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A vs An

Teacher: Sadie Fawcett School: Twinglish School

Name: Result: __/21 Date: __/__/20__

1. Well, that's rather _____ idea.

2. But with _____ woman it is different.

3. We'll see in _____ day or two.

4. It has been here _____ long time.

5. I never did such _____ thing in my life.

6. He had called her _____ good woman.

7. I could see it was _____ woman.

8. Do you think I would make _____ escape?

9. She stood looking at it for _____ long time.

10. It was but the work of _____ moment.

11. _____ quarter of _____ hour went by.

12. He left the room without waiting for _____ answer.

13. And in _____ instant she was alone.

14. This was _____ attention I had not expected.

15. You must have _____ interesting story to tell.

16. If you did, you knew _____ man.

17. Would it ever come to _____ end?

18. You may not see me again for _____ year.

19. Within _____ hour he would be dead.

20. He stood watching her with _____ anxious face.

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