Types of Interjection

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- **Oh**: Oh, I see what you mean.

- **Wow**: Wow, that was amazing!

- **Hey**: Hey, wait for me!

- **Ouch**: Ouch, that hurt!

- **Yay**: Yay, we won the game!

- **Alas**: Alas, we were too late.

- **Hurray**: Hurray, it's finally Friday!

- **Oops**: Oops, I dropped my phone.

- **Aha**: Aha, I figured it out!

- **Uh-oh**: Uh-oh, I think I made a mistake.

- **Phew**: Phew, I'm glad that's over.

- **Eww**: Eww, that's disgusting!

- **Ahem**: Ahem, may I have your attention please?

- **Shh**: Shh, be quiet, someone's sleeping.

- **Bravo**: Bravo, well done!

- **Goodbye**: Goodbye, see you later.

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