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L T P Credits Total Marks


0 0 4 2 100

 To impart the knowledge of 8085 and 8086 processor.
 To develop assembly language program in 8085/8086 processor.
 To introduce the peripheral devices.
 To acquire the knowledge of interfacing and hardware implementation.


1. Programs for 8 bit Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.
2. Perform 32 bit Addition of two numbers.
3. Counting numbers of 1’s in given word.
4. Arithmetic mean of Square of N Numbers.
5. Code Conversion – BCD to ASCII Conversion, ASCII to BCD Conversion.
6. Finding largest & smallest of given 16 bit Numbers.
7. To Sort given set of Numbers in Ascending & Descending Order.
8. Program using look up table Concept.
9. Matrix Manipulation – 16 bit addition.
10. Perform LCM of two 16 bit numbers, GCD of four 16 bit numbers.
11. Generate Fibonacci Series, Factorial of given Numbers.
12. Interfacing 8086 with Stepper motor. Use Step angle Calculation & rotate motor to a Specified angle.
13. Interface 8086 with DC motor & Control the Speed of the DC Motor using PWM.
14. Interface 8086 With ADC & display the digital input, Perform the resolution calculation and cross verify the result.
15. Interface 8086 With DAC & display the following waveform in CRO. a). Triangular b). Saw tooth c). Staircase.
16. Interface 8086 with 7 segment display to display numbers as Characters.
17. Interface 8086 with LCD to display the name of the person.

On completion of the course, student will be able to
CO1 - Understand the basic arithmetic operations using 8085/8086 microprocessor instruction set.
CO2 - Familiarize with the Assembly Language programming and concepts of 8085/8086
microprocessors. CO3 - Ability to provide solutions to the problems related to advanced data
CO4 - Design and develop interfacing circuits for stepper motor and DC
motor. CO5 - Design and develop interfacing circuits for ADC and DAC.
CO6 - Design and develop interfacing circuits for LCD and Seven segment display.

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