Black Mouse Giải Đề Tháng 4

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Chào mừng bạn đến với cuốn sách "Giải đề Writing tháng 4 của Quý I/2024", một tài liệu không thể thiếu
dành cho những ai đang nỗ lực nâng cao kỹ năng viết của mình trong bài thi IELTS năm 2024. Tháng này,
chúng tôi tự hào giới thiệu một loạt các đề bài đa dạng và thách thức, đặc biệt là các Bar charts ngày
13.04.2024 và bài viết về Electric Production Process vào ngày 27.04.2024.

Các Bar charts không chỉ yêu cầu bạn phải có khả năng phân tích sắc bén mà còn cần kỹ năng ghép
đoạn và so sánh hiệu quả giữa các đối tượng được biểu diễn. Với đề về quy trình, bạn sẽ cần mô tả một
cách chính xác và logic các bước liên quan đến sản xuất điện, một kỹ năng mà nhiều thí sinh thường thấy
là thách thức. Vì vậy, cuốn sách này đã được thiết kế để trang bị cho bạn các công cụ và kiến thức cần
thiết để chinh phục những khó khăn này.

Đặc biệt trong ấn phẩm tháng này, chúng tôi cung cấp phân tích chi tiết hai bài mẫu đạt band điểm 8.0
với hai quan điểm trái ngược nhau. Điều này không chỉ giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về cách thức xây dựng một
bài viết đạt điểm cao mà còn mở rộng cách nhìn và cách tiếp cận các vấn đề, một yếu tố then chốt trong
việc cải thiện điểm số của bất kỳ thí sinh nào. Bên cạnh đó, tạp chí cũng sẽ cung cấp cho bạn một kho từ
vựng phong phú liên quan đến các chủ đề đã đề cập, giúp bạn không chỉ cải thiện kỹ năng viết mà còn
nâng cao khả năng sử dụng ngôn từ một cách chính xác và hiệu quả.

Hiểu rằng đây là kĩ năng khó nhất để có thể đạt được band 6.5+, nhưng với sự trình bày cẩn thận và đầy
chỉn chu, chúng tôi mong rằng cuốn tạp chí "Giải đề Writing tháng 4 của Quý I/2024" sẽ là người bạn
đồng hành tin cậy trên hành trình chinh phục IELTS của bạn.
Chúc bạn học tập hiệu quả và đạt được những thành tựu mới trong kỹ năng viết.

Trân trọng,

Diệp Vũ Đăng Quang

GIẢI ĐỀ THI 06.04.2024
Task 1. The two bar charts show the proportion of 14-16 year-old students studying a modern
foreign language in an English speaking country, and the top three foreign languages. Summarize
the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparison where

Percentage of students who studied a foreign language







1964 2007

Girl Boy







1964 2007

French German Spanish

I. Introduction
• Overview of the bar charts comparing the study of foreign languages among male and female
students aged 14-16.
• Brief introduction to the time frame and languages studied: French, German, and Spanish.
II. Overview:
• The general trend showing higher participation rates in language studies among female
students compared to male students across both years, 1984 and 2007.
III. Analysis of Language Study Trends in 1984 and 2007

• Comparison highlighting significant gender disparity in language study rates.
• Continuation of higher female participation in language studies, despite an overall decrease.
• Comparison of the reduced rates of both genders with a continued significant disparity.
V. Language Popularity in 1984 and 2007: Discussion of language preferences among students.
• French as the most preferred language, followed by German, and Spanish as the least popular.
• Shifts in language popularity with French remaining the most popular despite a decrease.
• Significant decrease in German's popularity and a relative increase in Spanish's popularity, although
it remained the least popular.

Sample band 8.0+

The bar charts delineate the proportion of male and female students aged 14-16 who undertook the
study of a foreign language, as well as the popularity of three specific languages among these students
in an English-speaking country in 1984 and 2007.

In general, a consistently higher percentage of female students engaged in language studies compared
to male students across the given years. Moreover, French maintained its position as the most popular
language, despite a decrease in its dominance.

Examining the first chart, in 1984, approximately half of the female students chose to study a foreign
language, surpassing the roughly 30% of male students doing the same. By 2007, regardless a decrease,
girls' participation still remained significantly higher than that of boys, with nearly 50% of girls and just
20% of boys studying a foreign language.

Turning to the second chart, French was by far the preferred choice for over half of the language-
learning students in 1984. German was the second most studied language, chosen by about 30% of
students, while Spanish fell behind as the least popular, selected by only 10%. In 2007, despite a
remarkable plummet, French was still the most studied language at around 40%. German's popularity
halved to approximately 15%, and Spanish, although soaring to 10%, was still the least studied language.

Task 2. There is no need to go out to live performances because people think watching TV is better.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

I. Introduction
Introduction to the increasing prevalence of online streaming as a preferred medium over live

Thesis statement: Despite the convenience and accessibility of online streaming, it cannot supersede
the unique experience of attending live events.
II. Advantages of Online Streaming
A. Accessibility and Convenience
Example: Super Bowl broadcasted globally, allowing worldwide access without the need to travel or buy
expensive tickets.
Benefit: Audiences can watch content from anywhere at any time, overcoming geographical and
scheduling constraints.
B. Enhanced Viewing Experience
Example: Miss Universe pageant streamed on YouTube with additional content such as interviews and
behind-the-scenes footage.
Benefit: Online platforms provide extra features that enrich the viewing experience.
III. Unique Benefits of Live Events
A. Electrifying Atmosphere and Community Connection
Example: Whitney Houston's live performance at the Olympic Games creating a shared sense of
national pride and unity.
Benefit: Live performances provide a dynamic atmosphere and a sense of community that online
streaming cannot replicate.
B. Economic and Cultural Impact
Example: Taylor Swift's "Eras Tour" in Singapore boosting local economy through tourism and
Benefit: Live events contribute significantly to local economies and enhance the city's status as an
entertainment hub.
IV. Conclusion
Summary: While online streaming offers convenience, it lacks the atmosphere, authenticity, and
community engagement found in live performances.

Sample band 6.5+

There is an ongoing debate about the necessity of attending live performances in an era where digital
platforms offer the convenience of watching everything from home. While I partly agree that digital
formats have their advantages, I still firmly believe that the irreplaceable atmosphere and artist support
of live events are unmatched by any screen.

On the one hand, advocates for online streaming events highlight two benefits. Firstly, digital platforms
heighten convenience and accessibility of viewing performances. This was particularly evident during
the COVID-19 pandemic, when live events were cancelled, and many artists and bands streamed their
performances in a safe environment. Moreover, the enhanced quality of these digital performances is
undeniable to bring authentic atmosphere. For example, The Metropolitan Opera's HD broadcasts

provide viewers with a detailed view and sound quality that one might not fully appreciate in the opera
house itself.

However, I contend that live performances possess unique qualities that digital formats cannot
replicate. Firstly, the collective excitement and immediacy create memorable moments. This is
exemplified by attending a Coldplay concert, which provides not only music but also a visual and
interactive spectacle, thereby creating a unique communal experience through the shared energy of
the crowd and the band. Secondly, live performances play a crucial role in supporting local economies.
By hosting Taylor Swift's "Eras Tour”, cities like Singapore attracted an influx of fans, thereafter the local
income is significantly boosted by meeting demand for accommodations, dining, and retail.

In conclusion, while watching performances on TV or computer screens provides convenience and a

high-quality viewing experience, I still hold the view attending live performances offers authenticity for
the participants and the local economic growth.

Sample band 8.0+

In the digital era, the notion that live performances, such as concerts, have been overshadowed by the
convenience and accessibility of online streaming is increasingly prevalent. While viewing performances
on TV or computer screens offers undeniable comfort and accessibility, I firmly believe it shall never
supersede the experience of attending live events.

On the one hand, advocates for online streaming services heighten two primary benefits. Firstly, they
allow audience to watch content from anywhere and anytime, regardless their geographical and
scheduling constraints. This is exemplified by the broadcasting of the Super Bowl, one of the most
watched sports events globally, across multiple platforms, thereby enabling fans worldwide to partake
in the excitement without the need to travel or secure expensive tickets. Furthermore, online platforms
often provide additional content like behind-the-scenes footage to enhance the viewing experience.
This can be seen through the case of the Miss Universe pageant live on YouTube, wherein fans of the
beauty contest enjoy exclusive access to interviews, preparations, and expert commentary, enriching
viewer’s real-life experiences.

On the other hand, I contend live events offer an irreplaceable role in spreading the electrifying
atmosphere and a sense of community. Firstly, attending a live performance or sporting event provides
collective enjoyment and dynamism. A prime example is Whitney Houston's live performance of "One
Moment in Time" during the Olympic Games, which captivated the audience with athleticism, national
pride, and connection among spectators, whereupon the collective emotion and unity cannot be
replicated through a screen. Secondly, live events often contribute to local economies via tourism and
commerce. A pertinent illustration is provided by Taylor Swift's "Eras Tour" in cities like Singapore,

through which the influx of fans boosted local economies through heightened demand for
accommodations, dining, and retail, eventually leading to the elevation of the city's status as a premier
entertainment hub.

In conclusion, although watching performances on screens may offer convenience and accessibility, I
still hold the view that the atmosphere, authenticity, and support for artists for live performances are
unparalleled by digital alternatives.

- be overshadowed by the convenience and accessibility of online streaming (v): bị lu mờ bởi sự
tiện lợi va khả năng tiếp cận của việc xem trực tuyến
- supersede the experience of attending live events (v): thay thế trải nghiệm của việc tham gia các
sự kiện trực tiếp
- regardless their geographical and scheduling constraints: bất chấp những rào cản về địa lý hay
thời gian
- behind-the-scenes footage (n): hình ảnh hậu trường
- electrifying atmosphere (n): bầu không khí sôi động
- provide collective enjoyment and dynamism (v): mang lại niềm vui cũng như tính sôi động chung
- athleticism (n): tinh thần thể thao
- a premier entertainment hub (n): một trung tâm giải trí hàng đầu

GIẢI ĐỀ THI 13.04.2024
Task 1 . The chart below gives information about the journeys to school by children aged 11 to 16 in
the UK in a year. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparison where relevant.

Journeys to school
Walk Bicycle Car Bus

0-1 Miles 1-2 Miles 2-5 Miles Over 5 Miles

Sample band 8.0

The bar chart delineates the transportation preferences of UK school children aged 11 to 16 traveling
to school, categorized by different journey distances within a year.

In general, the transportation choices of UK children show a clear distinction, with bicycles
dominating short distances while buses serving as the principal means for longer commutes.
Additionally, car travel, although favored for mid-range distances, is less preferred for journeys over
5 miles.

In detail, cycling emerges as the predominant mode of transport for the shortest distance bracket of
0-1 mile, with 80% of students. This trend exhibits a remarkable plunge as the distance increases,
evidenced by steeply falling to 20% for journeys beyond 5 miles, despite remaining significant up to
the 2-mile distance. Meanwhile, walking stands out as the second most popular selection for
distances under 1 mile, but it diminishes to 25% for distances greater than 5 miles.

Turning to motorized transportation, cars and buses fall behind with less than 20% for 0-1 mile
category. However, those become more pronounced for intermediate distances, particularly in the
2-5 mile range, where 35% are driven by cars and 48% use buses. As the distance to school

increases, bus usage sees a soar to nearly 70% in the distances exceeding 5 miles, outnumbering car
travel, rising to just under a half.

Task 2. Some people say that when deciding taxes how be spent, government should prioritize
health care. Others think there are more important priorities for tax-payers' money. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.

I. Introduction
• Presentation of the debate on whether national fiscal resources should predominantly support
healthcare or be distributed to address a broader spectrum of societal needs.
• Statement of intent to explore both sides of the argument and to conclude with the writer's
personal viewpoint.
II. Arguments for Prioritizing Healthcare
A. Cost Savings through Preventive Care
• Explanation of how healthcare investments act as prophylaxes leading to long-term savings.
• Evidence from successful vaccination programs that prevent outbreaks of diseases like polio and
measles, reducing long-term healthcare costs.
B. Economic Benefits from a Healthier Workforce
• Discussion on how robust healthcare systems contribute to lower employee absenteeism.
• Example of countries like Switzerland and Denmark where strong healthcare systems enhance
workforce productivity and support GDP growth.
III. Arguments for Diversifying Fiscal Allocation
A. Benefits of Infrastructure Investment
• Immediate job creation and groundwork for future economic development.
• Case study of Taiwan’s high-speed rail network and its impact on economic landscape, regional
development, and tourism.
B. Importance of Education Investment
• Development of a skilled workforce suitable for a modern economy.
• Example of Finland’s focus on enhancing education through teacher training and student support,
fostering a technologically adept workforce.
IV. Conclusion
• Reaffirmation of the importance of healthcare investment for immediate well-being and cost

Sample band 6.5+
The debate over the allocation of national resources often revolves around whether healthcare should
be the primary focus or if funds should be more evenly distributed to address a variety of societal
needs. This essay will mention both sides of the argument, and I will give my opinion in the conclusion.

On the one hand, investing in healthcare, particularly preventive measures, can yield significant long-
term financial benefits. Programs like annual flu vaccinations become effective in reducing healthcare
costs because they prevent widespread influenza outbreaks, which decreases the economic pressure
of treating flu. Moreover, a better healthcare system contributes to economic productivity by ensuring
a healthier workforce. In Western countries, for example, enhanced healthcare services have led to
lower rates of sick leaves and higher productivity levels, thereby supporting the country’s economic

On the other hand, I contend investing in infrastructure also deserves a significant share of financial
allocation. Projects like the construction of renewable energy facilities not only create jobs but also
strengthen sustainable economic development. In the US, the focus on renewable energy infrastructure
has improved the energy sector and contributed to increasing regional economies. Furthermore, it is
essential for governments to prioritize education. Countries like South Korea have invested heavily in
digital literacy programs for students, preparing a workforce that is proficient in digital technologies
and poised for success in the global economy.

In conclusion, although healthcare is undoubtedly crucial for immediate well-being and long-term
savings, I still hold my view that other pressing societal needs such as infrastructure and education will
direct a country into a sustainable development and create highly-skilled workforce for economic

Sample band 8.0+

It is argued that a nation’s fiscal resources should be allocated for healthcare to take precedence in
governmental budgets, as opposed to the others advocating for a more diverse distribution to meet
multifaceted societal needs. This essay will mention both sides of the argument, and I will give my
opinion in the conclusion.

On the one hand, proponents of prioritizing healthcare heighten two primary advantages. Firstly,
investing in healthcare as prophylaxes can lead to significant long-term cost savings. This is further
evidenced by the widespread implementation of vaccination programs, which curtail the outbreak of
preventable diseases like polio and measles, thereby mitigating the financial burden associated with
long-term care for affected individuals. Secondly, better healthcare practices will generate a
productive workforce for economic growth. This has led to the situation where countries like

Switzerland and Denmark with strong public health systems contribute to one of the lowest rates of
employee absenteeism, from which they can guarantee productivity and the country’s GDP growth.

On the other hand, advocates for other pressing issues should receive greater financial allocation.
Firstly, infrastructure investment not only provides immediate jobs but also sets the stage for future
economic development. A prime example is the development of Taiwan’s high-speed rail network,
which stimulated the nation's economic landscape, wherein the extensive connectivity facilitated
regional development, boosted tourism, and accelerated the integration of the national economy.
Secondly, education equips the next generation with skills needed for a modern economy. This is
exemplified by Finland's allocation of resources toward teacher training and student support
services, whereupon this practice cultivated a workforce adept in technology and innovation in high-
tech industries.

In conclusion, although investments in healthcare are undoubtedly vital for long-term savings and
immediate wellbeing, I still hold my view that addressing other pressing issues like infrastructure and
education is essential for a comprehensive foundation of a nation's long-term development.

- a nation’s fiscal resources (n): nguồn tài chính của một quốc gia
- meet multifaceted societal needs (v): đáp ứng nhu cầu xã hội đa chiều
- prophylaxes (n): các biện pháp phòng ngừa
- the widespread implementation of vaccination programs (n): việc triển khai rộng rãi của các
chương trình tiêm chủng
- curtail the outbreak of preventable diseases like polio and measles (v): giúp ngăn chặn sự
bùng phát của các bệnh có thể phòng ngừa như bại liệt và sởi
- set the stage for future economic development (v): đặt nền móng cho sự phát triển kinh tế
tương lai
- cultivate a workforce adept in technology and innovation in high-tech industries (v): tạo ra
một lực lượng lao động thành thạo trong công nghệ và đổi mới trong các ngành công nghiệp
công nghệ cao

GIẢI ĐỀ THI 18.04.2024

Task 1. The bar chart shows the average number of hours students in five different universities
studied. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparison where relevant.

12 10,6
9,8 10,1 9,6 10
University A University B University C University D University E

10 9 8,6
University A University B University C University D University E

Sample band 8.0+

The bar charts delineate the hours students from five different universities devoted to study during
weekdays and weekends.

In general, the study hours on weekdays were relatively consistent across the universities, with
University C’s students allocating the most time to their studies. In contrast, weekend study hours
experienced greater variation, with students from University A studying the most and those from
University D the least.

During the weekdays, University A students were by far the predominant with 10.6 hours spent
studying, with University B and C trailing behind 10.1 and 10 hours, respectively. These figures were
closely followed by Universities D and E's students, reported slightly lower study hours with 9.8 and 9.6
hours in sequence.

On weekends, the pattern shifted noticeably, with all students dedicating less time to study compared
to weekdays. University A's students, though witnessing a modest decrease, still led with an average of
9 hours. University B's students followed a similar pattern, slightly reducing their study time to 8.6 hours.
A remarkable plummet was seen with University D's students, who halved their study time compared to

weekdays. Finally, there was a plunge in the study hours of students in University C and E, with the
former declining to 7.8 hours while the latter falling to 6.2 hours.

Task 2. Some people say that to prevent illness and disease, governments should focus more on
reducing environmental pollution and housing problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

• Topic Introduction: There is a debate on the best methods to prevent illnesses and diseases.
• Thesis Statement: Acknowledges the importance of addressing environmental and housing issues
but emphasizes that physical activities and proactive healthcare measures are also crucial.
Body Paragraph 1: Environmental and Housing Factors
Point 1: Pollution's impact on health
• Example: Elevated air pollution levels in New Delhi and Mumbai leading to increased respiratory
Point 2: Housing conditions' impact on health
• Example: Studies in Mumbai's slums showing that housing improvements lead to decreases in
communicable diseases, mental health disorders, and tuberculosis.
Body Paragraph 2: Benefits of Physical Activities and Healthcare Measures
Point 1: Benefits of physical activity
• Example: Community program in Japan promoting walking and jogging, resulting in reduced
hypertension and increased longevity
Sub-point: Facilitates socialization and community building.
Point 2: Importance of proactive healthcare measures
• Example: Varicella and IPV vaccines prevent the spread and mutation of viruses, reducing long-
term care costs.
Reiterates the benefits of addressing environmental and housing issues but underscores the critical
roles of physical activities and healthcare measures.

Sample band 6.5+

The debate over the best ways to prevent illnesses continues, with significant emphasis on addressing
factors such as environmental pollution and housing. While I partly agree with this perspective, I firmly
believe that physical activities and proactive healthcare measures play a vital role in preventing health

On the one hand, pollution is a major contributor to health problems, as seen in cities like Beijing, where
poor air quality frequently triggers public health crises, exacerbating conditions such as cardiovascular

diseases. Similarly, inadequate housing conditions play a significant role in public health. For instance, in
the densely populated favelas of Rio de Janeiro, efforts to improve sanitation and reduce overcrowding
have led to noticeable reductions in the spread of infectious diseases.

Conversely, I contend the advantages of physical activity and proactive health measures are
undeniable. For example, in Canada, community-driven fitness initiatives have successfully reduced
rates of diabetes and heart disease by promoting regular exercise. These programs not only improve
physical health but also enhance mental well-being and community cohesion. Additionally, preventive
healthcare, such as regular health check-ups and immunization programs in the UK, have proven
effective. The widespread use of the MMR vaccine has significantly decreased the incidence of these
diseases, thereby preventing potential outbreaks and reducing healthcare costs.

In conclusion, although addressing environmental issues and improving housing are essential for
disease prevention, I still hold my view the benefits of physical activity and preventive healthcare are
profound to enhance individual health but also reduce the overall burden on healthcare systems,
enhancing public health outcomes and ensuring long-term well-being.

Sample band 8.0+

There is an ongoing debate about the prevention of illnesses and diseases, with some arguing that an
emphasis on addressing environmental pollution and housing challenges should be prioritized. While I
partly agree with this perspective, I firmly believe that physical activities and proactive healthcare
measures play a vital role in combating health issues.

Admittedly, pollution undeniably contributes to a myriad of health ailments. This can be illustrated by the
case of New Delhi and Mumbai, wherein elevated levels of air pollution often surpass safe thresholds,
subsequently leading to heightened incidences of respiratory ailments like asthma and bronchitis.
Furthermore, overcrowding and inadequate living conditions are associated with various health risks. An
illustration for this is several studies conducted in the slums of Mumbai, during which improvements in
housing conditions were systematically implemented, culminating in a marked decrease in
communicable diseases, mental health disorders and tuberculosis.

On the other hand, I contend that the benefits of physical exercises and prophylaxes should not be
overlooked. Firstly, regular physical activities halt the risks of metabolic diseases. This is exemplified by a
community program in Japan, which encouraged daily jogging and walking among residents of all ages,
thereby resulting in a noticeable decline in hypertension and improving overall longevity. Moreover,
engaging in regular physical activities facilitates socialization and networking opportunities because
participants often form supportive communities that foster both personal and professional
connections. Secondly, many symptoms of serious diseases could be diagnosed and treated early with

vaccinations and regular health screenings. This is further evidenced by the Varicella vaccine for
chickenpox and the IPV vaccine for polio, which inhibit the growth of viruses and prevent their
mutations, cutting down the considerable costs of long-term care for affected patients.

In conclusion, although reducing environmental pollution and improving housing conditions are
conducive to preventing illness and disease, I still hold my view that physical activities and preventative
measures enhance the overall well-being and reduce healthcare costs through improved immune

- a myriad of health ailments (n): vô số vấn đề sức khỏe
- proactive healthcare measures (n): các biện pháp chăm sóc sức khỏe tích cực
- surpass safe thresholds (v): vượt qua ngưỡng an toàn
- asthma and bronchitis (n): hen suyễn và viêm phế quản
- a marked decrease in communicable diseases, mental health disorders and tuberculosis (n): sự
giảm đáng kể các bệnh truyền nhiễm, rối loạn sức khỏe tâm thần và lao
- foster both personal and professional connections (v): thúc đẩy các mối quan hệ cá nhân và
nghề nghiệp
- inhibit the growth of viruses and prevent mutations (v): ngăn chặn sự phát triển của virus và
ngăn ngừa sự đột biến
- cut down the considerable costs of long-term care for affected patients (v): giảm thiểu chi phí
chăm sóc dài hạn đáng kể cho các bệnh nhân
- reduce healthcare costs through improved immune functions (v): giảm chi phí chăm sóc sức
khỏe thông qua việc cải thiện chức năng miễn dịch

GIẢI ĐỀ THI 20.04.2024

Task 1. The chart below shows the average number of kilometers travelled by car in five countries
from 1990 to 2010. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.

The number of kilometres travelled
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Japan France Britain Germany United States

Sample band 8.0

The line graph delineates the average annual distance traveled by car in the United States, Germany,
Britain, France, and Japan between 1990 and 2010.

In general, distances traveled by car in these five countries witnessed a clear disparity, with the US
consistently leading throughout the period . Additionally, France and Japan’s car usage remained
significantly lower, with Japan’s decrease being the most dramatic.

In detail, the United States was by far the predominant user of cars, starting at 1,750 kilometers in 1990.
This trend was characterized by a steady growth over the two decades, with only mild fluctuations,
peaking at 1800 kilometers by 2010. Germany commenced at a substantial 1600 kilometers, but later
experienced a modest decline to 1550 kilometers after 2005.

Meanwhile, Britain’s initial figure was 1300 kilometers, which, after stabilizing post-2005, eventually
exceeded Germany’s average, albeit decreasing marginally to 1,400 kilometers by the end of the
timeline. France started at 1,000 kilometers and exhibited minimal variation, maintaining a figure around
this level through to 2010.

Turning to Japan, it fell behind with a trivial number at 700 kilometers at the beginning, followed by a
downward trajectory, plummeting to a nadir of 380 kilometers before experiencing a slight recovery to
400 kilometers by the end of the period.

Task 2. All university students should do some voluntary work to help the local community.
To what do you agree or disagree?

Outline 1:
• Discussion of the ongoing debate about university students participating in community service.
• Personal stance: Partial agreement with voluntary work, but opposition to making it mandatory.
Body 1: Advantages of Voluntary Work
Idea 1: Community and Student Benefits
• Gaining practical experience and skills outside the academic realm.
• Example: University of Toronto students providing assistance and conducting research related to
Idea 2: Development of Personal Qualities
• Fostering social responsibility and empathy.
• Example: Medical students volunteering at local clinics enhance their professional and personal
Body 2: Concerns Against Mandatory Voluntary Work
Idea 1: Potential Negative Impacts on Students
• Risk of burnout and stress from added responsibilities.
• Specific scenario: Engineering students in Ho Chi Minh City experiencing stress from exams and
extracurricular activities.
• Another example from European universities showing suboptimal outcomes from compulsory
Idea 2: Mismatch with Career Goals and Interests
• One-size-fits-all approach may not align with all students’ career objectives.
• Lack of specialized skills development due to diversion from field-related activities.
Assertion that volunteer work should remain optional, not compulsory, in university education.

Sample band 8.0+ (opposing vountary works)

There is an ongoing debate about the role of university students in community service, with some
arguing that all students should engage in voluntary work to aid their local communities. While I partly
agree with this perspective, I still firmly believe that mandatory volunteer work may not always yield the
intended benefits and should be encouraged but not enforced.

On the one hand, advocates for voluntary work heighten two primary benefits to the community and
the students themselves. Firstly, engaging in community service allows students to gain practical
experience and skills beyond the academic environment. A pertinent illustration is provided by the

University of Toronto, through which students provide immediate assistance and conduct research to
address source of poor hygiene, eventually leading to higher academic achievements with real-life
experiences. Furthermore, such activities can foster a sense of social responsibility and empathy,
qualities essential in today’s globalized world. This is exemplified by students in medical fields who
volunteer at local clinics, providing essential services and gaining firsthand experience in healthcare
settings, thereby enhancing their professional and personal growth.

On the other hand, I contend imposing a blanket requirement for all university students to engage in
voluntary work raises several concerns. Firstly, many students are prone to burnout and stress,
ultimately detracting from their academic achievements. This has precipitated a scenario in which
engineering students, such as those in universities in Ho Chi Minh City, facing the dual pressure of
preparing for final tests while also being required to participate in additional extracurricular activities for
their training points, thereby potentially impeding their academic progress and causing undue stress.
This scenario is more evident in the experience of several European universities that experimented with
compulsory service, where forced volunteerism often leads to lackluster participation and does not
instill true altruistic values. Secondly, the one-size-fits-all approach may not suit every student's career
goals or interests. Without the opportunity to engage in dedicated internships or research projects
directly related to their field, students would fail in meeting the expectations of recruiters due to their
lack of specialized skills and practical experience, derived from the prioritization of other activities like
tree planting or participating in school competitions.

In conclusion, while I recognize the profound benefits that volunteering can offer to both students and
their communities, I maintain that it should not be a compulsory element of university education.

⁃ not always yield the intended benefits (v): không phải lúc nào cũng đem lại những lợi ích như
mong đợi
⁃ gain practical experience and skills beyond the academic environment (v): tích lũy kinh nghiệm
thực tiễn và kỹ năng ngoài môi trường học thuật
⁃ address source of poor hygiene (v): giải quyết nguồn gốc của vấn đề vệ sinh kém
⁃ gain firsthand experience in healthcare settings (v): thu thập kinh nghiệm trực tiếp trong môi
trường chăm sóc sức khỏe
⁃ impose a blanket requirement for all university students (v): áp đặt yêu cầu chung cho tất cả
sinh viên đại học
⁃ training points (n): điểm rèn luyện
⁃ leads to lackluster participation (n): dẫn đến sự tham gia không nhiệt tình
⁃ the one-size-fits-all approach (n): cách tiếp cận áp dụng chung cho tất cả

⁃ engage in dedicated internships or research projects (v): tham gia vào các chương trình thực tập
chuyên ngành hoặc các dự án nghiên cứu

Outline 2:
• Ongoing debate on university students' involvement in community service.
• Thesis Statement: While acknowledging some opposing views, the essay supports the argument
that voluntary work significantly enriches students’ personal and professional lives, making it an
essential part of university education.
Body 1: Arguments Against Mandatory Volunteer Work
Idea 1: Risk of Burnout and Stress
• Example: Technology students at MIT feeling overwhelmed by juggling academic and service
Idea 2: Mismatch Between Academic Pursuits and Career Aspirations
• Specialization Concerns: Fields like coding and programming require intense concentration and
specific skills, making typical volunteer activities like community gardening or teaching less
• Impact: Diversion of time and energy from specialized studies.
Body 2: Arguments Supporting Voluntary Work
Idea 1: Development of Soft Skills
• Skills Acquired: Teamwork, leadership, problem-solving.
• Example: Stanford University students participating in environmental conservation projects, gaining
project management skills.
Idea 2: Enhancement of Employment Prospects
• Employer Preferences: Increasing demand for candidates with community engagement.
• Example: University of Cambridge graduates who volunteered in local teaching programs becoming
more competitive in the job market.
Acknowledges concerns about compulsory volunteer work but emphasizes the overriding benefits.

Sample band 8.0+ (supporting voluntary works)

There is an ongoing debate about the role of university students in community service, with some
arguing that all students should engage in voluntary work to aid their local communities. While I partly
agree with some opposing views, I still firmly believe that voluntary work significantly enriches both
students’ personal and professional lives, making it an essential component of university education.

On the one hand, critics on mandatory volunteer work often emphasize the risk of burnout and stress
among students, who already face demanding academic schedules. By adding compulsory service

activities, students might be distracted from their primary educational objectives, as seen in cases of
technology students at MIT who report feeling overwhelmed when juggling project deadlines with
community service. Secondly, volunteer work can lead to a mismatch between students' academic
pursuits and their career aspirations. This is largely due to the specialized nature of fields like coding and
programming, in which students engage in highly focused studies that demand intense concentration
and specific skill sets, thereby rendering typical volunteer activities like community gardening or basic
teaching tasks less relevant and potentially diverting time and energy.

On the other hand, I contend the benefits of engaging in voluntary activities should not be overlooked.
Firstly, voluntary work equips students with crucial soft skills, such as teamwork, leadership, and
problem-solving, which are highly valued in the workplace. A prime example is students at Stanford
University, who participate in environmental conservation projects, not only contributing to sustainable
practices but also developing project management skills that are applicable in any professional setting.
Secondly, such experiences can significantly boost employment prospects. Indeed, employers
increasingly seek candidates with a proven record of community engagement, viewing it as indicative of
a well-rounded individual. This has precipitated a scenario in which graduates from the University of
Cambridge who volunteered in local teaching programs often find themselves more competitive in the
job market, eventually leading to enhanced employment opportunities as they have demonstrated
initiative and a commitment to societal improvement.

In conclusion, despite recognizing the legitimate concerns regarding compulsory participation in

volunteer activities, I still hold the advantages of volunteering by far outweigh the drawbacks by
enhancing employability and developing essential life skills.

⁃ enrich both students’ personal and professional lives (v): làm giàu cho cuộc sống cá nhân và
nghề nghiệp của sinh viên
⁃ already face demanding academic schedules (v): đã phải đối mặt với lịch trình học tập dày đặc
⁃ lead to a mismatch between students' academic pursuits and their career aspirations (v): dẫn
đến sự không phù hợp giữa nhu cầu học tập của sinh viên và nguyện vọng nghề nghiệp của họ.
⁃ participate in environmental conservation projects (v): tham gia vào các dự án bảo tồn môi
⁃ be applicable in any professional setting (a): có thể áp dụng trong bất kỳ môi trường chuyên
nghiệp nào
⁃ a proven record of community engagement (n): hồ sơ tham gia cộng đồng rõ ràng
⁃ recognize the legitimate concerns (v): nhận ra những lo ngại chính đáng

GIẢI ĐỀ THI 27.04.2024
Task 1. The diagram below shows how one type of coal is used to produce electricity.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparison
where relevant.

Sample band 8.0+

The diagram delineates the process of generating electricity from coal through a complex series of

In general, the electricity-generating procedure involves multiple steps, beginning with the delivery of
coal and culminating in the provision of electricity to various sectors.

In detail, the initial phase commences when coal is transported via a conveyor belt to a furnace.
Subsequently, in the boiler room, oxygen is combined with coal to generate syngas, the primary fuel for
electricity production. Once the heating process has finished, while slag is disposed via the ash system,
the raw syngas undergoes a purification process that removes contaminants such as CO2, mercury,
and sulfur. The cleaned syngas is then propelled through a gas turbine attached to a generator, which
converts it into electricity.

Following this, the steam generated from the syngas-to-electricity conversion via the gas turbine is
directed to a heat recovery steam generator, where filtered flue gases are expelled into the atmosphere
through a chimney stack. Eventually, the resulting steam is channeled to a steam turbine, designed to

convert it into additional electricity. The electricity from two sources is transmitted via power lines to
residential and industrial areas.

Task 2. Many people around the world use social media every day to keep in touch with other
people and new events.
Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

I. Introduction
Assertion of the profound impact of social media on global communication and information
Thesis statement: the advantages of social media outweigh its disadvantages
II. Negative Aspects of Social Media
A. Spread of Misinformation
Example of unverified stories causing public alarm
Effect on community behavior due to fear and 'fear of missing out' (FOMO)
B. Impact on Mental Health
Anxiety and hesitation to engage socially
Irrational fears stemming from distorted online narratives
III. Positive Aspects of Social Media
A. Connection Across Geographical Boundaries
1. Use of platforms like Skype and WhatsApp during the pandemic
2. Preservation of familial and professional relationships despite distance
B. Facilitation of Educational and Professional Growth
1. Adoption of Zoom and Google Meet for continued education and collaboration
2. Role of LinkedIn in career development and opportunity bridging
IV. Conclusion
Reiteration of the significant advantages of social media such as enhanced communication, career
development, and educational opportunities outweigh the challenges presented by social media

Sample band 6.5+

In recent years, social media has become a central force in shaping how people communicate and
access information. While there are benefits associated with this trend, I still believe those are generally
outweighed by the drawbacks.

On the positive side, social media provides platforms for advocacy and social justice. Movements such
as #MeToo have utilized platforms like Twitter to amplify voices that might otherwise go unheard,
bringing widespread attention to critical social issues. Moreover, social media facilitates the rapid

dissemination of public health information. During the COVID-19 pandemic, health organizations and
government bodies used platforms like YouTube and Facebook to broadcast important health
advisories and updates, reaching a broad audience quickly and effectively.

On the other hand, I believe the downsides of using social media should not be underestimated. Firstly,
social networking sites can diminish face-to-face communication skills. For example, younger
generations are increasingly relying on digital modes of interaction, which may reduce their ability to
engage in meaningful in-person conversations, as seen in academic settings where students prefer to
communicate via texts rather than spoken discussions. Additionally, the pervasive nature of social
media often leads to distractions, impacting productivity in educational and professional environments.
A case in point is the frequent checking of social media notifications that disrupts focused work
sessions and study time, potentially leading to poorer performance outcomes.

In conclusion, while social media enhances communication on a broader scale and serve for fairness and
justice, I still hold my view that those benefits are incomparable to the downsides, described as the
deterioration in face-to-face communication and lack of concentration.

Sample band 8.0+

Within the past few years, the proliferation of social media has revolutionized the means by which
individuals globally communicate and stay abreast of current events. Despite some drawbacks, I
contend that the benefits of this technological revolution are substantial and far-reaching.

On the negative side, the potential for misinformation to spread should not be understated. Evidence of
this is found in the rampant dissemination of unverified stories about terrorism or serial killers on social
platforms, which instigate undue public alarm, subsequently fostering a pervasive sense of 'fear of
missing out' or FOMO. This has been observed in communities where false narratives about safety
threats have incited widespread concern and significant alterations in social behavior, even in the
absence of any verifiable danger. Furthermore, reliance on social media can adversely impact mental
health. Such misinformation can amplify anxiety levels, leading to a hesitancy to partake in social
activities or an irrational fear of becoming a victim, as the distorted online narratives obscure reality.

Conversely, I believe the benefits of this trend are more crucial to the human interaction, education and
career prospect. Firstly, social media serves as a bridge connecting disparate individuals, regardless
geographical boundaries. An illustrative instance involves the use of platforms like Skype and
WhatsApp, during which families were able to sustain their connections amidst the enforced isolation of
the pandemic, culminating in the preservation of familial bonds despite physical distance. Secondly,
educational growth and professional networking have been facilitated with the use of online platforms.
This is exemplified by the widespread adoption of platforms such as Zoom and Google Meet, which

facilitated the continuation of education and collaborative work, whereupon students and professionals
could sustain their engagement and development despite widespread lockdowns. Moreover, having
undergone a transformation into a networking powerhouse, LinkedIn now exhibits a pivotal role in
career advancement, thereby bridging the gap between professionals and previously unreachable

In conclusion, although social media presents challenges, such as the spread of misleading information
and the potential to heighten anxiety, I still hold my view that its benefits, in terms of enhancing
communication, career development, and educational opportunities, are of significance.

- the proliferation of social media (n): sự bùng nổ của mạng xã hội
- the potential for misinformation to spread (n): khả năng lan truyền thông tin sai lệch
- the rampant dissemination of unverified stories about terrorism or serial killers (n): sự lan
truyền của các câu chuyện chưa được xác minh về khủng bố hay sát nhân hàng loạt
- instigate undue public alarm (v): gây ra sự lo lắng thái quá từ công chúng
- a hesitancy to partake in social activities (n): sự do dự tham gia vào các hoạt động xã hội
- an irrational fear of becoming a victim (n): nỗi sợ hãi phi lý về việc trở thành nạn nhân
- serve as a bridge connecting disparate individuals (v): đóng vai trò là cầu nối cho mọi người ở
nhiều nơi khác nhau
- undergo a transformation into a networking powerhouse (v): trải qua một sự chuyển mình thành
mộ trung tâm mạng lưới quan trọng


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