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We live in a world of plastic. Shopping bags, drink bottles, your toothbrush and even your
clothes are among the everyday items made from plastic
We produce hundreds of millions of tonnes of plastic every year and production is only

Only a small proportion of plastic is recycled. The majority ends up in landfill or, in the worst
case scenario, our oceans.

A Plastic Ocean is a documentary film directed by the Australian journalist Craig Leeson. It
dives into and investigates the devastating impacts that plastic has caused to our environment,
especially our marine life.

What starts off as an adventure to film the blue whale, the largest animal on the planet, leads
to the shocking discovery of a thick layer of plastic debris floating in the middle of the Indian
Ocean. Craig, alongside Tanya Streeter, a world record-breaking free diver and
environmental activist, then travel across the globe to report on the havoc caused by decades
of plastic use.



craig leeson, tanya streeter, David Attenborough, sylvia earle, ben fogle, jo Ruxton, gary
stokes, ivan Varela



The film presents beautiful shots of the marine environment. This contrasts with footage of
heavily polluted cities and dumps full of plastic rubbish. The juxtaposition between these
images sends the message that our actions and choices can severely impact the planet.
Throughout the film, experts are interviewed to provide further insight into some of the
problems derived from plastic.

Throughout the film, we are shown footage of numerous marine species that have been
affected by plastic debris. Marine animals and sea birds often mistake floating plastic for
food. Large pieces of plastic, when eaten, can obstruct the animals’ digestive tracts of the
animals, essentially starving them to death.


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