OF REPORT: Information only Discussion Action Item MEETING DATE: 12/06/2011

WHAT IS BEING ASKED OF THE CITY COUNCIL/AGENCY/BOARD: The Council is asked to hold its annual reorganization meeting. BACKGROUND: In December, the City Council holds its annual reorganization meeting. This meeting includes the appointment of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem. DISCUSSION: Mayor elections are conducted by the City Clerk as part of that positions statutory duties. It is recommended that the current Mayor announce that elections for Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem are to be conducted by the City Clerk and turn the meeting over to the City Clerk. The City Clerk will request nominations for Mayor (which do not require a second but do require the acceptance of the nomination by the nominee) and conduct a public election by voice vote. Following the election of Mayor, the City Clerk will provide a similar nomination and election process for Mayor Pro Tem. At that point, the new Mayor will be seated, and the meeting will be turned over to the new Mayor. The new Mayor has responsibility to make appointments to various commissions, boards, and committees. In order to give the Mayor time to review these committees and ascertain who would like to serve on them, the appointments to the commissions, boards, and committees will take place at the next regular council meeting. A copy of the current assignments is included for informational purposes. OPTIONS: There really are no options. The reorganization meeting is a mandatory meeting for all City Councils. FISCAL IMPACT: None $ Account Number: Comments:



Current Liaisons To Commissions, Boards, Committees

Meeting Date: 12/06/2011

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Agenda Item #IV.


LIAISONS 2010 Parks and Recreation Commission Lakeport Fire Protection District Council Member Bertsch Council Member Lyons Council Member Parmentier Council Member Bertsch, Alt. Council Member Rumfelt, Alt. Council Member Rumfelt Mayor Irwin Council Member Bertsch APPOINTMENTS Lake County/City Area Planning Council 2010 Council Member Bertsch Mayor Irwin Council Member Parmentier, Alt. Mayor Irwin City Manager Council Member Lyons Council Member Rumfelt Mel Gatton Term Expires 01/02/2014 Council Member Parmentier Mayor Irwin, Alt. Council Member Lyons Council Member Lyons Council Member Parmentier Council Member Lyons Council Member Lyons Council Member Rumfelt Council Member Parmentier 2011 Council Member Mattina Council Member Parmentier Mayor Lyons, Alt. Council Member Mattina City Manager Council Member Rumfelt Mel Gatton Term Expires 01/02/2014 Council Member Rumfelt City Manager Mayor Lyons Mayor Lyons Council Member Rumfelt, Alt. Council Member Parmentier Council Member Rumfelt Council Member Rumfelt Council Member Mattina Mayor Lyons 2011 Council Member Engstrom Mayor Lyons Council Member Parmentier Council Member Engstrom, Alt. Council Member Mattina, Alt. Council Member Mattina City Manager Council Member Engstrom

Lakeport Regional Chamber of Commerce Lakeport Main Street Association

County of Lake Solid Waste Management Task Force Lake County Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Service Authority Lake County Vector Control District SB 621 Indian Gaming Funds Committee Clear Lake Advisory Subcommittee Local Agency Formation Commission 1 Lake County Airport Land Use Commission 2 Invasive Species Task Force Committee Clean Water Program Committee Lakeport Unified School District Committee

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Appointment to be confirmed by Mayors Select Committee Appointment to be confirmed by Mayors Select Committee

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