AKH (completed)

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NAME: Adiba Kamrun Hasan

Registration number: 2020818298

Date: 22/01/24

1. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: Today I not only learned that being a digital citizen comprises of both rights and
responsibilities, I also got to know about the nine elements of digital citizen. We talked about
digital laws, digital health, and also what makes a strong password (apparently, it is one which
is so complex, you might forget it yourself!). In a nutshell, I became aware of my own rights
and responsibilities in a digital space.

2. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?

Answer: Something interesting in today’s topic was the concept of digital well-being, which
includes taking time off of digital devices as a precaution to preserve our mental and
psychological health. It seems quite obvious now, but it surprised me at first to think that it is
one of the elements of digital citizenship.

3. What could be done differently?

Answer: I think things were okay as they were. A cheerful teacher, colorful slides, the
opportunity to express ourselves, diverse opinions are elements that make a class enjoyable.
However, maybe I am unable to think of anything since the class was almost a week ago. I will
try to pay better attention on this aspect from the next class.

Date: 23/01/24

4. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: Today I learned about a crucial aspect of digital citizenship which is digital footprints.
As horrifying as it sounds, every move I make in any digital space is being monitored; from
my search history to online assignment submissions and even the websites I visit, everything is
being pried on against my consent. Moreover, our data is also being sold to companies to make
us into products. The scariest part was that our devices may be used to eavesdrop on us or even
watch our actions. The more I think about these, the more the world seems similar to that of
Orwell’s 1984 where the only time you are not being watched in your home is when you are
sleeping, and even then you are being heard.

5. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?

Answer: The trail we leave in digital space is of unthinkable value, and it is stolen and even
sold at our expense. Also, I am not the only one who, after discussing something or thinking a
particular thought, has magically come across something related to that specific subject on
digital platforms. Social media is literally selling us to companies and simultaneously selling
us their products. Lastly, and weirdly enough, people use the hate they get on social media as a
marketing strategy.

6. What could be done differently?

Answer: On my end, I think I could have responded a bit more even though I was not as
experienced or knowledgeable about the topics in discussion.

Date: 25/01/24

7. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: The terms ‘digital native’ and ‘digital immigrant’, and that people can not be labeled
as either one based on age alone. While age is one of the determinants, it is certainly not the
only contributor to the digital fluency of an individual. My mother, for instance, started using
Facebook before I did and taught me a few things when I opened my account. Another example
is that, although both my brother and I were born after 2000, he got access to digital devices at
a younger age than I did, and I think that contributed to his higher level of digital fluency.

8. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?

Answer: The answer is the same as my takeaways in today’s class.

9. What could be done differently?

Answer: I think in almost all of the groups, the group leader was predictable. Usually, the
member who is a bit higher on the score hierarchy is selected by others so as to dodge the
responsibility and confrontation. They would not be able to escape if the leader is selected by
the teacher. Also, every presenter including me should have stuck to the given time limit.

Date: 30/1/24

10. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: Today I got to know about the generational classification in detail; I was only familiar
with the terms before. Besides, I also learned some theories of TELL (Technology Enhanced
Language Learning) like constructivism, social constructivism, behaviorism, socio-cultural
theory, situated learning etc.

11. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?

Answer: Despite not knowing the term ‘TELL’ and the content it deals with, the theories were
quite familiar and simple once I went through the explanations. Therefore, there wasn’t really
anything new aside from the knowledge that the SLA theories we learned about could be
connected with the usage of technology.

12. What could be done differently?

Answer: I think everything was quite alright today.

Date: 1/2/24

13. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: Today they studied the rest of the TELL theories (I was absent, but I went through
others’ classnotes.). My key takeaways are the possible activities in TELL, especially the
various digital tools (moodle, edmodo, wimba classroom etc) that can be used to execute those

14. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?

Answer: It’s the same as the 1st question. I learned about some interesting activities and some
digital tools I cannot wait to try out.

15. What could be done differently?

Answer: Cannot really say anything since I was not present.

Date : 21/02/24
16. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: Learned about using the digital tool known as Padlet. It was a lot of fun creating our
own posts on the wall together, as well as doing the task where we had to create posts with
captions based on a short story. The activities gave me insights on developing digital literacy in a
fun way.

17. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?
Answer: The answer is the same as the previous one.

18. What could be done differently?

Answer: The class was held online, but I think it was interactive enough. Also, I think it was
easier for us to access the internet (which was necessary for the activities) because it was an
online class. Basically, everything turned out perfect.

Date: 21/2/24
19. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: Got to know about another awesome digital tool called Bookwidgets. There were videos
and questions based on those videos for the participants to answer. Also, we learned about some
digital tools for reading comprehension (like digital libraries, interactive learning platforms etc)

20. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?

Answer: Apart from Bookwidgets, I also learned about the ways in which China is using AI in
primary level classrooms in the name of researching. Those technologies may be useful for
monitoring the children, but it also invades the students’ privacy and treats them as emotionless
robots, while also creating segregations.

21. What could be done differently?

Answer: Things were alright!

Date: 22/2/24
22. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: Today I learned about the rest of the digital tools for teaching reading comprehension. I
particularly like the digital reading comprehension platforms like Readworks, Commonlit etc.
Moreover, I got to know some strategies to integrate technology in the classrooms.

23. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?

Answer: Apart from what I mentioned above, we also talked about the possible advantages and
disadvantages of using technology and, as it turns out, some of the issues can be contradicted and
debated on (for example: what would or would not be considered cheating).
24. What could be done differently?
Answer: Everything seemed alright.

Date: 26/2/24
25. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: Today I learned about an awesome way to integrate critical thinking while also
introducing new vocabulary – word puzzles. I think puzzles are a great way to provide
comprehensible input, since while you know the word (even if you don’t know the meaning),
you’re also having to do something challenging when you’re looking for it in a word cloud.
26. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?
Answer: The way puzzles are quite useful in introducing new words, integrating critical thinking.
Also, when the words aren’t provided directly and have to interpreted from clues, it helps the
learner discover the meanings of words too.
27. What could be done differently?
Answer: Things were great.

Date: 28/3/24
28. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: Today we learned about the integration of social media in ELT classrooms. We all
know how social media can assist the learning process, but today we got to explore how we can
design activities which are creative and effective.
29. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?
Answer: Apart from the activities we explored, the usage of social media for posting instructions
and course materials is quite ordinary. Therefore, there isn’t much to mention in terms of ‘new
30. What could be done differently?
Answer: The class was engaging and interactive. So i think it was all good.

Date: 28/3/24
31. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: I learned about some slangs or abbreviations used by the gen Z, especially on social
media. I also found out the factors which I need to keep in mind while selecting materials for the
students, like age and proficiency levels.
32. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?
Answer: I learned about how the same content can be utilized in multiple ways, and the way I
can evaluate the materials critically to ensure effective and inclusive learning. I also found out
about materials can be categorized strategically.

33. What could be done differently?
Answer: The class was engaging, but instead of letting the students volunteer, If the teacher had
picked the students herself, maybe more students would have interacted.

Date: 25/4/24
34. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: I learned how MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) is about more than just
mobile phone, it actually has to do with portability and other technological support. I also found
out about the history of MALL starting from back in 1990s.
35. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?
Answer: Aside from the things mentioned above, I learned about some educational attributions
of MALL, which are portability, social interactivity, context sensitivity, connectivity, and
individuality. Because MALL is lacking in face-to-face interaction, these elements are crucial to
get an actual learning experience using mobile devices.
36. What could be done differently?
Answer: Everything seemed okay.

Date: 25/4/24
37. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: My key takeaways would be how MALL is applied in real context. I was not able to
attend the class, but after hearing about the experience of some of my classmates I was able to
learn about how they demonstrated MALL activities, the problems they faced, and the feedbacks
they received.
38. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?
Answer: The answer is the same as the previous one.
39. What could be done differently?
Answer: From what I have heard from my classmates, the class was quite enjoyable and

Date: 2/5/24
40. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: The fact that online learning, blended learning, and e-learning can be differentiated
from each other. Also learned about the elements of online learning, which are technology, time
and interactivity. These are the aspects which play a crucial role in making online learning be
truly an experience of learning. Furthermore, we got to know about the Community of Inquiry
Model (CIM).

41. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?
Answer: It is quite similar to the previous answer. I also learned about the aspects of CIM,
namely – social presence, teaching presence, and cognitive presence.
42. What could be done differently?
Answer: I do not think there is anything that can be done about this, but I was feeling really
drowsy during the lecture. Lectures are almost always lengthy and tiresome. Maybe a short
online quiz would have been fun.

Date: 2/5/24
43. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: Gamification is not an entirely new phenomenon and it is indeed quite effective in
terms of both teaching and learning. I also found out the difference between gamification and
game-based learning. Lastly, playing kahoot was fun.
44. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?
Answer: I learned that the invention of the concept of gamification came about from the idea of
boy scout movement which led to a reward system in recognition for achievements.
I also realized the effectiveness of gamification by playing kahoot.
45. What could be done differently?
The lecture part was a bit tedious to go through. I would have enjoyed offline classes more.

Date: 9/05/24
46. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: We had to do pair demonstration today. My best take away was that just because I find
something easy, that may not be the case for everyone. Also, when I’m just starting an activity, it
is easier for the students to grasp if I provide examples first. Furthermore, I really liked how
interactive Mridula and Epsita’s presentation was.
47. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?
Answer: I experienced what it is like to take a class although it was merely for 5 minutes. I got to
enjoy some new gamification/gamified activities as well.
48. What could be done differently?
Answer: Some activities could’ve been more interactive, but other than that, everything was
perfect. In a nutshell, the class was very enjoyable.

49. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: I already knew about the concept learning, but I found out about the aspects of blended
learning which are necessary to consider during course design. I also learned about the concepts
of synchronous and asynchronous learning. Lastly, we saw how technology can be used to as a
tool for assessment.
50. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?

Answer: The concepts of formative and summative evaluation were new to me. I also found out
about computer-based tests, test security, as well as about how the tests are scored. Lastly, we
learned about the ASMR model and how it can be used for classroom activities.
51. What could be done differently?
Answer: Doing activities would have been fun, but we did not have the time.

52. What are your key takeaways from today’s class? (Write 50 words)
Answer: I knew a bit about corpora, but nothing about concordance. I found out that there are
websites dedicated to the corpora of a language. Also, how it can be used for all sorts of
academic and professional purposes.
53. What was something new you learnt in today’s class?
Answer: Found out about the corpora websites named ‘coca’ and ‘AntConc’, and how they can
be used for language teaching, linguistic analysis and research. These website can be very useful
in teaching and learning vocabulary and collocation as well as text analysis.

54. What could be done differently?

Answer: Online classes get boring without activities, but it can’t be helped since we didn’t have

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