Paleoher Magazine 2

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Unlocking Past Climate Secrets

Dr. Prabhin Sukumaran


Everyone around the world is concerned about climate So, how do scientists figure out what the weather was
like millions of years ago?
change and sustainable practices.
The answer lies in the science taught in schools.
But can we really predict what will happen For instance, in your 4th-grade EVS textbook, students
to our climate in the future? learn about the parts of a leaf and the process of
To make accurate But did you know that these same
predictions, we need to
understand our planet's past PRINCIPLES are used by world-famous
better! scientists to uncover the secrets of Earth's
ancient climate?

4 Volume-1, 2024

Let's understand some facts! Different plants do this in different ways. Scientists call
these plants C3, C4, or CAM plants based on how they do
Imagine Earth as a big history book buried under layers of soil. Just like photosynthesis. Each type of plant leaves behind a different
ancient civilizations left clues behind, so did the plants that lived kind of carbon in the soil.
millions of years ago. Even today, every plant helps by taking carbon
dioxide from the air through a process called photosynthesis. This is like
plants making their own food using sunlight!

But where does all that carbon dioxide


Now, think of carbon atoms like cousins in a big family of atoms.

They're related, but some are heavier than others. For example,
there's Carbon-12 (the light cousin) Carbon-13 and Carbon-14 (the
heavy cousin). These tiny differences are crucial for unlocking
secrets from long ago.
Some of it stays in the soil as organic matter, and Plants are like nature's factories, changing carbon dioxide into
food. But C3 plants, like wheat and rice, prefer cooler and wetter
some reacts with soil minerals like calcium to places. On the other hand, C4 plants, like corn and sugarcane, love
make something called calcium carbonate, which hot and dry places. The type of plant affects which carbon atoms are
looks like white powder and can harden into found in its tissues or in the calcium carbonate in the soil.
nodules over time.

Volume-1, 2024 5

Now, imagine you're a detective
investigating Earth's ancient
climates. How do you use this
science to find out what the weather
was like millions of years ago?
It's actually quite simple!
Scientists collect very old soil and find bits of calcium carbonate or plant remains in it. Then they measure how much
Carbon-13 or Carbon-12 is there. This tells them what kinds of plants were living in that soil when the calcium carbonate
formed. Since we know how old the soil is, this helps us understand what the climate was like long ago.
So, by studying these clues from plants and soil, scientists can piece together the story of Earth's ancient climates and
learn valuable lessons for protecting our planet's future.

6 Volume-1, 2024

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