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GRE Words with meaning

1. **Abate** - ‫ کم کرنا‬- to lessen in intensity or degree. When something abates, it decreases or

diminishes in intensity or amount.

2. **Aberrant** - ‫ منحرف‬- deviating from the norm. An aberrant behavior is one that strays from what is
typical or expected.

3. **Abjure** - ‫ ترک کرنا‬- to reject or renounce. When someone abjures something, they formally
renounce or give up a belief, claim, or behavior.

4. **Abscond** - ‫ چھپ جانا‬- to leave secretly and hide. When someone absconds, they depart suddenly
and secretly to avoid detection or punishment, often taking something with them.

5. **Abstemious** - ‫ معتدل‬- moderate in appetite. An abstemious person exercises self-restraint,

particularly in eating and drinking.

6. **Accolade** - ‫ تعریف‬- praise, an award. An accolade is an expression of praise or recognition, often in

the form of an award or honor.

7. **Acerbic** - ‫ کھٹا‬- biting, bitter in tone or taste. Acerbic remarks or humor are sharp, cutting, and
often critical.

8. **Acrimonious** - ‫ بے غصہ‬- angry and bitter. Acrimonious exchanges or disputes are characterized by
harshness and resentment.

9. **Admonish** - ‫ ڈانٹنا‬- to warn or reprimand someone firmly. When you admonish someone, you
scold or caution them firmly about their behavior or actions.
10. **Adroit** - ‫ چاالک‬- skillful, expert in the use of hands or mind. An adroit person is clever, skillful,
and adept at handling situations, especially in a challenging or delicate manner.

11. **Aesthetic** - ‫ جمالی‬- pertaining to beauty. Aesthetic concerns relate to beauty, particularly in art,
design, or nature.

12. **Alacrity** - ‫ جلدی‬- brisk and cheerful readiness. Alacrity is promptness and enthusiasm in
responding to or undertaking a task.

13. **Alleviate** - ‫ آرام دینا‬- to relieve, make more bearable. When you alleviate something, you ease or
lessen its intensity, typically referring to pain, suffering, or difficulty.

14. **Amalgamate** - ‫ مالنا‬- to combine; to mix together. To amalgamate is to merge or blend different
elements or components into a unified whole.

15. **Ambiguous** - ‫ مبہم‬- open to more than one interpretation. Ambiguous statements or situations
are unclear or vague and can be understood in multiple ways.

16. **Ambivalent** - ‫ مخلوط جذبات‬- having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or
someone. Ambivalent individuals experience conflicting emotions or opinions about a person, situation,
or course of action.

17. **Ameliorate** - ‫ بہتر بنانا‬- to improve, make better. To ameliorate is to enhance or make something
better, particularly a difficult or unsatisfactory situation.

18. **Amicable** - ‫ دوستانہ‬- peaceable, friendly. Amicable relationships are characterized by goodwill,
cooperation, and mutual respect.

19. **Anachronism** - ‫ بیرونی زمانے کا‬- something out of place in time. An anachronism is a person,
thing, or idea that belongs to a different time period and seems out of place in the present.
20. **Analogous** - ‫ مشابہ‬- comparable. Analogous things are similar or comparable in some way, often
in structure, function, or relationship.

21. **Anomalous** - ‫ غیر معمولی‬- abnormal, irregular. Anomalous events, behaviors, or conditions
deviate from what is standard, expected, or normal.

22. **Antipathy** - ‫ نفرت‬- strong dislike. Antipathy is a deep-seated aversion or hatred toward someone
or something.

23. **Apathy** - ‫ بے حسی‬- lack of interest or emotion. Apathy is a lack of concern, interest, or
enthusiasm about things that others find exciting or important.

24. **Apocryphal** - ‫ زوالیہ‬- of questionable authority or authenticity. Apocryphal stories, documents,

or accounts are of doubtful authenticity or authority, often being of unknown or dubious origin.

25. **Appease** - ‫ خوش کرنا‬- to calm; to make satisfied (often only temporarily). To appease someone is
to pacify or satisfy their demands or desires, typically through concessions or compromises.

26. **Arduous** - ‫ مشقت سے بھرا‬- hard to do, requiring much effort. Arduous tasks, journeys, or
endeavors are difficult, demanding, and requiring considerable effort or endurance to complete.

27. **Articulate** - ‫ صاف گو‬- able to speak clearly and expressively. An articulate person is able to
express themselves fluently, clearly, and effectively, often with eloquence and precision.

28. **Ascetic** - ‫ زاہد‬- practicing self-denial. An ascetic person leads a life of rigorous self-discipline,
often characterized by abstention from indulgence in worldly pleasures or comforts.
29. **Assiduous** - ‫ استقامت‬- persistent, attentive, diligent. An assiduous person is diligent, industrious,
and dedicated to their work or duties, paying careful attention to detail and persevering in their efforts.

30. **Astute** - ‫ ہوشیار‬- shrewd; clever. An astute person is perceptive, discerning, and quick-witted,
possessing keen insight and the ability to understand and judge situations accurately.

31. **Attenuate** - ‫ کم کرنا‬- to reduce in force or degree; to weaken. To attenuate is to lessen or

diminish the intensity, strength, or magnitude of something, often referring to its effect or impact.

32. **Audacious** - ‫ بے خوف‬- fearless and daring. An audacious person is bold, daring, and unafraid to
take risks or confront challenges, often displaying confidence and courage in the face of adversity.

33. **Austere** - ‫ سخت‬- severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance. An austere person or
environment is stern, strict, and unadorned, often characterized by a lack of luxury, ornamentation, or

34. **Avarice** - ‫ اللچ‬- greed. Avarice is an insatiable desire for wealth, possessions, or material gain,
often accompanied by a reluctance to share or give up one's resources.

35. **Banal** - ‫ معمولی‬- common, ordinary, lacking freshness, hackneyed. Banal things are unoriginal,
commonplace, and lacking in freshness or originality

, often being overused or clichéd.

36. **Belligerent** - ‫ جھگڑالو‬- hostile and aggressive. Belligerent individuals or nations are hostile,
aggressive, and inclined to engage in conflict or confrontation, often displaying a readiness to fight or
37. **Beneficent** - ‫ خیر خواہ‬- kindly; doing good. Beneficent actions or individuals are characterized by
kindness, generosity, and a desire to do good or help others, often resulting in positive outcomes or
benefits for those involved.

38. **Bolster** - ‫ مدد کرنا‬- to support. To bolster is to strengthen, support, or reinforce something, often
providing additional assistance or encouragement to enhance its effectiveness or stability.

39. **Bombastic** - ‫ شیخی بازی‬- pompous in speech and manner. Bombastic language or behavior is
characterized by grandiose, inflated, or pretentious speech or mannerisms, often intended to impress or
intimidate others but lacking in substance or sincerity.

40. **Boorish** - ‫ بے دلی سے محفوظ‬- rude; insensitive. Boorish individuals are rude, crude, and lacking in
manners or consideration for others, often behaving in a socially awkward or offensive manner.

41. **Bucolic** - ‫ دیہاتی‬- pertaining to the countryside; rural; rustic. Bucolic scenes or settings are
characteristic of rural life, often evoking a sense of simplicity, tranquility, and pastoral beauty.

42. **Burgeon** - ‫ بڑھنا‬- to grow and flourish. To burgeon is to grow rapidly and flourish or thrive, often
referring to the expansion or development of something in a vigorous or dynamic manner.

43. **Burnish** - ‫ چمکانا‬- to polish. To burnish is to polish, shine, or buff a surface, often to make it
smooth, glossy, or lustrous in appearance.

44. **Cacophony** - ‫ بے لگام آواز‬- A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds. A cacophony is a jarring,
unpleasant mixture of harsh or discordant sounds, often resulting in a chaotic or chaotic and chaotic
auditory experience.

45. **Cajole** - ‫ بہکانا‬- to persuade with false promises and flattery. To cajole is to coax, persuade, or
entice someone to do something by using flattery, false promises, or other deceptive means, often in a
manipulative or insincere manner.
46. **Callous** - ‫ بے حس‬- emotionally hardened, unfeeling. A callous person is emotionally insensitive,
unfeeling, and lacking in compassion or empathy towards others, often displaying a disregard for their
feelings or suffering.

47. **Calumny** - ‫ بے اعتمادی‬- a false and malicious accusation. Calumny is the making of false and
malicious statements intended to damage someone's reputation or cause harm, often through slander
or defamation.

48. **Candid** - ‫ کھرا‬- truthful and straightforward; frank. A candid person is honest, direct, and
straightforward in speech or behavior, often expressing their thoughts or opinions openly and without

49. **Capricious** - ‫ ناپسندیدہ‬- given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior. A
capricious person or thing is unpredictable, impulsive, and subject to sudden changes in mood,
behavior, or decision-making, often without apparent reason or logic.

50. **Castigate** - ‫ سزا دینا‬- to criticize or punish severely. To castigate is to reprimand or criticize
someone severely, often with harsh words or punishment, for their perceived wrongdoing or faults.

51. **Catalyst** - ‫ کیمیائی راہنمائی‬- something that brings about a change in something else. A catalyst is a
substance or agent that speeds up or initiates a chemical reaction or brings about a change or
transformation in something else, often without being consumed or changed itself in the process.

52. **Caustic** - ‫ جالنے والی‬- sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way. Caustic remarks or humor are cutting,
sarcastic, and bitter, often aimed at ridiculing or belittling someone or something.

53. **Censure** - ‫ مذمت‬- to criticize severely. To censure is to express strong disapproval or

condemnation of someone or something, often publicly or formally, for their actions, behavior, or
54. **Chicanery** - ‫ چالبازی‬- trickery; deception. Chicanery is the use of deception or trickery to achieve
a dishonest or fraudulent purpose, often involving manipulation or deceitful practices to deceive or
outwit others.

55. **Churlish** - ‫ بے شعور‬- rude in a mean-spirited and surly way. Churlish behavior is rude, ill-
mannered, and lacking in civility or consideration for others, often displaying a gruff or sullen attitude
towards them.

56. **Clandestine** - ‫ خفیہ‬- kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit. Clandestine
activities or operations are conducted in secret or kept hidden from public view, often because they are
illegal, illicit, or unauthorized.

57. **Coalesce** - ‫ متحد ہونا‬- to come together to form one mass or whole. To coalesce is to merge or
unite separate elements or entities into a single, unified whole, often resulting in the formation of a
larger or more complex entity.

58. **Cogent** - ‫ قوی‬- clear, logical, and convincing. A cogent argument, explanation, or reasoning is
clear, logical, and persuasive, making a compelling case or presenting strong evidence to support a
particular point of view or conclusion.

59. **Commensurate** - ‫ برابر‬- corresponding in size or degree; in proportion. Something

commensurate is equal to or in proportion with something else, often matching its size, extent, or
importance in a balanced or appropriate way.

60. **Compendium** - ‫ مختصر جامع‬- a concise summary of a larger work or a collection of information. A
compendium is a comprehensive and concise summary or overview of a larger work, collection of
information, or body of knowledge, often providing essential or key details in a condensed form.

61. **Complaisant** - ‫م‬

‫ وافق‬- willing to please others; obliging. A complaisant person is accommodating, agreeable, and eager to
please others, often being overly polite or deferential in order to avoid conflict or gain favor.

62. **Concomitant** - ‫ متفق‬- naturally accompanying or associated with something. A concomitant

event, circumstance, or phenomenon is naturally associated with or accompanies something else, often
occurring simultaneously or as a consequence of it.

63. **Condone** - ‫ برداشت کرنا‬- to accept or allow behavior that is considered morally wrong or
offensive to continue. To condone is to overlook, pardon, or disregard behavior that is considered
morally wrong, offensive, or unacceptable, often by tacitly approving or accepting it without protest or

64. **Connoisseur** - ‫ ماہر‬- an expert judge in matters of taste. A connoisseur is a person who is highly
knowledgeable and discerning in a particular field, especially in matters of art, culture, or taste, and is
capable of making expert judgments or evaluations.

65. **Contentious** - ‫ جھگڑالو‬- causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial. Something

contentious is likely to cause disagreement, controversy, or conflict, often because it involves
contentious issues or differing opinions that are difficult to reconcile.

66. **Contrite** - ‫ پشیمان‬- feeling or expressing remorse or penitence; affected by guilt. A contrite
person is deeply remorseful, penitent, and sincerely sorry for their past actions or behavior, often
seeking forgiveness or atonement for their wrongdoing.

67. **Conundrum** - ‫ مسئلہ‬- a confusing and difficult problem or question. A conundrum is a puzzling or
perplexing problem, question, or situation that is difficult to understand or resolve, often requiring
creative or unconventional thinking to solve.

68. **Convoluted** - ‫ پیچیدہ‬- extremely complex and difficult to follow. Something convoluted is
intricate, complicated, and difficult to understand or follow due to its complexity or intricacy, often
involving numerous twists, turns, or layers of detail.
69. **Copious** - ‫ کثیر‬- abundant in supply or quantity. Something copious is abundant, plentiful, or
profuse in supply or quantity, often exceeding what is necessary or required.

70. **Corroborate** - ‫ تصدیق‬- to confirm or give support to (a statement, theory, or finding). To

corroborate is to provide evidence or testimony that supports or confirms the truth, validity, or accuracy
of something, often strengthening its credibility or reliability.

71. **Craven** - ‫ کمزور‬- lacking courage; cowardly. A craven person is cowardly, timid, and lacking in
courage or bravery, often showing fear or reluctance to face danger or take risks.

72. **Credulous** - ‫ سر پرست‬- having or showing too great a readiness to believe things. A credulous
person is excessively trusting, gullible, and easily persuaded or deceived by others, often accepting
information or claims without question or skepticism.

73. **Culpable** - ‫ مجرم‬- deserving blame or censure; guilty of wrongdoing. Something culpable is
blameworthy, responsible, or deserving of blame or criticism for wrongdoing or negligence, often
involving moral or legal culpability.

74. **Daunt** - ‫ ہمت شکنی‬- to make someone feel intimidated or apprehensive. To daunt is to make
someone feel intimidated, fearful, or discouraged, often by threatening or challenging them in a way
that undermines their confidence or resolve.

75. **Debacle** - ‫ بگاڑ‬- a sudden and complete disaster or failure. A debacle is a sudden, disastrous, or
humiliating failure, collapse, or defeat, often resulting in chaos, confusion, or significant damage.

76. **Debilitating** - ‫ تقویت ضعیف‬- making someone very weak and infirm. Something debilitating
weakens or impairs someone physically, mentally, or emotionally, often causing significant harm,
damage, or loss of strength or ability.
77. **Decorum** - ‫ مناسبت‬- behavior in keeping with good taste and propriety. Decorum is behavior that
is in keeping with good taste, dignity, and propriety, often conforming to social or cultural norms and
expectations of appropriate conduct.

78. **Deference** - ‫ احترام‬- humble submission and respect. Deference is humble submission, respect,
or obedience shown towards someone else, often out of recognition of their authority, status, or
superior position.

79. **Deliberate** - ‫ غور کرنا‬- done consciously and intentionally. Something deliberate is done
intentionally, carefully, and after careful consideration or thought, often involving a conscious and
calculated decision-making process.

80. **Demur** - ‫ اعتراض کرنا‬- raise doubts or objections or show reluctance. To demur is to express
doubts, objections, or reluctance towards something, often by hesitating or refusing to agree to it,
especially due to moral or ethical concerns.

81. **Denigrate** - ‫ بدنام کرنا‬- criticize unfairly; disparage. To denigrate is to criticize unfairly or
derogatively, often by belittling or disparaging someone or something and damaging their reputation or

82. **Deride** - ‫ ہنسنا‬- to ridicule or mock someone or something. To deride is to laugh at or make fun of
someone or something, often in a contemptuous or scornful manner, and with the intention of causing

embarrassment or humiliation.

83. **Derivative** - ‫ مشتق‬- unoriginal; taken from something already existing. Something derivative is
unoriginal and lacks originality or creativity, often being based on or derived from something else that
already exists.
84. **Desiccate** - ‫ خشک کرنا‬- to remove the moisture from something; to dry out thoroughly. To
desiccate is to remove the moisture from something completely, often by drying it out, resulting in a
state of dryness or dehydration.

85. **Desultory** - ‫ بے لگام‬- lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm; random. Desultory activities or
conversations are lacking in purpose, direction, or enthusiasm, often being haphazard, random, or
aimless in nature.

86. **Diatribe** - ‫ مالمت‬- a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something. A diatribe is
a forceful and bitter verbal attack or criticism directed against someone or something, often
characterized by strong language, hostility, or anger.

87. **Didactic** - ‫ تعلیمی‬- intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior
motive. Something didactic is intended to teach or instruct, often with a moral or educational purpose,
and may be perceived as preachy or pedantic.

88. **Diffident** - ‫ شرمیال‬- lacking in self-confidence; timid or shy. A diffident person is lacking in self-
confidence, timid, or shy, often feeling insecure or unsure of themselves in social situations.

89. **Dilatory** - ‫ تاخیری‬- tending to delay or procrastinate. Something dilatory tends to delay or
postpone action, often resulting in procrastination or unnecessary delay in completing tasks or making

90. **Dilettante** - ‫ غیر پیشہ ور‬- a person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without
real commitment or knowledge. A dilettante is a person who dabbles in various interests or pursuits
without a serious commitment or expertise, often being superficial or amateurish in their approach.

91. **Dirge** - ‫ نوحہ‬- a funeral hymn or mournful speech. A dirge is a mournful or melancholy piece of
music, hymn, or poem, typically associated with funeral ceremonies or mourning for the dead.
92. **Disabuse** - ‫ سیدھا کرنا‬- to persuade someone that an idea or belief is mistaken. To disabuse is to
correct someone's mistaken idea, belief, or perception by providing them with accurate information or
evidence to the contrary.

93. **Discern** - ‫ پہچاننا‬- to perceive or recognize something. To discern is to perceive or recognize

something with clarity or insight, often being able to distinguish or identify subtle differences or details.

94. **Disparate** - ‫ مختلف‬- essentially different in kind; not allowing comparison. Disparate things are
fundamentally different in kind or nature, often being so dissimilar that they cannot be compared or
categorized together.

95. **Dissemble** - ‫ منطقی نمائش کرنا‬- to conceal one's true motives, feelings, or beliefs. To dissemble is
to conceal or disguise one's true motives, feelings, or beliefs, often by presenting a false appearance or
pretending to be something one is not.

96. **Disseminate** - ‫ پھیالنا‬- to spread or disperse something, especially information, widely. To

disseminate is to spread or disperse something, particularly information, knowledge, or ideas, over a
wide area or to a large audience.

97. **Dissonance** - ‫ بے لگام‬- a lack of harmony or agreement between people or things. Dissonance is
a lack of harmony or agreement between people, groups, or things, often resulting in conflict, tension,
or discord.

98. **Distend** - ‫ پھیالنا‬- to swell, expand, or extend. To distend is to swell, expand, or stretch
something, often resulting in an increase in volume, size, or dimensions.

99. **Divulge** - ‫ بتانا‬- to reveal or make known something that was previously secret or unknown. To
divulge is to reveal or disclose something that was previously secret, confidential, or unknown, often
sharing it with others.
100. **Docile** - ‫ ماننے واال‬- easily taught or controlled; submissive to instruction. A docile person or
animal is easily taught, trained, or controlled, often being obedient or submissive to authority or

101. **Dogmatic** - ‫ سخت رائے‬- inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true. Someone who is
dogmatic is assertive and unwavering in their beliefs or opinions, often asserting them as absolute truths
without allowing for discussion or dissent.

102. **Dormant** - ‫ سویا ہوا‬- temporarily inactive or in a state of rest. Something that is dormant is
temporarily inactive, lying in a state of rest or inactivity, often awaiting a trigger or stimulus to become
active or awaken.

103. **Dupe** - ‫ فریب خور‬- deceive or trick (someone) into believing something that is not true. To dupe
is to deceive or trick someone into believing something that is not true, often by manipulating their
trust, gullibility, or naivety.

104. **Ebullient** - ‫ خوشیاں‬- cheerful and full of energy. Someone who is ebullient is cheerful,
exuberant, and full of energy or enthusiasm, often displaying lively or animated behavior.

105. **Eclectic** - ‫ مختلف جمع‬- deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.
Something eclectic is composed of elements or influences drawn from a diverse range of sources, styles,
or traditions, often resulting in a unique or varied mixture.

106. **Efficacy** - ‫ کارگر‬- the ability to produce a desired or intended result. Efficacy refers to the ability
of something to produce the desired or intended result, often indicating how effective or successful it is
in achieving its purpose or goal.

107. **Effrontery** - ‫ بے شرمی‬- insolent or impertinent behavior. Effrontery refers to insolent or

impudent behavior, often characterized by a bold or audacious disregard for convention, propriety, or
social norms.
108. **Egregious** - ‫ بہت بڑا‬- outstandingly bad; shocking. Something egregious is outstandingly bad,
shocking, or offensive, often deserving of strong condemnation or criticism due to its extreme or blatant

109. **Elegy** - ‫ مرثیہ‬- a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead. An elegy is a poem
or song of serious reflection, often expressing grief, sorrow, or lamentation, especially for the dead or
the departed.

110. **Elicit** - ‫ ُابھارنا‬- evoke or draw out (a response, answer, or fact) from someone. To elicit is to
evoke or draw out a response, answer, or fact from someone, often by asking questions, prompting, or
provoking them in some way.

111. **Eloquence** - ‫ بلند خاندان‬- fluent or persuasive speaking or writing. Eloquence refers to fluent,
persuasive, or impressive speaking or writing, often characterized by articulate expression, vivid
imagery, and rhetorical skill.

112. **Elucidate** - ‫ وضاحت‬- make (something) clear; explain. To elucidate is to make something clear
or explain it in detail, often by providing additional information, context, or clarification to enhance

113. **Emaciated** - ‫ کمزور‬- abnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or a lack of food.
Someone or something that is emaciated is abnormally thin, weak, or wasted in appearance, often due
to illness, malnutrition, or extreme deprivation.

114. **Emanate** - ‫ کام کرنا‬- issue or spread out from (a source). To emanate is to issue or spread out
from a source, often referring to the emission or radiance of something such as light, sound, or energy.

115. **Embellish** - ‫ زیور‬- make (something) more attractive by the addition of decorative details or
features. To embellish is to make something more attractive or ornamental by adding decorative details
or features, often enhancing its beauty or appeal.
116. **Emulate** - ‫ ہم راہ‬- match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation. To
emulate is to match or surpass someone or something, often by imitating or copying their actions,
achievements, or qualities in order to achieve similar success or excellence.

117. **Enervate** - ‫ کمزور کر دینا‬- cause (someone) to feel drained of energy or vitality; weaken. To
enervate is to cause someone to feel drained of energy or vitality, often resulting in weakness, fatigue,
or exhaustion.

118. **Engender** - ‫ پیدا کرنا‬- cause or give rise to (a feeling, situation, or condition). To engender is to
cause or give rise to a particular feeling, situation, or condition, often resulting in the creation or
emergence of something new or significant.

119. **Enigmatic** - ‫ اندھیرے کا راز‬- difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious. Something or

someone enigmatic is difficult to interpret or understand due to being mysterious, puzzling, or
inexplicable in nature, often arousing curiosity or fascination.

120. **Enmity** - ‫ دشمنی‬- the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or
something. Enmity refers to the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or
something, often involving deep-seated animosity or hatred.

121. **Ennui** - ‫ بے کاری‬- a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or
excitement. Ennui is a feeling of weariness, dissatisfaction, or boredom arising from a lack of interest,
occupation, or excitement, often leading to apathy or lethargy.

122. **Enrapture** - ‫ خوشی‬- give intense pleasure or joy to. To enrapture is to give intense pleasure or
joy to someone, often by captivating or delighting them with something beautiful, thrilling, or
emotionally stirring.

123. **Enunciate** - ‫ صاف طرح سے بولنا‬- say or pronounce clearly. To enunciate is to say or pronounce
something clearly and distinctly, often by articulating each word or syllable with precision and clarity.
124. **Ephemeral** - ‫ عارضی‬- lasting for a very short time. Something ephemeral lasts for a very short
time or is fleeting in nature, often passing quickly or disappearing rapidly, as if only for a brief moment.

125. **Epiphany** - ‫ وہ لمحہ‬- a moment of sudden revelation or insight. An epiphany is a moment of

sudden revelation or insight, often leading to a profound realization or understanding of something
previously unknown or misunderstood.

126. **Epitome** - ‫ نمونہ‬- a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type. An
epitome is a person or thing that is a perfect example or embodiment of a particular quality,
characteristic, or type, often representing the essence or ideal of something.

127. **Equanimity** - ‫ سکون‬- mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a
difficult situation. Equanimity refers to mental calm

ness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in difficult or challenging situations, often
demonstrating emotional stability and resilience.

128. **Equivocate** - ‫ دو رو‬- use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing
oneself. To equivocate is to use ambiguous or evasive language in order to conceal the truth, avoid
making a commitment, or deceive others, often by being intentionally vague or misleading.

129. **Erratic** - ‫ غیر یقینی‬- not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable. Something or
someone erratic is not even or regular in pattern or movement, often being unpredictable, inconsistent,
or irregular in behavior, action, or performance.

130. **Erudite** - ‫ علم ہو‬- having or showing great knowledge or learning. Someone who is erudite is
highly knowledgeable, learned, or scholarly, often possessing extensive knowledge across a wide range
of subjects or disciplines.

131. **Esoteric** - ‫ راز دار‬- intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people
with a specialized knowledge or interest. Something esoteric is intended for or likely to be understood
by only a small number of people with specialized knowledge or interests, often being obscure,
mysterious, or difficult to comprehend for others.

132. **Ethereal** - ‫ فوٹ‬- extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world.
Something ethereal is extremely delicate, light, or airy in a way that seems not to be of this world, often
appearing heavenly, spiritual, or otherworldly in nature.

133. **Eulogy** - ‫ ستائش‬- a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly,
typically someone who has just died. A eulogy is a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or
something highly, often expressing admiration, respect, or tribute, especially for someone who has
recently died.

134. **Euphemism** - ‫ سنوارا ہوا الفاظ‬- a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one
considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing. A
euphemism is a mild or indirect word or expression used in place of one considered to be too harsh,
blunt, or offensive when referring to something unpleasant, embarrassing, or sensitive, often used to
soften the impact or tone of the original word or phrase.

135. **Evanescent** - ‫ غائب‬- soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or
disappearing. Something evanescent is soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence, often fading or
disappearing quickly, as if vanishing into thin air.

136. **Exacerbate** - ‫ بدتر کرنا‬- make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse. To
exacerbate is to make a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling worse, often by aggravating or
intensifying it through one's actions or behavior.

137. **Exalt** - ‫ بلند کرنا‬- hold (someone or something) in very high regard; think or speak very highly of.
To exalt is to hold someone or something in very high regard, often thinking or speaking very highly of
them and regarding them with admiration, reverence, or praise.

138. **Exemplary** - ‫ مثالی‬- serving as a desirable model; representing the best of its kind. Something
exemplary serves as a desirable model or example, often representing the best of its kind and worthy of
imitation or emulation.
139. **Exonerate** - ‫ بری کرنا‬- (of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or
wrongdoing, especially after due consideration of the case. To exonerate is to absolve someone from
blame for a fault or wrongdoing, especially after due consideration of the case by an official body or

140. **Exorbitant** - ‫ زیادہ‬- (of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high. Something exorbitant,
especially a price or amount charged, is unreasonably high or excessive, often exceeding what is
considered fair, reasonable, or affordable.

141. **Expedite** - ‫ تیز کرنا‬- make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more
quickly. To expedite is to make an action or process happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly,
often by accelerating or facilitating its progress or completion.

142. **Expound** - ‫ وضاحت دینا‬- present and explain (a theory or idea) systematically and in detail. To
expound is to present and explain a theory or idea systematically and in detail, often by elaborating on
its principles, concepts, or implications.

143. **Expunge** - ‫ مٹا دینا‬- erase or remove completely (something unwanted or unpleasant). To
expunge is to erase or remove something unwanted or unpleasant completely, often by eliminating all
traces or remnants of it.

144. **Extol** - ‫ ستأيش کرنا‬- praise enthusiastically. To extol is to praise someone or something
enthusiastically, often expressing admiration, approval, or appreciation for their qualities, achievements,
or virtues.

145. **Extraneous** - ‫ بے الزمی‬- irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with. Something
extraneous is irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with, often being extrinsic or external in
nature and not essential to the matter at hand.
146. **Exuberant** - ‫ بہت خوش‬- filled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement. Someone
or something exuberant is filled with or characterized by a lively energy, enthusiasm, and excitement,
often being joyfully exuberant or overflowing with vitality and exuberance.

147. **Facetious** - ‫ طنزیہ‬- treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.
Someone who is facetious treats serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor, often being
flippant, sarcastic, or irreverent in their tone or attitude.

148. **Facilitate** - ‫ آسان کرنا‬- make (an action or process) easy or easier. To facilitate is to make an
action or process easy or easier, often by removing obstacles, providing assistance, or enabling progress
or completion.

149. **Fallacious** - ‫ غلط فہمی‬- based on a mistaken belief. Something fallacious is based on a mistaken
belief, often being logically unsound or misleading in its reasoning, leading to incorrect conclusions or

150. **Fastidious** - ‫ محتاط‬- very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail. Someone who is
fastidious is very attentive to and concerned about accuracy, detail, or cleanliness, often displaying
meticulous or scrupulous behavior in their work, habits, or preferences.

151. **Fatuous** - ‫ بیوقوف‬- silly and pointless. Something fatuous is silly, foolish, or pointless, often
lacking in seriousness, intelligence, or value, and deserving of ridicule or contempt.

152. **Feasible** - ‫ ممکنہ‬- possible to do easily or conveniently. Something feasible is possible to do

easily or conveniently, often being practical, achievable, or realistic within a given set of circumstances
or constraints.
153. **Feign** - ‫ بناوٹی‬- pretend to be affected by (a feeling, state, or injury). To feign is to pretend to be
affected by a feeling, state, or injury, often by simulating or faking it in order to deceive others or
manipulate a situation.

154. **Fervent** - ‫ جذبہ ور‬- having or displaying a passionate intensity. Someone who is fervent has or
displays a passionate intensity, often showing strong feelings or enthusiasm for a particular belief,
cause, or activity.

155. **Flagrant** - ‫ صاف‬- (of an action considered wrong or immoral) conspicuously or obviously
offensive. Something flagrant, especially an action considered wrong or immoral, is conspicuously or
obviously offensive, often being blatant or shamelessly egregious in its nature.

156. **Florid** - ‫ پھول دار‬- having a red or flushed complexion. Someone who is florid has a red or
flushed complexion, often indicating excitement, embarrassment, or high color in their face.

157. **Foment** - ‫ شروع کرنا‬- instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of
action). To foment is to instigate or stir up an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action, often
by encouraging or provoking it deliberately.

158. **Forbearance** - ‫ صبر‬- patient self-control; restraint and tolerance. Forbearance refers to patient
self-control, restraint, and tolerance, especially in dealing with provocation, adversity, or difficult
situations, often demonstrating patience, endurance, and resilience.

159. **Foreboding** - ‫ پیشگوئی‬- fearful apprehension; a feeling that something bad will happen.
Foreboding is a fearful apprehension or premonition that something bad will happen, often
characterized by a sense of impending doom or danger.

160. **Foster** - ‫ پرورش‬- encourage the development of (something, especially something desirable).
To foster is to encourage the development or growth of something, especially something desirable or
beneficial, often by providing support, nurturing, or conducive conditions for its progress.
161. **Fractious** - ‫ تنازعہ‬- (typically of children) irritable and quarrelsome. Someone who is fractious,
typically children, is irritable, quarrelsome, or easily agitated, often being difficult to manage or control
due to their unruly behavior or temperament.

162. **Fraudulent** - ‫ فریبی‬- obtained, done by, or involving deception, especially criminal deception.
Something fraudulent is obtained, done by, or involving deception, especially criminal deception or
deceit intended to deceive or cheat others.

163. **Frugal** - ‫ معتدل‬- sparing or economical with regard to money or food. Someone who is frugal is
sparing or economical with regard to money or food, often being thrifty, prudent, or frugal in their
spending or consumption habits.

164. **Furtive** - ‫ چپکے سے‬- attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a
belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive. Someone who is furtive is attempting to avoid
notice or attention, often because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble, being
secretive or stealthy in their actions or behavior.

165. **Garrulous** - ‫ بکواسی‬- excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters. Someone who is
garrulous is excessively talkative, especially on trivial or unimportant matters, often being loquacious,
chatty, or verbose in their speech.

166. **Gauche** - ‫ بے ہنر‬- lacking ease or grace; unsophisticated and socially awkward. Someone who is
gauche lacks ease or grace in social situations, often being unsophisticated, awkward, or clumsy in their
behavior or manners.

167. **Genial** - ‫ دوستانہ‬- friendly and cheerful. Someone who is genial is friendly, affable, and cheerful
in manner or disposition, often being pleasant or agreeable to be around.

168. **Glib** - ‫ چمچالہ‬- (of words or the person speaking them) fluent and voluble but insincere and
shallow. Someone who is glib, or their words, is fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow, often
being superficial, slick, or overly smooth in their speech or manner.
169. **Gluttony** - ‫ دانا پی‬- habitual greed or excess in eating. Gluttony refers to habitual greed or
excess in eating, often involving overindulgence or overconsumption of food beyond what is necessary
or appropriate.

170. **Gratuitous** - ‫ بال کسی پرتاد‬- uncalled for; lacking good reason; unwarranted. Something
gratuitous is uncalled for, lacking good reason, or unwarranted, often being unnecessary, excessive, or
given without charge or payment.

171. **Gregarious** - ‫ قبیلی‬- fond of company; sociable. Someone who is gregarious is fond of company,
sociable, or enjoys being with others, often seeking out social interactions or gatherings.

172. **Guile** - ‫ چاالکی‬- sly or cunning intelligence. Guile refers to sly or cunning intelligence, often
involving deceit, cunning, or trickery in achieving one's objectives or outwitting others.

173. **Gullible** - ‫ بھوال‬- easily persuaded to believe something; credulous. Someone who is gullible is
easily persuaded to believe something, often being credulous, naive, or too trusting in their acceptance
of information or claims.

174. **Hackneyed** - ‫ کہا ہوا‬- lacking significance through having been overused; unoriginal and trite.
Something hackneyed is lacking significance through having been overused, often being unoriginal, trite,
or clichéd due to its frequent repetition or commonplace nature.

175. **Harbinger** - ‫ پیشگوئی‬- a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another. A
harbinger is a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another, often serving as a
precursor or omen of what is to come.

176. **Hedonist** - ‫ لذتی‬- a person who believes that the pursuit of pleasure is the most important thing
in life; a pleasure-seeker. A hedonist is a person who believes that the pursuit of pleasure is the most
important thing in life, often seeking pleasure or indulgence in sensual or pleasurable activities.
177. **Heresy** - ‫ انکار‬- belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine.
Heresy refers to a belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrine, especially Christian doctrine,
often leading to accusations of religious dissent or deviation from accepted teachings.

178. **Hiatus** - ‫ رکاوٹ‬- a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process. A hiatus is a pause or gap in a
sequence, series, or process, often indicating an interruption or temporary cessation of activity or

179. **Homogeneous** - ‫ مماثل‬- of the same kind; alike. Something homogeneous is of the

same kind or nature, alike in its characteristics, composition, or properties, often lacking in diversity or

180. **Hyperbole** - ‫ مبالغہ‬- exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
Hyperbole refers to exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally, often used for
emphasis or effect in order to make a point, convey strong feelings, or create an impression.

181. **Hypocrisy** - ‫ منافقت‬- the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's
own behavior does not conform; pretense. Hypocrisy is the practice of claiming to have moral standards
or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform, often involving pretense, insincerity, or
deceitfulness in one's actions or words.

182. **Iconoclast** - ‫ مانوسلب‬- a person who attacks or criticizes cherished beliefs or institutions. An
iconoclast is a person who attacks or criticizes cherished beliefs or institutions, often challenging
conventional wisdom, traditions, or established norms through their unconventional or controversial

183. **Idiosyncrasy** - ‫ مخصوصیت‬- a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual. An

idiosyncrasy is a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual, often representing a
distinctive or quirky characteristic that sets them apart from others.
184. **Immutable** - ‫ غیر متغیر‬- unchanging over time or unable to be changed. Something immutable
is unchanging over time or unable to be changed, often being permanent, fixed, or constant in its
nature, form, or condition.

185. **Impartial** - ‫ بے پس منظر‬- treating all rivals or disputants equally; fair and just. Someone who is
impartial treats all rivals or disputants equally, being fair and just in their judgments or decisions, often
showing no bias or favoritism towards any particular party or side.

186. **Impeccable** - ‫ بے عیب‬- (of behavior, performance, or appearance) in accordance with the
highest standards of propriety; faultless. Something impeccable, especially behavior, performance, or
appearance, is in accordance with the highest standards of propriety, often being faultless, flawless, or
without any defects or blemishes.

187. **Impede** - ‫ روکنا‬- delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; hinder. To
impede is to delay or prevent someone or something by obstructing or hindering them, often slowing
down or interfering with their progress or movement.

188. **Implacable** - ‫ سست‬- unable to be placated; relentless or unstoppable. Something implacable is

unable to be placated, often being relentless or unstoppable in its opposition, resistance, or hostility
towards something or someone.

189. **Implicit** - ‫ ظاہر‬- suggested though not directly expressed; implied. Something implicit is
suggested though not directly expressed, often being implied or understood without being stated
explicitly, as if it is tacitly understood or accepted.

190. **Impudent** - ‫ گستاخ‬- not showing due respect for another person; impertinent. Someone who is
impudent does not show due respect for another person, often being impertinent, insolent, or
shamelessly disrespectful in their behavior or attitude.

191. **Inadvertent** - ‫ بے خودی‬- not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning;
unintentional. Something inadvertent is not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning,
often being unintentional, accidental, or occurring without forethought or awareness.
192. **Inane** - ‫ بے معنی‬- silly; stupid. Something inane is silly or stupid, often lacking significance,
meaning, or importance, and deserving of ridicule or scorn.

193. **Incessant** - ‫ لگاتار‬- (of something regarded as unpleasant) continuing without pause or
interruption. Something incessant, especially something regarded as unpleasant, continues without
pause or interruption, often being relentless, constant, or never-ending in its occurrence or repetition.

194. **Incipient** - ‫ ابتدأيی‬- in an initial stage; beginning to happen or develop. Something incipient is in
an initial stage, often beginning to happen or develop, as if just starting or emerging.

195. **Incisive** - ‫ تیز‬- (of a person or mental process) intelligently analytical and clear-thinking.
Someone or something incisive, especially a person or mental process, is intelligently analytical and
clear-thinking, often showing sharp insight, keen perception, or penetrating understanding.

196. **Incongruous** - ‫ غیر موزوں‬- not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of
something. Something incongruous is not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects
of something, often being inappropriate, out of place, or inconsistent with its context or environment.

197. **Indict** - ‫ الزام دینا‬- formally accuse of or charge with a serious crime. To indict is to formally
accuse someone of or charge them with a serious crime, often bringing formal charges against them
through legal proceedings.

198. **Indigenous** - ‫ اصلی باشندہ‬- originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
Something indigenous originates or occurs naturally in a particular place, often being native to that
region, habitat, or environment.

199. **Indolent** - ‫ کام چور‬- wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy. Someone who is indolent wants
to avoid activity or exertion, often being lazy, slothful, or disinclined to work or make an effort.
200. **Indomitable** - ‫ ناقابل شکست‬- impossible to subdue or defeat. Something indomitable is
impossible to subdue or defeat, often demonstrating unbeatable strength, resilience, or determination
in the face of adversity or challenge.

201. **Ineffable** - ‫ غیر قابل وضاحت‬- too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.
Something ineffable is too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words, often being beyond
the capacity of language to convey its full significance or depth.

202. **Inept** - ‫ ناقابل‬- having or showing no skill; clumsy. Someone who is inept has or shows no skill,
often being clumsy, awkward, or incompetent in their actions or behavior.

203. **Inexorable** - ‫ سخت‬- impossible to stop or prevent. Something inexorable is impossible to stop
or prevent, often being relentless, unyielding, or inevitable in its course or progress.

204. **Infamous** - ‫ بدنام‬- well known for some bad quality or deed. Something or someone infamous is
well known for some bad quality or deed, often being notorious, disgraceful, or having a bad reputation
due to their actions or behavior.

205. **Ingratiate** - ‫ محبت پیدا کرنا‬- bring oneself into favor with someone by flattering or trying to
please them. To ingratiate is to bring oneself into favor with someone by flattering or trying to please
them, often by using flattery, charm, or manipulation to win their approval or acceptance.

206. **Inherent** - ‫ فطری‬- existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.

Something inherent exists in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute, often
being intrinsic, innate, or naturally occurring within it.

207. **Inimical** - ‫ دشمن‬- tending to obstruct or harm. Something inimical tends to obstruct or harm,
often being hostile, harmful, or unfavorable in its effect or influence on something else.

208. **Innate** - ‫ فطری‬- inborn; natural. Something innate is inborn or natural, often existing from birth
or arising from within rather than acquired through external factors or experiences.
209. **Innocuous** - ‫ بے ضرر‬- not harmful or offensive. Something innocuous is not harmful or
offensive, often being benign, safe, or unlikely to cause any harm or offense.

210. **Inscrutable** - ‫ انکشافی‬- impossible to understand or interpret. Something inscrutable is

impossible to understand or interpret, often being mysterious, enigmatic, or incomprehensible in its
nature or meaning.

211. **Insidious** - ‫ خطرناک‬- proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects. Something
insidious proceeds in a gradual, subtle way, often with harmful effects that are not immediately
apparent or easily detected, like a hidden danger or threat.

212. **Insipid** - ‫ بے ذائقہ‬- lacking flavor or interest. Something insipid is lacking in flavor or interest,
often being dull, bland, or unexciting in its taste, appearance, or character.

213. **Insolent** - ‫ گستاخ‬- showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect. Someone who is insolent shows
a rude and arrogant lack of respect, often being disrespectful, impertinent, or contemptuous in their
behavior or attitude towards others.

214. **Insurgent** - ‫ غیر مطیع‬- rising in active revolt. An insurgent is someone rising in active revolt,
often rebelling against authority or established order, especially as part of an armed uprising or

215. **Intangible** - ‫ غیر محسوس‬- unable to be touched or grasped; not having physical presence.
Something intangible is unable to be touched or grasped, often lacking physical presence or substance,
such as abstract concepts like ideas, feelings, or qualities.

216. **Intermittent** - ‫ متواتر‬- occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady. Something
intermittent occurs at irregular intervals, often being sporadic, irregular, or not continuous or steady in
its occurrence or pattern.
217. **Intransigent** - ‫ زمینی‬- unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something.
Someone who is intransigent is unwilling or refusing to change their views or agree about something,
often being uncompromising, stubborn, or inflexible in their position or attitude.

218. **Inundate** - ‫ بھر دینا‬- overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with. To inundate
is to overwhelm someone with things or people to be dealt with, often flooding or engulfing them with a
large quantity or volume of something.

219. **Inure** - ‫ عادی کرنا‬- accustom (someone) to something, especially something unpleasant. To
inure is to accustom someone to something, especially something unpleasant, often making them
accustomed or immune to its effects through repeated exposure or experience.

220. **Inveterate** - ‫ کڑا‬- having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and
unlikely to change. Someone who is inveterate has a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-
established and unlikely to change, often being deeply rooted or ingrained in their nature or character.

221. **Irascible** - ‫ جلد مزاج‬- having or showing a tendency to be easily angered. Someone who is
irascible has or shows a tendency to be easily angered, often being quick-tempered, irritable, or prone
to outbursts of anger.

222. **Irate** - ‫ غصہ‬- feeling or characterized by great anger. Someone who is irate is feeling or
characterized by great anger, often being furious, enraged, or incensed about something.

223. **Irony** - ‫ تضاد‬- the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the
opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. Irony is the expression of one's meaning by using
language that normally signifies the opposite, often for humorous, sarcastic, or emphatic effect, such as
saying "What a beautiful day" when it's actually raining heavily.

224. **Irreverent** - ‫ بے ادب‬- showing a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken
seriously. Someone who is irreverent shows a lack of respect for people or things that are generally
taken seriously, often being disrespectful, flippant, or mocking in their attitude or behavior.
225. **Juxtapose** - ‫ بہ کہہ‬- place or deal with close together for contrasting effect. To juxtapose is to
place or deal with two or more things close together for contrasting effect, often highlighting their
differences or similarities by presenting them side by side.

226. **Laconic** - ‫ مختصر‬- (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words. Someone or
something laconic uses very few words, often being concise, terse, or succinct in their expression or

227. **Lament** - ‫ چیخنا‬- a passionate expression of grief or sorrow. A lament is a passionate expression
of grief or sorrow, often involving mourning, wailing, or expressing regret or sadness over a loss or
unfortunate event.

228. **Languid** - ‫ سست‬- displaying or having a disinclination for physical exertion or effort; slow and
relaxed. Someone or something languid displays or has a disinclination for physical exertion or effort,
often being slow, relaxed, or lacking energy or vigor in their movements or manner.

229. **Latent** - ‫ پوشیدہ‬- existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden or concealed. Something
latent exists but is not yet developed or manifest, often being hidden, concealed, or lying dormant until
it emerges or becomes evident under certain conditions.

230. **Laudable** - ‫ قابل تعریف‬- deserving praise and commendation. Something laudable is deserving
praise and commendation, often being praiseworthy, admirable, or meritorious in its nature or actions.

231. **Lethargic** - ‫ سست‬- affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic. Someone who is lethargic is
affected by lethargy, often feeling sluggish, drowsy, or lacking in energy and motivation, showing little
interest or enthusiasm for activity.

232. **Levity** - ‫ خوشی‬- humor or frivolity, especially the treatment of a serious matter with humor or in
a manner lacking due respect. Levity refers to humor or frivolity, especially the treatment of a serious
matter with humor or in a manner lacking due respect, often resulting in lightness or playfulness in
speech or behavior.
233. **Livid** - ‫ زخمی‬- furiously angry. Someone who is livid is furiously angry, often being enraged,
furious, or incensed about something that has provoked intense feelings of anger or resentment.

234. **Loquacious** - ‫ باتوں میں‬- tending to talk a great deal; talkative. Someone who is loquacious tends
to talk a great deal, often being talkative, chatty, or inclined to engage in lengthy conversations.

235. **Lucid** - ‫ روشن‬- expressed clearly; easy to understand. Something lucid is expressed clearly and
is easy to understand, often being transparent, intelligible, or readily comprehensible in its
communication or presentation.

236. **Luminous** - ‫ روشن‬- full of or shedding light; bright or shining, especially in the dark. Something
luminous is full of or shedding light, often being bright, shining, or glowing, especially in the dark, like a
source of illumination or radiance.

237. **Magnanimous** - ‫ مہربان‬- very generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or someone less
powerful than oneself. Someone who is magnanimous is very generous or forgiving, especially toward a
rival or someone less powerful than themselves, often showing noble or generous behavior in their
actions or attitudes.

238. **Malicious** - ‫ بدنیت‬- characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm. Something

malicious is characterized by malice, often intending or intended to do harm, injury, or damage to
someone or something, often being spiteful, malevolent, or hostile in its nature or intent.

239. **Malleable** - ‫ گدال‬- easily influenced; pliable. Someone or something malleable is easily
influenced or pliable, often being adaptable, flexible, or capable of being shaped or molded to fit
different circumstances or situations.

240. **Martial** - ‫ فوجی‬- of or appropriate to war; warlike. Something martial is of or appropriate to

war, often being warlike, militaristic, or relating to the armed forces or military matters.
241. **Maverick** - ‫ غیر مطیع‬- an unorthodox or independent-minded person. A maverick is an
unorthodox or independent-minded person, often defying convention, breaking from the norm, or going
against the grain in their actions, beliefs, or behavior.

242. **Mawkish** - ‫ بیہودہ‬- sentimental in a feeble or sickly way. Something mawkish is sentimental in a
feeble or sickly way, often being overly sentimental, cloying, or insincerely emotional, to the point of
being nauseating or distasteful.

243. **Mendacious** - ‫ دروغ‬- not telling the truth; lying. Someone who is mendacious is not telling the
truth, often lying, deceitful, or dishonest in their statements or communications.

244. **Meticulous** - ‫ اہتمامی‬- showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise. Someone who
is meticulous shows great attention to detail and is very careful and precise, often being thorough,
exacting, or painstaking in their work, efforts, or approach.

245. **Mitigate** - ‫ کم کرنا‬- make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful. To mitigate is to make
something bad less severe, serious, or painful, often reducing its impact, intensity, or harmful effects
through intervention or remedial measures.

246. **Modicum** - ‫ چھوٹا‬- a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something desirable or
valuable. A modicum is a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something desirable or valuable,
often indicating a limited or modest amount of something.

247. **Morose** - ‫ افسردہ‬- sullen and ill-tempered. Someone who is morose is sullen and ill-tempered,
often being gloomy, melancholic, or disposed to be in a bad mood or temper.

248. **Munificent** - ‫ فراخ دل‬- (of a gift or sum of money) larger or more generous than is usual or
necessary. Something munificent, especially a gift or sum of money, is larger or more generous than is
usual or necessary, often being lavish, bountiful, or extremely generous in its giving.
249. **Myriad** - ‫ بہت سارا‬- a countless or extremely great number. A myriad is a countless or extremely
great number, often indicating a vast, innumerable, or infinite quantity of something.

250. **Nadir** - ‫ انتہاء‬- the lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization. The nadir is the
lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization, often representing the most unfavorable or
dismal stage in their circumstances or condition.

251. **Nebulous** - ‫ دھندال‬- in the form of a cloud or haze; hazy. Something nebulous is in the form of a
cloud or haze, often being hazy, unclear, or vague in its nature, form, or outline, like a nebula or mist.

252. **Negligent** - ‫ الپروا‬- failing to take proper care over something. Someone who is negligent fails
to take proper care over something, often being careless, neglectful, or irresponsible in their actions or

253. **Nefarious** - ‫ شریر‬- (typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal. Something nefarious,
typically an action or activity, is wicked or criminal, often involving evil, immoral, or heinous behavior
that is intended to cause harm or wrongdoing.

254. **Neophyte** - ‫ نو آموز‬- a person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief. A neophyte is a person

who is new to a subject, skill, or belief, often being a novice, beginner, or newcomer in their field or
area of interest.

255. **Nihilist** - ‫ ال موجود‬- a person who believes that life is meaningless and rejects all religious and
moral principles. A nihilist is a person who believes that life is meaningless and rejects all religious and
moral principles, often holding a pessimistic or cynical view of existence.

256. **Nocturnal** - ‫ رات کو‬- done, occurring, or active at night. Something nocturnal is done, occurring,
or active at night, often relating to animals or activities that are primarily active during the nighttime
257. **Nominal** - ‫ نام کا‬- (of a role or status) existing in name only. Something nominal, especially a
role or status, exists in name only, often having the title or label without possessing the full rights,
responsibilities, or characteristics associated with it.

258. **Novice** - ‫ نو آموز‬- a person new to or inexperienced in a field or situation. A novice is a person
who is new to or inexperienced in a field or situation, often being a beginner, learner, or newcomer who
lacks extensive knowledge or skill in the area.

259. **Nuance** - ‫ ماہر‬- a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound. A nuance is a
subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound, often indicating a slight variation or
distinction that adds depth or complexity to something.

260. **Nurture** - ‫ دھیما‬- care for and encourage the growth or development of. To nurture is to care for
and encourage the growth or development of someone or something, often providing support,
guidance, or sustenance to help them thrive or reach their full potential.

261. **Obfuscate** - ‫ گھمانا‬- render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible. To obfuscate is to render

something obscure, unclear, or unintelligible, often deliberately confusing or complicating a matter to
make it difficult to understand or interpret.

262. **Objective** - ‫ معیاری‬- (of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or
opinions in considering and representing facts. Objective refers to a person or their judgment that is not
influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts, often being impartial,
unbiased, or neutral in their assessment.

263. **Oblique** - ‫ خفیہ‬- neither parallel nor at a right angle to a specified or implied line; slanting.
Something oblique is neither parallel nor at a right angle to a specified or implied line, often slanting or
inclined at an angle.

264. **Obsequious** - ‫ دالل‬- obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree. Someone who is
obsequious is obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree, often behaving in a subservient,
ingratiating, or excessively deferential manner.
265. **Obsolete** - ‫ غیر موجود‬- no longer produced or used; out of date. Something obsolete is no
longer produced or used and has become outdated or outmoded, often being replaced by newer or
more advanced versions or technologies.

266. **Obstinate** - ‫ ڈھیٹ‬- stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action,
despite attempts to persuade one to do so. Someone who is obstinate is stubbornly refusing to change
their opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade them to do so, often being
inflexible, unyielding, or determined to have their own way.

267. **Obstreperous** - ‫ ہنگامی‬- noisy and difficult to control. Something obstreperous is noisy and
difficult to control, often being unruly, boisterous, or disruptive in its behavior, like a person or animal
causing a disturbance.

268. **Obtuse** - ‫ نوکیال‬- annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand. Someone who is obtuse is
annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand, often being dull-witted, unobservant, or lacking in
perception or intelligence.

269. **Onerous** - ‫ بھاری‬- involving an amount of effort and difficulty that is oppressively burdensome.
Something onerous involves an amount of effort and difficulty that is oppressively burdensome, often
being arduous, demanding, or excessively challenging in its requirements or responsibilities.

270. **Opaque** - ‫ غیر شفاف‬- not able to be seen through; not transparent. Something opaque is not
able to be seen through and is not transparent, often being cloudy, murky, or not allowing light to pass

271. **Opulent** - ‫ دولت مند‬- ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish. Something opulent is
ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish, often indicating wealth, abundance, or extravagance in its
appearance, design, or surroundings.
272. **Ostentatious** - ‫ نمائشی‬- characterized by vulgar or pretentious display; designed to impress or
attract notice. Something ostentatious is characterized by vulgar or pretentious display and is designed
to impress or attract notice, often being showy, flashy, or flamboyant in its presentation or style.

273. **Ostensible** - ‫ قابل دست ٓاور‬- stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so. Something
ostensible is stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so, often being outwardly evident or
apparent, but possibly concealing a different reality or motive.

274. **Ostentation** - ‫ عظمت‬- pretentious and vulgar display, especially of wealth and luxury, intended
to impress or attract notice. Ostentation refers to pretentious and vulgar display, especially of wealth
and luxury, intended to impress or attract notice, often involving flamboyant or extravagant
demonstrations of affluence or status.

275. **Pacifist** - ‫ صلح پسند‬- a person who believes that war and violence are unjustifiable. A pacifist is a
person who believes that war and violence are unjustifiable, often advocating for peaceful solutions to
conflicts and promoting nonviolent means of resolving disputes or achieving change.

276. **Palpable** - ‫ احساس‬- able to be touched or felt; tangible. Something palpable is able to be
touched or felt, often being tangible or perceptible to the senses, as if it can be physically sensed or

277. **Panacea** - ‫ عالج‬- a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases. A panacea is a solution or
remedy for all difficulties or diseases, often being regarded as a universal cure or remedy that can
address any problem or ailment.

278. **Paradigm** - ‫ مثالی‬- a typical example or pattern of something; a model. A paradigm is a typical
example or pattern of something, often serving as a model or standard for comparison, emulation, or

279. **Paradox** - ‫ ضدی‬- a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition that, when
investigated or
explained, may prove to be well founded or true. A paradox is a seemingly absurd or contradictory
statement or proposition that, upon investigation or explanation, may prove to be well-founded or true,
often challenging conventional wisdom or assumptions about reality.

280. **Paragon** - ‫ نمونہ‬- a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality. A
paragon is a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality, often representing the
pinnacle or epitome of excellence in that regard.

281. **Pariah** - ‫ ننگا‬- an outcast or person who is despised or avoided. A pariah is an outcast or person
who is despised or avoided by society, often being marginalized, shunned, or ostracized due to their
behavior, beliefs, or social status.

282. **Parochial** - ‫ عمومی‬- relating to a church parish; having a limited or narrow outlook or scope.
Something parochial relates to a church parish or has a limited or narrow outlook or scope, often being
provincial, insular, or restricted in its perspective or interests.

283. **Parody** - ‫ ٹھٹھا‬- an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate
exaggeration for comic effect. A parody is an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre
with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect, often mocking or satirizing the original work or subject

284. **Parsimonious** - ‫ کفایت شعار‬- unwilling to spend money or use resources; stingy or frugal.
Someone who is parsimonious is unwilling to spend money or use resources, often being stingy, miserly,
or frugal in their expenditures or consumption.

285. **Pathetic** - ‫ قابل افسوس‬- arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness. Something or
someone pathetic arouses pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness, often evoking feelings of
sympathy or compassion due to their unfortunate circumstances or condition.

286. **Pathos** - ‫ رحم‬- a quality that evokes pity or sadness. Pathos is a quality that evokes pity or
sadness, often appealing to the emotions or sentiments of the audience, especially through tragedy,
suffering, or empathy.
287. **Patriarch** - ‫ شیخ‬- the male head of a family or tribe. A patriarch is the male head of a family or
tribe, often holding authority and leadership over its members, especially in traditional or patriarchal

288. **Patronize** - ‫ بھرپور حمایت‬- treat with an apparent kindness that betrays a feeling of superiority.
To patronize is to treat someone with apparent kindness that betrays a feeling of superiority, often
displaying condescension, disdain, or arrogance towards them.

289. **Pecuniary** - ‫ مالی‬- relating to or consisting of money. Something pecuniary relates to or consists
of money, often involving financial matters or transactions, especially those related to income,
expenses, or assets.

290. **Pedantic** - ‫ متاثر‬- excessively concerned with minor details or rules; overscrupulous. Someone
who is pedantic is excessively concerned with minor details or rules, often being overly precise, nitpicky,
or particular about correctness or accuracy, especially in academic or scholarly contexts.

291. **Pellucid** - ‫ شفاف‬- translucently clear. Something pellucid is translucently clear, often being
transparent, lucid, or easily understood, as if shining through with clarity and brightness.

292. **Penchant** - ‫ رغبت‬- a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something. A
penchant is a strong or habitual liking for something or a tendency to do something, often indicating a
preference or inclination towards a particular activity, behavior, or interest.

293. **Penitent** - ‫ ندامت‬- feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentant.
Someone who is penitent is feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong, often being
repentant, remorseful, or contrite about their actions or behavior.

294. **Pensive** - ‫ سوچ میں‬- engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought. Someone who
is pensive is engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought, often being thoughtful,
contemplative, or introspective in their demeanor or expression.
295. **Perennial** - ‫ ہر سال‬- lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or
continually recurring. Something perennial lasts or exists for a long or apparently infinite time, often
being enduring, perpetual, or continually recurring, like a perennial plant that regrows year after year.

296. **Perfidious** - ‫ بے وفا‬- deceitful and untrustworthy. Someone who is perfidious is deceitful and
untrustworthy, often betraying trust or confidence by being treacherous, disloyal, or faithless in their
actions or commitments.

297. **Perfunctory** - ‫ بھیگنا‬- (of an action or gesture) carried out with a minimum of effort or
reflection. Something perfunctory, especially an action or gesture, is carried out with a minimum of
effort or reflection, often being done in a routine or mechanical manner, without enthusiasm or

298. **Perilous** - ‫ خطرناک‬- full of danger or risk. Something perilous is full of danger or risk, often
being hazardous, precarious, or fraught with potential harm or adversity.

299. **Permeate** - ‫ گھسنا‬- spread throughout (something); pervade. To permeate is to spread

throughout something or pervade it, often filling or saturating it with a particular quality, substance, or

300. **Pernicious** - ‫ مضر‬- having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way. Something
pernicious has a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way, often being destructive,
deleterious, or injurious to health, well-being, or success.

301. **Perquisite** - ‫ اضافی الڈ‬- a privilege, gain, or profit incidental to regular salary or wages. A
perquisite is a privilege, gain, or profit incidental to regular salary or wages, often being an additional
benefit or advantage provided to someone due to their position or status.

302. **Pervasive** - ‫ وسیع‬- spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people. Something
pervasive is spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people, often being prevalent, extensive,
or ubiquitous in its presence or influence.
303. **Petulant** - ‫ روشن چرچا‬- (of a person or their manner) childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
Someone who is petulant is (of a person or their manner) childishly sulky or bad-tempered, often being
irritable, moody, or easily annoyed by minor things.

304. **Phenomenon** - ‫ واقعہ‬- a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one
whose cause or explanation is in question. A phenomenon is a fact or situation that is observed to exist
or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question, often being remarkable,
extraordinary, or inexplicable in nature.

305. **Philanthropy** - ‫ خیرات‬- the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the
generous donation of money to good causes. Philanthropy is the desire to promote the welfare of
others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes or by charitable acts or
efforts aimed at improving the well-being of society.

306. **Pious** - ‫ پرہیز‬- devoutly religious. Someone who is pious is devoutly religious, often displaying
reverence, devotion, or adherence to religious principles or practices in their beliefs, behavior, or

307. **Piquant** - ‫ تلخ‬- having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavor; stimulating or exciting to the
mind. Something piquant has a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavor, often stimulating or exciting
to the mind, senses, or emotions, like a spicy or tangy food or an interesting idea or experience.

308. **Pithy** - ‫ مختصر‬- (of language or style) concise and forcefully expressive. Something pithy,
especially language or style, is concise and forcefully expressive, often being brief, pointed, or impactful
in its communication or expression.

309. **Placate** - ‫ راضی‬- make (someone) less angry or hostile. To placate is to make someone less
angry or hostile, often by satisfying their demands or grievances, soothing their feelings, or calming their
emotions through conciliation or appeasement.
310. **Placid** - ‫ پرامن‬- (of a person or animal) not easily upset or excited. Someone or something placid
is (of a person or animal) not easily upset or excited, often being calm, serene, or tranquil in demeanor
or temperament.

311. **Plausible** - ‫ قابل قبول‬- (of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable.
Something plausible, especially an argument or statement, seems reasonable or probable, often being
believable, credible, or convincing on the surface, although it may not necessarily be true or accurate
upon closer examination.

312. **Plethora** - ‫ بہتات‬- a large or excessive amount of something. A plethora is a large or excessive
amount of something, often indicating an abundance, surplus, or profusion beyond what is needed or

313. **Poignant** - ‫ تیز‬- evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret. Something poignant evokes a keen
sense of sadness or regret, often touching the emotions deeply or profoundly, as if stirring feelings of
sympathy, sorrow, or poignancy.

314. **Polarize** - ‫ گولرہ‬- divide or cause to divide into two sharply contrasting groups or sets of
opinions or beliefs. To polarize is to divide or cause to divide into two sharply contrasting groups or sets
of opinions or beliefs, often creating a sharp division or polarization between opposing viewpoints or

315. **Pompous** - ‫ نخرے‬- affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important. Someone who is
pompous is affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important, often displaying an exaggerated
sense of self-worth, superiority, or importance in their demeanor or behavior.

316. **Portent** - ‫ عالمت‬- a sign or warning that something, especially something momentous or
calamitous, is likely to happen. A portent is a sign or warning that something, especially something
momentous or calamitous, is likely to happen, often foreshadowing or presaging an event or occurrence
of significance.
317. **Portly** - ‫ موٹا‬- (especially of a man) having a stout body; somewhat fat. Someone who is portly,
especially a man, has a stout body and is somewhat fat, often being pleasantly plump, corpulent, or
slightly overweight in their physique.

318. **Poseur** - ‫ دھوکہ گوال‬- a person who acts in an affected manner in order to impress others. A
poseur is a person who acts in an affected manner in order to impress others, often pretending to
possess qualities or attributes that they do not genuinely have, especially in terms of style,
sophistication, or cultural refinement.

319. **Pragmatic** - ‫ عملی‬- dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on
practical rather than theoretical considerations. Something pragmatic deals with things sensibly and
realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations, often being
practical, down-to-earth, or focused on achieving practical outcomes or solutions.

320. **Precarious** - ‫ خطرناک‬- not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.
Something precarious is not securely held or in position and is dangerously likely to fall or collapse, often
being unstable, insecure, or risky in its condition or situation.

321. **Precipice** - ‫ پہاڑ‬- a very steep rock face or cliff, typically a tall one. A precipice is a very steep
rock face or cliff, typically a tall one, often representing a sheer drop or dangerous edge that poses a risk
of falling or slipping.

322. **Precocious** - ‫ بچہ‬- (of a child) having developed certain abilities or inclinations at an earlier age
than is usual or expected. A precocious child has developed certain abilities or inclinations at an earlier
age than is usual or expected, often displaying advanced intelligence, maturity, or skill beyond their

323. **Predilection** - ‫ چھوت‬- a preference or special liking for something; a bias in favor of something.
A predilection is a preference or special liking for something, often indicating a bias in favor of a
particular thing or activity, as if having a predisposition or inclination towards it.

. **Preposterous** - ‫ بے تکا‬- contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.
Something preposterous is contrary to reason or common sense and is utterly absurd or ridiculous,
often being so unreasonable or illogical as to be laughable or unbelievable.

325. **Prescient** - ‫ پیش گو‬- having or showing knowledge of events before they take place; prophetic.
Someone who is prescient has or shows knowledge of events before they take place, often being
prophetic, intuitive, or foreseeing future developments with remarkable accuracy.

326. **Presumptuous** - ‫ حق چھڑانا‬- (of a person or their behavior) failing to observe the limits of what
is permitted or appropriate. Someone who is presumptuous, especially in their behavior, fails to observe
the limits of what is permitted or appropriate, often being bold, forward, or overconfident in their
actions or assumptions.

327. **Pretentious** - ‫ مکروہ‬- attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture,
etc., than is actually possessed. Something or someone pretentious attempts to impress by affecting
greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed, often being characterized by
exaggerated claims, showy displays, or a false facade of sophistication or superiority.

328. **Prevaricate** - ‫ دھوکا‬- speak or act in an evasive way. To prevaricate is to speak or act in an
evasive way, often avoiding giving a direct answer or making misleading or deceptive statements to
conceal the truth or avoid responsibility.

329. **Primordial** - ‫ ابتدائی‬- existing at or from the beginning of time; primeval. Something primordial
exists at or from the beginning of time, often being primeval, ancient, or of earliest origin, as if belonging
to the earliest stages of existence or development.

330. **Pristine** - ‫ بے داغ‬- in its original condition; unspoiled. Something pristine is in its original
condition and is unspoiled, often being pure, clean, or untouched by human interference or
331. **Probity** - ‫ ایمانداری‬- the quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency. Probity
is the quality of having strong moral principles, often characterized by honesty, integrity, or uprightness
in one's actions, behavior, or character.

332. **Proclivity** - ‫ رغبت‬- a tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or

predisposition towards a particular thing. A proclivity is a tendency to choose or do something regularly,
often indicating an inclination or predisposition towards a particular thing, activity, or behavior.

333. **Prodigious** - ‫ عظیم‬- remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree. Something
prodigious is remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree, often being enormous,
immense, or extraordinary in scale or magnitude.

334. **Profane** - ‫ بے عہد‬- relating or devoted to that which is not sacred or biblical; secular rather than
religious. Something profane is relating or devoted to that which is not sacred or biblical, often being
secular rather than religious, as if lacking reverence or respect for religious matters or beliefs.

335. **Proficient** - ‫ ماہر‬- competent or skilled in doing or using something. Someone who is proficient
is competent or skilled in doing or using something, often possessing expertise, proficiency, or mastery
in a particular field, activity, or skill.

336. **Profligate** - ‫ فضول‬- recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources. Someone who is
profligate is recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources, often squandering or
extravagantly spending money, time, or other valuable assets without restraint or moderation.

337. **Profundity** - ‫ اعماق‬- deep insight; great depth of knowledge or thought. Profundity is deep
insight or great depth of knowledge or thought, often indicating profound understanding, wisdom, or
intellectual depth in one's ideas, reflections, or expressions.

338. **Proletariat** - ‫ مزدور‬- workers or working-class people, regarded collectively (often used with
reference to Marxism). The proletariat refers to workers or working-class people, regarded collectively,
often with reference to Marxist theories of class struggle and social revolution.
339. **Prolific** - ‫ کثیر االداء‬- (of a plant, animal, or person) producing much fruit or foliage or many
offspring. Something prolific, especially a plant, animal, or person, is producing much fruit or foliage or
many offspring, often being fertile, productive, or abundant in its output or creativity.

340. **Prologue** - ‫ اٹھان‬- a separate introductory section of a literary or musical work. A prologue is a
separate introductory section of a literary or musical work, often providing background information,
setting the stage, or introducing key themes or characters before the main narrative begins.

341. **Promulgate** - ‫ منظوری‬- promote or make widely known (an idea or cause). To promulgate is to
promote or make widely known an idea or cause, often by disseminating or spreading it through various
means of communication or advocacy.

342. **Propensity** - ‫ رائے‬- an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way. A

propensity is an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way, often indicating a
predisposition or inclination towards a certain behavior, habit, or action.

343. **Propitious** - ‫ خوش ٓامد‬- giving or indicating a good chance of success; favorable. Something
propitious gives or indicates a good chance of success and is favorable, often being auspicious,
advantageous, or conducive to a favorable outcome or result.

344. **Prosaic** - ‫ عام‬- having the style or diction of prose; lacking poetic beauty. Something prosaic has
the style or diction of prose and lacks poetic beauty, often being ordinary, mundane, or dull in its
expression or content.

345. **Proscribe** - ‫ ممنوع‬- forbid, especially by law. To proscribe is to forbid something, especially by
law or decree, often prohibiting or banning it officially or formally.

346. **Proselytize** - ‫ گلہ‬- convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion
to another. To proselytize is to convert or attempt to convert someone from one religion, belief, or
opinion to another, often by persuasion, preaching, or evangelizing.
347. **Prostrate** - ‫ سجدہ‬- lying stretched out on the ground with one's face downward. To prostrate is
to lie stretched out on the ground with one's face downward, often in a gesture of submission,
reverence, or humility, as in a physical act of worship or obeisance.

348. **Protégé** - ‫ حفاظت‬- a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or
influential individual. A protégé is a person who is guided and supported by an older and more
experienced or influential individual, often receiving mentoring, protection, or patronage from their
mentor or sponsor.

349. **Prudent** - ‫ دانائی‬- acting with or showing care and thought for the future. Someone who is
prudent acts with or shows care and thought for the future, often being cautious, wise, or sensible in
their decisions or actions, especially in matters of financial planning or risk management.

350. **Puerile** - ‫ کودن‬- childishly silly and immature. Something puerile is childishly silly and immature,
often displaying behavior or characteristics that are typical of children, as if lacking maturity or

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