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Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

Good afternoon everyone (ricco)

How’s your life (ayu)

The honorable Teaching and non-teaching stuff of SMAN Sumatera Selatan (ricco)

And all of my beloved brothers and sisters (together)

First of all, let us praise and thanks to Allah swt who has given us the mercies and blessing, so we can
attend and participate in 3L session for today. (Ayu)

Shalawat and salam always being delivered to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought us
from the darkness into the brightness in this path of the life. (Ricco)

Ladies and gentlemen, we are coming from X.2 Asnawi mangkualam (together )

with me Ayu lestari putri and my partner (ayu)

Ricco Farel (Ricco)

we will guide you along this 3L. (together)

before we jump to the next agenda lets start our 3L session for today by reciting basmallah
together. (Ricco)


Well let’s check the spirit all of us by saying our each intake motto ……. (Ayu)

Let’s start from……. our beloved kakak intake which is 14th intake (Ricco)


woaww such a wonderful spirit from 14th intake (ayu)

Emmm…. How about our intake? (Ricco)

Let’s see or beloved intake motto which is 15th intake! (Ayu)


Woaahhh so stunning yaa kak (together)

Alright everyone. Thank you for always keep your spirit up and now let’s move to our next agenda,
there will be P2M instructure from ibu Kurniawati M.pd.

For ibu Kurniawati M.pd, we please you to take the place

Thank you so much for ibu Kurniawati M.pd

Alright everyone, let’s jump to the next agenda, there will be sosialision IGA from ibu Nurpadmi
Tyastuti, ibu Erpadellah, Kak Farros Adzfar, And Kak Valentino Sastra.

For ibu and kakak, we please you to take the place.

reva, do you think that they’re already know who is our speaker today? (alfarel)

Humm, I am also wondering al, what if we just ask them? (reva)

Well do you guys know who will be our speaker today? (reva)


Wow it seems like some of them already know ya (alfarel)

So without any further do please welcome our beloved speaker today

_______________________________ for ______________________ the floor is yours. (together)


Such an amazing speech from our amazing speaker, so the point that we got from
________________________ speech is ……. (alfarel)


Alright, next jump to the QnA session, we will choose one representative from 13th intake and 1
representative from 14th intake, (alfarel) so if you have something to ask, please raise your hand
and feel free to ask. (reva)

Okay thank you for the question

___________________________________________________________________ well to
______________________________ the time is yours, (reva)

Thank you so much bu/pak _________________ for the answer (reva)


Alright everyone now we have reached the end of our agenda, lets close our 3L activities today by
reciting hamdallah together, (alfarel)

Thank you so much for your participation, we would like to say sorry if we have some mistakes, once
again thank you very much for your great attention. (reva)

Lastly, wassalamualaikum wr. wb. (together)

Leader ……. (alfarel)

Pemimpin …… (reva)

SMA Negeri Sumatera Selatan. (together)

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